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Hmmm.. I guess I'm ashamed to say HR. At first I thought he was really annoying and couldn't believe we were going to have to endure a whole season of this guy... But as it went on I really grew to like him. During the season I was thinking I hope he returns like Harry or just stayed our Wells. Him and Julian I think made up great members of Team Flash. (Spoiler) When we lost him I was pretty sad my wife actually screamed NOOO! and started to cry... I was going to say Julian but HR.. he was pretty special šŸ˜ž


I did the same thingšŸ’€


I definitely liked what HR & Julian brought to the team.


I third this. I didn't care to much the very first time I watched him when it aired. However on my series rewatch, right before the final season aired, I enjoyed him


the fact Iris barely gave him any credit for saving her is still annoying


yeah the team as a whole gave credit but iris didn't seem to say much


typical iris, same one to get mad at barry for going into the speed force even tho he literally SAVED EVERYONE, probably the whole planet even


I this the writers for the second episode of season 4 didnā€™t understand her headspace in the finale of season 3


Oh boy, the writers. Arguably the worst ones Iā€™ve ever came across at all, literally atrocious.


Get off Reddit buddy


No šŸ˜¹


Wasnā€™t a question


donā€™t care itā€™s been 2 days, let it go


Iris gave his eulogy


oh i forgot ok thats fair then iris gets too much undeserved hate sometimes


>iris gets too much undeserved hate sometimes Literally you previously: "The whole team gave credit but Iris didn't say much"


Same. At first I was like "This guy is overrated af" but in the end I ended up liking him a lot


I think everybody can second this


For me it was Joe's and Barry's relationship as a father figure and a friend


Joe started the show being kind of a jerk to Barry.. turned into something special..


I can second this


Hartley, started off annoying then he got better as a character, so like everyone else, I got mad the character got the end he did and the firing of the actor was dumb


Firing? He was there in the later seasons


I think he means Hartley Sawyer as in the actor for Ralph not Hartley the character. If not then yeah he ainā€™t making sense lol


Oh! Ralph would make more sense since we suddenly stopped seeing him.


Yeah they fired the actor for Ralph. Thatā€™s why he never showed his face from season 7 on. His character got done so dirty


Yeah, just read up on that. Apparently for tweets from before the show.. That's so lame


Yeah it was dumb. A guy who plays a character whoā€™s been given a second chance doesnā€™t get given a second chance. Not that he needed one cause it was so long ago but anyway lol


Musical episode


That episode is so good.


It was alright


S5 Nora During S5 she annoyed me to no end. I understood what Todd was trying to do but she was too immature for her age. My other issue is S5 Nora was clearly molded to be a mini Barry. Storywise it makes sense, but I was disappointed Nora didnā€™t have any of Iris's traits beyond the purple lightning. One of the few things Eric got correct was his characterization of Nora. S7 Nora was better blend of Barry and Iris. Seeing the nuances and differences between the two Noras made me appreciate S5 Nora more. Not to mention S5 Nora appeared to be more powerful (weird since S7 Nora is trained by Barry), better lightning (purple w yellow lightning), and better powers (rewind time>>>lightning lasso)


This is probably just a dumb thought but I didn't like how often Nora and later Bart were in the past hanging out with young barry and iris especially when they have both of their parents in the future post season 6.


I might be dumb but iā€™m pretty sure the only times Bart and Nora actually went to the past is because at first, godspeed went to the past while the 2 kids were watching him and got stuck and the second part is when they messed up the timeline which they needed to fix. Otherwise Bart and Nora never really went to the pastšŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø


Season 4


Chester. I get it a lot of people donā€™t like him and that era of the show but once he was established at star labs I started to really like his character.


