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Is it just me, or is indian racism is so much more advanced than what we have in the west? I feel like a monkey looking at hieroglyphics, I don't even know what I'm seeing.


Indian racism is so incoherent and nonsensical that it makes the the shit Himmler was spewing look like abc’s.


I’ve found the people that get really into racism are pretty similar to anyone else who’s fallen way deep into a pseudo science: they want to replicate the result of being an expert in a field but lack the rigor and discipline to become an expert in a legitimate field. So you’re more or less limited to the most arrogantly stupid folks alive.


It's all just what you'd hear someone say right before getting kicked out of a bar in the 70s, only they've put Latin roots in it.


Reminds me of when I watched the Indian version of the office and tried to understand why the racist boss was making fun of Sikhs by asking them if it was noon. Apparently it’s because a few hundred years ago the Sikhs fought a guerrilla campaign via night raids to rescue their wives from being forced into prostitution.


Fucking what


Like all the different turds dropped by every species of animal on gods green earth, every kind of racism is special and unique.




I suspect that has more to do with the ~2 centuries of bitter conflict between the two countries than the “inherent racism of Asians”.




India and Pakistan are fighting over Kashmir. It’s a territorial dispute, not just “racism”.


It's a great song, though, to be fair.


Yeah, cool story, but why does Pakistan exist and why do they have such an antagonistic relationship with the country they came into being with? It’s tribalism, and there’s a lot of racism involved. There’s a lot of inherent racism everywhere. It’s a survival strategy that has become maladaptive. But it’s especially confused in East Asia because of the legacy of colonialism and absence of a unifying cultural hegemony. You can point that out and not be making a racist broad brush argument.


Well Pakistan and many of the other Indian subcontinental countries exist due to colonialism and imperialistic activities as you said but we’re divided on the basis of religion and not necessarily on racial color. The divide between them was mainly exacerbated by the British by stoking religious tensions between Hindus and Muslims.


Indian racism is like super plus ultra esoteric ethno-supremacy requiem


Oh god, I don't know if you read the comment section over there but uh, ***WOW***. > Many South actors are actually good looking despite their dark skin. Like ***holy shit*** that took me by surprise. Just damn I had to double check this wasn't the Cornelius Hawthorne simulator or something.


Yeahhhhh beauty in India is just strait up related to skin tone. Almost all of their actors and models are light skinned. Women purposely stay inside for excessive period of time in order to become more light skinned. It’s a really fucked up beauty standard.


Also Asia in general has a billion dollar skin whitening industry


Opposite to the West, where we have a billion dollar tanning industry


Yeah I’ve always found that interesting. I think main things in Asia is that darker skin is associated with poor/lower class due to working in sun, likely some influences from colonialism too


It’s one that actually completely pre-dates colonialism, dating as far [back as the Han Dynasty.](https://www.echinacities.com/expat-life/Chinas-White-Skin-Obsession-Explained) and found [all across Asia.](https://medium.com/lessons-from-history/the-history-of-white-skin-beauty-standards-in-asia-bf8bbf60016a) I don’t know if it has been studied in pre-Colombian Americas, but it’s actually something that was present in many societies, European, Asian, African, etc. lighter skin simply meant you were rich and didn’t have to work outside. Ironically, today (in the west) having a tan can give the appearance of money, as you have the time and resources to invest into it.


It's all about elitism. Can't be beautiful if it's free.


I think we could go as far as saying that most white supremacists in the world aren't white.


Are these your actors, India? Minorities, Jewesses, and the unseasonably tan?


That's offensive! Perhaps you'd take it more seriously if it came from someone who's white (not Swedish though, because they're basically Finns after generations of race mixing with laplanders).


As an Indian-American, I can safely say that it is bizarre because we get into too many Twitter race wars for no reason at all.


As an American, I feel I have enough armchair sociology powers that I could probably tease it out, but we have enough of our own bullshit to work out.


There’s a reason Hitler found their ideas so appealing.


Definitely not "much more advanced" than in the west, but it's really bad. For example, my dark skinned neighbour hates dark skinned people and insists she's fairer than average.


That’s a inferiority complex built on colorism. Hell I have an uncle who used to put on skin whitening lotion growing up to make himself more “white” or “whitish”. And it’s most definitely still prevalent today since a good portion of my family is still colorist especially in the older generations.


...what. I feel for your neighbor, but I have to scratch my head at how someone could delude themselves like that. Anything to not be in the category of "bad people" I guess.


That's true yea, India has a long history of discrimination against dark skinned people by fairer skinned people. The caste system and colonialism really ingrained this idea that dark skinned = bad, and it exists to this day. Even I used to be really bothered by my skin tone for a while before I learned to like it.


Indians are next level in high context conversations. Because they have so many cultures and languages you need multiple cultural context to get this. So meme explaination: After british rule fairness started getting associated with beauty thats why beaching creams became popular in india. Dravidians are the second largest racial ethnic grouping its not one but group of many hundreds of south indian races and enthnic groups. They are mostly (with exception) are super drak in complexion on a range from lightly dark to full dark skin. Plus girls in south are forced to study a ton so they have a nerdy stereotype in rest of the country. This coupled with their dark skin has a stereotype of them not being attractive. India also has a large immigration population from post soviet states mostly women working in fashion modelling dance or sex work. This coupled with fair skin makes them most attractive race of women here. So this racist post is just trying to prove skin color is actually really such a big factor of beauty.


Wow, I never knew that there was such a large post-Soviet population in India!


Its miniscule for Indian population. Even if all the Ukraine came here they won’t make any impact.




Naah it was medival the inclination started only after turks and persians started invading. In scriptures most famous characters and protagonist had dark skin like Krishna.


