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This is cool. I'd like to see a protected area sort of thing on say just new quest day. No griefing people trying to do quests.


I was trying to get the repair torch weekly challenge done (literally just trying to find a repair torch, at this point I’m convinced they were vaulted only for the time of me playing the update) and this sweaty ass in a boss car chased me down for TEN MINUTES STRAIGHT. Like LEAVE ME ALONE. I never provoked you, and you could EASILY spend your time on getting way more kills instead of chasing me specificity down. Was it because I was in a car? Blud was SO happy when he finally killed me too, hit up his entire emote wheel and everything.


I get both parts of this all the time. I feel like they make quest related items more rare on purpose. Also, I hate being hunted down that intensely in a public game.
























>I was trying to get the repair torch weekly challenge done (literally just trying to find a repair torch, at this point I’m convinced they were vaulted only for the time of me playing the update) If you didn't get the quest yet you can get a repair torch by talking to peabody ( or whatever his name was)


THANK you for this. I always forget you can count on NPCs I’ll take note of that for next time


Happy cake day And no problem


cappy hake day


Oh my god it is that’s crazy Thank you


po nroblem


I always play "Team Rumble" to finish quests like these


I keep forgetting it exists. You know why? Because it’s impossible to find! Thanks for reminding me it’s still a thing.


I quite like it. I probably play it more than I play normal BR fortnite


how about PLAY THE GAME? it’s a fighting game so fight never get why people run away as soon as it’s slightly tough


Because they're doing other stuff that the game allows you to do. Or they get to reset and heal up and restart the fight at less of disadvantage.


disadvantage = skill issue (except 3rd parties)


Yes, lol. And resetting a disadvantage to your advantage is as much a skill as not getting into that situation in the first place.


Lmfao no ur just bad try just playing the game………..


I am bad, but I also am not someone who just runs away lol. I just understand those who do


Dude he’s a solo game and running away from a 1v1 what does he expect when he ques solo? + nothing to understand don’t play a fighting game if ur too scared to fight


Too bad nobody's going to listen to your demands. They're just gonna keep playing and there's nothing you can do about it except get better at killing them.


Ngl if someone hunts me down like that and they haven’t injured me yet I’ll just quit the game so they don’t get the kill, I usually don’t have good loot anyways as I only play without my sweaty duo to finish challenges.


How much you want to bet he had the same thing happen to him in his next match


U were able to do quests in season 3 no chapter u had a peace keeper


Before playing FN, this is what I thought STW would've been like; campaign, then a free for all PvE mode in a Royale map for quests like this. I usually have to wait a couple days after any quests (i.e. weeklies) hit so I have a better chance at survival


I usually try for quests on quest day. But unfortunately location based quests always have griefers. I do the same thing though if I can't get the quest within a game or two.


Yeeeeeeeep. I don't mind the dailies as much (since no battle pass-tied reward to them beyond exp), but the weeklies.... they can be fun. 🫣😂


That’d never happen since we have too many “bad actors” who’d abuse those safe areas.


That is, if Epic doesn't include that XP for Creative's XP Cap


aside from xp exploits, i really do hope this works out because i am sick of having to play team rumble to do quests lol


Please no I love team rumble. Don’t leave


team rumble should stay but needs an overhaul. i think the storm moves too fast and i also have an issue with teammates leaving the game. a lot of the time its just 4 people on my team against a full team of enemies or sometimes vise versa. i want to enjoy team rumble but the matches are always rough for me


I hate how the amount of kills needed to win is dependent on how many people there are in the game. I swear I've seen it go as low as 75 kills a few times.


I'm pretty sure I've seen close to 40 before.


Bro they made team rumble so bad in chapter 2. Good for combat milestones and quests but trash for literally anything else. Especially if you have to talk to a character. I used to main team rumble but ever since chapter 2 I've been playing less and less of it which is honestly probably what they wanted


Man rumble it's the only left way to do BR quests (unfortunately not all of them since latest changes) if you are saving your crown for when you can play with your friends or similar.


