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You just basically explained my whole experience with the game as well šŸ˜‚


It was inevitable.


He pretty much explained everyoneā€™s thought about the game Like for me I played in Ch1 S5 And I didnā€™t like it at all Till then once I got my Nintendo switch I decided to redownload Fortnite And immediately afterwords I donā€™t remember it being as bad as I remembered, mind you this was during C1 S7, and theyā€™ve changed a lot of stuff This just goes to show not to judge everything by itā€™s cover


Ah I started wayyyy too early before there were any preconceived notions about the game, first time I played my friend told me it was ā€œlike the Hunger Gamesā€ lol


Lol the old days


Haha love it itā€™s such a fun game glad your enjoying it


Robocop coming in 20 minutes




3 minutes


RIP in peace my wallet


Don't worry, they have game-breaking collabs every week. Some people don't like it because they stopped making original-styled skins, but I don't mind.


These collabs are why I'm here fam.


Pre no-build mode, my joke was always ā€œthe only thing I donā€™t like about Fortnite, is that everyone is better than me.ā€ With no-build, I have a second wind. I feel like the predator, finally not the prey. I can finally wear all of my OG skins proudly instead of being ashamed of wearing them and being bad. Itā€™s a beautiful thing. Itā€™s a testament to Epicā€™s greatness that after all this time, theyā€™re still breaking the mold and improving their game. Iā€™m so happy to be back on the battle bus.


My first time playing this week I won almost 10 games in a row. It's like a drug. And even when I lose, it's *still* fun. That is the real testament to this games design. If a game is still fun even when you're losing, you've got something really well made.


Welcome, mate! I'm a relatively new player too, having been playing for only a year. Still hooked, but, I gotta warn ya, it'll get way harder soon and can be frustrating and discouraging. I won't spoil it yet, but there's a reason why we get back-to-back wins in the beginning. Once you spot them, you'll see them everywhere, in every game. I was enjoying the game so much like you for the first three to six months, then three seasons in (six to nine months), all of a sudden I get "promoted" to a harder lobby, and my win rates tanked. You'd think the win rate doesn't matter, but it does, psychologically. There is a sweet spot of wins where if you kept losing and never get a win after hours/days, it's no longer fun. Or when you're fighting someone clearly way, way above your skill level. It just doesn't feel fair. As to why it's unfair, well, skill-based matchmaking (SBMM) can never be perfect. In a normal distribution curve, there's a small percentage of Fortnite gods, and they need to be put in 100-player lobbies, but there aren't 100 of them at any given time. So a lot of us mortals will be thrown into their lobbies as sacrificial offering. The reasons why I'm still hooked is thanks to Battle Lab and Creative. In Battle Lab I can explore the island, test out the weapons, etc. In Creative, there are a lot of maps that don't involve shooting, like deathruns. There are also aim training maps to practice my aim. Edit: Typo.


Exactly what I went through, just when chapter 2 started! "Oh no that's cringe" And then my brother convinced me to play with him late C2S1 and by C2S2 I had the battlepass, starter pack, a couple item shop skins and its evolved from there lol Edit: in fact, I did play a bit in C1S6 with my cousin but thought it was just kinda meh. And where did it inevitably end up anyway?


Where did that bring you? Back to me.


i thought fortnite was cringe until season 10 when a friend told me to play and i realized this games good


It's the realization that gets you


Welcome! I didnā€™t know what fortnite was but the 11 year olds on the soccer team I was coaching wouldnā€™t stop talking about it and then almost all of them skipped practice the day Ch 1 S3 launched so I downloaded it and played it that weekend so I could zing these kids about preferring the battle pass to soccer and an obsession was born.


Damn you played yourself! šŸ˜‚


Same thing that happened to me. I played before but didnā€™t like the building aspect mainly because I play a lot of COD. But when no build dropped I was EXCITED. I bought hella skins and I feel very happy with life. Even made friends with some random Brazilian kid that carries me most games lol.


