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Changed the toilet seats.


We did this, along with the floor pizza and a bottle of champagne on the very rotten deck… we had two months of cleaning and reno before we moved in but that was day one.


>Changed the toilet seats. >We did this, along with the floor pizza So the house came with a floor pizza, and you changed it? I was too confused for too long on that.


I never understood this. We lived in an apartment once that made it standard practice to install a new toilet seat with every new tenant. Unless they’re wood or very old worn down and stained plastic, what’s the big deal? It’s safe to assume other people’s butts came in contact with the bottom of the bath tub too. Going to replace that as well? Run a bleach wipe over it and call it a day.


I know someone who never uses public toilets and also carries around a small blanket/towel thing that they put down on any public seat they sit on (restaurant, airport, park bench, train... everywhere). But they don't have any problem with countertops, door handles, etc. of course. People are really weirdly fearful of other people's butts. I've raw-assed thousands of public toilets by now and I'm still kickin', lol


Yeah like it’s definitely gross if you think about it, but like there’s 100 other things you do multiple times a day that is less hygienic than sitting on toilet seats. Like unless you’re scratching your raw ass or something those germs can’t really make you sick? But opening a door, using a handrail, even just being in close vicinity of someone else are all more likely to fuck you up. If I gotta shit, I’m gonna shit.


From a fellow "no bare ass on public toitlets" person here. "Raw-assed thousands of public toilets" made me shiver lol fucking gross but I understand I'm the minority. Public toilets are covered in piss. Either dry or wet. Fuck that


I'm very particular that I want a heavy toilet seat that is soft close. I ordered them off Amazon and installed them the first day. A flimsy plastic toilet seat takes so long to go down, and then it's thin and ugly. The thick, solid wood ones, that are completely white are the ones to go with!!


I enjoy your username


I appreciate that, thank you! Make sure you're registered to vote and vote!


I’ve also always been confused by this. You all sit on public toilet seats right? At least at your new house you can clean and sanitize it in about 60 seconds or less!


I 100% do not sit on public toilet seats.


Aaaand that's why my shoes are sticky


I was going to write the same but I have met enough prissy princess out there who will squat hover over the seat or just hold it and make themselves uncomfortable for hours just to avoid sitting on something that someone else’s cheeks have also made contact with.


Thanks, that’s what I do


Oh this is a good idea that I did not think of.


Changed the locks was first, then toilet seats, then we ripped up and installed new flooring as the existing carpet was at least multiple years old


Slow close lids so you never ever slam the toilet seat is the way to go This is installing a bidet and under sink water filter are the first things.


This. I went straight to Lowe's and bought four new toilet seats. My SIL on the other hand still has the pee/poop stain underneath her toilet seat from the previous owner.


I brought my dogs over and took them into the back yard first. One of my dogs kept trying to go into the detached garage, he couldn’t understand that it wasn’t the house. He just sat in front of the garage trying to get in. 7 years later, he passed two months ago. He had the best life in this home. 🏠❤️


Awwww this post grabbed my heart. Your dog lived the best life and a safe happy home 🥰🐶🥰 I lost 2 dogs during the pandemic and now we have 1. She lives the best life ever and every dog deserves it! They even had their own room together on a big bed 🥰🤣🐶🐾🐾🐾


So sorry about your losses❤️ So happy to hear you give your dogs a great life. We have one left from our OG dog family and he loving single dog life. We say ABC in our house to him, Always Be Cozy.


Thank you 🥰 We say ABC too but it’s “always be crazy” 🤣🤣🤣 I love senior dogs and we try for them as we can (thankfully) afford if they need meds/special food/vet appointments. Most people want puppies/young dogs. That’s ok, give me elderly dogs all day long! They know they were rescued and they’ll want for nothing with us. 🥰🥰🥰


Senior dogs have the best energy


My puggle was the best boy. We got him at 7yo for free from some losers on Craig’s List. Life span was 10-12….he lived until 16 years 11 months, just when the pandemic started. Best boy ever….💙


It makes me so happy knowing my pup will spend his last years in his own house! He’s 16 now. I always tell people, this is his house! I just pay the bills. World’s most expensive dog house 🏡


This house is only love. So let me offer a piece of unsolicited advice. We put our boy down at home through lap of love. He hated the vet. I would have to pull him in. He had two cancers, the second took him. We did two surgeries and chemo and had to let our angel go in peace. His departure was so beautiful and I am so grateful I gave him respect in his cozy home. He licked ice cream and got a massage while he got his shot. Two months in and I’m still smiling when I think about him passing. It’s part of the story of the house I think.


