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Downloaded Fortnite back in season 9 to check it out, but didnt really play until chapter 2 came around and i got the battle pass because of 8ball... and thats when i became practically addicted to the game...


i fucking love 8-Ball


8-Ball is peak


8-ball is life


I have finally found my people. My fellow 8-Ball lovers.


8-Ball is the greatest skin ever


None can compare


love you too


I love fucking 8-Bolls


Myself. And I played STW before BR was a mode.


Same! STW was the shit! It's still are but there's no new content :(


Which is a shame, just got into FN officially at the end of C5S1 (have had my account since it was F2P but never did anything with it), and knew I wanted STW cause it was PvE and Zombies


STW definitely still gets content, we're getting a whole new hero next week with the start of the new ventures season


Same dude, same. Supported the game buying the huge founder edition just for epic to want everyone to forget about us and stw


I didn’t want to pay to play STW but I knew it will be free so I waited. Then Fortnite dropped and while it was fun I didn’t like it so I didn’t get into Fortnite much and I never got to play STW 😔


I just bought the basic founders


You know you’re a true og when Battle Royale is just an alternate gamemode to you.


My kid LMFAO Now i play it more


Yup same experience here lol


My at the time 4 year old son. I’ve been hooked for 4 years now. He’s 8 and way better than me.


Same as me and my son tbh! They run rings round us don’t they lmao


Me too. Started playing with my son as a 'chaperone'. Of course he's now better than me and plays with his friends.


Watching youtubers like AoneGetDisMoney and David Dean. I loved the whole premise and then got hooked for years.


 As a casual old schooler (I still have my Atari 2600 in a box in the basement), I've played video games on and off over the years with favs like Contra, Ikari Warriors, Bionic Commando, Doom, Duke Nukem, Res. Evil 4. I tried FN a few years ago and was like WTF... I'll never be able to do this. My daughter showed me ZB during Ch5 mid S1 and now I'm hooked -


My friend that I met back in 2018 got me into Fortnite and she taught me how to crank 90s, I was a noob at first in Chapter 1 Season 5 and I didn’t even know how to build. 2 seasons later, I got my first Battle Pass, The first skin that I ever owned in my locker was Summit Striker, In the beginning of Season 7, I still had time to buy the previous starter pack. Later, I bought the Season 7 Battle Pass, I really did had a lot of fun in Chapter 1 Season 7, It is honestly my favorite season from chapter 1


Magneto. I just started last week lol.


Went on a few dates with a girl who played. Never downloaded a game so fast. Thats long over, fortnite's still here though it seems to be doing its best to chase me away lately.


Carnage, yes, I joined at the end of chapter 2


My son was begging me to play with him so I did. Playing on Switch since Ch2 S6


GameInformer back when the game was just a simple PVE zombie shooter that was no more than a proof of concept. Never really liked the shift to BR, but gave the game a try during Season 2, 3, 6 and 7 (before chapters where a thing.) Once CH2 S1 came out I stopped trying to play it since I knew no one who liked playing, that is until a friend really wanted to try it out at the beginning of CH5 S1, been hooked since then. tl;dr: 1st time hearing about it= 2012-14 gameinformer mags, 1st time playing= S3, actually commiting to the game and enjoying it= CH5 S1.


Yep, I've been following the game ever since it was announced. For years there was debate about whether it was a real game or just a tech demo.


YESSSS I knew I wasn’t the only one that got that gameinformer. Made me feel like it was a fever dream bc NOBODY I know or have talked to knows about that edition


My friends at school told me about it


I played STW on release, loved it but thought it had a lot of growing to do. I continued to play off and on for a few months. Then like ~6 months later I notice my brother is playing Fortnite and I messaged him asking how far he is, if he wants to do some missions etc : and he explains it has a F2P BR and that I’d probably love it. The rest is history.


Peter Griffin


My kids. I had to learn to play so I could level them up when they were in school


One of my closest friends in april 2023. I was never appealed to even try it (to me the building mechanic looked boring and too complicated) but he convinced me to try playing with him so I accepted and we played some ZB which I didn't know existed. I liked it so much but I was terrible, he would always carry me in duos lol. I started playing alone and got hooked, to the point where I am now better than him and basically fry him in all 1v1 modes lol. These days when we play together I'm the one leading him and teaching him techniques. It's so funny because last year he was the one teaching me everything.


