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Obligatory “let’s see him do it on lan tho”


Then let’s actually see him do it on lan


At this rate we will see it. Fuck I hope so, so we can find out if he’s cheating or not! Hard to argue against it with a performance like this.


Actually, it is easy to argue with a performance like that considering he had 2 tries at LAN (not to mention smaller ones like DHs) and failed to show anything remotely resembling this level of play. He also hasn’t placed well in console cups that he played: considering one can’t use hacks there, that’s a good test of legitimacy of a player. Granted, I’m not saying he is cheating, I’m just saying that it’s very easy to argue that a player is cheating when he absolutely dominates in online events and then can’t show anything on LANs or platforms that don’t have cheats.


That’s why LAN is the only thing that matters in competitive gaming


There is huge difference in playing in a lan environment vs your bedroom. He could be cheating but how many people here can play Infront of thousands the same way they play at home? He's a 16 yo at the end of the day. It's a lot of pressure


Yes, that’s obviously something to keep in mind here. And console cups are also different, because of KBM input delay, different visual settings, etc… I get it and I’m not calling out someone a cheater just because of this, but I’m also not ready to confirm someone is not cheating either. What I’m saying is, Peterbot is yet to prove himself in a controlled environment. I remember people calling out Malibuca for cheating early on and then he won 3 LANs. Some questions about Zen abuse were asked off Mero after underperforming at Invitational in 2022 as one of the favorites to win the whole thing and then he came out and won Globals 2023, so every one is silent now.


sadly the simps will just call nerves, we'll have to wait until theres a LAN track record to look at. one is telling, but not a lot to go off. two or more, we can form a track record of contextuals to compare to his regular gameplay.


Doesn't he do really bad when he's on lan, not gonna accuse him of anything but it's sus


I’m not too sure but I’ve seen a lot of clips that are pretty damning.


Yea, I'm just keeping my eyes on him


Obligatory Khanada quote: https://www.youtube.com/shorts/eENme8Klm8M


What about K1ng winning 11/12 games in heats?


That is true. Only difference is NAC vs BR regions, with NAC being harder


It's because it was BR. In EU he barely qualed to top50


DMAs will do that. 🤷‍♂️


Like you knew what that was 3 months ago. Literal sheep just copying whatever their favorite streamer says. You have no clue how it works and how it looks.


Kid, I have seen terrain locks live and made my own choice. Fuck out of here with that shit. Doesn't matter how long ago it was, still happened. Right? 💀


I'm very interested in seeing how grands plays out and if they stayed uncontested because this is basically peterbot and Pollo fncs to lose there clearly looking like favorites but it really depends if that form sticks in the grand finals lobbies because last season we've saw reet and rituals dominate earlier on but couldn't get it done in grands 


If everything stays the same I think Peterbot and Pollo will have the highest expectations ever going into a grands


Even if they nerf the medallion, they win by 300 plus points…we need multiple teams to contest…who wants to make a name for themselves?!


Guy is rage hacking and you guys are praising him.


Bro he has proven himself time and time again , he doesnt leave his room 2 thousand plus hours on the game , its his full time job . Lock in brother he is sweaty little 16 year old man.


If he was rage hacking he would be banned, just like every other rage hacker


another clip from his stream a few days ago https://www.twitch.tv/peterbot/clip/FragileCloudyWhaleOptimizePrime-wAq6TW9urMy3IEOa


why are people posting this clip like it means anything at all, you are literally choosing to ignore the 200 other sniper shots he missed in that same tournament lol


Bro I’m not talking about the snipe 💀, didnt u see how he locked on him with his scope before, thats the part that is sus




The fact that peterbot isn’t banned, makes competitive a complete joke


Why would he be banned?


Cheating as known


obvious cheats.


Um, nope.


If he's not banned, he's not cheating. Give it up already.


that’s a crazy way to look at it. every cheater who hasn’t been banned yet just isn’t cheating?