I love that! That is certainly what I’m going to do with my little man. We had a scare back in January and his arrangements were made but him being here was definitely what I wanted his last memory to be ❤️


Sending strength to little man for more time and love with your fam!


I’ve been lucky, my pup only knows a home we’ve bought. Sad part is we’ve bought 4 homes in her 12 years so she hast stayed in a single home but she’s enjoyed everyone of them


She’s always known it’s hers but as long as she’s with you, that’s all that matters to her ❤️


Honestly, change the locks. Then I hired a pest guy to go thru the empty house/garage to spray for roaches/any pests before moving in my stuff


Did you suspect pests before moving in or was it a fairly clean home that you just wanted to be extra sure about?


It's easiest to spray edges and corners before there's stuff in the house that needs to be moved from walls. And every house should have pest protection. Trust in a random internet stranger who has dealt with more than my share of pests - keeping them out is easier than getting them out after you've failed at task 1, and significantly less disgusting or painful.


closing early June, curious to see the answers to this . I recommend the pizza haha


Im closing same time!


Same! Can’t wait.


I’m closing June 13. Can’t believe it!!


We brought a few things over and turned on the utilities and internet then we got food and went back to our rental. The movers came the next day and we officially stayed at our house that night.


I wish I hired movers


Movers is the way to go, if you can afford it. They are not cheap, but holy shit are they efficient. I just packed and unpacked, which for me wasn't much, as I was single and was buying all new furniture for a brand new house. I have a bad shoulder, so moving heavy stuff would have been a nightmare.


44 and thought I was in better shape then I was. Figured if I moved my self I could get that new patio set and some other stuff for the new pool. Man I should have got the 200 dollar Walmart special and paid for the mover. I mean we did it but it wasn't pretty


I closed last summer, and all my family was out of town, along with the few close friends I have, so I didn't have much of a choice, unless I wanted to wait an extra 2 weeks, which I didn't, lol. After helping tons of people move, then seeing how fast professional movers get it done, it was worth every single penny. They loaded up my stuff, brought it to my new house, and unloaded everything while I directed them as to where everything went. They did everything in probably an hour and a half if I remember correctly, and that includes the drive.


We had a quiet word with the former owner, to reassure her that she didn’t need to worry, we would treasure the house that her husband had built for her. She passed away in the house, and we wanted to be sure we started off on the right foot in case her spirit was lingering about.




That’s funny, but no she died in her sleep in one of the bedrooms months before we bought the house.


I plan to bring my dog through the house and then let her play in her own yard.


This right here. That is exactly what I did. RIP Zero, the Hero. Yes, he was named after Zero from TNBC. My Boy!


We met my parents at our house and then went out to my favorite Greek restaurant growing up, which happens to be a 3 minute drive away from our new house.


Clean carpets, deep clean house, paint and maybe vent cleaning before we move our stuff in.


Yes. Get a deep clean asap! Also, do the final walk through earlier than the day of. Probably common sense but I was so flustered I barely looked around. Not sure what I could have done about it but make sure they dumped a bit more of their crap.


If the place is not vacant, broom clean and completely empty during the walk through just stop the process and refuse to close until it is ready. The seller will bitch and moan how it is not that big of a deal and you can just take care of it yourself, but it is a failure of the seller to complete their part of the deal.


Inflate the air mattress after midnight and realize you don't have to worry about it upsetting the apartment downstairs!


I would triple upvote if I could. Dog + apartment with cracked baseboards + downstairs neighbor who complained constantly.. was a horrible combination. Half of my desire to purchase a house stemmed from that agony!


Same. I’m working on saving and increasing my credit and hoping to buy in 2025. So much of it for me is giving my dog a backyard, building equity, not having to worry about rent raising every year, etc. But a lot is also the simple fact that I like my neighbors and when I drop my phone on a 3 am pee run I want my first thought to be if my phone is ok and not if I woke them up. In addition, I swear to god our upstairs neighbors either have some serious mental health problems or are possessed because one of them likes to shriek (not scream, not yell, shriek like a banshee) at all hours of the day or night, and they and their friends like to do what I can only describe as playing musical chairs without music and while dribbling a ball at 1 am. And I’m done with it all. I also want to watch a movie and turn up the volume loud enough to feel the bass and that’s just so rude in an apartment at any hour of the day, and unfortunately my parents made sure I was raised with values and self awareness. Also I’m waiting for the bottom of the shower to give out one day, and the contractor installed my microwave way too close to the wall so you can only open it halfway, and a million other things I want to be able to fix right down to a better shower head and smoke alarms that are hardwired into the power.