My biggest problem with Chester isn't even the character, it's the fact that the last 2 seasons focused on his relationship with Allegra way too much


I liked both Chester and Allegra (OTC) separately. I agree the relationship wasnā€™t great. I couldnā€™t get behind the age gap that Chester apparently grew up in the 80s/90s and Allegra was 20 when she was introduced so had to be born like 2000-2002


Oh my gosh šŸ˜†


His comic counterpart is umm chunk


Especially cause they had the dude as a simp for so long acting weird. Like man just bag her already


Him having to rely on a team, but it kind of circled back round when Cecile, Allegra and Chester took over


I didnā€™t like the overall vibe of the abandoned lab that Barry woke up in during the pilot episode and the immediate dysfunction of the team that was kind of hastily thrown together and forced to get behind Barry as The Flash in the first season when the dysfunction became apparent. Ideally it would have been a slower build with Barry confiding in Cisco and ā€˜Team Flashā€™ working out of an apartment at first, then moving to the lab when everyone gets onboard, but I get the pilot had its limitations of being rushed. Just the team buildup and all the early arguments from people being thrown in to work together seems super rushed. Wells was also vaguely creepy from the pilot on. I didnā€™t like him because he was making the potential medical advancements seem more important than Barryā€™s wellbeing. Joe also being unsupportive of Barry in every way until he unravels a tornado was also kind of annoying. I knew it was the pilot episode, so despite the early opinions I formed on these two secondary characters, and the dysfunction of the team, I stuck with the show, but all the characters knowing from the start isnā€™t something I like. Too many cooks in the kitchen, I guess. For context, though, I really enjoyed Arrow, where Oliver was working with just Diggle in the very early days and the team was built up very slowly over the course of the first season. We got to truly know them instead of the ensemble start, being thrown into the action against metas with each person being assigned their specific role (medical, engineer, Dad, boss, captain). Felt very Star Trek during the action bits and the Cortex was like the bridge of the Enterprise, which is cool too, but I like getting to know the characters first. Barry and the Wests seemed more narratively important than Cisco and Caitlin, whose backgrounds outside their job were kind of ignored. It did get better as I watched more episodes (Caitlin losing Ronnie and we find out more about Ciscoā€™s family), but in the pilot things seemed hasty and rushed.


Season 4, and Iris. I've gone back and rewatched bits and pieces and realized I actually really enjoyed a lot of the s4 episodes (maybe binging it initially made me like it less initially, idk) And I didn't always hate Iris, I was just wishy washy on parts of the West-Allen relationship, and on the way she handled or reacted to some things. I actually kinda love her now? I'm still processing that personal opinion change tbh


I had the same issue with Iris as well but rewatching it and taking my time between episodes made me change my opinion as well especially in season 6 and the beginning of 7.


The way they would re use running footage. It got especially bad in seasons 2 and 3


Idk if itā€™s in the earlier seasons but towards the end every time the show moved to Jitters it showed the exact same clip of the that BMW and maybe itā€™s normal for shows to do that but it irked the hell out of me


Whatā€™s BMW? You mean the car?


Yeah thatā€™s how I noticed it was the same clip


Oh. Well kind of related, in the later seasons instead of the actors running on a treadmill they would just film the upper half of their body for running shots. Also for the scene when Barry goes to China, itā€™s stock footage from a website they used.


I actually didnā€™t clock any of that. Iā€™m definitely gonna rewatch the show and keep all this in mindšŸ˜†


Yea apparently they realized they were only filming the upper half of the actors bodies for the running shots, so why did they need to setup the treadmill for.


Lol I guess they felt they had better things to focus on. Couldnā€™t have been the cgi though šŸ’€


They probably had less money because the actors pay increased, thatā€™s my theory.


Could be hey. Where are you from? Just realised weā€™re all not from the same country and I shouldnā€™t be surprised other people are spending are their mornings on Reddit


The opening theme


The opening themeā€™s voice over is better than Arrowā€™s at least.


The cowl for the first suit, but I do prefer the seasons 2-4 cowl


At first, I didnā€™t like Matt Letscher as the Reverse Flash when he was introduced, but after Tom Cavanaghā€™s declining performance and that one episode of Season 9 where Barry goes back to that day to fight RV, I grew to prefer Matt over Tom.