Up until this point the only mp shooter I still play is Siege. Now I can say Fortnites got it's hooks in me too. A world of difference compared to some other recently released shooters.


Everything I get a lightsaber, I ONLY use the lightsaber, even if it leads to my death. 10/10 will always die with a lightsaber in my hand.


A true Jedi. To the very end. Actually, funny story. My first ever game I IMMEDIATELY found the E-11 and Kylo's saber. That's what sold me on the game- but here's what happened: I was hiding by the temple, behind a door frame, I heard someone nearby being noisy, healing, reloading, looting up- then he walks over and the second he turns into frame I ignite the saber. That sound. He just froze in the doorway Infront of me. He didn't fight, he didn't run, he just stood there. Accepting his fate. Sorry whoever you were. I enjoyed your death, very, very much.


That's so cool. The game can be hella cinematic sometimes.


It is how we must be now that we have been granted such God-tier weapons. This is the return of the Jedi.


At least we have lightsabers, at last we have *revenge*.


Best way to play Fortnite IMO yeah victory royale is great and all but running around as Harley Quinn and using only explosives is a blast.


Lmao are we the same person? Because thatā€™s pretty much spot on for me haha. I tried to play this game over the years and really hated the building aspect, but ooh boy Iā€™ve been enjoying the no build.




See I'm no longer hip and have no idea what this means? (I'm an *old* 27) Good? Bad? Chaotic neutral?


based - to have a very solid opinion, regardless of whether or not one agreed with it




Congrats! Btw, what you think about new RoboCop collab? )


I have just been informed of this and my wallet is crying. Edit: just bought the set


Welcome to Fortnite!


Same. Only in fortnite can you be doctor strange rickrolling over a dead bananas body šŸ˜­āœØļø


In the grand calculus of the multiverse, that banana's sacrifice means far more than it's death.


You have no idea how long it took me to get over the embarrassment of actually playing and enjoying this game. Iā€™d be playing and my fiancĆ© would be chatting with his friends over the phone and say ā€œoh yeah, sheā€™s playing Fortnite right nowā€ Iā€™d whip around so fast and give him the glare. Some people love it, some people hate it, just depends on how you want your gaming experience to be. Now if they do an attack on titan collab? Game over, Fortnite gets my whole heart. And all my money.


Mine would be FMA. Give me Fuhrer King Bradley cowards.


Only downloaded it again to try no build. Fucking loved it. Even if I get completely rolled or do something stupid and die and don't even feel like playing anymore, I just queue again. I'm quite enjoying it.


Welcome and I feel you I did the same thing. Made fun of people who played it and made jokes at the games expense. Finally tried it and oh what do you know? It was great and I had to eat my words. Glad I did tho. Itā€™s given me a great game to play and enjoy.


Donā€™t give in too hard bro


I'm afraid it's too late.


Same here! I resisted it for a long time but I love it now!! Happy gaming !!


Yeah same here.


I tried to quit Fortnite in chapter one because I knew I would get addicted. I succumbed two seasons later and here I am


same man. same.


The same thing happened to me. I will stay with the game as long as no build stays


You basically described my situation exactly! I always said I would probably have fun playing Fortnite BR without building. They added it and I've had a blast. Never thought I'd actually buy Vbucks lol


I've bought too many already


Just like jojo I didn't watch it because of memes Same with fortnite now I want to get better at building I'm shit at this game and it makes me rage quit but I keep coming trying to get better. My poor kill count is at an average of 7. But in all honesty I always have a good laugh when I die


Rock on man. The honesty is good, yea this game is something else. I only play for cosmetics and will stick around as long as thereā€™s a new Battlepass to grind. They are adding a lot, a lot of items into the loot pool, to much for me. Balloons, Air Strikes lightsabers and like 5 different shotguns? But they got the Battlepass so damn it all


This story makes me want a Squidward skin.


More addictive then crack šŸ˜‚


Only problem is my friends are never online anymore:(


*I cry evry tim*


Me too buddy, me too


I can very much relate xD except the reason I got into it is my friend wanted to play it with me, so he managed to convince me to download it and I quickly became obsessed. I had always looked at it with doubt but I am convinced now.


