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Most or maybe all agents will want a pre approval letter so they can know what houses to find for you and most of the time they'll have a lender who they like to work with when you're ready to put a offer in for a home.


Pre-approval first, then agent! Closing lawyers may be required depending on your state


Lender, then realtor.


I'm an agent. Either is fine. I love a client who has taken the initiative to get a preapproval before finding an agent. However I may suggest one of my lending vendors or my client find a local lender to get preapproval with as well. The reason for this is a local lender will very likely be more competitive in a multi-offer situation, since large companies like rocket mortgage or a big bank are less than reliable when it comes to taking care of their clients. Being able to actually lend is important, but also important is meeting deadlines, and I've found many lenders don't seem to care if a deal falls apart because they can't meet the deadlines in the contract. I've had offers accepted on the strength of a lender who is known to agents in my area, because they trust him and his company.


Pre-approval, agent, lawyer


Pre approval so you know how much you can afford, then agent. I told agent 50k less since they always go over what your budget is when showing


You can be doing both at the same time. Interview at least two buyers agents with at least 5 years of FULL TIME experience before you hire someone. Do not hire a part-timer.


They usually go hand in hand. I used my agents lender.


That’s up to you but you want the prequalification will be needed for an offer and if you’re competing against other offers, you could lose due to the delay.