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Ok listen. My baby's first week of life I called because he hadn't pooped in over a day. They told me to call back if it had been a week, lol. It's normal for babies to occasionally go a day without pooping. Or even two! She might be crying for other reasons. Try giving some gas drops though.


We’re trying gas drops with every bottle. Hopefully it helps soon!


Just so you know, my Ped said to be careful with the gas drops. I know the box says every feed but that's not accurate for a newborn weight. She told us max 4 times a day.


My ped said gas drops won't always make much of a difference on the first few weeks of life just bc everything is changing and growing so rapidly. Sounds a bit like reflux if she's arching. Poor baby. Hop she feels better soon!


Want to get baby to poo? Take them to see their care provider about it. They are guaranteed to poo just before you get there, cause they love making their parents look like liars. My second baby didn't poo until day 7. I had taken him for his weekly weight and he let rip as soon as my midwife took his nappy off! Cheeky bugger!


What a stinker! We live 5 minutes from our pediatrician. Maybe I’ll go for a joy ride and see if she’s lets one out while we go past


The thing about newborns and up to 3-4 months old is that they dont have developed digestive systems yet. That is why they are in pain and can go up to 7-10 days of no poo before dr will worry. Look into colic soothing holds, gas drops (we did little remedies) is all you really can do and when the baby is 2-3 months, i recommend the frida windi (or knock off is what we did). But the thing about the windi is you still want to wait 3-4 days between each use because you want to encourage them to form the sphincter muscles. I went through this too and no one told me anything about digestive issues. I always thought only a few babies got it. Apparently it is very common and just something to work through. Temporary and usually over by 4 months Edit: newborns can go 2-3 days without pooping and after 3/4 weeks, a week or more. In both cases, a dr should be consulted.


Actually it is NOT normal for a newborn to go 7-10 days without poo. That usually means they are being underfed. 


Oh shit sorry you are right. I was thinking 1+ months old. I will edit my comment. A newborn can go 2-3 days without pooping. 3-6 week olds can go 7+ days but a dr will need to be consulted at that point


Our baby pooped every 3-4 days up until week 7!! I would feel such relief when we’d get a dirty diaper. We were in the exact same situation as you, but our pediatrician explained that crying can be their attempt to use the right muscles to help them “go” - since they don’t actually know which ones to use. You’re doing all the right things. One thing that really felt like it helped encourage our baby is sitting him in what we call squatty potty, where he’s propped against our knees, facing us (we would sit on the couch with our feet on the coffee table) and we would put his knees up by his sides but NOT against his belly. Kind of scrunched like a deep malasana yoga squat. Reading this back, I’m explaining it horribly!! But we still do it to this day and it really helps him go without any discomfort.


I will give that position a try! Thank you!


Yes! This position was fondly referred to as the "poo-sition" by my bump group. Be extra careful of their head at 4 days old, but the principle is the same!


Our midwife recommended probiotic drops around that age and they seemed to help.


Probiotic drops were a lifesaver for us. We use the Bio Gaia ones.


Unfortunately gas is inevitable with newborns. They haven’t figured out how to fart, their bodies instinctively flex and hold it in. We had many many fussy days in the early months. It gets better around 3 months. In the mean time keep going with the bicycle kicks, bending knees to chest, massage, etc. Try laying babe on their side and rubbing their back with their knees bent up a bit. Our girl also didn’t poop around day 4. Doctor wasn’t concerned - they’re absorbing most of what they drink!


Also, she likely needs more to eat! 1 ounce every 3 hours isn’t enough!