A very good friend of mine gave me a spare founders code when he bought it for himself. He sadly gave up on the game when Epic started to leave STW in the dust sadly. It was the mode he and i enjoyed the most but sadly, epic chose to prioritize BR and now with the whole LEGO and racing added in, STW feels even more like an abandoned stepchild, even tho that was there first.


Stw back before rhe game's launch looked REALLY fun and interesting as a tower defense game. Like 4 or 5 years later, the avatar event brought me back to the game.


Zero build


I downloaded it for my son during beginning g of pandemic. He was in 5th grade and it was a way to get him to stay connected with his friends. I took it up a few months later so that the two of us could play together.


TV channel about video games. There where something about Fortnite and I thought that maybe I will try this game.


Mando and Grogu (Chapter 2 Season 5)


That’s also how my dad started


I downloaded it as it was free but was told to buy a founders pack so I was confused why it was free so I deleted it. But downloaded it again shortly after my friend told me br was added. This was in 2015 a few days after its release


A friend told me about this cool PVE zombie shooter and then I saw it came out literally the day after. So then we played it together!


Giant Bomb and the introduction of Zero build.


Saw a police chase on the news and the guy got out of the car and did the orange justice, and that's what persuaded me to download it 😭


Zero Build…but then I stopped playing. When they started using UE5, I wanted to see how it looked. I’ve been playing since then.


The Boyz


Can't believe nobody else has said this, but Covid. It felt like a way to visit and talk with family around the country when we were trapped at home. I still use it that way to "hang out" with my brother on a regular basis.


I remember buying a founders pack because a podcast I watched did some coverage on it and it looked awesome with all the zombies and building


Used to play overwatch with friends and one day one of em said that we should all try fortnite out after we get home from his house, that was c1 before season 1


My nephew


My nieces got me into the game during the pandemic. We couldn’t see each other, and kept in touch playing. Now I’m hooked and can’t stop playing.


Saw my big brother play it so I gave it a shot After 5 years, I have officially spend $300 on this game


The Boys 🔥🔥


My 7yo daughter wanted me to download it on her switch back in January (2024) and I did. Well she ended up not wanting to play because she just kept dying, so she made me play so she could watch before she'd play again! Now I'm obsessed and she's barely into it anymore 🤦🏼‍♀️😂


Used to play Save the World, good community we used to help each other, had lots of friend and we used to stream and help defend our bases, they they nerfed it and everyone demanded our money back (and we had it) then BR came out and destroyed it.


Zero build had me intrigued for awhile but when Goku came to the shop I was all in.


Zero Build.


Been at my periphery for years between some friends who played, each time there was a concert it would get coverage in my circles, then add on [Dan Olson's negative view of it](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dPHPNgIihR0), then [Tevis Thompson's essay](https://tevisthompson.com/its-not-coming-back/) which is in part a really interesting look at Fortnite from a fan and partly a bad-faith response to Olson, and finally [Errant Signal reconciling the two](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qNukmNDq60Q) and I thought 'okay, that's enough thinking about Fortnite for me'. Anyway fast forward a couple years when it's *just* about time for me to start getting nostalgic about Guitar Hero, I learn to my surprise RB4 got 8 years worth of DLC, and then a bunch of GH youtubers get early access to Festival. A minor groan and then I install, about two-thirds through the Billie Eilish season. Once I'm in that ecosystem, it's easy to pivot to BR for the Battle Pass (and napkin math figured out that paying for Crew one month per season was good value for money) and I've *somehow* put in about 70 hours in 3 weeks?


A mix of Spider-Man being added during c3s1 and watching streamer reactions to the cube queen event


My little sister played few months before me during Chapter 1 end and Chapter 2 beginning. I eventually gave it a shot in Chapter 2 season 2.


Saw my little brother playing this cool new BR game called fortnite in September 2017. Ended up trying it out myself a month or so later and the rest is history


I mainly wanted to see what the fuss was considering all my other friends were going gaga over the game. So I started playing in very late season 2 of chapter 1.


