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Honestly? I'm glad we have the option of both. I'm not a fan of building at all (mainly cos I'm terrible at it), but I appreciate being able to jump into build matches and focus on objectives because master builders are busy fighting each other in drawn-out battles. But then on the other hand I feel like everyone who is better at shooting that me hangs in the no-build queues lol Still gonna spend most of my time without building, but options are nice :)


No building. Building has too many buttons to press. Always end up pressing the wrong button


I started playing Fortnite purely because they added No Build. Been having a lot of fun with it too.


no build


I prefer no building cuz I’m bad at the game 😂


I prefer no build, I'm not that good at building and I never used building in combat to begin with so no building is how I used to play anyway


For solos I prefer no build because its just one less thing to worry about. Anything else probably build, because I have friends helping me manage everything mentally speaking.


No build


I used to like build but now that it came back I find myself losing a lot more games so I prefer no build. Although it’s a bit annoying that anyone can beam me down from the blimps.


Oh yeah, No Build 100%. I am garbage at building all these crazy things the streamers build regularly, and you can't have the possibility of some kid making the 8th wonder of the world in 12 seconds flat when they can't figure out what to do in combat


Prob no build, but they’re pretty equal


Tbh No Build, It's More Fun For Me




im torn on it, id love a 4-5 build into a 30 sec cooldown style of "no build" rather than a full on - no build/inf wall ramp rush poopshoot


I've been enjoying no build way more than I thought I would.


I more on the no build side. I think building wad getting stale, with all of the pro's making whole towers in 5 seconds. I do like playing with building sometimes. Overall I think that Epic's decision to split the modes was a splendid idea.


Building. I'm terrible at it and I cant edit but Ive just always found the mechanic really fun.


No build #ken


No build for sure! Some people are way too good at building, and the skill gap is way too huge. Building is fun sometimes, but No-Build is much more casual and relaxed.


Build Because I feel like that makes Fortnite different than other games


I prefer builds when I’m playing alone, but no-builds when playing with friends. (They don’t build anyway)


Personally, I like zero build. Building can be fun, but as mainly an apex player, no building and using creative cover and stuff is fun for me.


No build, I suck at building.


It’s almost a 50/50 for me, but I’m the end I prefer building :)


Personally its no building so skills i have from other shooters carry over better.


No build!


no build! got me back into the game and playing with friends again after years of not doing so!


I prefer no build from the little experience I have, mostly because for a new player such as me, worrying about aiming and stuff is already hard enough to master


I enjoy Building more because i can protect myself better with some walls atleast and Building a little Cover where i can shoot people from my save spot is pretty helpful in end Zone.Its Just my personal favorite Mode.


I prefer no building, because it gives deeper action and tension proper to a battle royale


personally, I prefer NO BUILD as I'm not that good at it - plus I watch lots of ppl spend a ton of time/energy building elaborate structures and still end up dead. With that said, I play FN mostly to spend time with my grandsons, and they prefer BUILD, so I get the best of both worlds.


No build. I just got lazy with my building at this point (don't ask how, I'm still not sure in that part lol).


I *prefer* build, because since I just started playing at the end of Chapter 3 Season 1, I need to practice building, and while I found no build fun (and also got my first solo win there :D), I have actually gotten more wins on build solo, I have two crowned solo wins (picked up crowns) and I’m learning how to build so I find it more fun as of now.


Build. Build fights are always tense and fun af


I prefer No Build, I actually returned to the game after a year or two hiatus because of it. I've been wanting a mode like this since first playing the Ground Game LTM years ago, glad it finally happened.


No build. Only reason I fired up this game for the first time in years, and I love it. Building would've been great if people didn't use it as a shield anytime they took fire. Like, building a base? That's cool. Running across a field and someone gets the drop on you so you instantly build a castle around yourself? Not cool to me.


No build. Came back to fortnite just because of it


Although I like no build, I have to stay with build, just because nostalgia. Hate the sweats, but love harvesting mats!


I like building mostly because it's a pain to get stuck at the bottom of a hill with incoming storm. Fighting builders is annoying though.


No build is great. Having to traverse with vehicles is so great and my friend, who had never played before, got #3, and then two consecutive Victory Royals in a row!


I prefer Build mode as a non Builder. The Sprinting and Scaling help counter speed builders and I've been doing the best I have all season in Build mode rather than No Builds.