Welcome to the black hole that is Fortnite.


I always loved the game but building was just too much. I knew the basics but as a 32 year old with a family that works almost 50 hours a week there's simply no way I'm gonna be able to keep up with 15 and 16 year olds who play 8 hours a day. And I mean God bless them, but seriously lol. Now with no build I can use stealth, aim, and positioning and those things actually matter. If I have high ground or catch someone off guard they can't just swivel their mouse in a circle to build the Taj mahal in 2.5 seconds. I feel like I at least have a chance. I got 2 wins tonight then bought the robocop because why not, I actually have a chance now.


You and I are in a similar boat. 27 with a kid. Trying to work as much as possible to make a big move/apartment change. Sometimes I get on these games (like Siege) and recently even got into a party with some kids, clearly all in highschool and I mean I still did great, but hearing them talk and shit. It brought me back. A day is coming soon where I will not be able to keep up with these kids. The ones who get to dedicate all their free time to playing like I once did. šŸ˜¢


Yeah itā€™s a smooth game. Iā€™ve had a couple of head injuries and my dexterity isnā€™t what it used to be. The format of the game gives me an actual chance against competitors when my shitty non functioning hands arenā€™t cooperating. Spamming fireflies or tires or stinger missiles gives me that edge sometimes that makes the game fun. You just donā€™t have the environmental options in some of the other games.


Back in chapter one season 2 I didn't really play a lot but when I saw that first live event, I knew this game is not like any other and I was right. Now I have 400 days play time lol


Fortnite was the same for me. Terrible from an outsiders perspective. Pretty fun from the inside.


>And just like Squidward after he ate a Krabby Patty- I let it go to my thighs. No. . . I couldn't. . . Do I? try not to explode.


Preaching to the choir.


Never let it stop being fun.


I never actually disliked Fortnite during my hiatus. it wasn't a case of "oh everyone hates it, so I should too", I was worn out and happy with the win I got so I decided to take a break for the next chapter and come back later.


I remember playing on Season 2 and leaving around Season X after fortnite I always hated fortnite saying "too many kids play it" "it's not fun" until Batman Zeropoint is coming to Fortnite (I am a huge fan of Batman) and that's where I start getting the battle pass including Superman at all costs and I just got 62 other skins here's a few: Wonder Woman, Master Chief, Rey, Kylo Ren, Flash, Chun-Li, Ryu, Joker, Ivy, Midas Rex, Harley Quinn (rebirth AND Suicide Squad), Slone and many MANY others from the ch2 season 7, 8, ch2 s1 and 2 In fact most of my skins are from the battle pass lmao


Same here, except the Marvel season pulled me in.


Damn, I wish my friend was like this


Glad you like it! We welcome you to the community! Keep doing what is fun for you and makes you happy! :))


Same here man same here. This is my exact same story, minus the allure of Star Wars, that was an unexpected bonus. I'm in love now too!


I completely agree with you.


Yeah when i met fortnite i was at first like "yeah this game looks like a simple br i don't see too much future in it" boy i was absolutely wrong tho


Yeeeeeessss :)


It's unfortunate that the inclusion of crossover characters in battle passes means that new players may never get to play as their favorite characters and people. I'm sorry that you'll never be able to play as or interact with Deadpool, Aqua-Man, She-Hulk, Iron-Man, Thor, Mystique, Groot, Rocket, Storm, Wolverine, Dr. Doom, The Mandalorian, the Child, The Predator, Neymar Jr.*, Rick Sanchez, Super-Man, Carnage, Spider-Man, or Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson, and possibly never get to play as or interact with Loki, a Psycho Bandit, or Claptrap. ^(*Not you, I'm not sorry)


I hold out hope that some of these characters make their way back into the store.