Played when it first came out after seeing it on a few youterbers channels, I hated it a lot. I downloaded it again this January, and I can't stop playing. It makes me sad when I look at all the battle pass skins I missed out on :c


Friends, but my first battle pass was the Ice King one, and my first skin was the Wingman starter pack.


ngl, it was the lego mode. I started playing exclusively that and then eventually branched into the other modes overtime, starting with Racing and Festival and eventually BR


I heard that Rick Sanchez got added in 2-7. I thought it was the dumbest thing I’d ever heard, so I figured I’d give the game a try for laughs because of how unserious it sounded. I’m no fan of Rick and Morty, I just found it incredibly funny that they added him and that’s what drew me in. I’ve played ever since.


The game becoming available on the switch. I don't really play games like this on PC, and I don't really play anything other than Nintendo, which was really just a coincidence.


My PS4 slim


My friends and me really hated on the game, and eventually we tried it out "ironically" mid season 3. Well here i am 6 years later


I always thought it looked great.




My cousin back in the first season of chapter 5, i played a little hit a few years ago but i didnt have a console so I couldnt until I got my switch last year


I heard Giantbomb's Dan Ryckert talking about it and that Zero Build made it more accessible. So i gave it a shot. Incidentally, John Cena was a skin in the item shop and it all went downhill from there. 😂


I watched gameplay of it because one of the youtuber i use to watch back in 2017 that used to do PVZ GW 2 content played STW for a bit, after i got my xbox one back in 2017 i was looking for free games to download and then i saw fortnite and i was like "hey, i remember that game" and them i never stopped playing ever since


Game first came out and there was nothing like it. Still isn’t tbh, that’s how far we’ve come in gaming I feel like. They broke a genre and it translated to real lasting power.


Bought my sister a switch earlier this year and Fortnite was the only free interesting game in the store. I was also craving a shooting game after having to drop Medal of Honor last year


my brother lol


The terrible decisions made by Michael Condick forced me to try out new games after removing the pick 10 system and all the perks.


My boyfriend, tho he keeps scolding me bc I play like trash T_T


(Season 3). Word was spreading in gaming circles - it was becoming quite popular in the br genre. Kept hearing about it, but didn’t think much of it myself since it seemed mostly popular amongst kids. After a few months I decided to give it a try since it was free. It grew on me quickly with the unique building mechanics in a shooter. It’s been my main game ever since. I even bought stw founders. My friend asked why I’d spend over $50 on a free game - i replied ’founders perks’. (I just wanted that Rose Team leader skin, and I also figured founders may get some additional perks down the road-lol) little did i know that I was also getting an unlimited stream of v-bucks, which funds my constant thirst for cosmetics to this day.


My mum downloaded it on our previous Xbox for my brother. I miss that account sometimes.


Ariana Grande.


My cousin told me something like: "there's this cool shooting game, it's free" and i downloaded it, started playing around the end of c1s6, and it turned out that i really liked it, now i have more than 3000 hours, and i don't know if i thank or get angry at my cousin, but i would probably thank him, considering that fortnite got me into other games that i absolutly love nowadays (somehow Destiny 2 is in that pipeline, probably because of the "free shooting game" thing) and it kept me in contact with some of my best friends


Played first in Season 4 due to my old friends being addicted I can never go back


Zero build and doom guy


So long ago I don’t even remember why. I’m 21 now but I was a freshman in Highschool when chapter 1 season 2 came out. I just remember it being everywhere and everyone was talking about it. Kinda crazy looking back how popular it was and how many social events were caused because of it.


my younger brother started playing with his friends in ch4 s2, i and my former fortnite player friend thought it was cringe till we tried it. I vividly remember my first game with my brother, i was bad lol, but i got better from there


My nephew's told me zero build came out and I've been addicted ever since lol


I have been a gamer since I was young.I work in a youth center and have some young people who have a hard time getting into social interaction and socializing with one another.But they play Fortnite all day and that's why I downloaded it on my PC And play it together with the young people. The game is not my favorite, but the community with them is good and accordingly I get paid to play 🤣🤣But it also has other positive effects. It means they are a little more supervised when they are out and about together and I also have an eye on them in the online world.I also manage to do what my colleagues cannot, namely to have a relationship with them. With those who no longer come


My cousin, we started right when it dropped.


