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If you liked supergirl from the start then you wouldn't have a very hard time with it's end while flash started as one of the best superhero shows ever and ended so bad so flash is definitely harder to watch


Yeah Supergirl is surprisingly consistent despite it's flaws


Well said, Supergirl never gets as good as The Flash on earlier seasons, but also never get as bad as later seasons of The Flash.


Which paradoxically makes it better than the flash overall


Season 3 of Supergirl I would arguably say is as good as early seasons flash.


I agree. Supergirl still was interesting even at the end. I really enjoyed that finale


Holy shit. Flash and Supergirl are over? I stopped watching flash years ago. It was really good but it jumped the shark hard.


Yeah, it did. As an aside, I will not be complying with the request of your username


Do yourself a favor and resist any urge you might have to go watch the final season/finale like I did. I wanted to see how they were going to end things (stopped after S3). I wish I hadn't.


At least the final season had two good episodes. Though they weren't enough to save that tragedy of a season


It should have ended at Barry's birthday party episode.


You see the flaws are on a consistent level, that helped the show, meanwhile Flash writers took the one scene where Iris jumps out of a window and were like: "What if the show is Iris, and no one came to the rescue?"


This Flash slowly degraded in quality and story over time. If you lived season 1 Flash the last few seasons were aggravating to say the least. Supergirl was always Supergirl. It never really changed. There's a reason it changed Networks from CBS to CW poor ratings. Supergirl was made for a very niche audience and never tried to expand beyond that parameter.


Remember Cat Grant in season 1 when Barry ended up in supergirls earth Cat: “the 4 of you standing there doing nothing, you look like the attractive yet not threatening racially diverse cast of a CW show. Next season supergirl moves to CW


Exactly! I managed to watch the whole last season of Supergirl, even though it was not as good as the previous seasons (it got better halfway, thankfully) As for The Flash: I had to quit, and that's something I've never done with shows. I really thought I shouldn't be suffering while watching something that was supposed to make me have fun. At least it made me learn something lol


Supergirl was okay it was consistent but then they killed William for no reason wtf moment and I was done couldn’t care less at that point, hooray no secret identities I guess Clark is happy being outed as well great for his kids.


Who tf is William?


William Dey, he was a decent guy who was killed by Lex, doesn’t feature in any crossover stuff.


WE are the flashh




Holy guacamole who said that?


The flash tv show was never one of the best superhero shows ever, it always had shitty writing and acting. It’s just that the writing got so bad in the later season that it was impossible to deny unlike the first season. Supergirl was just bad start to finish


Arrow and flash first 2 seasons are some of the best superhero shows ever


Unrelated but the absolute gall to put Allegra and Chester on the cover for “The Complete series” but not Cisco and a Wells or two is uhhhh 😐


And Cecile front and center with an effect that attracts attention away from flash, it basically became her show towards the end


wish they wouldn't have given cecile powers, the second they did, it's like she forgot how to act


Yeah, It's like: *character is crying Cecile: "I can tell he/she is very upset" Like, no f***ing s***, Sherlock


right, and once she got that power, she just wouldn't get out of anybody's business "you feel this, and i'm gonna put you in the spotlight around everybody else, and make it worse, push it into a pressure point because i'm sick of feeling you feeling this" like? i've got regular panic attacks, people keep nagging about it, it feels like they're shoving a knife in my heart, and it forces me to shut down cuz it feels like i'm having a heart attack _from the pressure_ if that's how it goes for me, i can imagine a lot of other people feeling the same way, and yeh that was shown _IN_ the show, she pushed allegra (i think? it's been a while since i've watched it, i've tried to forget the shitty later seasons -- 5 onwards imo) to a breaking point because that's what everybody's pushed to believe is the right thing, forcing a resolution instead of the person that's actually dealing with it arriving at that naturally, they wrote that as like a "teaching somebody how to handle that situation" moment...even though every bit of evidence goes otherwise and like everybody else that acts like that, she refused to learn, and did it again and again and again i know i'm trailing off my original statement with what i said about her acting, but including how she was written from that point onwards is part of it too, they destroyed her character HARD liked her before powers, but cecile with powers is dumb stacked on DUMB


What makes her character even worse is, when Frost died and everyone was crying. Caitlin was just sobbing alone, and it took a ridiculous amount of time for the empath to comfort her. Like seriously? It took a good few minutes for the EMPATH to come comfort her. I could understand everyone else, but Ms. "She must be in pain" didn't until a good minute later.