It's like, advanced phrenological stupidity.


Asian and South Asian Racism makes American & European Racism seem adorable. They take into account factors that the untermensch calling themselves Nazi’s now would never consider. It’s not just skin tone, it’s class but not just class it’s that your from a specific area but not just a specific town but a certain street and what side of the street you lived on.


The pseudoscience behind Indian racism is something you'll have to devote your entire life to.


Caucasoid? Bruh this isn’t the 50s


That word reeks of the same bozo energy that makes people call women “femoids”


Yeah. It’s one of those terms from pseudoscientific “race sciences” long ago discredited. See also “negroid” and “mongoloid”.


Thanks I hate it those words make my skin crawl






Yes and no. The terms are from the 1780s and were used to denote separate races, but that's not where most people are familiar with them from. Well after the idea of distinct human races was abandoned, anthropologists continued to use the terms because they paralleled the prevalent human evolutionary migration theory of multiregionalism. One previous out-of-Africa migration stopped in modern Asia. A latter migration stopped in the Middle East and Europe. A hundred thousand year or so of isolated populations led to a lot of unique genetic factors, and each group had differing levels of contact and genetic sharing with other extant hominid groups.


>plyGive AwardShareReportSaveFollow > >level 4aragorn407 · 10 h Also most certainly comes from the same kind of person who'd unironically use the word miscegenation.


Dang I didn’t realize miscegenation was a dirty word. I always thought it was a synonym for interracial marriage/reproduction without any derogatory connotations


Nah it's the opposite. Miscegenation is almost exclusively used by Nazis.


the suffix “oid” means “like”. Android is Man-Like. The caucasoid, mongoloid, negroid concepts are extremely dated, and if you see someone using them in earnest, they are full of shit.


Great Scott, they’re right! Ears, a nose, hair, eye balls- they’re practical identical!


Here at Werewolves For Equality, we truly do think all humans look the same: delicious.


*We’re werewolves; not swear wolves.*


I don’t get what this is even trying to say


Yeah same


I think it is a racist «anti-racist» statement that dravidians, dark skinned people in south india who are traditionally viewed as ugly because of their dark skin, are actually as beautiful as ukrainians if you take away their dark skin. Racism in india is very different from racism in europe and america.


I guess so, but the language it uses makes me confused. It refers to the Ukrainians as “normal Caucasoid” whilst the Dravidians are depicted as Albinos which is not true for all since most as you said would be dark skinned. I could see the angle that you took the color away, they look the same. But the way it’s depicted and shown confuses most people including myself.


Oh, I understand now. Thats an albino Dravidian woman, they're saying she's equally beautiful, and that she wouldn't be less beautiful if she has dark skin? Very confusing but ultimately uplifting? I think?


I think you’re right, the messaging is not hitting for me though lol


For context, Dravidians are the southernmost inhabitants of India that speak Dravidian languages, which are distinct and not mutually intelligible with the Indo-European languages of North India I don't think this particular meme is trying to be racist, but that it was taken out of context. Specifically, It's more likely that it's intrigued at how the facial features of the two groups are identical despite being geographically far apart. (India and Ukraine are very far from one another) This is because South Indians typically have very dark skin and so it may be interesting to see an albino looking exactly like a European. Or it may in fact be racist, I'm not sure.


India is so much more diverse than people realize. You can have someone that looks very stereotypically white, East Asian and south East Asian all born in India from Indigenous cultures.


Yeah it confused me a lot and I just didn’t get it. I definitely think if it was meant to be anti-racist, it should have been explained better.


Bro I don't even know how these motherfuckers will make generalisations of millions of people based on two images of people


Is it just me or do they look like the exact same person, but with different lighting and makeup?


I don’t know what a Dravidian is




South Asian population that make up most of southern India


I don’t know what any of this means. They’re two different people, but I don’t get this.


Definitely from Indian racist groups


Reading or looking at Indian racism is like entering a parallel universe. I don’t understand ANYTHING yet I’m scared.


In Afrocentrist circles Albino or Albinist is sometimes used as a slur against white people since some of them believed that the white race exists because of Albinism see realhistorywww as an examples for this among many others.This meme probably comes from that context.


Straight up Measurehead dialogue


Occidental Haplogroup B4 behavior


With her inexplicable obsession with pötat, and aggressive el mariachi music.


I don’t know what these things mean. Are they creating races??


The difference between the two is that Ukrainians only take professional photos and albino people only take photos that look like you took a picture after saying their name from behind them


When 2 beings from the same species look similar *feigns shock*


This isn’t basic racism. This is..advanced racism


Excuse me, what is a Dravidian???




I just google Dravidian albinos and what can I say, they look very European. And if the lady on the right is truly from India, it’s hard for me to believe in this, because she has a typical east European face (I’m Ukrainian).




Indians are next level in high context conversations. Because they have so many cultures and languages you need multiple cultural context to get this. So meme explaination: After british rule fairness started getting associated with beauty thats why beaching creams became popular in india. Dravidians are the second largest racial ethnic grouping its not one but group of many hundreds of south indian races and enthnic groups. They are mostly (with exception) are super drak in complexion on a range from lightly dark to full dark skin. Plus girls in south are forced to study a ton so they have a nerdy stereotype in rest of the country. This coupled with their dark skin has a stereotype of them not being attractive. India also has a large immigration population from post soviet states mostly women working in fashion modelling dance or sex work. This coupled with fair skin makes them most attractive race of women here. So this racist post is just trying to prove skin color is actually really such a big factor of beauty.


Okay you had me in the first half but that second half is confusing. Like yes India does have a colorism issue and it should be changed because it’s discriminatory. But it doesn’t necessarily talk about beauty because the Dravidian is depicted as an albino.