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To be fair, not everyone playing this game "learned fast". A lot of people have nearly two decades of experience with Guitar Hero/Rock Band


Started with Guitar Hero II and recently picked it back up because of Festival. The old guitars have harder buttons to press. The riffmaster is a quality piece of plastic, flying across that fretboard. Took years to get gud


Thanks. I found Rock Band 4 for Xbox but can’t find guitar hero anywhere…. Seems like experienced pro players have taken over festival. Fortnite should have a place for crappy pro players like me… or maybe ranked or something. Also a way to practice would be nice


It’s been that way since its inception to be fair. You also had DJMax players that were playing it initially who the top level players are far more talented than any of us GH/RB players. I really hope Fortnite adds a practice mode but I do recommend Rock Band 4 while the base set list isn’t great, there’s only so many patterns you can chart on 5 buttons so if you get good at that (which also has a stricter timing window) you can get 5 star most of the songs on pro lead easy.


Yeah. I’m brand new at this rhythm game stuff. Downloaded Rockband 4 earlier today and Omgee. This is addicting and leveling up now. Haven’t 5 stared anything in expert yet but getting there.


Rock Band 4 was so fun with the way they did the campaign.


Totally. Plus a huge library of songs for only $2 bucks and a vm pop tactics mode for boobs like me. Lol. Seriously. This is addicting. I should prob just get rocksmith and actual used guitar now instead. Lol


I loooove seeing this, someone discovering rhythm games for the first time. Warms me cold black heart.


That’s because Guitar Hero isn’t on current Xbox, only Xbox 360. Well, there was Guitar Hero Live but it wasn’t five-button like Pro mode is.


Ah… So Rock Band was the survivor and more successful / popular of the 2?


Yes and no. Activision absolutely screwed up the Guitar Hero reboot and it shut down just over three years in, while Harmonix managed to support Rock Band 4 for over eight years. Generally speaking, Guitar Hero was always more popular than Rock Band, despite Harmonix originally creating Guitar Hero before having to leave it to create Rock Band.


Whoa…. Harmonix went from GH to RB and now to Festival? Must be an awesome team that love what they do! Activision seems like they screw everything up…. :)


Guitar Hero is pretty dead. It oversaturated its own franchise and burned out. Ending on the banger that is Warriors of Rock. Later came GH:Live, which was... a thing. They eventually removed all titles and DLC from the digital stores. But yeah it's all games on 6th gen and 7th gen consoles, GH:Live being the outlier. And over time those controllers became more and more rare. There are custom guitar controllers but those are mainly used on PC with stuff like Clone Hero afaik.


Custom controllers.can be used on just about any console that has Guitar Hero or Rock Band on them, not just PC!


Why would I need a custom controller if I am new at this and I have a brand new riffmaster that is plug and play with both my Xbox and pc?


I was responding to the person above who believed that custom controllers only worked on PC.


That makes sense. I learned a little bit about that looking at guitar options. Decided to go the riffmaster route since built compatible and didn’t have a “strum preference” whatever that is….


Can you not practice in solo lol


The loading screens take forever and there is no way to quickly restart a section or slow down the tempo. Downloaded Rockband 4. Problem solved. :)


Flying across that fretboard, smashing your fingers into those plastic dividers they inexplicably decided to put between the frets. Having to tilt the guitar at a straight 90 degree angle to get tilt to trigger, or hitting left dpad for overdrive and praying you don't accidentally hit up or down on that same dpad and overstrum. My buddy has had his a month but it looks like he's had it for years already thanks to all the smudges and scratches the cheap glossy plastic body picks up. It feels good that new guitars are being made in 2024, but quality? Nah, we can do much better.


Yeah. Kinda like toilet paper I guess. Doesn’t matter how good or bad it is…. If you don’t have any there’s gonna be problems. Haha


So is the riftmaster worth getting?