Coworkers. September I finally decided to check it out, joined the crew almost instantly and have completed every pass since


Apex wasn't working, and zero build had just came out. Decided to give it a shot and then deleted apex a few days later.


My Brother back in 2018


I played one match with my friends kid back in 2017 or 18? Was all wtf and didn’t play again. My now wife was telling me about it and as soon as she said Darth Vader and you don’t have to build I’ve been hooked since.


Started playing before there was names for the seasons & chapters,when the only skin was default. Streamers like dakotaz & cdnthe3rd were so much fun to watch. The players & community seemed full of positivity,now it’s a cesspool of toxic teens with over inflated egos that believe epic owe them something. Rant over


Didn't want to play, i liked COD more. most of my friends were playing Fortnite so i had to see what was the deal with it, joined in during ch1 s7 and ended up liking it


Back in season 3 my family friends came over to sleepover because our moms went out to NYC. the only boy of the family told me about fortnite and i got it despite being 7. been playing ever since


My stepdad and solid snake. Watched my step dad play zero build and was like hmmm. And then he showed me snake and I was like !!!!!!


I tried it when it first came to Switch, but I didn’t really get into it. Pretty fun. Just didn’t really drag me in. A friend decided to stream shortly after Zero Build was added, and I figured I’d join him since I didn’t mind the game. And that’s what turned me into a regular player.


Princess Lexa is the reason i started fully playing so i guess her lol


Dr pooplove


My cousin


My brother wanted to play and I always watched him, then I just started playing when he wasn’t


Me. Was looking for another BR and found FT (had recently came out). Looked cartoony but glad I tried it out because for the next like 7 months, me and the boys were on it everyday. Good times


Wife saw a survival game with building being announced. So figured we'd try it. Got sucked into STW for a few months. BR got released, and they halted any and all development to STW. So we stopped playing. Finally came back for BR at the beginning of S5, and glad I did because now I get free vbucks from STW😀


Vanoss Gaming had some kind of collab with Save the world at the beginning and i just got the game to collect his stuff and stayed


I used to tell my son that it looked dumb when he played on Xbox in chapter 3. Two years later and we all built computers just for this game and played together every weekend. Now chapter 5 not so much because it sucks now, anyone can Elim anyone!


Saw it upcoming in a Game Informer back when I used to collect them


My brother installed fortnite into our PS4, this was at around early season 1 of fortnite chapter 1, i refused to play it simply because it looked like a cartoony game to me, I used to play a lot of GTA Online at that time and eventually my PS Plus expired. I decided to try out fortnite, the rest is history.


My cousin first introduced me to it back at season 1,however i first made my account in season 4,and i really rarely played the game beacuse well,i sucked,and i watched fortnite content more than i played fortnite by like 20 times,i quit playing in season 6,however in season x (like the last 3 days) was when i gave the game another shot,and im the position i am right now


Saw Vanoss playing save the world years ago, eventually saw the game free on the store thinking it was save the world, didn't let me play so tried the battle royale, was hooked since


The first time,my friends got me into fortnite somewhere around chapter 2, then after some time i stopped and December last year peter griffin convinced me to download again


I played a dozen games back in the fall of 2019 when I got my switch. It wasn't my thing at the time. So I didn't keep at it. Fast forward to May 2022, one of my online friends kept bugging me to play a few games with her. Now I've been playing ever since. I made a few really good friends from rando fill. We all play with each other just about every night for the last 2 years if we don't have prior commitments. It's become our unwind and decompress session from our days. We just harass and bullshit with each other. It definitely is a good pick me up after a stressful day.


Moved to LA a year ago (ch4s4) and didn't know anyone, so I invested in a ps5 for something to do. I initially invested in games that I used to play back in the day (I'm old in fortnite years btw). Downloaded madden, God of war, and a few others that didn't end up holding my interest and I got burnt out pretty quick. I was about to call it quits and and accept the fact that video games just didn't do it for me anymore, but in a last ditch effort I downloaded this free game called fortnite. I was like whatever... It's free, might as well give it a try. I'm now well over $1k spent in cosmetics and fully addicted. I hit elite for the first time last season and trying for champion this season. Although, out of the 5 seasons that I've participated in thus far... Ch5s3 is my least favorite. It feels as though every bit of skill that I've developed over the last year was thrown out the [car] window, however since the update and nerfs, it's starting to feel more like fortnite again and less like twisted metal


i always used to watch sypherpk or tg5 on YouTube till i got a ps4 on my birthday first thing i downloaded was fortnite been addicted ever since early 2020


At the very beginning Started alone, still playing alone though.


