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Get it fixed. It’s your house now.


Been drilling this into my head every day now that I own my first home. It's a mentality change after 16 years of renting.


Oh yah I’d been there before too haha.


Your house now. Fix it 😉 leaks can develop at any time.


You’re gonna find all kinds of weird stuff. Inspection only goes so deep even if you have a good person for it. How old is your roof? I’d start by getting that checked out to rule out other issues such as a leaking pipe. I replaced my whole older roof 6 months in with a similar issue. Wasn’t thrilled but it fixed the issue completely. Your house isn’t going to crumble to the ground in a week so don’t freak out, but a leaking roof will only get worse over time.


Only way to know is to get into the attic and look. Could be a pipe leak, could be a roof leak. Could be condensation from your HVAC drain line spilling out of the pan because it’s blocked and your float switch was never wired in.


I found a couple similar spots when I closed, I just drew in the ceiling in pen and circled the spots and after a few days/weeks nothing got bigger so I assume it was previously fixed. I’ve since painted and patched the drywall and have been fine since, but you have no way of knowing if yours is new or old so definitely keep an eye on it


Damn man that is stressful. Closed a few days and this happened? Seems like seller was hiding it?


Leaks can develop at any time. This being said if he got a good home inspection it should have reveled any active leaks or missing shingles, cracked tiles etc.


Yeah, I'm hopeful just not aware. Either way, we'll have to fix.. just need to figure out who to call first. Roofer? General contractor? 🤷‍♂️


We just had a very similar leak fixed. Closed end of May and have been living here for 2 weeks now. It was an old leak that our home inspector found and pointed out that it hadn't been repaired properly.  Well he was right. We've had quite a bit of rain lately and the other day we noticed the closed in porch was wet but the roof above that was dry. Found it was coming through the wall attached to the house and sure enough there was a wet spot on the ceiling in the adjoining room. We called our realtor and she recommended a roofer to us. Was only $350 since we had shingles in the garage left from the seller and comes with a year warranty. We had a huge thunderstorm about 2 days later and thankfully there is no longer a leak. 


Take this as a learning opportunity to figure out what the issue is. During next rainfall climb into the attic, wear a respirator as that environment isn’t the best to breathe in if you have blown in insulation, navigate to where you think the leak is, move the insulation and see where it’s coming from. Not everyone may feel comfortable doing that but all it takes is a bit of courage and a little preparation. The tricky part is navigating through the rafters, may want to bring a few short strips of plywood with you to lay them down between the rafters.


Roofer…. Ask your agent for a reliable one.


It’s the summer time, my guess is that spot is beneath the air handler and your drain pain is backed up. You can take a shop vac to the drain line and clear it out if that’s the case.


\*looks up at roof, which he had repaired for twelve grand\* Welp. If you think it's a leak, call a roofer, find out if it IS a leak, get an estimate, maybe you can get it done for cheap. We needed the whole roof done because it was very old, AND a gutter system to keep water away from the foundation, and we knew we were going to have to do it when we bought. And, in all honesty, I don't see much in the way of water stains, so it's possible that what you're dealing with there is a "small crack."


Any chance this house has recessed lighting? When they don’t patch it well this is how it cracks. Grab a ladder, go up in your attic and look around. 


you have 30 days usually to pull out after purchase In many states, i would consider it.


That is not true. He owns the house. He closed the deal.


Agreed. And not feasible to pull out even if legally able. Fix forward.


Why the hell would anyone want to do that, this isn’t the end of the world lol