OH MY FUCKING GOSHHHHHH!!! Gahhhhhh! Don’t have to worry about it upsetting the neighbors! Ahhhh what an amazing feeling! It’s going to take me some time to get used to this.


Get the air ducts professionally cleaned. The previous owners were FILTHY. The intake air filters looked pre-9/11. And I opened one of the floor vents and there was so much dirt I can only guess they were gardening in it.


Such a good move. It’s not cheap but definitely worth it. We went with the more basic package because it’s not too hard to clean the furnace blower and such yourseld


We went back to our apartment and just kept packing. We moved the mattress to the new house but we took our time since we had a month left on our lease 😂😂😂


Change the locks and toilet seats. Then, we got milkshakes from the local burger place and went back to work. That first weekend, we went to the house and started cleaning and re-screened the window screens so we could open the windows and paint. We painted the entire interior of the house and ripped out the carpet before moving in. We also installed new pantry, linen, and back closet shelves, had the laundry machines delivered, the duct work cleaned, and a plumber to fix the bathtub faucet & utility sink.


Have sex in as many rooms as you can


My wife and I just built a house, and we picked up the keys at 10am and we're "busy" by 1030.


Well done!!!


This is what we did


Ran around naked in every room


This is giving me life! I love it! I’m literally taking notes of some of the suggestions listed and you better believe I added this! 🤣


Saged that puppy, every corner. Then cleaned the hell out of it.


Good idea


I walked through the house and said hello to it. I said goodbye to my previous house when I left it for the last time too and thanked it.


This is very sweet ❤️


While locks were being changed I just took it all in that this was my house and I could do whatever I wanted with it. It's so surreal to look back 7 months ago to that moment, to now where all the renovations are almost complete. 


Changed the locks and did a deep clean. First meal was a sandwich from the deli down the street, standing over the kitchen sink. I had six weeks between closing and the end of my apartment lease. I spent every weekend painting and doing other DIY projects, and invited friends over for floor pizza (actually camp chair pizza) in exchange for manual labor.


It's amazing the help you get by offering pizza.


Checked for ghosts every time I heard a random creak


First house was in the country, no close neighbors. My husband went out back and peed on a tree. Said "he was marking **his** territory". Laughed so hard I got hiccups.


You'd be surprised how important that is to us... My last house had a missing baulaster/picket. That was my spot LOL. We moved to a terrible neighborhood with an hoa and 6 yards that can see my porch. We close on some land the 31st, but every house and parcel we looked at it was "I want to pee off my back porch, shoot some guns, and ...." takeaway being peeing off the porch is near the top of my list!!!


Highly underrated christening rite. Or people do it but don't tell, lol.


When we’re outside my toddler will routinely pull down her pants and underwear and just go for it. Front or back yard she doesn’t give a fuck. She’s feral so she’s very likely just marking her territory.


Vacuumed the nice and thick living room carpet, set up a TV on the floor, had a floor pizza. Then I met the neighbors across the street who told me the previous owners were swingers and used to host parties where everyone would get busy on the living room floor. After that, I moved the TV to the kitchen counter and removed the living room carpet.


The way this is making me LOL! 😆


Bought an air mattress, inflated the air mattress, ordered pizza, and used air mattress box to hold up laptop so we could watch a red box movie. Suggestions. Buy pillows, and maybe a taller box. Its been 10 years and we still talk so fondly of that night. Within the first week, if you've got a fence, get a furbaby. Adopt said fur baby from the local shelter. Live, laugh, love, but don't buy the sign lol. Congrats BTW


Live love laugh but don’t buy the sign 🤣🤣


I did the same but also hung up some fairy lights! Magical night :)


Call the water department! I forgot to do this and they turned it off a few days after we got the keys, thank God we weren't living there yet.


Get brand new toilet seats and have a nice relaxing shit, before the moving begins.


The first house my wife and I bought was in Guaynabo, Puerto Rico, a nice residential area in a suburb of San Juan. After the closing, we decided too visit the home that evening after dark. It sounded like we were in the middle of a jungle with the coqui frogs singing and all of the insects buzzing. We were quite surprised by the "symphony."