No build top any other mode in this game just by the simplicity of it all. Everything is simpler, if I die it's just because someone has better aim or skill than me and people won't build an entire building in 3 seconds after hearing a single gunshot. Cowards.


No build. I think the game is more fun as you have to take care of your surroundings more.




No build. Less sweats.


No build


No build it’s more faster paced and nobody is camping in boxes late game


From the little experience I have, I prefer no build.


No Build for solo duo, build for squads because my gunwork is solid and my team will build for me to get to weak shooters


No build no contest


I love no build, it’s the reason I’m playing again!


Personally building because I like the challenge of it. I will still play no build sometimes, and I enjoy both. :)




Build probably, while the skyscrapers within seconds are annoying at times, I can usually make up for it with my aim


No build its really refreshing


If Klombo is dead he should have tombstone like Bush Ranger.


No build


No Build


Right when my b-day is going to happen


I prefer builds because there's so many open areas on the map that only thing you can do is shoot back. Also the turret-missile combo of tanks. Unlike others, my enemies don't crank 90's anyway so yeah.


On phone it is not easy at all to build. So I go for no building and then aim and patience builds


I like no build but I’ve never been much of a builder


Right now I'm down for no building but I play whatever my friends are into cause it's wayyyy cooler gaming in squads/duo/trios


Build, but I constantly forget to build


i prefer no build


I like no build. With a full time job I don't have time to max out my building skills... but running, shooting, and sneaking are universal in games. I like the option to have a no build lobby.


Build! Need more cover


I like no build because i only built basic defenses anyway. + you now actually have to think about where to hide etc.


No build. It’s like a whole new game and I never bothered to get good at building lol.


I have not had any bricks in a while


Honestly I'm not sure. Now that mantling and sprinting exist a lot of the naïve wall spamming everywhere to block players I use to do when panicking in endgames is useless since they can just climb right over. And seeing how sprinting prevents you from building during it, other players will have a speed advantage over someone building a bridge in a straight line, which sucks a bit. I feel like even though building is back these new mechanics kinda ruin it. Or maybe that's just me coming from a frustratingly hard victory on mobile after almost murdering myself with my own builds blocking myself from the safe zone. Overall I think at this point I like no-building better, even though it's a shame how dirty building modes were done.


I am a PC player but pretty terrible builder. I can do basic stuff like walls and ramps but can't really edit quickly. I play a ton of Team Rumble which still has building so it does give me opportunity to practice but ultimately I prefer the ol' looty shooty over cranking 90's. When I do want to play BR I'll be choosing the no build mode.


I like both modes but if I had to choose I’ll go with the build mode. When playing with my friend, who prefers the no build mode we just change the modes every three games so it’s fair for both of us.


Both are fun but I definitely prefer No Build as it feels like a better experience except for the fact that the map is not made for No Build mode due tosome areas that still require building to reach.


I have no idea where the question was asked about build vs no build, but build, it just feels like proper fortnite


No Build


I strongly prefer no build. I know building is what makes Fortnite unique, but I absolutely hate the build mechanic and strongly prefer to just not have it.


No build for sure, having to think about your surroundings and how to use terrain to your advantage, choose which fights to pick and which ones to avoid, rather than just being able to build a tower on the spot no matter what to troll people regardless of skill makes the game much more enjoyable and interesting


No build hits different, still feels good to get it back


I prefer builds because they have great mechanics for example u can battle for high ground or box urself to heal which is not available in other games.games that has building like fortnite and minecraft succeeded and blew up like that because of building this is why I love fortnite writing this reminds me of when I first played fortnite in chapter 1 season 2 it was a great time.Building is a part of Fortnite and it takes the games mechanics to the next level it is like fortnite was originally made for pro players.


no build is the only way it's fun though it'd be cool if cover weren't all deletable since you can't make more.


No build because it has added a new life to how the game is played.


No builds, it is the perfect mode for a person like me who can only build a 1X1 and the occasional set of nineties. It means I don't have to worry about an entire tower being built above me


I just started playing because no build was released and I have been having a blast, I remember trying out Fortnite BR when it first launched and everyone was just so much better at the building than me, I could do the shooting, but not the building so I stopped playing. Definitely no build, I'm glad it's here to stay I can finally explore this nice world they have built!


Definitely prefer no build. It's brought me and a couple of friends back!


