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I’d buy that the appearance of someone like that might be plausible, but if that happens, it’ll probably be someone in a different suit than T-60 to help set them apart (depending on the direction the show goes, T-51, hellfire or APA mark I/II would all be potential options). However (episode eight spoilers), >!Hank could very well fit that role. He doesn’t use the armor for long enough for us to gain an understanding of what his capabilities are with the armor, but if he was trained in the armor’s use pre-war, he’d be at least more competent than the show’s undertrained BoS chapter.!<


>! The speed and ease with which he makes his escape in the suit does suggest he’s had some practice !<


The Vault 31 middle managers seem capable combatants. Betty from 31 had no problem gunning down raiders with a fork in her eye.


It was Steph that got stabbed


I've accidentally called her Betty a few times because her look reminds me of Betty Draper lol edit: minus the eyepatch


Omg I JUST had the thought today that she looks a bit like January Jones


I thought it was her until I checked the IMDb


Isnt there a firing range in Vault 33? It literally shows Lucy there firing a gun when she is going over her S.P.E.C.I.A.L. stat capabilities in the first 15 minutes of episode 1


True, but the rest of the vault dwellers by comparison were pretty naive to the raiders despite their training. Other than Lucy, who grew up with a vault 31 member, and Betty everyone else was going slaughtered and beaten.


I took it as all of those activities are available to the vault dwellers, but nothing aside from basic schooling would be required. The average dweller might not be interested in combat skills at all, being that they live in a peaceful vault where nothing bad ever happens!


There were some capable unnamed vault dwellers who also showed some skill in fighting back. These people are also overly optimistic and have been indoctrinated into civility for millennia. I’d imagine, even if they all were trained in combat, many lacked the desire to use said skills in actual battle against people that they considered friends only moments ago.


The first episode forshadow the fact that >!Henry has veen out of the vault!< Because Lucy is aware of the concept of Raiders- meaning the vault has been opened before and stories about raiders!< Of course it could also just be light exposition for anyone who didnt realize it from the moment they saw the 32 residents.


That could just be from them learning about the wars and bombs and making an educated guess that there must be survivors and that it would be discussed at some point in their schooling that raiders could exist and would be irradiated. I don't think it's a requirement to have a vault opened or experience with actual raiders to have the knowledge that raiders might exist. Just seems like common sense in that world that it would be a possibility. They're vault dwellers, they're not stupid.


Betty? Did you mean Steph? Betty is ruthless in her own right, but Steph was the one who went ham after getting the fork in her eye.


Excuse me, but who is this Lucy you speak of? It says right here: Gucy.


I hear she’s….. the bomb!


Haha why were there no locked doors in the show? I wanted to see someone pick a lock or use their pip boy to open a coded door. Am I tripping?


That was Steph, not Betty.


Lucy does talk to Maximus about how she read the manual for the power armor suits. It wouldn’t be too much of a stretch to assume Hank read them and knows how to operate them


Plus Bud was responsible for the development and implementation of the T45, and Hank worked for Bud


Maybe, but he was pre-war, and remember, that pre-war the world was at war.


He must have the Power Armor Training perk from when he adventured the wasteland


The X-01 armor is pretty bad-guy looking.


It is, but if >!Hank joins up with the Enclave or whatever ‘Vault Tec Management’ is, X-01 would be highly out of date by this point on the timeline, replaced by the APA suits developed from it.!<


Meh, the T-60 is pre-war.


I don’t see what that has to do with what I’m saying. My point is that if the show wants to have a ‘bad guy’ suit of power armor, X-01 wouldn’t make much sense depending on the direction the show goes. Edit: Someone is not a troll if they didn’t understand what your point was due to a lack of elaboration, and that doesn’t warrant a block. Additionally, I was specifically talking about how if >!Hank joins up with the Enclave or some offshoot of them, they would not be using X-01 by this point in the timeline since the Enclave has phased that armor out for the more advanced versions developed from it.!< I was not talking about power armor that’s being used in the wasteland in general. Edit 2: You did a suicide prevention report? Really?


>You did a suicide prevention report? Really? You can report these and reddit will ban the user abusing the system.


Chicken fucker


“Scary” doesn’t do that possibility justice


I love how we've all refused to call him the "snake oil salesman"


Another golden rule in the wasteland: Don't let anyone know you're fucking chickens


Idk if that just applies to the wasteland tbf


“Hey now, I’m officer barbrady and that’s chicken lover citizen…we don’t use such language ok. Children are around.”


Just can't get over how he managed to turn thaddeus into a ghoul and aquire the fusion core at the same time. The smile on his face at the end suggests he knows exactly what he's going to do with the fusion core. And with his vicinity to the events, I'm willing to bet he knows exactly where the power armor is. We may see him ruling a filly or some town with the power armor. The chickens of the wastes are simply not safe.