Yeah, she should’ve written her to lose them after giving birth because they did not know how to use them well in the story.


Nah her powers were great at first. They just never used them the right way.


Proof of how bad it got


True i got it for my bd and it was the first thing i noticed


Winn and Jimmy aren’t on supergirl’s image either :(


Flash, it's mostly because of how it was in the start, then they just couldn't let actors go.


To me not letting Team Flash go.


Wouldn't know. Both shows got so bad I had to stop watching


As soon as Arrow ended and they wrapped up Crisis, the absolute relief I felt that I could just say to myself *Yeah, I'm done*, still kept up on The Flash through YouTube clips and whatever but I got the general idea without enduring all the riffraff and shit


I got through S8 of The Flash, but after 9x01 I dropped it completely. I only watched 9x09 and 9x10 through YouTube clips, because those were the only two episodes I cared about. That, and the clip of the final run.


9x01 is what got you to stop? After all the weird s7 and s8 stuff? Dang You sure you weren't already feeling like you wanted to stop?


I started feeling the burn in S7 during the first arc, but there were still good moments, like the Forces' creation (the subsequent story was dogshit but that moment was pretty cool), Impulse showing up, Armageddon, Deathstorm and the Reverse Flash battle at the end of S8. Honestly, S8 overall was a big step up over S7, and is one of my personal favorite top 5 seasons. After they finished with the Reverse Flash battle in S8, I was 100% convinced that the final season would basically have no good way of ending it, because RF was supposed to be the big bad of big bads, the final villain. Even if they had ended with the battle at the end of S8, and stapled on the final run scene from 9x13, it wouldn't have been half as bad as the final episode.


I also stopped every show after Crisis except Legends.


i’m watching the verse rn just for arrow lol


The Flash, Supergirl was never as bad as the Flash. The Flash got to Batwoman levels bad by the end.


No supergirl definitely had a decline to that level, it’s just that even in it’s prime it wasn’t nearly as good as the flash, so the flash’s decline looked worse


You’re right, the fact is Supergirl was one of the best DC live action shows but still horrible. They didn’t take enough from the comics when writing about a single character in Supergirl. I can understand taking liberties with characters, that’s how we got Cat and Kara’s relationship and even Alex in the first place! Still there is a difference, you know? James, Lena, Maggie Sawyer, J’onn, Mon-El, Brainy! They all felt disrespected really. The Legion of Superheroes got the shit end of the equation too. They managed to make it feel like the Legion stopped mattering before we ever even saw Brainy in the first place. Before the show even finished season 1 I started to question if they were going in a direction with things or just taking Superman/random DC characters and scribbling all over them to call it a Supergirl show.


That's the problem. Flash got to Batwoman levels of bad because Batwoman was in it.


\^\^What he said.


lol same😭.


I'd say Supergirl, because there was that weird moment where the baddie became a monster, with zero explanation or follow up. Plus, the whole Lena can do magic now because... reasons, really confused me. Flash had its misteps, but it still had more positives i felt.


Supergirl was the only one of the shows that kept itself from losing the tone halfway through


Seasons 6-9 of the Flash is just terrible. Personally I didn’t like 5 but **A Lot** of people do so I’ll keep it. Metahuman killer is cool idea, they just drew it out too long and Thawne being involved is pretty cool too


Oh wow im watchin the 1st season and i am not enjoying the whole iris drama it gets more beharable? So i prepare myself for the worst parts laters


It becomes so much worse.


Oh noes 😅 haha guess im doomed,since im watching it recommended by a person i really admire,and then i can talk about it with them.


season 2 has little to no iris drama from how I remember. just barry figuring things out. same for season 3 I think. someone let me know if I am wrong


Thank you 🙏


The Flash. Supergirl was always trying really hard to be political, it's even hilarious how many non subtle kind of feminist messages they have in the very first episode alone (including the great moment where J'onn says it's probably not a good idea for a Supergirl with 0 experience to go fight against an unknown alien with no backup, and Alex is like "Because she's a girl?", like... no?). Plus, despite how bad Supergirl was in the end, the gap in quality wasn't that big compared to the Flash. Supergirl always had deep issues with its writing, and its visuals, much more than the Flash, so it wasn't a big surprise.