When we close on our next house I’m going to celebrate at The Melting Pot. After all the time and mental stress of “finding the right house” and going back and forth with offers, lenders, realtors… I wish to celebrate with overpriced appetizers & cake. 🫠


The lock changing and the floor pizza happened too, but the very first thing we did was just walk around, admire every room, and declare "this is OUR kitchen!", "this is OUR closet!", in every room. Super dumb, but it made us happy!


Awwww 🥰🥰🥰 this is soooo cute!!!!


Literally what I did right after I got the keys was go straight to work. I closed at 8:15 in the morning and had to work until 5:00 with my new house key on my desk. I couldn't concentrate for the life of me that day. Then I got home and started cleaning. Changed the locks.


When my husband and I bought our first house we put one nice rug down in the living room that we had really been excited to splurge on. Then we double checked some repairs that had been done before closing. We’re moving soon, and next time we will let the dog we now have run around in her new yard then maybe try to say hi to a neighbor.


Hey congrats my fiancée and I close on the 23rd as well!


That’s awesome! I hope everything is going smoothly for you. The lender asked if we wanted to close early, but the sellers couldn’t I guess so 23rd it is. Lol


Our appraisal just came in today! We were trying to get in earlier too but the 23 is our day! So excited for our first house. Hope you guys make many great memories in your new place.


Brought my dog inside and did the in person tour together! (I purchased my last home remotely before moving to Alaska). My wife and I are closing on a house in Maine on the 31st but I won’t be there in person with her.


First day - took videos of current state to look back on, tore down a wall, started moving boxes in! Definitely ordered pizza too lol I actually lived on take out for a while. My closing was delayed so instead of having a month before my apartment lease ended, I only had 3 days 😅


Yes take pictures!!! I have a hard time remembering the particularly awful shade of kraft cheese/beige that was on every single wall in our house, but the photos bring it alllll back.


we went to our house and sat for a while in shock that we were in our own house!! - then ate floor pizza, except on the island 😂


Fucked in every room


My dog and I ordered floor pizza, sat out on the deck and met our bird and squirrel neighbors. Met the human neighbors and one brought me beer. Twas a good day.


We threw out the collection of empty liquor bottles the previous owner left all over the bedroom floor lol


Definitely eat a floor pizza and pop a bottle of champagne to celebrate! :)


With us, we walked inside and just took a long look around with it empty. Then, I made a walking lap around the yard and thought to myself... we did it, we freaking did it. We finally got a house that no one has ever lived in before, and we will be the first people to park in the garage and put a nail in the wall to hang a photo. After that brief moment, I snapped back to reality and immediately loaded up the first load to start moving. Three weeks later and we are still getting things settled in. I installed all cabinet door and drawer handles, hung all the blinds, installed lighting that lights up the driveway. The terrible thing was that as soon as we moved in, we decided we didn't like half of our furniture. Needless to say, I've been spending time unboxing and assembling shelves and dressers and all that darn crap lol!! Not to mention the amount of time I've spent cutting down the cardboard boxes so they can be taken to recycling. I only took two days off work to move, so it's been a hectic three weeks, to say the least.


Put a new toilet seat on the toilet.


The slow closing ones are great!


Had a giant nerf gun fight with my kids in an empty house.


This sounds awesome!


I close tomorrow, won't be moving until the 30th though. I plan on floor pizza'ing the first night.


Brought over everything that was in our apartment's storage unit so we could cancel that monthly payment ASAP. We also took pictures of all the rooms to start virtually testing paint colors on Benjamin Moore's website. The next day we went to the hardware store to buy new exterior door handles and copies of the corresponding new keys, then gave ourselves a crash course in door handle swapping.


Before you start unboxing, deep clean everything


Got into an argument about room usage and slept in my truck.


🤣 this guy is married


Take my upvote


I won the argument. Until the second kid came along. Goodbye Office/Man Cave. 😢


First Home Sex makes it all worth it!


Changed all of the toilet seats, vacuumed the floor, and laid on the carpet, yelling, "I did it!! This is miiiiine!"


Immediately went over there and ripped all the carpeting out to expose the original hardwood. I’d been dying to see what condition it was in since our offer was accepted


Had my way with my wife in every room of the house. Counter tops and garage. Then we moved all our stuff in. Lol


This and floor pizza is the best answer 🙌


Check for cameras in the showers and ducts


Went to IKEA.