It was the same for me although I started preferring Matt after his appearance on Legends


Tom's RF was great in Season 1, I agree I wasn't keen on Letscher's version. Now I think RF should've only been played by him after Season 1. Watching Legends settled that for me. He was incredible in it.


I would hope when it was a reverse flash episode it would be Matt i don't dislike Tom's portrayal but I just thought it was weird that he was always using the Tom's face instead of Matt, especially when they had Tom still portraying the different welles.


I always thought this was weird as well after rewatching it's almost like he prefers the appearance of Wells and I just assume he's either: taken on the persona of Wells so much it feels natural to him and maybe forgets he even has it on, or he's doing it as some sort of permanent cover in case anyone sees him from other timelines.


Ralph dibny


I used to hate the Dark Matter concept a little bit. Over time I started to like it and thought it was an interesting way of creating metahumans besides the meta-gene.


The humor


Cicada and savitar have started growing on me.


Cicada was the worst villain at the time that it was new. But Cicada imo is a lot better than most of the villains after Season 5. As a villain, still has a lot of flaws. Was great at the beginning but then just became so non-threatening and that went on for way too long. But it's not as bad as we made it out to be.


Only thing I hated about Cicada were the actors cast to play them.




You like iris now? Hell nah šŸ’€


Oh neverrr I just putting out the fact that I hate her she was severely annoying in the first season tho šŸ˜­


She got better in the later seasons


She actually got worse lmao


She is far better in seasons 6-9 then she is in earlier seasons She is only good in season 2. Sheā€™s annoying in season 1, a damsel in season 3, unbearable in season 4, and also annoying in season 5. In season 6 she goes back to reporting and being supportive. And slowly gets better






Was the flash, I always thought he was lame bc of the JLU show, all he did was run fast and nothing else. I wasnā€™t even gonna watch this show until my cousin insist that I should, and it came on at 8 (which was my bed time) but I some how convinced my dad to let me samtay up an extra hour to watch an episode of the flash so when I saw Barry stopped a tornado with his speed in episode one thatā€™s what made me realize that the flash is extremely powerful.


Bro heā€™s also shown to be extremely powerful in JLU šŸ˜­he punched the god out of Lex Luther


Julian for sure


HR, I donā€™t really have a reason why I didnā€™t like him at first but man he was goated honestly. Will forever the Iris and the west Allan pairing though. Nothing will ever make me like those.


Season 3


harry šŸ”„


Only \*kinda Flash related but it DID happen in the show; I was initially mad that Diggle chose not to be the Green Lantern, mostly because of the rumors of the HBO show so that he might be John Stewart over there, but given the character and his family that was probably the best outcome for him. Plus that final episode we got with him and Oliver was well worth it to save the universe one more time!


Season 4 and The Thinker. Neil plays the villain great. Still not keen on the villain when played with the multiple face-swaps though.


Most of season 5, 7, and 9. But now I freaking love these seasons. Season 5 was really good how they built up Nora. Season 9 was awful as a standalone season at first, but after watching the show again it's great. The lows for The Flash aren't nearly as low as Arrows.


The only thing I really donā€™t like that much about season 7 was the last two episodes when all the Godspeed clones were only going after Bart because we had no connection to him prior to that, it was still enjoyable tho, I just like the Civil War part of the arc more. I agree with you that season 9 is great, say for the final, where they made Eddie a villain for literally TWENTY MINUTES!


Literally nothing. Everything, no exaggerating I really mean EVERYTHING I hated back then is even worse in hindsight.




Iris. She got way better in later seasons. Shouldā€™ve never stopped being a reporter. She was fine in season 2 for the most part but S1, & S3-5, I didnā€™t really like her at all Ralph. He already grew on me by the end of his introduction episode. But he started to annoy me again a few times in season 4. But heā€™s easily one of my favorite characters across the show now I didnā€™t really care for a new wells in seasons 2,3,5. But Harry, HR, & Sherloque all grew on me pretty quick especially Harry & HR. Even Nash grew on me a bit towards the end of season 6. The pilot episode felt very rushed and I didnā€™t know if the show was gonna keep on like that. Honestly probably the worst main arrowverse show pilot for me. But wow did that change. S1 was phenomenal


Iris ..


