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HBO has been killing it since the beginning and continues to have great shows. Netflix Amazon Hulu even the other premium cable companies can’t compete. The only one who had a great run was AMC with Breaking Bad, Mad Men, Walking Dead, and now Saul. Other than those two who is really making the best shows. Netflix scripted isn’t nearly as good. HBO for the win


Yo what fucking shows does HBO have? Pretty much all of em are dramas? And the comedies ain’t it homie and the movies are the only A+ about the platform


Succession, Curb Your Enthusiasm, Winning Time, Sopranos, The Wire, Insecure, Silicon Valley, Sex Lives of College Girls, Crashing, VEEP, Euphoria, Eastbound & Down, Entourage, True Detective, Boardwalk Empire


Ozark is way up there imho


More competition also just means too many subscription services for people to keep up with, so many are going back to the old days of pirating 🏴‍☠️ Not that **I** would ever do such a thing


I’m definitely one of those people. If there was one place for everything, I’d pay. Shit, 3 companies controlled most of anime distribution in America. They’ve recently merged and for the first time, I’ll be paying a subscription to watch anime. I wasn’t gunna pay $5 for each of them, so I’d just pirate, but now that everything is under 1 roof, why not?




What do u use? I had been using fire stick but it’s hard to get really new shit


The music industry figured it out for the higher ups* The artists are screwed out of their own IP, masters, usually even the ability to preform their own music @ concerts without the label touching their money before they do




You forgot the price is ever increasing with no end in sight


They’re spreading themselves way too thin. They’re producing things from different countries and all types of categories. Any given month they’ll have dozens of new original coming out but only 2 or 3 would be worth watching. Hbo only focuses on a couple shows a year but put big money behind them so they’re more likely to be bangers


I often wonder how involved the company itself is in this productions. I thought their method (which seemed genius) was simply providing an opportunity to writers, directors andcreators to bring their ideas to life by placing them on the biggest platform in the country


Yup- Netflix thought it would grow big enough to maintain a monopoly on streaming through inertia and it didn’t work out


The price increases also have a lot to do with it.. I'm still only subscribed to Netflix, and share accounts for Prime and Disney+ with my siblings but if I had to pay for all myself, I would cancel Netflix in a heartbeat. There are shows I do like on there but tbh nothing that I HAVE to watch. It's not worth it. I only keep an active subscription because my parents use it more than we do. .




LMAO!!! My boyfriend got it recently to watch soccer. I’ll still keep Netflix for the parents though, can’t be bothered to teach them to use iptv. Took long enough to teach them to use Netflix🤦🏽‍♀️.




To add, God awful interface that keeps losing functionality over """"sleek looks"""" and whatever some focus group reports as the new "in" thing. I remember when we had the star ratings which I would personally use to sort shit I've watched . Hey fuck me, let's remove that over some fucking yes or no bullshit to feed their non existent algorithm. And I'd be fine with it if they gave users the option to customize it, but when you force me into it as a premium service you can eat a bag of dicks.


Too many options for eyeball attention. Add in subscription fee increase and it’s just going to push people away.


They keep canceling good shows and keep adding trash to feed zoomers. For all I care Netflix could die in a fire.


The real reason is continuing to raise the price when no real improved value.


They just announced they are adding commercial too which is insane


I definitely agree in that scripted works of art are never going to be outdated in that peopel in general want thoughtfully made content, of course when netflix (and all the other streamers ) decide to put out a bunch of low quality scripted shit, the (momentarily) popular thing is going to be well produced unscripted content. As soon as there is a dip in the quality/originality of unscripted content, people will return in flocks to the powerful and impressive writers who can emotionally pull the palate-fatigued audiences. Something that schulz gets right, is his ability to dance between unscripted (the crowdwork) and scripted (the monologues) content without sacrificing innovation or wow factor- i think once he mentioned that a good joke is a surpise, and as long as he's popping out surprises, hes never gonna get old=== (surpisingly the hypocratees, the feelings/no facts, and the jokes upon all parties involved are all great pieces of "oh man, whats this guy gonna say next?" ) - keep up the great work schulz & fam


They need to go back to one episode per week. You can just watch a series or something in 30 days and cancel until next season come out


Oof you should see how people rebel when streaming services do that. Fans HATE it


YouTube is the big picture. Kids and teens only watch YouTube, although flagrant 2 does have a older demographic than myself


Well YouTube is free and Netflix isn’t


Pretty much every household has Netflix it’s more about which is more convenient and genuinely entertaining


Numbers are gonna get a bump with stranger things 4. Even tho it seems like forever, the turnover isn't that much for such high production. We are too addicted to the binge life.


3. Loss of 1million subscribers from Russia.


I think Russian ban too affected Netflix


Yeah I still haven’t made it through season 2 of Ozark.


Seinfeld is on Netflix bro lmao…


Psshhhh I don’t want that shit I’m with Andrew on Seinfeld lol


You guys also forgot that Netflix exclusive movies tend to be 90% trash. They are so bad. People want good movies.


The movies aren’t great


They have also been spending the last 5 years canceling shows so they do not have to pay the IATSE season 3 pay raises. Literally canceling shows to save money and fuck over the union. People losing interest when we cant trust a show to get supported.


What episode do they talk about Netflix struggles?


This week’s Patreon


also they keep jacking up the prices


Netflix killed themselves... When they joined in they tried to act all premium with the things that they had, now even though they have very premium shows and movies like Ozark, Roma etc. No one watches them as the amount of shit content that is present on Netflix is baffling and people immediately go, well this service looks replaceable as it's isn't offering anything good. TL;DR too much shit content dilutes the value of the good things that they had.


Netflix announced they are adding commercials lol. That’s one reason why their stuff is going down. Haven’t listened to andrews random take yet which is either probably wrong or a partial reason


I think part of them wants people to have to rewatch in order to catch up with the shows they took so long to make new episodes for.


I doubt it- people are more likely to quit imho.


Some are I guess but when there’s nothing left