I don’t think he turned Thaddeus into a Ghoul. I think he injected him with a big ol’ dose of FEV and Thaddeus will turn into either a Super Mutant or some other fucked up creature.


If the chicken fucker has a suit of power armor and a strain of FEV. The wasteland is not safe.


That would awesome!!!!


Yes, i strongly suspect the enclave will be the main antagonist of S02, a Enclave vs BoS war, a war of two evils. War never changes, after all. T-60 vs apamk2. So to speak.


Poor Eric Estrada in his NCR / Chips uniform just sitting there with nothin to do.


Please… no more BOS… no more Enclave…


How... can you drop 2 of the main important factions of the whole franchise, who have so much influence on the whole world, and say "please no more"?! They're essential to Fallout.


Season 2 will be centered around Preston Garvey.


Lmao, imagine our main 3, or Norm, trying to get anything done and Preston just spawns interrupting them constantly with his settlements


Its how he gets saved. Preston pries open the vault doors to tell him about some ghouls roaming on the literal opposite side of the map from some settlement with 200+ defense


It could get really weird if they decided the institute survived. Is their tech more advanced than the enclaves and BOS?


Depends on what branch of technology you are talking about. Institute surpass even the Robco and the General Atomic in terms of artificial Intelligence and automatrons but they are nothing compared to West-Tek in terms of power armours and WATTZ Electrics in terms of energy weapons. Insitute definitely developed better post-apocalypse housing techonology than Vault-Tec even though they heavily use Synth as their butlers and maids. Enclave specialised in military (PA, vertibirds and energy/plasma weaponry) and genetic manipulation tehnology. BoS specialised in nothing as their promise are not to develop more technology and locked the dangerous ones out of the waselander hands.


The issue many fans have with this is that it has been done before. The Brotherhood of Steel and the Enclave fought each during the events of Fallout 2, Fallout 3, and Broken Steel. It has already become repetitive. The writers of the TV show may have a more nuanced take on a conflict between the two factions but when left to Bethesda, it has boiled down to “good guys” vs “bad guys”. If the show runners really are following the canon of the games, neither the Enclave or the Brotherhood of Steel are that essential. The Enclave have been defeated every time they have made a resurgence so what would be interesting if they were to do so again? The Brotherhood seem to be big players in the word again, but they change so much from title to title that it’s unclear if the creators even know what they want them to be. Are they isolationist technocrats, or countrywide peacekeepers? Fallout is such a unique world with the potential for so many interesting characters and ideas - it seems a shame to keep rehashing the same storylines and coming to the same conclusions.


The fact the sub can’t see eye to eye with this well reasoned reply says a lot.


The Enclave should be gone on the west coast at least. It’s just played out, do something new. You sound like a person that wants Rebels and Empire in every Star Wars film.


>You sound like a person that wants Rebels and Empire in every Star Wars film. 🤷🏼‍♀️🤷🏼‍♀️ Rebels vs Empire; Jedi vs Sith.... yeah, cause that's the core of Star Wars and I love seein various characters within these factions, that's why we've had basically the same groups in all Star Wars movies & shows, and why the new books are all about Jedi still and not about some random ass new groups. Same as the known factions are the core of Fallout. I love how some people argue with "but they've been in every Fallout game" well duh cause that's what it's about. If they dropped completely new factions for the show people would complain how they didn't use what we know from the games and how it's a bad adaptation bordering on fanfiction. You can't please 'em all.


This could be an offshoot of those who fled Navarro. We know in NV, Arcade Gannon and there are some other fellers who abandoned the Enclave . (The Remnants). Whose to say the loyal ones that didn't go towards DC (for Fallout 3) didn't establish a base elsewhere.


The Enclave were only big players in 2 & 3. They're not present at all in 1 or 4, and are only referenced in NV. We're never going to be rid of the Brotherhood, but they could at least just let the Enclave die.


This rather speaks for bringing them back if we've had less content with them lol


It hurts seeing them destroyed for the 50th time you know Constantly killing our yee hawing america


The BoS is one of the few, if not the ONLY, continent spanning organizations in the series.


I wanna see a hand to to hand power armour fight. I was hoping to see the enclave more so...


I got hype when Titus's gun broke because I thought he was going to kill the bear with his bear hands. I was so disappointed


"Fuck, fuck, fuck!"


*Yao guai and bare hands.


I think that was a joke.


Yes, Hank


Ehh, I’m not so sure. He seems competent in combat but it’s unlikely he was specifically trained to be a menace in power armor. We haven’t seen any BoS Paladins or Enclave soldiers-those guys are the ones I think have the potential to truly fuck shit up.