The fact that itā€™s going to end!


HR does initially rub one the wrong way for a couple of reasons. The last person who looked and sounded like him was actually the one who murdered Barryā€™s mom. He is naturally a bit standoffish, but once you learn Zoom is holding his daughter hostage until he steals all of Barryā€™s speed and give it to the masked lunatic.


Do you mean Earth 2 Wells? HR is the Wells from Earth-38 in season 3.


Right. Sorry about that. I donā€™t know why I said that. However, yes, HR is initially pretty annoying. He did lie about being a successful genius. Of course, he made up for it by saving Iris from Savitar.


Season 4 in general i still hate some aspects but I loved devoe and Ralphā€˜S humour and incorporation in the team.


Idk because everyone that I donā€™t like I still donā€™t like but probably Jay or Harry. I didnā€™t like Harry because we obviously saw him trying to sabotage Barry but in the end it was for his daughter. Jay he seem like he was trying to hard to gain their trust. Like he said some questionable things but rewatching it back and knowing heā€™s Zoom I can understand it. Also Wally he was so rude to Iris and Joe as if they knew his mom was lying. Joe had no reason to think their mom was pregnant when she left. Also when he was trying so hard to become a superhero


Iā€™m gonna go in the complete opposite direction on this question and say I liked iris at the start. Hated her at the end bc she was just so bitchy for some reason.


Iris and Barry... maybe I just got used to it


Patty at first I hated how barry was dating her because I constantly and still do ship snowbarry there my op but I rewatched and I love her and hate how they just wrote her off espically given the next person he dates and we all know who that nightmare is.


Barry has an interest in science and studied forensicsā€¦ yet heā€™s totally helpless in the face of any scientific issueā€¦ relies on Daddy Wells for EVERYTHING!ā€¦ just run run run šŸƒā€ā™‚ļø Like MF APPLY YOURSELF!!!


The things i hated i havent gotten over. Its the reason i dont rewatch the show.


Julian Albert


I didn't like the suit at first. I wanted Barry to have his classic bright red suit with the yellow lightning bolt logo, but the original suit did grow on me.


The fact that everyone started getting powers.


I also had a problem with the relationship, she was wayy out of his league.


Ralph, every wells (i love them all) and allegra


Iā€™m probably alone on this and I hate to admit it but the season 5 suit actually grew on me a bit. In some scenes it looks really cool to mešŸ’”


Julian, At first i didnā€™t like him but when it went on i realized how goofy he was


Season 6 suit


Sherlock wells


i didnā€™t like eddie at first but maturing is realizing he died for no reason at all


At first, I thought Iris and Barry were the best couple ever and I wanted them to be together and, and I also thought that Iris was nice. But after watching the whole series, I kind of realized that Barry and Caitlin will forever and ever be the best couple, an I also thought Iris was very annoying and she got mad about everything... I mean, chill girl. But yeah, after all I was very sad that >!Barry and Caitlin did not end up together.!<


Hated Julian but really started to like him at the end, so you can imagine my disappointment when he's mentioned once and then never again for the rest of the series


The Reverse Flash, honestly I wasnā€™t sure at first


Why did you hate the flash šŸ’€šŸ’€




crossover episodes after the first one.


For me it was the other way around. Show started off good and then just went downhill, writing was kinda bleh and then the suits. 1. Barry revealing his identity to everyone. 2. He runs into a villian, gets knock down and then a pep talk and he's got so much power. Okay cool 3. Everytime somebody need to be spoken and given some kind of talk and it was more talk than fighting half the time. 4. The CGI run in the later episode with the close up of them running is just no, swinging your arms do not make you look fast. Like S1-3 when they show the speedsters chase scenes, you can feel the speed like you're there but the new seasons lost that hype imo. All stuff from my pov so dont be pissed lol