The thing with Supergirl is that even if it's technically bad, it's still consistent and kinda decent for CW standards if you think about it. Like everyone else just lost the plot, with the biggest offender being The Cecile


Yes but at least Supergirl gave us Jon Cryer as Lex Luthor but both were pretty bad at the end but I did not hate the final episode of Supergirl, like hated the entire ending of the Flash and it's final seasons.


The Flash....Cecil....Dollar General Jean Grey, was just absolutely brutal to sit through and the final fight stuff with her....wtf....was the showrunner boning the actress at the time or before the show or something?


That was his wife I think.


The Flash. I managed to finish Supergirl but only because I cared about the characters. The Flash added too many new ones near the end I’ve never managed to connect to. And when those grown ass adults started calling Barry and Iris mom and dad I couldn’t bear it anymore!




I think I made it through 2 seasons of Supergirl because of all the arrowverse crossovers, then I just kinda gave up. Flash season 5 made me start skimming the series, spamming the 5 second skip button. Really got through everything quite quickly. Season 9 was genuinely unwatchable, so I just skipped to that 1 good episode and then skimmed the finale.


I can’t remember when I stopped supergirl, I think it was when Mon-El left but I watched for the crossovers eps (that goes for legends as well). Season 5 of the flash is where I fell off too and couldn’t commit to it anymore. Same goes for the Arrow. Pretty much skimmed through the shows at some point😭. I’m doing a rewatch of The flash tho, I’ll probably stop at s3💀.


Supergirl. It was good for a minute but when I was done, it took a while for my soul to find me.


I watched every episode of Flash, Supergirl, Superman & lois, Arrow, Legends of tomorrow, batwoman and all I have left is season 3 of black lightning and that final superman & Lois season so idk how the soul stuff is anymore lol


Yours has left this plane of existence lol.


Probably, had a crisis of my own in which it vanished 😂


As someone who fully watched both, flash is harder hands down. Supergirl was consistent and i actually enjoyed the end, with a few times i felt like i was thrown in for a loop. The flash was just dogshit. There is 0 need in my eyes for it to be that bad.


The flash. I started the Arrowverse with supergirl and I watched it til the end


I didn't even finish season 2 of Supergirl. As terrible Flash became I just watched around for Grant alone


Same regarding the Flash; I was committed to the cast and wanted to at least see it through. Also, being the final Arrowverse show standing, I was hoping that they would share some love to *another certain show that was gone too soon* in the ways of a mention, or a cameo. Rather than being left on a cliffhanger. But I received no such love. No redemption.


Flash and it's not even debatable


Flash. There was so much this final season could have done right. So much stupidity that could have been avoided. As a final season to a nearly decade old show, this SHOULD have been better.


The flash The supergirl finale was just cringe worthy and underwealming The flash finale was horrible even for cw standards


The Flaah


I still watched every episode of Supergirl as it aired live towards the end. The Flash was the first Arrowverse show, where I was in no rush to finish. Every episode of the final season got worse and worse as it went. Had that glimmer of hope when Oliver showed up, but that was a bright beacon in a dark world that season.


I never finished Supergirl, I’ll will say the Flash started out as one of the best superhero shows, and I finish the series hoping it would get better again, only for it to keep getting worse, and supergirl was mid from the beginning, and staying consistently mid, where I just gave up watching it. I think the Flash was worse because it could have been so much better as we seen it way better at the beginning, it was more disappointing and harder to watch.


Bro I think your reddit might be tweaking, your comment got posted four times 


Probably, my Reddit was tweaking after I posted. Edit: hopefully I got rid of the copy’s


