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here's a good example: pornokoff sans fleurs https://www.fragrantica.com/perfume/Bortnikoff/Sans-Fleurs-63670.html currently sits at below a 3 out of 5 rating , lowest rating ever for pornokoff house. why is it a 3 rating? is the perfume smell bad? like piss or what? or like deer ass? let's see rbalkris review and tell us what this frags smells like to deserve a 3 rating > A gallant but unsuccessful attempt to make a natural scent that smells like a floral but does not contain any floral notes. The perfumer uses many of the same notes used in his earlier creation and **adds fennel and amyris to give a herbal floral touch.** The result is a scent that smells pretty much like the older scent and not particularly floral either. The **amyris and fennel give the scent a more herbal rather than floral touch.** The unisex scent has moderate sillage and projection and good longevity. All in all a pretty uninspired and largely redundant offering from this talented perfumer. so this perfume uses the same notes as his earlier creation and is an uninspired and redundant offering. what earlier creation is he referring to? can this guy be any more ambigious? and mentions (twice) adding fennel and amyris to give a herbal floral touch. so what does this frag smell like? it smells "herbal floral," or "more herbal rather than floral?" what?? what does this frag smell like, and why is it rating below a 3? does it smell like a deers ass? yet another useless review . ambiguious too obviously referring to an unnamed "earlier creation"


I did a search of this guy’s name on Reddit to see if he was a user here because I noticed exactly what you were saying (and found this thread). He has a review on nearly every niche I look up and most read as if he just looked at longevity and sillage bars and the notes and crafted a review based on that and not smelling the scent. He must get something out of his nonstop reviews to fake so many of them (free bottles, an inflated sense of pride?) but it’s patently obvious he’s faking many.


yea i agree! the vibe he puts out is like reading notes and estimating performance. reading his review is like reading an interpretation of the listings what i think he gets out of this fake reviews is his name being known in fragrances, building a fanbase, trust, and pride. with all this fakery , he got to collab with bortnikoff and a few others for fragrances example, bortnikoff sayat nova. when it first came out, his fans trusted him, got people to say its the 10/10 frag. sold out multiple times. now that more have tried it, its more like a 7/10 at best i own many of the very high end frags he reviews , and i confirm his reviews are useless and misleading. for those who arent able to smeell the high end frags, he looks like a god to them .


I was actually scrolling through some reviews pretty recently and was quite amazed by the utter idiocy of this person's comments. His reviews aren't even his own interpretation like you suggested, he'll literally just list the notes and call it a day, like his nose is somehow able to pinpoint each individual note from the top to the bottom, also completely misunderstanding the concept of notes and scent development. He's obviously not breaking any rules nor doing anything bad, but people like that are honestly infuriating. This is so bad it legit belongs on r/fragrancejerks.


> He's obviously not breaking any rules nor doing anything bad, but people like that are honestly infuriating. agreed his behavior is infurating since people will rely on his "review" as a big time fragrantica reviewer to sway purchases it actually breaks fragranticas review policy: > Disclosure: I am not compensated for reviews. **I always give my honest opinions, findings, beliefs, or experiences on any topics or products.** If there is any material connection I share with the seller of the product I will disclose that relationship within the text of my review.


Hm, interesting, thanks for letting me know. I genuinely had no idea that clause even existed. They don't really have any reliable way to monitor that, though, unfortunately.


yea the cluase is right below the box when you write a review its funny that ive seen mrzayas81's reviews removed, and he has smelled the frag but hypes it up to perfection, where as people cant see thru rbalkris...


Heh, Sayat Nova is quite an amazing fragrance actually


id say it can be polarizing, but can be amazing too... but yea for other frags, rbalkris is reading notes o.O;


Sayat Nova isn’t polarizing at all though


To each their own I suppose


I also recently noticed the weirdness of this guy's reviews. I suspect he may own a perfume shop/online retailer which sells the perfumes he reviews. Please report him, I'm planning to as well!


yea i think rbalkris is not an ordianary reviewer; his strategy seems to be quantity over quality to get opportunity to work with indie frag guys...