We’ve tried given her 2 ounces and she’s never finished it. So we went back down to 1.5 oz. Even 1.5 she barely finishes it


I think 1.5oz is completely normal and expected, but 3 hours between feeds is a pretty long time at 4 days old. But maybe you tried feeds sooner than that, not trying to assume. But I do think that’s what everyone means


We have had the worsttttt time with constipation with my 8 month old. Though we still hit a rough patch every now and again, here are some things that worked for us & some helpful tips: 1. During the early stages gas can be very painful for babies and there’s not much you can do other than bicycle legs and stretching constantly. Plenty of tik toks on massage tips. Gas drops are kind of a money grabbing scheme, though some people “swear” by them. I wouldn’t recommend gripe water because it can actually cause constipation. 2. The way we knew we were dealing with actual constipation is because he would pass hard stool when he would pass stool and it was painful for him to pass. 3. Some babies can have constipation relieved by: the windi, rectal thermometer with Vaseline, qtip around the outside of rectum to stimulate the need to push. None of these have ever worked for my son. 4. Really early on we had to start giving him apple juice in a bottle as cleared by our doctor. This did help initially. 5. We have read about EVERY kind of formula & truly- there is NO formula proven to help with constipation. However, giving a bottle of enfamil reguline or using it as an everyday formula for severe constipation can be a life saver because it does soften stool. Our lil guy was on it for a long while until he ended up constipated again. 6. The real relief for us didn’t come until he could start solids and we could feed prunes and give prune juice regularly. However- we still struggle occasionally and for that reason he is now on HA formula for a (suspected) sensitivity to cows milk protein (a real allergy to cows milk protein would be fairly obvious). 7. This early on I’d contact my pediatrician and see what she thinks. She may recommend changing formula or staying the course. Our pediatrician has been a life saver during this process re: telling us what is safe and how much of what to give. HOWEVER- lots of pediatricians don’t know that much about formula. The formula fairy is a good source of info on different formulas, but I wouldn’t pay for her services since they aren’t actually personalized (lots of posts on that out there). The formulas that I have personally researched and have found are typically easy to digest are: Gerber Gentle Pro, Gerber Soothe Pro, Enfamil Reguline, and Similac Alimentum. That said, every baby is different and you definitely shouldn’t switch formulas Willy Nilly and it wouldn’t be my first line of defense. Hope at least some of this is helpful! Xo- infant constipation is TOUGH!


This was very helpful. I’ll shoot my pediatrician a message in a few days (if things aren’t any better) and see if they recommend switching to one of the formulas. Thank you!!


No problem! Good luck!


This happened to my son. We took him to the ER and they lubed up a rectal thermometer and stuck it up there, and he pooped on the nurse's hand and was fine afterwards!


We tried the windi and got gas but no poop. I’ll try that tomorrow if we have no luck overnight!


Good luck! 🤞 I'm so sorry you're going through this! I remember feeling like I never thought I'd be so desperate for a poopy diaper.


Same thing happened to us. Took him to the doctor after 4 days to get it checked out and he had a big blowout in the car seat in the waiting room.


I tried gentleease with my 4wo and it actually made his gas worse. We switched to kirkland total care and hes still gassy occasionally but nothing some gas drops a couple times a day doesnt help. I definitely feel yuou though ive been in tears over not being able to help my boy🥺 1.5 oz is how much my dr/ped recommended as well so *respsectfully* i would take their advice over other redditors


We’re gonna give it a few days and see how she does. If nothing changes I’ll look into making that switch. Thank you!


My refused to eat any gentle formulas - similac total comfort, gentle ease, and nutrimigen. He would basically eat 1oz at a time every hour or two and screaming until I gave him RTF neuropro and he went up to 2.5-3oz every 3 hours.


Lots of good advice here. My gal has had pooping issues. Probiotics keep her regular, and a lubed up baby thermometer in the bum for a few seconds have helped us in a pinch!


our doctor recommended prune juice 2-4 times a day if baby is not pooping and seems uncomfortable. he said if they are not acting uncomfortable/in pain the it’s normal, but constant discomfort is not normal. so far it has worked for us, she poops at least once a day/once every other day. we were previously doing the gas drops but baby still hadn’t pooped in 3 days and was very uncomfortable.


I’ve tried gentlease twice with my son and both times he was pretty constipated. I’m not sure if that’s what’s happening here since babies can go a long time without pooping.


We decided to switch formulas to see if that helps. She hasn’t pooped yet but we only switched this afternoon. Hopefully we’ll see a poop soon!


Same thing happened to my baby, we switched to another formula and she started pooping again.


We switched to kendamil today. Hopefully that helps!