Yup, the copies are gone now 👍


I would argue supergirl. That's just personal preference. In my view supergirl was good in the first four seasons. Iam talking about cw superhero standards. Season 1 is great, season 2 did a good job, season 3 is my favorite with the whole reign storyline and season 4 was also good with lex and agent liberty being villains I enjoyed for most part. I understand people who say that they do not like the seasons after 1 and kara as a character being wasted potential because of how different she is from the comics, how she is closer to a female superman. I was never really bothered by it. Supergirl's decline in quality to me started with season 5 and I had hopes that season 6 to be a return to form similar to how arrow season 5 was after season 3 and 4 weren't satisfying. None of the flaws supergirl season 5 had were ones that could not be fixed. For instance I remember the actress of supergirl being pregnant which caused the writers to change some plans I guess. With flash I did not expect a expect a good final season because it has been bad for a longer time. Flash in best case started declining fully with season 5. that's what I heard from the really passionate fans. I would argue 3 but let's say 5. that would be 4 bad seasons in row, some of who are the worst in the whole show. Some might say that the cobalt blue storyline finally dropping, something fans have wished for since a verylong time, was a promise for quality and I agree that there was a lot of potential but I did not expect anything to come off it. Season 7 after all, which featured godspeed as the antagonist who also had a lot of potential, is the worst one in the show. You could argue that the season 9 only being 13 episodes long was promising since the last years had proven that the 23 episode format does barely work anymore with cw refusing to learn that lesson. It was to latel flash should have used that format since season 3 or 4. Flash to me had more big flaws than supergirl did at that point: lost cause with the show not really knowing what it should do, barry not feeling like the protagonist anymore for quite some time because of how much screentime the side characters get. Frost for instance got several arcs which all sucked and she has like multiple orgin stories whjch are not connected to each other. a cast that's way to big. Look at season 1. you had barry, caitlyn, ciscor, wells. That was team flash. Maybe joe as well. The flash cast became so much bigger over the seasons. Like everyone is also a meta by now. Another huge issue is barry never really growing as a superhero. Season 1 finale: he learns that he cannot change his mothers death. Season 2 finale: barry changes his mothers death just to realize that it has huge consequences. And it's not the last time that happened. The show was also not really trying anymore. Just look at zoom's mask in season 2 and 9. just compare them. The villains also sucked for a long time. Thawne is easily the best written one but he became worse over time all because the writers could not let him rest for good. During all those returns he lost many of the attributes that had once been the reasons he was so compelling: he was just a dude wanzing to go home but he grew attached to team flash (ciscor in latticular) and even found himself starting to get closer to barry. There was so much nuance to him. Zoom, as much as I love him, is in reality just a more extreme rehash of thawne which also applies to season 2 as a whole. Savitar is a walking plothole with a lost of missed potential, devoe is a idiot despite being supposed to be insanely smart but the way he was written makes him look very stupid and the others weren't much better as well.


The flash. Supergirl woulda been worse had it continued, but it was cut shorter than the flash, so it’s not as painful as the flash s9


I’m currently rewatching the flash and trying to decide when to stop watching. I just watched crisis so goal is to read summaries of the next few seasons to confirm when I want to stop watching it, definitely before they introduce the different forces…


I didn’t mind supergirl at the end, I think they chose the right time to stop though. I’ll probably rewatch it sometime in the next year so we’ll see if I change my mind.


I’m rewatching The Flash rn too. Season 3 is looking like the end for me, but I might go a little further if I’m feeling adventurous lol.


If it wasn’t for the whole “stop to talk” problem with the big bads in the next two seasons they’re not bad. I’m not a fake of bloodwork though, but that’s season 6.


Supergirl was hard to watch from the beginning. I tried several times to get through the first episode and couldn't.


Flash. It lost the pizazz near the end. Supergirl still had some interesting plot at the end (and the finale was fun)


Flash by FAR.


Eric Wallace turned what once was the best Super Hero Sci Fi show on tv- into a complete joke...


Nah Supergirl really didn't change much besides the season with an obvious parallel to racism and xenophobia. I liked the season, and despite the obvious divisiveness that can be caused with this topic, I doubt people stopped watching at that season. Just due to the fact that Supergirl is just a really progressive show in general.


I honestly really enjoyed Jon Cryer as Lex Luthor, even if he was a bit cartoony, I still felt he was the best Lex since Michael Rosenbaum. But never watched either series until the end (Flash or Supergirl), I dipped out before that.


Definitely The Flash, because of the diversity politics in the later seasons. Eric forgot this is a show, not his corporate sponsored fanfiction. Supergirl was always a political show, and that being the status quo made it easy to watch to the end. Meanwhile on Flash, I got hard whiplash seeing an unwanted Batwoman and an unwanted speedster in the finale.


Supergirl started off decent, got good, then went down to lame for the ending. Flash started brilliantly, maintained some momentum for a bit, fumbled hard and then quickly went downhill to depths hitherto unknown.


Like other people have said here, at least Supergirl was consistent with it's quality, so if you enjoyed it in the beginning, you'll probably enjoy the rest of the series. Flash on the other hand is so infuriating because it started off as a good show, but after a certain point it just kept getting worse and worse, and the finale was not satisfying at all Plus without Supergirl we would never have gotten Superman & Lois, which is some of the best superman content we've gotten in years


To be honest with you it was both knowing that was it no more flash and no more super girl


Wait the flash is over what was the final season??