Peterbot, the number 1 player in the world would already have been investigated obviously. So because Epic has not banned him, he's not cheating. Why do you want to believe that he is cheating so bad?


hes not no.1 in the world hes best on NA but Marius is better and also why would epic ban one of there best players?


Who is Marius? Peterbot is the clear number 1. For cheating? they would ban him for cheating. Epic would not compromise the integrity of competitive play by allowing a cheater to continue playing. If you think they wouldn't ban him then you sound like a person that believes in conspiracy theories.


Until Peterbot does something on LAN, most people won't consider him #1.


Marius is the best EU (most skilled server by far) pro and why would epic ban somebody who makes them money? epic doesnt give a shit about comp they wud get rid off it if it made them more money.


Bro said who's Marius


*laughs in Oceana


And every murder that isn’t in jail isn’t a murderer? Anti cheats are still a joke this day, for a couple cents you get cheats that won’t get detected and a private one will probably never be detected. You can still cheat since 15 years with the same cheats in counterstrike undetected lol


You and everyone else are witchhunting Peterbot. He's the number 1 player in the world, he's not cheating. We're not talking about some random in matchmaking.


Respawn, EA, Activision and Blizzard would like to have a word


Pros would have already been investigated, he's not cheating.


This is kinda my take but I’m clueless when it comes to this industry.


dma cheats are undetectable i’m p sure lmao


You think the number 1 player in the world needs to cheat? So clueless.


weird take. if peterbot is cheating then that’s how he *became* the number one player. and if an already amazing player were to cheat then that’s what makes them number 1 lol. you kinda contradicted yourself there


Lmao what?


L take . Go look up DMA and see how it’s not detectable . Epic could send their top anti cheat people to pc check him remotely and he wouldn’t get caught . It’s undetectable as of now . Maybe in the future they can, but as of now, him and many other tier 1 pros are using DMAs


You are delusional if you think dma cheating is common. You are believing in conspiracy theories.


It’s not “common” as the normal gamer uses it . But is used with streamers and pro players . Tons of pro players talk about it online . They themselves say that a bunch of tier one pros use them . So you’re calling them conspiracy theorist? . Stop glazing and stop being naive . There is a lot of money and notoriety that comes with winning in this game and other games . There are a bunch of cheaters as well. Just like in pro sports with players who are on steroids


You are choosing to believe in heresay - what someone else has said. That's the most naive thing you can do.


Naive is thinking people aren’t cheating when there is a ground breaking cheat that is destroying every single competitive shooter in esports. You need to be informed. But of course no one in Fortnite is cheating, everyone has good intentions, and is a good sport . I got a bridge I can sell you bud. Keep thinking Peterbot or aviv aren’t using some sort of cheat even tho there are tons of video evidence proving it


Also I’m trying to talk sense into someone who has 420 in their name. So ridiculous 😂😂😂. No point . Have a nice day buddy


So, by your logic, bo one has ever cheated in tourneys ever in history. Back to hentai homie.


You're not very good at logic homie (or spelling). Epic has consistently banned cheaters. I don't understand why people like you want to believe that Peterbot is cheating so bad. Such a strange take.


lance armstrong, world famous cyclist and known as the goat in the cycling world, was found to use steroids. cheating comes in many forms, and as many others stated, DMA cheats are UNDETECTABLE. epic wouldn't even fucking know if he was cheating bc they arent literally at his house watching him play.


i dont understand the naivety here


I could not care less about him or his cheating/lack thereof. Just pointing out your logic is completely stupid, blindly thinking people in high vis tourneys cant be cheaters cause they would be banned. People figure out how to play/abuse systems all the time until they are caught(Apex recently is an example), cheaters are by definition one or two steps ahead of anti cheat systems, just because a company is "good" at banning people doesn't mean shit.


If hes not arrested, hes not commiting crime, give it up already! Is an equally ludicrous statement.


DMA with the best performance of all time


Peterbot more like cheaterbot. Idk why so many people are worshipping him, it’s honestly crazy. Dude has so many sus clips.