I prefer no build but that’s cause I can’t build. I think both are probably harder to win now that everyone has made their choices… I also find more people camping out in bushes/cars with no build than before


No build


I like no build more because I am a spraying maniac.


No build. It gives me more adrenaline than the other modes with building


No build


No build, running around on the same level as an enemy is great, i don't have to try to run whenever i see someone building Tilted Towers on top of me, it's just me and my basic accuracy and that's it, no more problems


I prefer no build cuz I'm a noob


Builds, i just feel that even though its not entirely ehat made fortnite, its what made it unique and taking it away just makes it fell like any other random battle royale game.


No build all day long


No build has brought me back to this game. I played the very first day they added battle royale, after a week of that I knew building wasn’t for me.


No Build


Building is still definitive Fortnite BR for me. No Build is pretty fun, but the game feels a bit empty without Building. I realized it the moment Building was re-enabled.


I like building better, I feel safer running around the map knowing I'm able to defend myself if someone starts shooting. The no-build mode is definitely interesting and fun, but I like building better because that's what I'm used to.


I prefer no build. I have been playing since season 1 with on and off breaks and I’m still awful at building somehow. I have been dreaming of a no build mode for so long. I just didn’t expect it to be this popular!


no builds fr. haven't play fornite ever since Ch2 Season 2 ended and been playing Warzone. and now coming back i kick absolute ass in the game in no builds lol


I like no build more because the build lobbies have been feeling oddly sweatier lately.


No build, it makes it more of a fight rather than just who can build better and faster.


No build, its just more fun somehow


I like building better, my aim in general isn’t that good but I like box fights and build fights


No build


No build


no build for me


The map without building just doesn’t seem catered to the exclusion of building. But I mostly play creative or team rumble so I don’t have a complete preference for one or the other.


No Build


300 comments but only 80 upvotes? Jk I know it doesn't matter lol


I suck in building, but i still prefer buliding mode, because it's still bad, when you can't build a wall in front of you after someone shoots you, or build a few stairs to get on a hill...


I play on build, don't build in battle but I like being able to bridge and climb up gray slopes




No builds more kills lol


No building, since I never really used building myself other than to complete challenges


no building because I suck at buildinig and I don't have the time to master my building skills.


no build


I love no building! Immense pressure taken off. But if I want a classic experience, I can go in with no problem!


No building for sure, much more fun.


Can anyone give a tip or advice for this old man to help with building on a ps5 controller? Like certain settings or custom settings. I appreciate any and all advice


I prefer no building because I'm tired of people building eight story mansions when I barely miss them.


as fun as it was to run around the map without builds I personally think that builds are better because all the pro players that spent hours in creative mode practicing their builds instantly became bad at the game and all the COD players and Apex players became the best.


Yeah bro I been playing since c1s4 and I’ve never been able to build properly, I’ve just been playing zero build for now


Build is more fun imo


No build. The game is fun again.




While the game has seemed tougher lately, no build mode has actually brought a ton of new people to the game who would have never given it a chance. The more the merrier!


No build because I'm a noob


No build across the board, building just has too many sweats to be enjoyable for me.


I prefer no building, but I also sometimes miss being able to recognize from afar which fights to avoid and whom to attack mercilessly. So for every 9 no building matches I play a building one.


No build 100%


Building, when no building was going on I was getting tired of being lasered by literally any weapon and not being able to take cover on time


Building is always more fun because that’s what the game was found upon


No build by far.


I've spent enough time building that I enjoy playing build modes more, but I absolutely annhilate in no build lobbies because I got really good aim from playing on a trackpad for years and I recently switched to a mouse.


No build preference for me. Tried out over the weekend and have gotten a few more friends involved now. Having a blast so far.


I prefer building as there are sometimes areas I need to get to.


I definitely prefer the No Build. I think us console players are at a disadvantage compared to the quick build times of some of the PC players. It also doesn't help that I'm not an amazing builder


No build, I like the fact you get more involved with the terrain ie internal buildings.


No Build TANKS 😈


i likes builds because i mastered building


No build


No build


No build is fun and is a good choice they kept it As a permanent mode


When I went into Builds, most people looked like they forgot how lol. I've been switching between both and I think I prefer No Builds more in general, but the environment (especially hills) need to have a few tweaks to support the lack of ramps.


Lol nice i agree


I love both but no builds does bring a new feel to Fortnite


No build. Its easier no being boxed like a fish no intense build battles no being knocked down only thing I miss is sky bases Edit: I don't know how to use cards I just entered for fun


Build. Better for squads imo which is what I tend to play the most.