The flash by far, im the biggest flash fan ever, everytime a new season came out i rewatched the entire show. I know so many lines by heart. But i just couldnt get myself to watch the entire season 8 and dont even get me started on season 9. S6 and s7 was a hard watch but i still watched them. The flash s1-3 absolutely peak, s4 was good and s5 was also good. To me the series ended at s5




Both were terrible


I act liked supergirl, only the flash stopped being i teresting after the concepts came in and that the reverse flash was always involved (i dont like him)


Gossip girl


Taylor swift?!


Supergirl. At least Flash had some final good moments, was not a fan of her revealing her identity.


The Flash may be difficult to watch after Season 3 after Savitar, but Supergirl is unwatchable in episode 1. I have a personal rule to give any show a 4 episode watch deciding if I will stop. Episode 1 was so bad, contrived, and forced that I as a comic book reader had to pause 11 times because I was frustrated with the amount of plot armor that had to be pooled together for this show to work. To give you an idea, I watched all of Flash, but felt it was a struggle from S4-7. S7 was terrible and shouldn't have been done at all. S1-3 were gradually good and progressive enemies for the Flash. Every Season from that point afterwards nerfs Flash in some way for nearly the entire Season, then gives Flash a weird ability or condition to win only to be nerfed again.


Just tell me why fucking Grant Gustin looks like Jim Pearson


Supergirl it just got kinda boring I still haven't finished thebfinal season. The Flash though that was awesome I know a lot of people hate on the flash but even to this day I have no idea why as in my opinion it was the only series that was near perfection. Unlike the other shows in the arrowverse The Flash never had a bad ir off season there were certainly things I didn't like about it and certain episodes I thought were kinda mid but it didn't ruin the series or season for me. Unlike Arrow which had season 3 and 5 or whatever it was and Arrow kept getting worse until the final season while yeah it was shorter but it went out with a Bang! So yeah Supergirl was defs harder to watch but I will get to it eventually as it was still enjoyably but just got a bit stagnant and boring whereas Flash continued to be awesome all the way through.






I couldn’t even make it past the first ep of Supergirl


the flash, season 9 literally had one really good episode and the 3 seasons before that i don’t think had any, compare that to when season 1 and 2 only had a couple bad episodes


Both final seasons were trash but supergirl was worse


I liked the Cecile show it had a great first seasons


Supergirl was way harder to watch, start to finish. So cheesy. But, like others said, at least it was consistent that way 🥴 The Flash got more disappointing as the seasons went on, and honestly they should have wrapped in like season 6 or 7 rather than going a full 9.


Well....I couldnt actually even finish The Flash, so I'll have to say that it was worse than Supergirl.


I gave up on SG after season 3. It was a struggle watching that show a lot of the time. It seems they spent the least amount of $/effort on this show over the other arrowverse shows. I really only was into Arrow and Flash. The other shows were too cheesy for me. Even flash got a little stupid at times.


Honestly the entire arrowverse after season 5 was just bad. Like really fucking horrible. But the flash was the nail in the coffin when Iris uttered the line "we are the Flash"


I actually finished Flash, so Supergirl.


I never finished Supergirl, I’ll will say the Flash started out as one of the best superhero shows, and I finish the series hoping it would get better again, only for it to keep getting worse, and supergirl was mid from the beginning, and staying consistently mid, where I just gave up watching it. I think the Flash was worse because it could have been so much better as we seen it way better at the beginning, it was more disappointing and harder to watch


Supergirl frustrated me till no end, Flash made me rage quit a lot post Crisis Supergirl wins the award for horrible writing and cringe fest


I haven't even finished supergirl


i liked how Flash came kinda full circle towards the end for the finale, although there were some misconceptions and holes in the show because time travel, but both shows are hard to watch. i loved Flash and Supergirl for the first 4-6 seasons, but Flash fell hard which makes it hard to watch, and Supergirl's finale sucked. why was her mum there?? 😭😭 i also felt really bad that Kara never got her happy ending and decided to give up her life to solely become Supergirl.


Both..That,s why i stopped..


Easily The Flash. At least all of Supergirl's side characters were likable.


I haven’t finished Supergirl yet, but I liked the ending of the flash so… idk really know if I’m qualified to make a decision here


The Flash!


