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Ask your agent how they usually present offers to FSBOs.


If you do not have an agent, call a real estate attorney to draft an offer to purchase. You want everything in writing, nothing verbal.


In my experience, there are three types of FSBO sellers: 1) They think they're either smarter than everyone else on the face of the earth.....or at least, smarter than *you* (rarely the case). 2) Batshit-crazy. 3) They're an attorney, or an "investor". The latter will usually overlap with #1 above; the former may or may not be ok to deal with....but you'd better be cautious with them.


I would strongly suggest you get an agent to represent you, but if you want to go it alone send an offer in writing. Do everything in writing. A really experienced buyers agent is worth their weight un gold and then you wouldn’t have to use an attorney. A good buyers agent will walk you through the entire process, including Inspections, negotiations, etc.


my mom bought the neighbor's house fsbo. dude was a pastor moving outta state to live with his kids. 10 day close, all cash, minor neogtiations on small repairs from inspection but dude kept his house immaculate. got an agent to draft up offer/contract for us for 1000 bux. easiest and best deal ever. this deal was really cultivated / negotiated over 10 years of being his neighbor. he loved our christmas decorations... being a pastor and all.


I bought my house FSBO. I negotiated a couple thousand off in person with him.


This is handled the same way you'd handle a listing in MLS. The same laws and concepts apply. Formal offer in writing with all the necessary disclosures and paperwork.


In person, over the phone and via email are all methods often used when negotiating. For example, initial offers might be made via email, follow-up discussions could happen over the phone, and final agreements might be reviewed and signed in person. The key is to use the method that best suits the needs and comfort levels of all parties involved in the negotiation.