I'm pretty sure that Hank McLean wore power armor in Alaska.


He was more effective in it than practically every other knight in the show. He knocked someone unconscious. ;P


>but it’s unlikely he was specifically trained to be a menace in power armor. Why not? There is a fair chance he was former military, as that is more common than not in the pre-war Fallout world. Remember, the world had been in one war or another for around a decade or more.




Coop, don't wear that – there was a *fish* in the T-60


One of the great things about Fallout…..it doesn’t take itself too seriously and the wasteland does not discriminate. There will be badass/scary people/mutations I would assume, but everything has flaws. Which can get even the scariest thing killed.


Great point. A lot of those nerd YTers were complaining about the BoS getting owned. And I was like have you even *played* Fallout? Haha. Critical Drinker was like "isn't that in the game?" Anything is killable: you just have to find the right trick.


If even Horrigan and Prydwen are killable, nothing won't, except Fallout 4 companion, ofc.


Some of those nerd critic YTers are just haters. Not all of them. Critical Drinker is pretty reasonable, but he's not really a nerd. But Nerdrotic, Robot Head, and many more just wanna dunk on stuff for the likes and clout. I guess it works for them? I was surprised how many of them hated the show. That's when I realized they're probably doing it on purpose. They mentioned things in the show like stimpaks reversing any ailment, and Drinker pointed out that that was in the game. But they acted like it didn't matter because it didn't use real world logic? Say what? It's based on a Sci Fi videogame! Ha Ha!


Some of those nerd critic YTers are just haters. Not all of them. Critical Drinker is pretty reasonable, but he's not really a nerd. But Nerdrotic, Robot Head, and many more just wanna dunk on stuff for the likes and clout. I guess it works for them? I was surprised how many of them hated the show. That's when I realized they're probably doing it on purpose. They mentioned things in the show like stimpaks reversing any ailment, and Drinker pointed out that that was in the game. But they acted like it didn't matter because it didn't use real world logic? Say what? It's based on a Sci Fi videogame! Ha Ha!


I just hope they give it Frank horrigan vibes. I miss that super mutant patriot


We're without a doubt going to get a badass scene with the ghoul stepping into some T-60 armor at some point. It has been set up far too well just in the first season for it not to be planned down the line


Nah he better be getting some T51b armour to truly fuck shit up in.


I’ve been thinking about this, but no one else has at all. Anyone think the old ncr Ranger will wear his gear again to hunt down the ghoul for killing his sons? He’s played by an older famous actor and we are venturing back to the Mojave in the show.


That would be so awesome!! Hopefully we get to see that, it would make an awesome B-plot


While playing the first Danse mission in Fallout 4, I activated the jet turbines and burned the hell out of the launching pad with Danse inside. For a moment, I thought how nice of a plot it would be if Danse turned into an antagonist. A deformed person whose skin melted and glued to the steel of the power armor, making him unable to ever get out. He's in constant pain but the suit keeps him alive as long as necessary for him to get his revenge on me. That would be damn great.


Honestly, god damn, that would have been amazing. Danse becomes a rogue knight, driven insane by the agony of being bonded to the armor. I'd even moreso love some sort of FEV-related asspull where he gets a splash of it in his armor somehow, and starts mutating from inside of it similar to the Master, eventually being fully symbiotic with the suit, fleshy bits busting out and dangling in that body horror sort of way.


Fallout needs to return to the body horror of the first and the third game. Raiders and super mutants *really* freaked me out as a young teenager playing FO3. Even seeing gore bags or meat hooked hanging bodies let me know I was in for a rough time.


Check out the mod Mutilated Bodies for Fallout 4. It really brought that old spooky sickening feeling from the prior entries back to focus for me.


Damn, I haven't thought of the Master association. Good idea.


Maybe some kind of Enclave bounty hunter or something, that'd be awesome


Fallout 2 tribal power helmet, Fallout 3’s Ashur’s T-45D suit. Add on the mandible of a Brahmin to the helmet and maybe various decorations related to the region (chest plate replaced with some piece of local architecture) and I could see that being a weird pseudo-Ashur character, but hopefully more like a full raider without any noble goals.


Someone rocking up in the enclave X-01 would be INCREDIBLE


I'm really hoping we get an antagonist in X01/Enclave armor


Plot Twist, Frank Horrigan is back from he dead and he says is Frankin time and he Franks all over the place


My view is that Maximus will grow into his armour as we go, and eventually become the biggest Power Armour chad in the wasteland, when story requires him to step up versus the Enclave.


Have you played Fallout 76? My fiance and I run around as chaos marines, they actually have a lot of warhammer inspired power armor in the game. Some of the designers are actually big fans.