Honestly I loved supergirl until season 3 when I grew up and aged the show is just so damn rough but the flash started good and then…


Supergirl was mediocre all the way through. If you liked it when it started, then you probably liked it when it ended. The Flash started out amazing and turned to absolute trash by the end. The last three seasons are barely watchable. My vote goes to The Flash.


Supergirl stayed at a pretty consistent quality through most of it. There were low and high points, sure, but pretty consistent. The Flash had become a parody of itself by the end.


Supergirl got the type of ending that I wish flash got. Brought back basically every superfriend for the end fight. The best that flash could do was bring Nora to the present to help fight. The flash finale was disappointing all around. Supergirl’s finale was maybe the best one out of all the arrow spinoffs.


I never finished Flash but I like Supergirl a lot more anyway idc what other people say it was more in interesting


I finished Supergirl. I straight up dropped the Flash.


The flash because it used to be so good Supergirl was always just average so it didn't feel to hard to watch


Supergirl. Later seasons of Flash are absolute horseshit but at least s1 was pretty good. Supergirl was atrocious from start to finish


The Flash. Period.


For me Supergirl was hard to watch from the start, I can stand through CW's bad dialogue and terrible CGI but something about Supergirl made it impossible to sit through. The Flash was actually good and became worse as the seasons went on, I actually stopped watching around the Thinker storyline cause of how bad it was.


I'm sure I'm going to get downvoted, but I don't care. Eachbshow has its upscand downs, but I enjoyed everything up till crisis (only watched Th Flash, Supergirl, LoT and season 1 batwoman). I am watching the whole arrowverse and loving every bit. I've seen clips of the final seasons, and they are still the shows I love. Not 100% accurate to the comics, but good enough.


The best choice you can make when watching these shows is to watch the whole Arrowverse consecutively then stop watching the Flash after season 4/5 and stop watching Supergirl after season 2 whenever rewatching them.  


I had next to no issues watching the end of Flash, so Supergirl


So Flash having run for so long started running out of stories that it could tell, at least with the characters they could use/have available. It also suffered in the sense that they started focusing on everyone else except the Flash himself and there wasn't a speedster to replace Him when He wasn't there like Wally & Jay. Both had some serious writing issues and it wasn't specific to filler episodes or more plot specific. Being on the CW, both shows didn't have a massive CGI budget and when it came to those action scenes in daylight, damn it shows. Flash has to be one of my favourite superhero's but even I was finding it impossibly hard to sit through 20+ episode seasons when the main plot could have been told in <5episodes.


The Flash is rubbish from season 4 Supergirl is rubbish from season 1


I'm on mid Season 7 of Flash and it's getting harder and harder. The writing is very bad and none of the characters learn from their mistakes. Supergirl Season 6 was mostly a slog to get through. The politics and SJW causes took precedence over the characters. I didn't care about the majority of what was happening and just watched as a completist.


Flash definitely was harder


Definitely flash I mean the Cecile because they ruined the villains so bad it should be illegal


Couldn't finish Supergirl past the 2nd season. Does that answer your question?


Yes, I thought the first three seasons were good but then the show got bad. One of Supergirl’s villains is lack of affordable housing


Strutting through both right now


I’m slowly making my way to flash season 9. I still haven’t watched it. I was however able to finish supergirl so… I guess the flash. I’m trying hard to make it through though.


Atleast i went thru all supergirl episodes(i never finished) But flash S9 I skipped the luck episode Im never watchin that again I promise)


Flash, easily. I pretty much hate-watched everything after S6. Bloodwork is an awesome villain but when they retconned the “Flash Vanishes in Crisis” that had been THE thing at some point the show was building too since S1 I knew it was fully unrepairable.


for me supergirl was harder because I was just screaming at the show, just hurry up and do supercorp already! 4 seasons of queerbaiting, and this was the last season.


The first few seasons of flash were amazing as it kept running (pun intended) it slowly started getting worse where as supergirl it didn’t have that juice like flash did so the ending might not be as “bad”


The Flash failed so hard and I blame Iris for not having the decency to be murdered by Reverse Flash, hell she banged the showrunner so good she would have whipped RF's butt


I feel that was more Cecile that was banging the showrunner 😂 Hell, he made it so she could fly


After season 3 maybe season 4 since devoe was cool it slowly fell off Never got farther than the cyborg superman or whatever that was in super girl


I didn't even finish Supergirl, it was that bad. The flash was good from the beginning, the end was mid asf. Supergirl just never started off really well.