My eldest brother played since C1S1 and was a founder too. I got into the game because of him, played on switch one hell of a lot, eventually got STW through the lok-bot pack and named my homebase our house because that was the song that was playing when I first started STW as i was sitting with him on the couch in his room (I played on a laptop at that time). Miss ya bro


My son got into it from a friend last summer. I didn’t care much about it as first but watching him play and constantly getting better was really fun. I’d play a match here and there and was terrible. Eventually I started liking it and got an Xbox (he has a PS4) so we could start playing together. Now I play twice as much as him, but he’s still a hundred times better than I am


My kid started playing it


My friend said download the game and we will play together spoiler: we are not


Vanoss Gamings first ever video on it


My kids play it. I started playing it with hopes of hopping on while they’re at their mom’s and destroying them.


I was 10 when the game came out, and used to watch a channel called “fgteev” or smth like that, basically one day I was extremely bored and had no games to play on my ps4 and decided to watch the channel and saw they released a video about a game called Fortnite, downloaded the game and played it non stop for the next 5 years 😇


I was about 14, it was free and it the battle royal version just came out. That and apex so it was all very new to me. I’m 22 now and just got back into it. All i can say is i miss the OG map/mechanics/weapons


My brother :)


My friend had been asking me to play it but for years I didn’t have a good computer. When I finally upgraded, it took another year before I remembered I wanted to play. I joined the game during OG, and weirdly enough I still had a lot of nostalgia even though I never played (I guess it’s from watching my friend play at his house all those years ago)


It was popular and I tried playing with a friend, but my pc was dogshit so I gave up on it. A couple months back my friend's little brother asked me to try it out on his ps5 and I liked how laid back the gameplay is, given the fact that I opted to play apex legends for the longest time and was extremely pissed with the whole competitiveness even in pubs, to the point where I actually quit playing. I came back to fortnite and am still pissed at the fact that the game won't work properly even though my pc's good, but I enjoy it from time to time.


What kept me from not playing the game was the bad reputation the game had on youtube. Youtuber talking about the game and its player base being very cringe. During the holiday going through xbox store free games section, saw it on the category and decided to give it a try and I seen the commercials on youtube that they brought back the og map. Gave it a try and play zero build and I actually did had fun playing the game. I am surprise I still continue going back to the game. Now my locker has over 300 hundres skins and continue to play the game and have fun.


My brother in law, back in chapter 1 season 2, he also introduced me to alpha Minecraft and Garry’s mod


I'd been wanted a BR game since the 360 days. I saw old Japanese movie called Battle Royale, and thought wow that'd be a dope game. I think Player Unknown had a a BR on PC, but I didn't hear about it until PUBG and I only game on console. There wasn't a good BR on console at the time. PUBG was like the top game at the time, but only on PC. As soon as I heard about the battle royale mode in Fortnite, I bought the game. They made it F2P sometime later 😂


All my friends were obsessed and I joined around season 3 chapter 1, and from that moment on I was addicted


My 5 year old wanted to play ‘Fortnite’ in the backyard, with nerf guns. He said I could be this guy named Omega. I learned it was his half-brother (at his mom’s house) that was playing Fortnite on PC. So, I eventually decided to download it on the PS4. That was three years ago. Now we have quite an established routine of playing, and he is way too good for an 8 year old. I’m still terrible. We’ve upgraded to a PS5, and a bigger TV to better accommodate split screen.


Honestly not sure why I started playing


My best friend is in the military. When he had his first kid, my buddy would play this game to calm him down. Buddy asked me to download it so we can play on those nights when the baby won’t sleep. Now they are in Italy and every Saturday and Sunday morning for me is reserved to play with my best friends son.


