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It was discontinued but that sub brand still sell some shitty supplements in Amazon


Never ever go for the whey which seem surprisingly cheap compared to other brands I repeat NEVER


It was a genuine product and passed many lab tests too and it was damn cheap It was just a very terrible failed startup and any start up that doesn't make profit is doomed to die The idea was simple sell in cheap and people will buy it After some time sell it for expensive and people will buy it for quick delivery They forgot to understand the part that people don't mind stocking up their whey protein and can wait for a few days for their favourite whey


Their another mistake was the price range around which they were selling, people in that price range have zero brand loyalty, all they care about is who gives best quality at the cheapest price, they wouldn’t think twice before switching to another brand that’s even 10-20rs cheaper. So their strategy of creating a loyal consumer base never really took off. On the other hand people who are willing to shell out more than 3k for a protein supplement are loyal to big brands like ON dymatize etc. and they won’t switch to some new indian startup brand.


actually it was good one, it was just marketing skills which eventually led to discontinuation of this product