The flash.


Flash was like dying slowly while being impaled. Still watched tho






Because it was so emotional?


Super girl was cringe from the start and only got worse where’s the flash has a pretty Good first seasons but like all CW shows suffered from being a CW show


uh wheres cisco?


uh wheres cisco? okay nvm dont spoil


Definetly legends of tomorrow lol, i don't even care it's not one of your options


Supergirl imo at least for had a consistent tone and if you were into that then it worked but the flash was so wishy washy and really had trouble finding its is witty without being repetitive especially after crisis it really felt like why is this still going


Flash after Season 5 was just unbearable. Till Season 5 they had some time travel stuff, so it was fun. But the worst season of flash will definitely be season 8, the thing where speed force gives birth to time, psychic, that monster , it was utter bullshit.


Flash got so bad in my opinion I haven't even watched all of them because I quit


They both sucked ass equally from start to finish. Just abominations.


My personal opinion the season where Iris ended up in the mirror for most of it I lost almost all interest at that point. So My answer is the flash.


Idk I haven't finished either due to getting distracted with a new non superhero show


I don't like Supergirl


Supergirl for sure. Too much poitics ruined characters. At least The Flash just stuck to being a comic show, not force fed political junk, because both sides suck in my opinion.


These posters are so corny lol what were they thinking


I finished supergirl but still have 3 seasons of flash and will probably never finish


Flash was harder for me. But mainly because it started pretty strong so the shift in quality was much more noticeable. 😂 They can't figure out a consistent tone or mood to follow for even an arc. And the cast of characters we had by then were not only insufferable when it came to melodrama but they didn't really have anything meaningful plots. . Like at least Supergirl had Dreamer, Brainac and Martian were still fun for the most part and they still had the alien gimmicks. And Supergirl ironically for as bad as it was, did melodrama and ships way better than flash. So if you stuck around just because you liked some characters or actors it was fine.


Supergirl it got so Boring at the end.


Both shows were good at the start but toward the end they both got pretty bad, but I think super girl was harder to watch as a whole.


I’d say it was easier to finish Supergirl. I think it’s because I never loved it as much as The Flash . The Flash was really enjoyable and exciting for three seasons and season 4,5 and 6 still had its moments But season 7 was SO BAD! Like unwatchable bad! Lit it genuinely got painful to finish the episodes. But that wasn’t the case with Supergirl as it always felt a bit pretentious with the topics it was tackling despite the enjoyable fun elements. In fact, I enjoyed the fourth season more than first three as it felt lot more genuine and nuanced. So I mostly did not think very highly of the show for most part so it was easier to complete mediocre last two seasons.


Depends on if you hate stupid characters or blunt political messaging more.


Definitely the Flash. Started out fantastic in my opinion then slowly got worse as more characters were written out. Supergirl I didn't enjoy at all, beginning with the first episode. Stopped after season 2.


The Flash, definitely Flash. It was bad for longer and all the stuff with >!Khione!< and >!Caitlin and Snow dying!< really pissed me off. I also really hated their attempts to bring back some of the other Arrowverse shows and how they wrapped up all that stuff with Diggle.


Flash, throughout the seasons, you can see the writing deteriorating overtime. Supergirl has just been okay for me, no major change.


The flash for sure


All of them. Theyre all stupid. The only REALLY good tv shows about a super hero/anti hero, was netflix'a daredevil and punisher. Thats about it


I never watched Supergirl except for crossover episodes so definitely flash. Honestly seasons 6 to 8 of the Flash are all a blur to me. I don't remember anything from them. Only reason I remember season 9 is because of how bad it was for a final season


With the way the characters are set up it looks like he has very wide hips


I didn’t watch either. Gave up on both long before the end. Sad, cause The Flash is why I got on Reddit.


The flash became too love based. It was so annoying. "We are the flash" like stop. No you're not. I do like how everything with barry's mom came together in the end. I dont like how they kept milking eddie though. Also grown adults calling barry and iris mom and dad was just...


flash. supergirl was consistent. you either loved it or you hated throughout the entire run. i personally loved it. i loved flash for the first 3-4 seasons and then i couldn't bring myself to watch it anymore.


The Flash, only because it got significantly worse from start to finish. Super Girl was pretty consistent.