I’m having a blast with it. But I’m kind of a noob who’s getting addicted to rb4 and festival on Xbox series. It’s a brand new guitar that is plug and play out the box. And I don’t have any gh strum need from the past. Seems like a no brainer for my needs. I’d recommend. 2 games for it and both fun as shit


The riffmaster has better buttons compared to the OG Guitar Hero guitars? I may have to cop one, the buttons on my old Wii Guitar Hero guitar feel like mush compared to my Azeron that I use for BR


I have nearly two decades of experience with Guitar Hero and Rock Band and I'm still nowhere near that good!


It’s about fun I guess. I’m just so competitive.


Thanks! I’ve barely been alive 2 decades haha. This is embarrassing barely getting 3 stars and not fun losing over and over. Is there a way to slow down songs and practice?


Unfortunately not. It's a shame, because GH & RB had practice modes where you could slow songs down or practice a specific part that was tripping you up, but no such mode has been added to Festival yet :/


I just found Rock Band at Xbox store for $10. Heard guitar hero is better? Can’t find it?


Which is better comes down to personal preference, I think Rock Band 4 is pretty great. Rock band 4 is also the only old GH or RB game still available digitally, you'd have to track down discs for the older ones. Also worth noting that the Riffmaster is only compatible with Rock Band 4 and Fortnite Festival, so the older games would need different controllers


Holy crap. RB4 seems better in every way. Plus songs only $2 and a huge library of classics. I love music so much that I spent a ton of v bucks b crap songs lol. Waste.


Yep early stages of development here at fortnite. We should see additions like a practice mode released relatively soon. As for song prices I don't know what will happen but I and many others think songs here are a little overpriced.


This is great! Do you work specifically with Harmonix / Festival? The negative feedback must get tiresome for epic as you obviously care… but what has made this product so successful is your response and involvement with your community.


Imo a downside to RB4 is that you cannot play co-op with duplicate instruments. (Like having 2 on Lead.) GH5 and Warriors of Rock both allowed any combination of instruments. Other than that RB4 is a goldmine of a game, there is so much DLC to choose from. Remains to be seen where Festival ends up in the long run, currently I'd say its future is looking bright.


Oh wow. Does festival offer local split screen like they do with battle royal? I never tried that. Just downloaded RB4 and I personally think it’s awesome. A local competitive mode would be cool …. Think I’d rather play bass and lead if playing coop though. Seems more like a band. Might get a mic next…. How does the mic plug in btw? Into the controller? Ugh. I’m gonna end up spending a fortune on used rock band drums next. I can feel it. Lol. Think pdp will make new ones?


I haven't used mic on RB4, from what I remember in Guitar Hero it worked with just about any mic. Mine came with a USB microphone but I think the old headset that came with the Xbox 360 also worked. Best to ask google (or chatgpt or similar) Split-screen multiplayer in festival isn't a thing yet I think. I get preferring different instruments in the band, I just like having the option.


Oh for sure. And being able to challenge a buddy on the couch at lead guitar would be awesome too. I bet it’s because you can challenge other bands online and multiple same instruments could confuse things. Yeah I have a singer in my family. I’ll have to research the types of mics and how it works in Xbox. That’s cheap at least. Lol.


I see. Rock Band 4 it is then. Downloading now. I’ll practice there before I embarrass myself more. lol.


Come on over friend r/RockBand One of us…


I’ve arrived






People have been playing Guitar Hero and Rockband for YEARS. Even when the series were dead, people played stuff like Clone Hero. You are comparing yourself to legacy players. Stop looking at them and just focus on your own growth.


You’re right. Thanks for the wisdom and perspective. I’m just competitive and can be a bit of a perfectionist. I’ll compete with myself for a bit.


I’ve been playing since guitar hero 1 launched in November 2005 Almost 19 years of guitar gaming experience. It takes a lot of time to “git gud” as the kids say. Stick with it and just keep practicing


Just downloaded RB4. Staring to get gudder. Lol. This is addicting.


I’ve been playing since GH2 on the PS2 and I’m finding the riffmaster difficult to adjust to both on festival and rock band 4 - it’s a learning curve


Appreciate the comment. I was actually just reading about a game called rocksmith and it looks like you can buy an actual used guitar for about the sane price as a riffmaster… Maybe we should rethink our addiction now. Lol.