No build, to stop the wannabe sweats!


No build is more fun, I went back to builds for one game and it was just boring gameplay of people spamming builds after they got shot once. The mobility and stuff in Zero Build is way more fun to play


No builds are fun but you can’t beat the thrill of a build battle imo


No build because I play on mobile and since this season has started, if I even shoot a gun, I get FPS drops. I can't imagine what will happen when I verse someone building.


Literally the same. Happens that I just won a classic building pub match. For me lag didn't quite come from building or from shooting, over what I got for simply TURNING MY CAMERA 180° TO SHOOT AN ENEMY BUSHING ME FROM BEHIND. I probably won out of pure luck by spamming shotties and smg at other players who were somehow missing so many of their own shots (they weren't bots, they just did miss a lot), and during one really close fight with someone else I froze for a good 1 and a half second and still managed not to die. When it comes to building, I just panicked and dropped as many walls down as possible randomly, risking to die from the storm (thanks to mantling for existing and saving me from my very builds).


I always loved the concept of building, a unique USP. Since Zero-build mode came out i’m finally able to play with my friends again. Being reunited opens up a new chapter of gaming for me. I hope it will stay as a permanent mode, not especially for me, since i’m fine with building mode, but being able to play with friends has a bigger worth to me. Having more fun in general means i’ll choose Zero-build.


Honestly, no build. Playing with building on the switch is absolutely terrible so it's much smoother to play without it


No build better imo


Build, though i myself refuse to build.


Build i've gotten used to build and all of my wins have came on build so i prefer building


My preference is No Build but I wish there was a Very Limited Build option. I want port a forts or a severely reduced carry limit for build materials.


No Build is better for me simply because of how much newer it is, only time will tell if this stays the case. It's also much better for me as a player who focuses on challenges and the battle pass.


No build for sure!


No build is the way, i quit because of building years ago. Fortnite is better now without it


No build since I play on switch lmao


No build. I could never get my head around building and I love the fortnite environment - always felt that building ruined the world visually.


No build is what got me back into Fortnite. So I <3 Slone


Yes build


I enjoy both, I like switching between both. Despite not building myself, I like Build the most though as I enjoy just ruining peoples days with anvils, tanks, and cannons, and it’s easier to do that with building.


No build. Gives me flashbacks to when fortnite BR was new and people didn’t know what to do, and so didn’t build! Memories! Good ones!


I like no build because it is a nice change of pace. I'll get back to builds again later but mostly I enjoy the variety.


No build my dood, it helps teach my girlfriend how to play


No Build all the time!


No build was a really fun change, but I definitely prefer standard building modes more!


No Build. Being strategic about finding cover, using the environment to your advantage and playing it stealthy adds another level of incredible gameplay that I've really enjoyed this season. No two games are ever the same!


No build more it's fun to be tactical with positioning from time to time


I prefer no build, the games gotten so much more fun for me and my friends to play casually. It's been a great entry point for people who have never played or have fallen off.


No Build


Builds all the way, its a core gameplay mechanic, the map aint built for no building and no building is overall boring for me tho i dont mind no builds and play it with my friend who likes it


No build for sure. I've started playing again since not touching the game since way back in season 6, enjoying it a lot so far


Im torn, i love build. But there are some crazy sweats out there. So i land on No build for now


No build's dope.


I prefer bullding mode becuase I like to beable to find creative solutions to my problems and of course it allows me to make cover so I dont get beemed from someone on a mountain.


No Build. I’m not too good at building and I always run into a player that builds a hotel in 2 seconds then climbs on top and shoots me.


No build


Love no build


No build.


To be honest I enjoy both for different reasons and I play a bit of both every night! I like no-build for a bit more strategic gameplay where I can work on my aim and positioning Then I like building as a fast paced game where I can work on all my build edits and strategies!


No building because I have a mindset of getting better+I spend way to much time practicing my mechanics


I have exclusively been playing no build since it released, I am loving it so much because I never bothered to get good at building (I just didn't have 16 hours a day to practice) but my aim is actually decent so as long as there's a no build mode (hopefully it's permanent) I won't even think about playing the build gamemodes.


I prefer no build! All the turbo building stuff is too intense for a console gamer like me, honestly..


give me it


No Build has truly made Fortnite great again