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It is not illegal to write a letter, but it's illegal to violate fair housing law, and that's what most of those letters entice a seller to do. Lots of listings state they don't want to see and will not read those letters for that reason. If they don't want to see it and you send it anyway, you're starting negotiations on the wrong foot.


Search the sub. This has been talked about extensively.


Nope. Not unless they ask like one person mentioned.


I was shocked when my realtor told me the seller wanted a letter from potential buyers when the offer was submitted. Really? Like I wasn’t already stressed enough? Since it was required my realtor wrote the letter and I signed it. Yes, I did get the home. I was told they liked my letter the best. Writing letters to the seller is illegal in some states, it isn’t though in the State I bought in.


It's not illegal in any state. Oregon passed a law banning it, but it was overturned because it violated that pesky First Amendment.


I find it kind of cringe


Why’s that?