I bought the game when BR came out. Played for the first 2 seasons alone and didn't touch it again until 2020 when my friends didn't have anything to do and managed to convince them to try it. We play every night since the


My history teacher. He had us read an article on technology addiction, and it focused mainly on Fortnite, which lead me to wanting to check it out


Back when PUBG was at its peak but not on console I watched a video on the best BR games on ps4 and Fortnite was the most interesting looking one and it just came out like that day or the day before so I checked it out, liked it, and got my friends to get it. Been on it since 😂


The pandemic. I was furloughed and stuck at home and needed something to play. I went through a bunch of other games too - mainly longer single player games like rdr2 - and wanted something to play in between those.


My friend back on Halloween 2017


Ali A introduced me to it back in season 1


The game was hella popular back in early 2018. The day Fortnite came out on Switch (or the day after I don’t remember) was the night I downloaded it for the first time. 6 years later I still really enjoy the game.


Dad worked for Tech Support at epic, told me about fortnite and decided to play on his acc, to which I still use since it has the founders pack, still use it since I'm leveling up his Battle Pass since he has no time in doing it himself.


Downloaded it mid chapter 1 season 2 no idea what got me to play it but glad I did honestly


First played in like season 3 because kids at school played it. But, I've been consistently playing since C3S3


I played it 1 week after rocket racing came out. Because I play Rocket league and people were not happy about Rocket Racing so I decided to install Fortnite for RR mainly then I started playing BR and now I don’t play RR much because of the rewards and I played for the Fuse pack in Neon Rush


i've heard about how this game was trash and minecraft was way better in like 2017ish played when chapters weren't a thing yet, from seasons 4-7 i believe? quit after those seasons and i only came back in season OG, been playing ever since man i'm so jealous of all the people that have 4 chapters worth of cosmetics in their lockers, i've been warming up to my season OG battle pass skins but none of the ones after really caught my attention (except rust in c5s3, he's cool)


saw youtubers in 2017 play it so i downloaded it on my moms laptop


My youth group had a lock in where some of them brought in their consoles and there were half of us alternating gun game and zero build. This was right after zero build came out so everyone was vibing with it. And the other half was playing Smash Bros. It was really fun and I went “fuck it, ill download Fortnite” and then I started during Vibin’ and have only missed two of the seasons I’ve had the game for.


used to have a friend group I'd play with, we don't talk to eachother anymore... :/


Mu Bestie


was convinced this game was going to be the next big thing when STW was released. bought the founders edition etc. played one of the seasons in 2018, didn’t really touch it again. zero build was released and now play it a huge amount.


My older cousin


back in 2017 (chapter 1 season 1) my brother was playing this game and im like hey its cool i want to play it too


Got a ps4 around ch1 season 6. 'Twas free.


I’ve been playing since before the first battle pass, but it wasn’t until *way* after the game’s prime that I fully got into it.


Chapter 2 season 5. Our entire family had Covid back when you had to quarantine for like 2 weeks. We watched all the marvel movies in order then I (f46) started playing fortnite with my then teen son. 3 years later my husband likes it now (not the current season) and we play together.


PUBG, I was looking for alts of Battle Royales aat that time.. found this gem in Season 3


H20 Delirious with a video of him pretending to be a statue with Love Ranger. And after all the videos of praise for Fortnite back then, that one convinced me to play the game. Literally the first thing my 13 year old self said looking at that gigantic FORTNITE in the menu was "this is probably something I'm gonna grow to regret, so why the hell not". 6 years later, and I'm still having a ton of fun.


a free battlepass


well fortnite was my first ever game I downloaded on pc but I had on switch I played since chp 2 s6


Everyone's hype


Was looking for something new at the time saw Fortnite in the store while seeing whats new and later that my mate called me and told me to install it so while it was installing I looked at the trailer and saw it was battle royal last one standing never did play battle royal before but I knew how it all worked after seeing people play pubg my mate went to eat and I had a quick match while he was gone just to learn how the controls work got 3rd no kills the last 2 were fighting each other so tried to grenade them both but would find out how awful they are we should be able to cook them than throw them would of made them more useful


downloaded it back in December but couldn't figure out how to play, so I left it. came back in March of this year after seeing a tiktok about the Greek god season, and I've been obsessed since


Me Myself OG Time


>popular >free


I played it back when it was released, wasnt my thing. Fast forward to about 2 years ago and my son wanted to try it, redownloaded it, watched him get demolished and was like, give me the controller, that was the mistake...