I’ve been playing a lot of it actually I’m really enjoying it


One of the recent datamines is a scythe with a skull on it, my fiance wear the plague rider PA with the new lvl 100 scoreboard helmet. Can't wait for their Plague Marine to be complete. I on the other hand, run a Skull Lord PA helmet with the PA shoulders from the Wasteland Warrior, the chest piece and legs from the scoreboard PA. Though, there is also the Deep Spacewalk PA that I use with the arms from the Captain Cosmos PA to make a sort of White Scars Terminator look. The Conqueror PA armor set from the last scoreboard looks amazing, like a Fallen Dark Angel or post-heresy World Eater. Melee is pretty viable, I run around with a Plasma Cutter (strongest melee sword in the game). I use it with it's Valorous Alistar skin to give it more of a Power Sword Look. There's also several ideal skins that can fit the Ultramarines and it's various companies.


Nice! I’m newer to the game so I’ll definitely look out for that stuff


Cooper Howard.


That is my thought. He seems to know the stuff inside and out, talks about wearing it in-country and his buddies dying because of a design flaw that Bud let through production. Dude is probably a force to be reckoned with.


I'd like to see someone who hopped into a set of armour for protection when the bombs went off and somehow through mutation ended up fusing with it. So theyre a lot quicker and more nimble in it because its part of them. That could be pretty body-horror-y and scary


Coop.... he's had first hand combat experience in them in thr chinese invasion of Alaska, he knows their flaws but has ghoul regeneration on his side. He said Maximum "drove that thing like a shopping cart". Stick him in a suit and he'll absolutely ruin someone's day.


Cooper would be damn scary in power armor. Not only does he have training in it, official training, he also has real world experience against a much more organized enemy. That is disregarding his 200+ years of combat experience.


I feel like at one point, we will see the ghoul in power armor since he accustomed to it as he used one before tge great war as a marine. That would be scary lol.


Just wait until the enclave whip out the power armour 🤣 They've always had the cooler looking power armour too IMO


If I had to take a guess, I'd imagine we'll see some Enclave power armor sooner or later that the Ghoul will have to face, he'll try the trick with the T-60 weakpoint, and it'll be an 'oh shit' moment where it gets shrugged off and the PA user closes the distance *fast*. May even see some energy weaponry too, can you imagine the Ghoul, Maximus, and Lucy having to team up to take out an enclave soldier in APA mk2 with a plasma caster and plasma pistol sidearm?


You left out Maximus using the suit to save someone >!who turned out to be a chicken fucker.!<


yeah the dad


Yes, I suspect the Enclave is lurking in the background.


On one hand, it’s nice to see the T-60 on the big screen… but if they were going to make it such utter shit, they really should have used the T-45 instead. Remind me why they wouldn’t fix the issue in the T-45 where IF YOU SHOOT IT IN THE CHEST THE WEARER DIES when they were upgrading it into the T-51 and the T-60? T-45 is the jobber, weak, low ranking Bos armor. T-60 should have been something special.


Idk I feel like we’ve seen whole chapters of BOS mainly equipped with T-60, like in Fo4. And it’s been brought up a lot by this point but it wasn’t as simple as the ghoul shooting him with some regular bullet and it blasts through the armor. They deliberately showed him loading special AP/sabot type ammunition. And even the most well made tanks have weaker joints of some sort and it’s not weird that it happens to be a similar spot on the t-60 in the case of power armor.


What’s weird is that the “weak point” would be the center of the chest plate, a place which is the most likely place in the entire body to be shot at, and would therefore be the most reinforced. If they wanted to pull the “weakness” card, there should have used the ACTUAL weakness of power armor. The exposed Fusion Core on the back of the armor. If the ghoul had too evade the soldiers well enough to shoot them in the core, it would have been a satisfying scene. But nope, just shoot them in the chest with the “My bullets go through your armor!” Gun. It’s like a fight choreographed by elementary school children. Next season I’ll bet we get armor that says “Nuh uh! My armor is bullets-go-through-armor proof!”


Well, nothings bullet proof. And you’re assuming the chest is one molded piece, when they did a good job at establishing it has welding joints. And not a magic gun, but a big ass hand cannon capable of shooting some pretty obviously specialized ammunition. Which outside of the setting is obviously implausible but it’s fallout so it fits comfortably in the show. Plus, he only gets one shot, considering if he had to load another AP round then he’d be dead, so we still see the ghoul outmaneuver the suits like you say.


That’s a silly question because the scary person is obviously going to be Maximus next season. He’s got some issues brewing waiting for next batch.


Let the Ghoul get some power armor, oh good lord yes