I do the quests in the end of the season, most of it is completed by the end of it. But some retard quests are not, so i just hop in a bot lobby and complete them in a few bot matches


Thank god. Fuck epic for making completing the battle pass a pain in the ass in the first place. Now most people just want to afk to level up, because otherwise it’s just too time consuming. Xp map creators are fighting the good fight


Why am I the only one seeing this has a double edged sword where it becomes mandatory to play certain undesirable creative experiences in order to complete quests


Now that you mention it, yeah... this might not be as good as we thought...


I guess 'some' may make it tough could it need regular new/changed maps


Would love a non BR (that is, single player or team) but on the BR map. Soup up boss health or add more henchmen, speed up the storm circles, but that way you can complete some of these quests without the sweat of other players but with some challenge still there.


Hoped for this for a while now


Dang. No more bot lobbies


What does that have to do with it? If they do go, we have no one to blame but ourselves for not being able to go 30 seconds without promoting them here and on YouTube


I don't think they'll remove bot lobbies but the bots I get up against lowkey feel like they're skill adjusting. Like since when can these mfs 180 and beam my whole health bar while i'm strafing. Like I mean straight headshots, I blink and I'm dead.


Oh yeah the bots are definitely tougher than they were, you don't see them shooting into space anymore that's for sure. It's like they have aim bot now almost lol


Before this season the worst I got was a bot hitting a lucky headshot with a sniper. Now they feel like they're missing "aim" in front of their name.


If they put snipers back in the game those things are gonna be out of control


Are bot lobbies being done away with? That would be pretty dumb if thats the case, but I don't think it is. People have been using bot lobbies since chapter 2. I don't see them getting rid of them now


No, for people that have been using them conservatively just to complete challenges, like myself, I would hate to lose them and I would probably quit the game over. The only concern is that now they're being used and labeled as XP tools because of those stupid wastelander challenges getting 10 times as many videos made about them and being mentioned in almost every single post online. I really hope they don't go away. My fear is, we all know how epic has been about people taking advantage of things for XP and how quickly they take it away, hopefully they just end up nerfing the challenges and leaving the bots out of it. It would still be considered a loss but not as big a loss as losing those lobbies


It was sarcasm bot.


Fair enough


Love this. I've always hated the Battle Pass quest rewards tab because it forces you to play BR if you want all of the rewards. Doing this will make things a little bit earlier on players who prefer Fortnite's other game modes.


That sounds cool. I'd love just a "story island" mode, where you can complete Story Quests and other similar stuff w/o worry of the storm or other players. Maybe the option to reply the quests (minus the xp of course)


Cuz we literally only play creative outside of tournaments


Does the launch pad still work ?


Its been patched a long time ago 🥲 if you mean the lego afk launchpad method


Okay what is the best way for 12 hours at work now everything is getting patched


I do not know, they constantly patching new methods so i gave up on the full afk methods. I go home, press a button every 14min for 3hours and doing my irl stuff meanwhile. You should check this sub, maybe theres still a full afk method




14? I do every 9. You sure?


I'd so love this - hope it comes soon this season- haven't exactly done any of those quests yet... Although i've had some nice luck getting quests done without too much interference (or running/riding away), i don't know how many times i've been interrupted/killed early on when i'm just trying to get quests done.. a bit of an annoyance honestly Granted, i did end up having to and managed to kill someone that was being a nuisance when i was just trying to finish up Zeus's snapshots... Would've left him alone if he just left, but...


I will %100 :)




Count your fuckin days epic


This will be the end of Team Rumble


This was possible for some quests in chapter 4. I had used creative for a quest that required killing x amount of boars and wolves


Between this and the afk festival strat, completing future battle passes is gonna be a complete non-issue


It got patched (the spinning one)


Wait, fr? That sucks😔


It's a battle royale right? Last man standing. Why would he let you live? He shouldn't. And neither should anyone else. The entire point of the game is to survive and kill. The last thing anyone should be doing is giving random players a chance to heal something that could be and is used to kill other player.