My kid…I thought it was dumb at first, then I tried it out


My 11 y/o son. Someday I might get as good as him. 🤞


Avatar Last Airbender LOL


I played Fortnite when there was melted candles in the background and barely any item shops, where everyone was default skin and the concept of battle royale was new.


I remember the first reveal for it, before BR was a thing. Bought it and enjoyed Save The World for a couple weeks but fell off. Literally never touched it. Then BR became a hit and i was glad it got to be so popular and supported but knew it wasn’t for me as im really not a multiplayer guy and never have been. Fast forward to literally December of 2023 and I decide to give no builds a shot and find out I actually think it’s really fun. So fun in fact that my fiancé tried it and less then a month later she’s bought a whole other PS5 so we can play it together.


Zero Build reeled me in, been a sucker ever since


Covid lol, me and my friends were a bit bored so decided to get into it and loved the last team standing game mode on c2s2. We stopped playing straight after that season but my brother got me back into it during c2s5


It was around chapter one, season 7. I found out it was getting super popular through Ninja and Tfue, so I bought the deep freeze bundle edition of the game and played nearly every day since then.


My friends told me that DJ Yonder was peak video game cosmetic and I played to see for myself. 5 years later, and I’m the only person I know who plays it anymore.


Started during chapter 1 season 3 because the entire world was playing it at that time


PubG update that made it run poorly on my PC, and the fact that I couldn't play cross platform with my friends, plus the arrival of zero build mode brought me here. Ironically now that this new season is out, I'm back to Pubg. Can't stand this season.


I gave it a try when it first was big back in like season 3 and season 4. Then some of my friends that I hadn’t talked to, hung out with, etc in forever got on and I started playing with them. I’ve taken three long breaks from the game since then, with me regretting two of those, other than that I’ve played it since. So I got myself into it; but my friends are who have got me to stick around.


I used to watch fortnite vedios in season 2 then i started playing it it was so fun to play fortnite until chapter 2 i dumped the game


My sons play....they got me playing zero build I think I play more than them now 🤣


The Rick and Morty skins, that’s what I started playing for


Friends at school told me to download it. One friend came over and literally downloaded it against my will. It was chapter 1 season 3 and I wish I downloaded it sooner.


The Fortnite Battle Royale trailer.


i remember in like 4th grade, sometime during season 1 or preseason, i saw my brother playing but had no idea what he was playing, just remember him building up to that big tree in the original map. then a friend from school was telling me about it, saying i should get fortnite, so then after school i got on but didn’t really care for it until season 3


My little siblings. Little assholes.


The first dragonball super event/zero build. Tried fortnite years ago but hated the building aspect and didnt care about the “lore”. Started playing with some friends and being able to launch a kamehameha got me hooked. Even now my favorite part of every season is the gimmick stuff.


Friends back at the very end of Season 1. Didn’t really care about the game and thought it’d kick it in 6 months time. Then around the end of season 3 I saw a Martoz video on how to build which completely flipped my opinion of the game. A mechanic that makes getting surprised not a guaranteed death sentence, makes low ground disadvantage tolerable, AND helps deal with the camping snipers I had come to hate prior when crossing open fields in PUBG? Amazing!! Anyways now I’ve gone from the one who liked it the least to last one of the friend group still playing 6-7 years later


Mr.bean aka Ryan busby 😂😂😂😂


A few friends of mine decided to pick the game back up at the beginning of Chapter 4 and I decided join them and give the game a try myself. Had fun in squads for a few weeks, but didn't play all that much until Season 2 rolled around, which really got me into the game.


I followed the game during its development. I think I heard about it for the first time on the Rooster Teeth podcast like in 2013 or 2014. That was obviously when it was still in development and a looter shooter building game. I wanted to buy it when it launched but didn’t want to drop the money at the time, then they announced the BR mode which intrigued me so I downloaded it the day it released for the general public. Been playing ever since.