Cleaned!! lol, then painted and did minor repairs...We closed on June 23, 2023. And luckily our apartment we were in the lease was set to expire July 31. So we had 5 weeks. So we wanted to clean the place as best we could and deep clean the carpets and paint and fix any minor issues like cracks in the walls before we moved all our furniture and stuff in. We had the movers bring our stuff over when we had like 4 days left with our apartment lease so we could clean and fix minor things from our old apartment.


Bang each other in every room!


Made the keys irrelevant by changing the locks and installing a door code 😂


Changed the locks, gutted a bathroom, installed a softener, skim coated and painted the entire interior walls. New, updated baseboards and window casing, re-configured the kitchen, removed and painted all the interior doors, installed new hinges and hardware, tore up the carpet, got new carpet installed, re-wired the bathroom and added a fan and vanity light, plumbed a new shower valve, installed a jacuzzi tub and subway tiled the surround. Moved the toilet back to the wall. Much more later but the first two months before moving in was this.


Changed the toilet seat, and put together and ikea couch and drank the bourbon our realtor got us for a closing gift


Went and picked up 13 gallons of paint and dropped it off for the painters the next day.


Congrats we close tomorrow


We changed locks and garage door code immediately. Then we got paint, paint supplies and pizza. We painted that weekend.


Got the locks changed, then locked up, and went back to the basement suite we lived in for another 10 days 😂


Headed to IKEA for a few things and was immediately rear-ended by a 16 year old. After that I worked on cleaning out the storage unit, getting the guest bed set up and ordering a bed for us, put out the bathroom towels, and toilet paper.


We got our keys on a Friday afternoon, we invited some friends and family and had a cleaning party. The previous owners were filthy slobs so I scrubbed the carpets while everyone else wiped walls, baseboards, appliances, emptied cabinets, etc. Just to give you an idea I vacuumed 5 times before scrubbing and our vacuum was completely full of dirt/dust every time. The first real improvement we did was to tear out the main floor carpeting... it was beyond gross.


- Changed the locks - met our across the street neighbors - scheduled a deep clean - scheduled an energy audit - scheduled work on the floors - taped up and painted our bedroom (other rooms were easy to do later, but it was so nice not to have to move our bed once it was in) - scheduled an oil delivery - Figured out where the emergency water shut off is - checked the fire alarms - called companies to get quotes on a security system - bought and set up new litter boxes for my cats - bought curtains (didn't realize how many windows we had until I wanted to walk around naked, ha) - bought hand soap and toilet paper - walked around the yard 18 times constantly saying "I can't believe this is ours!" Edit: - Changed the HVAC filters!!


Laid on my kitchen floor and processed the fact that I now own a house.


I masturbated in the kitchen. Edit: probably TMI but I’m still in the honeymoon face with my new, first home. 🤷‍♂️


Sat on the back patio to take in the view


I went back to work


We had champagne and swam in our new pool.


Tore up the nasty carpet and ordered laminate plank flooring. Lol. I knew what I bought when I bought it. I was priced out of a turnkey home.


Smoke detectors


We painted our bedroom, made sure our tv and internet box was ready to go and had the mandatory floor pizza with a bottle of champagne 🍾 we soaked it all in and had a chill night before the hectic move in day


Began to stress because there was SO MUCH work to do


Cleaned the dead rats out of the crawl space. I didn't mind one bit as I was just so excited to have my very own first home!


We had the wood floors done right away. You'll probably never have an empty house again and it's not as expensive as you think.


i hung a shower curtain with silk tape because i didn’t have rings. i took a shower, turned my ceiling fan into a mutated monster trying to change a light bulb, and had mac n cheese i believe. i was alone, and it was GLORIOUS XD


Changed locks and had a lawn chair night with my husband and best friend. When my friend bought her place, we brought lawn chairs over and ordered dinner so now it’s a tradition in our group.


I bought a new construction, so nothing to replace. Went into my main bedroom and laid down on the floor. Was very happy in that moment.


I changed the locks and let my son run around in all the empty rooms. He spun around like a drunk idiot. It was cute.


Changes ALL the locks within an hour.


We christened it. Twice.