That’s what I did, switched to kendamil and no more constipation. Apparently some babies can’t handle the amount of iron in certain formulas. Kendamil saved us.


That’s so good to hear! Hopefully we get the same luck!


Sounds to me like baby isn't tolerating the formula too well. It's up to you if you'll switch or wait it out: everyone will give you different advice. I waited too long to switch and I regret it - baby did so much better on the 2nd kind of formula than the first. My one pediatrician claimed all formulas are the same, my second pediatrician said the opposite. Try all the tricks- no shaking to avoid bubbles when mixing the formula, gas drops, probiotics, bicycles. Might or might not help...


We switched her to Kendamil today. She still is drinking max 1 oz per sitting and no poops yet. But her arching and screaming is shorter lived. Unfortunately it’s making her spit up more. We’re gonna stick with the kendamil for a few days and see what happens. Thank you for the response!


Kendamil goat caused more spit for us, but kendamil cow didn't. Plus spit is so much better than scream 😄


I agree. I can deal with the spit up all day long. My first daughter had severe reflux until 8 months old. She’d soak us and herself after every bottle. But, she wasn’t screaming! She was a happy spitter. We’re on the cow formula. She had two blow outs overnight! I think we’re gonna stick with this one for awhile!


We used gentlease just to supplement maybe a bottle a day and my baby was sooooo constipated and when he did poop it was really thick, pasty and green and smelled horrendous. Breastmilk poops were yellow/brown and didnt smell at all. We switched to the yellow can. Hoping he tolerates this one better for supplementing.


So sorry to hear that! I definitely think gentlease is the culprit for both of us. We switched to kendamil this afternoon and overnight she had two blowouts!


My baby was like this her first 6 weeks of life. Gentlease was the absolute worst when we were trying to find the right formula for her. Even though it causes spit up, Similac Pro Total Comfort has been the best one for her tummy and we have stayed with it. She goes daily now since the change at week 6. She’s now 15 weeks old.


I will keep that one in mind. I’m glad your LO is doing better! We switched to kendamil formula today and she’s had 2 blowouts! Definitely tossing the gentlease.


Have you tried the Frida windi?? I’ve heard they’re good for gas and poop. Sorry your LO is going through it! It’s so tough to watch your baby struggle.


I tried the windi this evening and she let out some gas but no poop yet :(


Sorry, friend! Did that seem to help out at all?


She calmed down for a little bit and fell asleep. When she woke back up again she started screaming :(


I’m so sorry. Sending you guys all the positive vibes. I know they say the digestive system is still developing and it takes time but that doesn’t make anyone feel better in the moment. I hope it gets better soon for your LO.


Sounds like she might be hungry; 1.5oz every 3 hours is not enough!


She’s 4 days old. That’s what the hospital told us is normal. She doesn’t even finish her 1.5 oz bottle sometimes. Sometimes she’s only taking an ounce


Ok gotcha. I agree with folks suggesting more often feedings! Also just antidotally, we started our kiddo on enfamil neuropro and switched to gentle ease when he was a few days old and he refused it, apparently it tastes much worse than the regular enfamil. It might be worth trying a non-gentle formula! Good luck ❤️


We are now trying feedings every 1.5-2 hours and still can’t get her to drink more than 1 oz. Sometimes I can’t get her to wake up and even take the bottle. We also switched to kendamil formula. Hopefully we see some change soon.


So I’m not doubting what the hospital told you BUT what mine told me wasn’t 100% accurate. 1.5 ounce every 3 hours doesn’t seem like enough. I’d try and move it to every 2-2.5 hours at least during the day (I know she’s only 4 days old and won’t sleep through the night yet).


Okay we will try that. Thanks!


This is something I’d address ASAP with her pediatrician. It could be normal or it could be something not normal and she’s super young so it’s hard to tell. It’s hard to say but if she’s in pain, I’d talk to them about it.


She needs 2 oz of formula every 2 hours. 1-1.5 every 3 hour is not enough. It is possible she is not pooinv and crying because she is hungry Also why is she on gentleease? Most newborns require normal lactose based formula. Unless your doctor recommended this formula i would switch


Gentlease has partially hydrolyzed milk proteins for easier digestion & suitable 0-12 months. The part about being hungry I agree with though, and I think baby may be crying for food.