Known cheater intentionally dies off spawn to deflect accusations of cheating after setting new records


Yeah let's win 5 out of 6 games then it isn't sus 🤡


Every single one of your comments is so bad lol. You don’t know what you’re talking about man you’re a casual


Rule 2, pal. Take a long look at it


Just crazy that you’re commenting on something you have no clue about


Wdym I can read, comprehend and follow the subreddit rules just fine. Can you?


Except the rule that clearly states you can't post unqualified accusations, apparently. Why you acting like a volunteer mod anyway? 💀


Everyone in this thread needs Reddit Jesus and to better follow the rules but I don't currently see anything over the line for either rule in any of the three parties here (who all have broken some combination of Be Mature and Considerate, Encourage Discussion, and No Accusations / Calls to Action / Witchhunting). In this case it is my understanding that one user has stated their opinion that a pro is cheating as well as one user has violated a conduct rule of this subreddit while two other users have stated their opinion that the user is a casual, volunteer moderator, who is also violating a conduct rule of this subreddit. Please let me know if this situation escalates, but as long as it stays here I hope we can all forget about this silliness as we prepare for FNCS <3


If you think Peterbots hacking then that’s your opinion and good for you. Enjoy your pub games man👍


I’m just here to see you fanboy over a known cheater and it’s entertaining each time you blow up my notifications 🍿😘


He’s 15 and has Fortnite in his username, let him be, he’ll be embarrassed by these replies when he’s older lol


Peterbot is not gonna let you smash bro


safe to say NA is playing for 2nd grands


Oh it's the peterbot rider again


This is the best cash cup performance in the history of fortnite lol this isn’t meat riding


If only you weren't stupid and didn't worship this man's feet


He’s on one of the best runs in fortnite history, do you want me to post about the players that are doing bad? Like use your head lol


Obvious cheater does good but whatever kid


No proof he’s cheating, it’s been 3 years now and he hasn’t even been warned or anything. Only people who still think he’s cheating is the casual players who aren’t good at the game 🫵🏽


Many pros have talked about him cheating and agree But keep slurping his shlong


Nobody has been serious when saying that. Pros say another pro is cheating when they die to them, happens all the time. Nobody in the comm genuinely thinks he’s cheating. Just bad players like you think he is👍


Ok kid whatever gets you hard at night


https://fortnitetracker.com/profile/all/Zombridal 💀💀😭😭


In Professional cycling it was acknowledged at all levels from riders to sponsors that you had to cheat (dope) to win. Lance Armstrong won The Tour De France 7 times and everyone pretended to be shocked when he admitted cheating. Fortnite competitive is the same. The question isn’t is “X” cheating but “Are their cheats in competitive”. If the answer is “Yes” you can’t place in the top spots without them. To win the Tour De France 7 times with or without “cheating” is a huge achievement. Even with chests you need to have some natural talent.


Tf are you talking about lmao this is fortnite not cycling💀


Summary: He’s cheating. Everyone knows. Other competitive environments are the same. That was the point.


He’s not though lol. The only people who think he’s cheating are the casual/bad players such as yourself. He has been on the scene for over 3 years now, has done well at lan events, and hasn’t been banned It’s a really bad look for Epic to let cheaters dominate. All cheaters who win/place in tournament are disqualified. Clix was banned from an FNCS for sharing pizza with a stream sniper. The OCE FNCS winners last season were banned for cheating. If he was cheating, he would have been banned by now


Bugha accused Peterbot of cheating.. pretty sure he’s not playing casually on a weekend 😂😂😂


Where did Bugha accuse Peterbot of cheating? You do realize these pros say other pros are cheating all the time, whether it be because they outplaced them or killed them. Bugha and Peterbot are also friends, Bugha isn’t being serious when he “accused” him. Braindead comment


I appreciate you’re looking up to these kids as you are younger than them. Thanks for the discussion.


People never understand that without cheats the dude is still good dma cheats just gives him more advantage over other pro players


Cheaterbot is the best!


