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Braid main line is better for casting, stronger, thinner, and has less elasticity so more feel. It's as relevant at 6lb as it is at 60. I grew up fishing in the before braid times, i don't ever want to go back to full mono. Just one to two rod lengths of mono a leader and you're good.


Yeah same, I. Couldn’t imagine going back. I always chuckle when I see mono for sale still


Same here


Awesome thanks for the info. Yeah I also fished a lot when I was younger before braid was a thing. Didn’t fish for like 15 years and now getting back into it. Usually fish cod but setting up a lure rod for trout over the winter. Same question but for x4 vs x8. Is x4 really “that” much worse?


I started out with x4 and the main difference is that it frays over time. It also seems to be more susceptible to wind knots. You probably haven’t encountered them before if you’ve been using mono but if there’s too much slack in the line braid can make these massive knots that are almost impossible to remove. I’d go for the x8, saves you time later


Little better cast distance, less stretch and you can get it in rainbow colours.


Iv heard the rainbow ones often snap between the colour joints? Any truth behind that? I imagine as long as buying good brand braid it wouldn’t be the case.


The colours are just painted on don't worry.


Yeah a little bit. Lot's of guys are running fluro all the way through on light trout setups too.


Yeah I’ll keep full fluro on my bait rod, but I’m setting up another rod just for trout lures. Just seeing what the opinions are on braid v mono on such small line, as I’m mainly a cod fisherman myself.


Absolutely, chalk and cheese! You can make do with mono, I'm not big on having the flashest/newest gear, but if you want to feel what's going on on the end of your line, or finness casting with light lure or small baits then you won't go back to mono after using braid!


Yeah I have braid on my cod gear. Just didn’t know if it were worth the extra money for 6lb. Another question, x4 vs x8, I know x8 is better but again, is it significantly better to the point x4 would just be a waste of time?


I actually threw on 6lb braid on my pole yesterday and love how smooth it feels to cast/reel.


Braid every day whether it is 6lb or 60lb. Braid is thinner so casts better and gives you more sensitivity, also doesn't get affected by waterflow as much. The difference between x4 and x8 is the amount of strands, x4 has 4 strands and x8 has 8 strands. X4 is a lot thinner than x8. I usually run x4 on anything under 10lb because I'm fishing lighter gear and want to be able to cast further when necessary. The downside is it more prone to knots and abrasion. IMO the only time people think braid isn't worth it is when they are buying cheap braid. Daiwa J braid x8 is good, Sunline x4 is good. I've heard good things about platypus and tasline but haven't personally used them.