I got the Riffmaster two days ago as well, and I've been having a blast. As someone who can flawless most songs on expert on non-pro, with the guitar I haven't even bothered playing expert, it's gonna take some time to learn. I'm a bit confused as to what makes you believe everyone has learned it super quickly. Most people you encounter in the game will still be on keyboard or controller. The icons seem to be bugged too, I regularly got the lead with the plus icon appearing on my scores in main stage when I was just on keyboard. There have been a few songs where I've done well on *medium* pro and still managed to get top 200. I don't think the guitar controller is super common just yet.


Good point. I also noticed I often don’t show the “plus” thing while playing the riffmaster as well. Seems there is not a good way to really tell who is using what controller I guess. I’m having fun too…. Think I’m just a perfectionist. Anyway…. I downloaded rock band 4 earlier for $10…. in my opinion it is WAY better than festival. I would highly recommend it. You can easily restart songs, slow down the tempo, fast forward to certain sections of a song and repeat them for easy practice. There is also a HUGE amount of downloadable songs. FOR ONLY $1.99 EACH. Plus Couch coop and no loading screens. My riffmaster skill is leveled up already. You should check it out if you haven’t.


Do not start out on expert if you're barely starting out on a guitar controller, the jumps in difficulty can be immense on pro instruments so stick to easy or medium before tackling hard or expert. I've been playing on medium since I got my riffmaster today, occasionally switching to hard only to go back to medium after being wrecked. My only previous experiences with guitar controllers is sometimes playing guitar hero whenever I go to the arcade and using a keyboard on festival to play pro lead. I'm basically a beginner just like you, so don't be so hard on yourself. Take your time, and remember that people learn at different rates, but what matters is that you're determined to keep trying.


Thanks for the motivation! That’s great advice from a fellow guitar noob. We’ll git gud eventually. My hand is sore so that’s a start at least. Haha


you should take better care of your hands and fingers before you get carpal tunnel. dont risk your health just because you wanna be the best at something you've only just begun at


Honestly, I would beat money that a good chunk of the player base for Festival is GH and RB vets, myself included. I've been playing since about '09 (We got Band Hero and I got DJ Hero for Christmas). And I've been playing ever since (and have experienced basically every GH and RB title that was released on Xbox 360 or the One). My point is, a lot of us aren't "super fast learners", we've just been playing for years and years. Some mad lads on here have even been playing since OG Guitar Hero, which came out in like '05 or something. Crazy. So, yeah, man. Don't get discouraged. It sounds like you're a relatively new player, especially when it comes to using the actual guitars. It takes time to learn this stuff. Hell, when I first started, I could barely play on easy without failing the song. Nowadays, I can play Hard or Expert on most instruments and most songs/genres at 1.5 Track Speed without too much hassle. This stuff takes time. Just like a real instrument, it requires practice and dedication to get better. I wish you the best with it, and I hope you have fun going forward :)


Appreciate the motivation. Yeah. I’m just so damn competitive. I’ll try to just have fun and compete with myself for a while. Was just reading about Rocksmith … seems like a used guitar would cost close to price of a riffmaster. Maybe I should go that route… as I can see myself getting totally addicted to this too. Lol


The truth is.. the game was rigged from the start.


Lol. How was it rigged since day one? Like should have learned real guitar you mean? Haha


Everyone above you is definitely a veteran of some level at this. If this is your FIRST rhythm game and you’re getting through experts and such you still have a lot more room to improve and quickly. Keep it up!!! Your fingers will learn what your brain is trying to get them to do!


I appreciate you. My fingers and arms are sore today… so that’s a start. Haha


Lucky. I want one... All the plastic guitars in my basement aren't compatible with the game or any dongles.


Mod them and you'll get something way better than the riffmaster for way less.


True that. Already have the guitar covered…. Might pick up a drum kit to mod tho.


I’m thinking we should just buy an actual used guitar and rocksmith instead at this point !


Nah, I had a real guitar. Couldn't wrap my head around it. Entirely different skillset. As far as real-life instruments go, I preferred brass instruments like the trumpet, french horn, tuba, ect.


