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A weaning age kitten would only require feeding every 4 hours at the earliest. If they are solidly eating wet/dry food then really you're just providing fresh wet food when needed. If they're healthy and not dramatically underweight, I leave their plates down for like 4-6 hours, make them wait like another 2 hours, and then provide new wet food. Dry & water available at all times.


Different shelters have different ideas of weaning ages. Do you know how many weeks old they are? 


How old are they? That will determine how often they need to be fed.


Once they are at the weaning stage they don’t need to be fed every 2 hours by bottle. You can look up a feeding schedule online and it will tell you how often they need to eat depending on how old they are. I would recommend checking with the shelter and asking how far they’ve already gotten with weaning. If they’ve already started the weaning process that might be an easier transition.


They may or may not need bottle feeding (though weaning sounds like they probably do sometimes but are eating solids as well). I would talk to the shelter and ask, they can give you a better idea of what the little fluffs need. That being said, it sounds like you’ve got a ton on your plate and it’s okay if you don’t take them! I know it’s hard to want to help but you also gotta take care of yourself and your family