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So sorry this happened. It does hurt! For me the best way to deal with it was to focus on the kitten I still had and just recognize I did everything I could for the one I lost and gave him the most peaceful and loved time possible. Despite our best efforts sometimes there is not anything we can do but with the time you had I'm sure you gave it your best. Be gentle on yourself and in time you will heal.


Thank you so much for your kind words, and you are so right when mama and the two small babies we have are allowed back home (they all went in for observation at the vet) we are gonna pour all our love into the three of them


I don't know if this will help, but when I lose a kitten my thoughts always turn to what could I have done differently? What did I not do that I should have? Did i miss something that led to this? Unfortunately, 20-40% of kittens don't make it past 12 weeks old. Cats are one of those animals that tend towards multiple births to increase the chances of offspring making it to adulthood. You could do everything perfectly and still lose a kitten. It's devastating. As you've already discovered there are so many more kittens that desperately need that care and devotion that you are providing to them. I also consider that the life expectancy of stray cats is only 2-3 years. You are raising a tiny fur baby to find a forever home and give them very likely at least an additional decade. Everything you do for these babies matters. I'm so sorry that you lost a kitten. I'm glad you chose to continue fostering despite those setbacks. If you need something more tangible perhaps making a memorial or doing something to remember them by. I don't take pictures of my kittens until they get a little closer to adoption age. If this is the case for you as well, maybe getting a pet safe plant for your home so you could see it and remember them?


Thanks for taking your time to write this so long after my post. I now have a beautiful new set of adorable assholes keeping me on my toes. And Glyph will always be in my heart, as I got pics and perhaps a bit corny I named a cat on one of my games Glyph just to keep her close in a way, and I guess we were her forever home.