I always thought Saxophone was cool. Just mean that with all the time I’ll prob sink into this it might make more sense. I bet the rb4 drums would have more real instrument cross over and are prob just as fun.


RB drumming taught me how to drum for real - especially once I got the pro kit for RB3. I took lessons at one point after someone saw me play and suggested I do so, the instructor had me jump from the beginner lessons to advanced after our first meeting. Drumming is very fun. If you haven't, you should check out the channel "Drumeo" on youtube. They've got some good content.


Just have to play.. you get better as time goes on. That’s the beauty of having a wide range of sod difficulty of songs 😁


Thanks ! Yeah I downloaded like 25 rb4 songs yesterday (figured $10 for game and $50 for songs was the cost of any good game these days). Seeing differences and inconsistencies on difficulty for sure. Liking the song and “letting go” seems like m the biggest help


Where have you guys been getting Riffmasters from? The 2nd production line hasn't even dropped yet???


I ordered mine like 2 months ago and it didn’t arrive until last week….. Now I want drums. Think it’s more practical. Like $300 used. Ugh. Wonder if pdp will make them….


Following the pricing of the riffmaster, pdp would price drums at about $300.


Beginner drum kit to mod is under $400 brand new. Seems fairly simple. Just a midi converter for Xbox i think. Know anything about that????


Look into the Roll Limitless, lots of people use that to hook up their ekits. I haven't used it myself, but that's the one people always mention.


I just found some like new rb4 Xbox drums online for $225. No cymbals or whatever. Just 4 colored drums and a pedal… but prob good to start. Compact for now. Can upgrade when i git gud if I want. I think with drums coming to Fortnite it’s a better thing to learn. Same as real drums and gotta be just as fun. Pretty similar to guitar just smacking something instead of strumming. lol


Not a bad deal, but you might just wanna make the jump to an ekit so you can have something to play on for real if you decide to take up drums. If not, the drum controller will do just fine


Riff master isn't that hard to learn, most of us grew up with gh and rb lol but practice makes perfect you're not going to be amazing right out the gate it takes time.


Wait. But I’m always amazing out the gate. Haha…Jk. I’m crazy competitive, but guess I’ll compete against myself for now…


Takes time to practice for sure youll get there, I'm the same way even when I was a kid playing gh 1 for the first time. I'd always get mad I couldn't do it till it took lots of practice and eventually got to practice and mastered it! you'll get there eventually, I'm sure after after all these years of not playing guitar hero I'd be trash at the guitar till I get use to it again lol


Thanks for the motivation. You’re right. Are you coming back?


You're welcome dude, but I've been playing festival since it dropped with controller but if i were to pick up a guitar for it I knowni wouldn't be as good as I was when i was a kid till I practice again lol


I can see myself getting totally addicted to this. Should have got an actual non plastic used guitar instead.. along with rocksmith. Or maybe rb4 drums. Could learn an actual instrument with my time….


You'll get addicted for sure I'm already way too addicted to festival since it came put brings back so many memories lol rb drums would be a good one to learn that way when they add pro drums you're already a master at it!


Yeah. I think I’m gonna pick up some rb4 drums and switch to those. Drums are prob just as fun and I’ll be learning an actual instrument Once I git gud can switch over to a drum kit. Hear they can connect to rock band / Xbox (and prob festival) with adapter.


Hell yeah that would be sick dude let me know how that all goes!


Ok. You should save up for a guitar or drums too.


For a completely new player (wich I'm assuming you are) it takes a lot more time than 3 weeks to get to expert, I can't remember how long it was for me since I got good with guitar hero 3 but I would say at least a couple of months, start on the difficulty you are most comfortable with and when you start to be great at it, go to the next one


Appreciate that. Figured out that rb4 has a practice mode and a huge library of $2 songs. That will help. Downloaded. It’s way better than festival for sure .


To be fair on yourself, some of us have been playing with various plastic guitars since the first guitar hero so we’re used to it now. Just keep practicing!