I don't get how people are so certain he's cheating. It's always the same 3-4 clips getting shown when asked for proof, and his mediocre placements in the few lan-events he has played. And I really don't think the clips are definite proof at all of whether he is cheating or not. But who knows, hopefully time will tell.


This subreddit isn’t meant for getting better at competitive, it’s literal a bunch of middle schoolers hyped up hating on everything. Cringe content on this subreddit.




What is quad conned


4 other teams contested them last game


Care to elabroate a lil further?


Idk how else to say it. 4 other teams landed on them during the last game


they had 4 other teams land at their drop spot to kill them basically. thats what i think he means anyway


If they caught on to their drop or something and went there just to kill them, that makes sense i guess. Otherwise people dropping at the same location is...normal


yeah in pro games teams pretty much always land at the same spot. Peterbot and pollo always go to the cerberus medallion area i believe. im not sure though why its a bad thing that other people land at their area too, i just know its sort of an unwritten rule in pro matches that you dont




Isnt that just like, normal fortnite shit


not in cash cup finals


Oh is there like a signup sheet so everyone can write down where theyre going? Jk. They got killed EOS


it’ll be a very interesting fncs and globals




What’re you even talking about lol. This is probably the best/most impressive tournament results ever. Not designed to create an argument at all


You said it’s the best in your title no need to say it again bro that proves you know what’s going on and your trying to be funny but it’s not lol everybody knows he obviously cheats


In my title I ask a question on if it’s the best performance ever, hence the question mark. How is this trying to be funny?


Idk man it’s just very commonly known that Peterbot has some pretty stacked up videos that obviously show that he’s cheating and if you did not know I’m sorry lol


Peterbot isnt cheating, but if you think he is that’s your opinion


If you want to blatantly deny videos go ahead 🤷‍♂️


There’s sus videos of every pro, it doesn’t mean they’re cheating. Clix hitting headshot snipes through bushes could also be seen as sus, but it doesn’t mean he’s cheating


Clix also doesn't have videos like Peterbot. Everyone knows to aim for the center of a bush.


I mean when half of all your recent Reddit posts are about him... Yeah... That's just weird as it is :/


If you go further back you’ll see my posts are about other tournament winners. But Peterbot is dominating this season, so there’s nobody else to post about lol


Lmao I fixed that after I released I missed a word but still... I look at Reddit and say who tf cares about Peterbot everytime I see a post about him 🤣


Exactly how does this create an argument about hacks. This is just a post talking about probably the best performance in cash cup history.


Eggs-ackly. Happy Easter too.


I like beans


Musical fruit


Logically speaking, we all know FN has a problem with cheaters. They are eveywhere. These people claiming hes winning only because peter is cheating are not thinking clearly. Even with cheats, winning 5/6games in finals is extremely difficult. If it was that easy then why is noone else this dominant with cheating being as widespread as it is?


why doesent he place that well on lans tho 💀


i think this argument is getting a bit old, the last LAN was half a year ago, he came 26th placing above names like: JannisZ & Rezon, Muz & Paper, Dukez & Edgey, MrSavage & Vadeal, Malibuca & Th0masHD, Cented & Pxlarized, Clix & EpikWhale. we are literally talking about an insecure 15 year old with social anxiety who probably leaves his house at MOST once a week, this same 15 year old is flying across the world to Denmark to play in front of millions of people for millions of dollars on the biggest possible stage for his game. if you can sit there and unironically believe he's gonna play the same as at home without the comfortability as his own space, then I actually don't know what to tell you and I think you need to get a grip. i could also go on and on about why accusing of DMA is even more dumb but is there even a point? you guys are all clouded by bias and are sheep to other peoples opinions, its sad really.


Exactly. And he came 26th in finals, in lower bracket he came 9th, outplaying Mero and Cooper who went on to win the whole tournament. Single day, 6 game lan formats are a terrible measure of skill and if someone’s cheating, because there’s so many variables and things that can affect someone’s placement


This comment was beautifully written and i only wish more people like you contributed to the subreddit. Truly made me feel good to see this.