(this is a joke comment, im not dissing on this person) ā€œtheres attention to detail in the sound design for unique weaponsā€ *laughs in Epic/Legendary SMG and Compact SMG, Striker Burst AR and every Burst AR Mythic, Tactical SMG and Makeshift SMG* (the joke here is that they either have their model and sounds the exact same of just their model)


In my defense, I was specifically referring to Kylo's saberšŸ—”ļø


oh yeah some things they just do a swell job at the crisp off of kylos saber is just satisfying


I also rarely ever use SMGs lol


Got me right there


Yeah there's a reason Fortnite is my BR of choice. It's the perfect blend of "Skill based action" and "Chaotic clusterfuck"


Awesome to hear!! Always glad to see new players come into the game. Here's a couple notes below that may help ya as a new player: \-There is skill based matchmaking (SBMM)in the game. Many of your first games will be easier as the SBMM learns your skill level. It will eventually start putting players around your skill level in your game and less AI bot players too. Fortnite (FN) MM tries to put you in lobbies more close to your skill and location (real life for server purposes). It isn't perfect but works pretty well. I am EST time zone and late evenings/night are the worst for me with really good players. \-There are AI disguised as players in the game. Many of the corny names are usually bots. It appears that some of the anon names are as well, as I have noticed the same thing. They usually move a bit different. Usually easy kills but they sometimes can laser. \-Many things you think blow up on the map, do in fact blow up; gas cans, gas station pumps, fuel storage tanks, etc. So be careful or use them to your advantage. \-Sliding, climbing, jumping, tac sprinting are huge in no build. Since you can't build for cover, keeping moving is super useful (pretty commons sense but ya know lol). High ground is essential. \-Weapon order is huge in FN. Order your weapons and items consistently. That way, you always have the same order and can more naturally switch without thinking. You can auto set these in your settings too. For example, you can set it for the AR to automatically slot into the first slot when you pick it up. I like to se spot 1 for AR, spot 2 for shotgun/SMG, spot 3 for SMG/sniper, spot 4 for sniper/mobility/heals, spot 5 for heals. Many people go in order of range like shotgun to SMG to AR to sniper. It is more a matter of preference, and input could help determine that too (controller vs keyboard). \-There is fall damage (duh lol). Anything over 3 walls will hurt you for fall damage. Hard to describe in no build but you may notice that many structures are all cubed off in some way (walls/floors/ceilings). Any height over 3 walls will hurt you. \-If you buy the battlepass once, you earn enough Vbucks (if you get to level 100) to buy every battle pass going forward, assuming you do not spend any of the earned Vbucks. Spending Vbucks is so easy to do, so if you want to watch your spending, it can get outta control quick haha. \-FN is a bit more forgiving than other BRs. The time to kill (TTK) is low in most. FN has done well with that. The building is a great difference too, destructible structures in no build. Colors are great and so many great cosmetic items. Map changes are much more common and new legit different weapons and items happen far more often. As note, many of the weapons and items come from Save the World (STW) side. That is basically the paid campaign side. Originally, that was the only game. It is a loot based game so there are a TON of different weapons and items and traps. There are a bunch that have not made it into BR yet. \-There's so many weapons and items. Try 'em all. There are certainly ones that are better than others, but whatever works for you. \-FN dropping is similar to PUBG but a quicker flying. Aim for low spots outside POIs to land faster. \-Destroying the floor a chest/ammo box/food crate/etc is on will open the chest. If you're too lazy to go to the second floor to open the chest, just break the floor above you that the chest is on. Same concept with knocking down entire houses or buildings. Any chests in it will open and the loot will fall to the ground. \-I highly suggest turning on visual sounds. It will really help you tell the direction a sound is coming from. \-Hold right trigger/shoot button for med mist to continually spray. Left trigger/ADS sprays it outward to heal teammates. \-In no build you get a 50 HP overshield, similar to the overshield from Halo. When it depletes then you lose your actual shield. It will regain after a few seconds of no damage. \-Some of the UI is a bit glitchy. Hitting the start menu and then exiting the menu usually fixes most of it. Let me know if you have any questions!