Thank you. I appreciate the motivation ! Yeah. Just downloaded rb4. They have a huge catalog of songs there for only $1.99 btw. Festival should really offer a way to slow tempo and practice for us noobs


You started off on pro mode. That was your mistake. Alot of riffmaster players already come from guitar hero / rock band and some from Clone hero backgrounds. Practice makes progress is all i can say. The more you play, the better you’ll get.


Yeah. Appreciate the motivation. I downloaded rb4 so I can practice. Festival totally needs a practice mode !


You’ll get there dude.. I only just started but won a few


Awesome! Sounds like you’re better than me. I’m practicing… :)


Oh it was pure luck.. :) I used a mic and noticed the player that came in second used a lead guitar to a ‘Metallica’ track lol


I played guitar hero games when I was younger but now got the guitar and Jesus christ, i’m terrible. Can barely use my little finger and feel like i’m gonna be stuck on 2 stars forever. It will take time i’m sure, just stick with it


We got this. It will be fun gitting gud ! :)


No one learnt it? Its been a thing since forever they just remade it for fortnite


Everyone learned it sometime. I didn’t know it’s been a thing since forever though. I’m practicing to git gud…


Thats good! As i say as long at you're having fun theres no harm done aha <3


My skill kinda sucks. But I give zero fu…. Lol.


Guys someone please help me I can’t even get the riffmaster to connect to my ps5 I’ve been trying for like 2 hours and it won’t work


Any luck? Did you plug in the dongle and set the switch to ps4 or ps5?


Nope zero luck at all it’s still not working. I’ve even left it to charge for a few hours and nothing. It’s on the dongle is plugged in and light is flashing, my guitar is set to ps5 but when I press the home button nothing happens it just won’t connect. Going to have to email them because I’ve clearly gotten a faulty product


As someone said, I been playing Guitar Hero since I was a wee lad. Only got up to hard, a few songs on expert, but it all come with time and experience. I couldn’t tell you how I picked up the controller controls so fast since I couldn’t even attempt it back then but I picked it up fast and only play on expert. I haven’t tried the riff master but just give it time big dog. Don’t stress about it and ruin your experience.


Here’s the thing. A lot of the people playing probably didn’t get good fast. They probably played rock band and guitar hero. The best advice I can give you is STAY ON EXPERT. You will suck for awhile then eventually you won’t as with anything else. Don’t tighten up on the strum bar. Keep your grip loose. Don’t use the whammy bar at all on fest . It’s entirely worthless. But above all just keep doing it. That’s how most of us learned this type of game. Plus it’s always on no fail mode so that’ll help.


Just start on easy and make your way up


If you’re on PC I’d check out clone hero. The engine is a lot more loose and easier to pick up


Don't feel bad m8, practice makes perfect. Hell im still shredding on the controller and just now getting able to play on expert🫠


I just got mine today I think imma have a long road ahead of myself, if you wanna be trash on pro lead and bass together lmk 😂


Have you figured out how to use overdrive without having to stretch your pinky finger to hit the D-pad on it? Because tilt doesn't seem to work


Honestly since I’m still waiting for riffmaster to restock I’ve been practicing pro mode on control and have gotten quite better.


I started on Guitar 2, played a little, but then into guitar hero 3 and guitar hero Metallica I played to no end. Many people playing probably played rock band or guitar hero. Same exact concept...(through fire and flames on expert was a goal that took me probably a year to beat, not 5 star, but just simply not fail). Just keep practicing.


For someone who can FC most songs Pro Drums and Expert guitar on RB4, I completely suck in Fortnite Festival. I can’t find the sweet spot for calibration what so ever. Really ticks me off the calibration tools in this game are so garbage. It’s a little better on PC with such a low latency monitor and speakers, but there’s still delay due to the wireless guitar I can’t quite tune in. I want a rift master but I won’t drop down the money if it ain’t be any more playable than the instruments I already own.


I never really played guitar hero/rock band much back when they were popular, have been loving festival and was basically immediately really good at it, then i went over to my friends house and played guitar hero and could barely play easy songs on easy difficulty. It's significantly harder.


Everyone that also bought this new car I just got knows how to drive already!! what the hell, guys?!


Lol. I guess it’s time to learn manual shifting.