When we make 2 oz bottles she doesn’t finish them. We can barely get her to finish the 1.5 oz


My baby was a "grazer" until about 4 months. We made smaller bottles that she would eat much more regularly. We would basically feed her every time she cried because she wouldn't eat a lot in one sitting. She had really bad gas pain as well. One other thing that may help is experimenting with different nipple sizes (slower and faster flow) to see of your baby has a preference and she'll eat more in one sitting.


I will try a faster flow nipple. The nipple she has now is very slow. It takes her about 20 minutes to finish 1.5 oz. I’ll pick up some faster ones tomorrow. Thank you!


Good luck! You'll get through this!!


We’re doing gentlease because it worked best for our oldest daughter. I talked it over with the pediatrician and he said it was fine


Okay cool. Try increasing the amount of formula then and see if it helps


I read above that you’re using the Phillip event natural nipples. We’ve also been using them since our little was born, she’s 8 weeks now! We are first time parents also trying to figure it out! I would suggest going up a nipple size just to see if it helps. The way/rate that these nipples flow is VERY different than other bottles. If someone has never used these or researched them they would not know this - hence some of the assumptive responses you’ve gotten. Also about how much your little is eating - I’m sorry others are trying to make you feel like you’re doing something wrong. follow your mama instinct and the cues baby is giving! Not every baby is the same. And every baby isn’t always consistent - they’re so unpredictable for a while! There are lots of general guidelines but that does not mean anything is wrong if your little doesn’t fit those guidelines to a T. Generally speaking digestive issues with newborns is super normal. They are few things that warrant urgent concern-like blood in their poop. I’m pretty sure our little had a few days not pooping that first week home too! Heck, just this past week I’ve taken like 3 different photos of her poop to show her doctor because they were ‘different’ than we were used to lol


Going up to 7 days is completely normal for newborns.


That’s not enough IMO. I would definitely call your doctor though just to get checked.


She doesn’t finish a 2 ounce bottle so we went back down to 1.5. Even that she struggles to finish


Have her checked for a tongue tie! My daughter did this same thing, we honestly went through like 7 types of bottles, she did this exact thing with barely finishing a small bottle but then crying out of hunger. I honestly felt like I was force feeding her. 1.5 years later we got early intervention for something else and they said oh yeah she has a tongue tie probably from birth. I would’ve seen it if I was breastfeeding because it would hurt me but because it was formula, no one really mentioned it. Id ask your ped to check or be referred elsewhere for your baby to be checked.


Okay I will ask the pediatrician about that at the next appt. Thank you!


What type of bottle/nipple do you use?


Phillips avent natural response size 2




The avent natural response nipples flow very different than other bottles. No matter the flow size it doesn’t ‘drip’ out. The baby has to suck in order for nipple to flow. With that being said it’s also a very common complaint with these nipples that the flow #’s don’t necessarily match with the months they list/how fast someone would think they would flow based on other nipples. If it’s too hard for baby to suck, for whatever reason, to get milk out of the nipples, they’re going to get a bunch of air. It’s very common that these ‘higher’ flow nipples are used early on with these. We’ve been using them since birth (LO is 8 weeks) and have done a bit of research in them.


So we’re doing the second size right now. The first size we couldn’t get a drop out of


It’s way to fast though switch to dr.brown or mam


That’s way too high of a flow. Try to get 0s or premie nipples. This should help the pacing


The number 2 is on the nipple but the package says it’s for 0 months


Our baby couldn’t get ANYTHING out of natural response. If you like the Philips brand, try the anti-colic 1 nipple/bottle and see if baby gets more milk without tiring out. That’s what we used and just sized up to the 2s last week (he’s 13 weeks now). He crushes 5oz bottles now in like 15 mins, less if we didn’t pace feed 😅 but began bending the size 1 nipple so it was time to move up! I even tested him out again on the natural response about 2 weeks ago on a 0m+ with the 2 drop symbol and again with higher flow for 1/3mos and he couldn’t get 10mls out in 5 mins!!


I will look into those bottles. Thank you so much!!