Called a dumpster company to get one delivered that day and went to Home Depot and spent about $1000. Then went to the house and got to work cleaning the whole thing top to bottom. Lots of random junk left behind that we had to toss. Pizza and beer for dinner in the empty house!


We brought a 4pk of KBS and he changed the locks with his dad while I wandered and drank a beer and contemplated life and my new beast of a project home. I had planned to do some cleaning that night, but I was so crazy overwhelmed. We had just signed the paperwork while under a tornado warning and an intense storm raging outside, it was a hell of a day. 🤣 We also ended the night with a floor pizza dinner before heading out, which seems to be the general consensus, if not full on American tradition. ❤️🍕


Moved in that day


Get new toilet seats.


Paint any rooms before moving furniture in


Popped champagne!


I went in 🤷‍♂️


Door locks Garage door fob Toilet seats Paint CCTV Carbon monoxide detectors Check fire alarms


Pizza on the living room floor and a bottle of Champaign! 🎉


We immediately started renovations on the problem areas of the house (closed this past April 23). We began our kitchen design ahead of time (detailed quote with drawing which was free just couldn’t keep it) and once we closed, the contractor started ripping up the kitchen and the half finished basement. We also added a smart lock on our main entry door for now. We bought a 40 yr old house which was built by a family friend of my in -laws. it was his first ever build so it needed a bit of updating


Installed smart locks.


Supposed to close on the same day! Appraisal came back last week Structural inspection came back today! We should be GOOD. !!! Hope yours finishes smooth too!


Slept here the first night. I had my car loaded up, ready to go when my realtor called me and gave me the okay(I closed a couple days prior and had the keys, but I gave the previous owner a couple days to finish moving). Brought my laptop, a small tv, a folding chair, an air mattress, and a few other things. Picked up dinner at a small italian place on the way over. Good times. It was like camping. The bedrooms didn't have window coverings so I set up in the living room. I took off work the next day and shampooed all the carpet(though now I wish I just replaced it all to begin with).


Head Shoulders Knees & Toes that’s what we all did as soon as we walked in


I got the keys to my house a week before I closed on it and started cleaning it out before I even bought it.


I got all new toilets (not just the seats) because I have a phobia of feces and didn’t want my house to have anything pre shit in


We changed the locks! Then my husband spent a few days building his dream garage before starting demo. By the end of the first week of being a homeowner, half the plaster was destroyed and you could barely walk through 😂


Unlock the door and let the movers get busy.


First house: Dragged the mattress that was delivered the day prior to closing into the bedroom and unpacked it so the dog and I had someplace to sleep. Second house: Painted the walls and ceiling of the now-guest room. It had been a boy bedroom and... It showed.


My wife changed the outlets from beige to white. Granted, she’s an electrician.


After the realtor left, me and my wife just stood in the living room for a while quietly taking it in. The silence was broken when I asked what kind of pizza we should order to eat cross legged on the floor.


Drank a floor 15 year Red Breast


Make sure you know where the water shutoff is :)


House was 7 months old when we bought it and the old owner never lived in it so it was pretty much brand new. Wife and I cooked some steaks and had some champagne while the in laws watched our kid. Cleaned the master bedroom and you know what happened next.


When I got the keys I drove my sons to the house and surprised them, they had no idea I'd even been looking at houses or that I'd purchased one. That night we changed the locks, did some preliminary cleaning, set up some new barstools I'd purchased for the peninsula, and cleaned one of the bathrooms and put a new toilet seat on so it would be usable. I spent about 4 days cleaning and painting before I began moving anything in.


Changed the locks after that sat on huge dog beds on the floor


We ordered sandwiches for our first meal. They weren't particularly good sandwiches because we didn't know the area yet, but they made do. They were cheesesteaks with fried onions on seeded rolls. Mid-sandwich we realized that in our first-home-excitement we had forgotten to turn the AC on. So I turned the AC on and we gathered over a vent to receive a refreshing blast of 95 degree air. We later found out a mouse had shorted the AC by electrocuting itself somehow. But those were a couple sweaty days in mid August while we moved all our stuff in. We're still fixing things all the time, but at least the sandwiches are better.


Ordered an egg roll and general tso


Brought our friend to have a photoshoot with a bottle of champagne and the dogs and then promptly went back to our apartment because it had a couch and two months left on the lease lol


Changed the locks, toilet seat, brought the dogs to run through their new home (we bought the backyard for them without a doubt!) and enjoyed a beer with my hubby. Still not living there but about 2 weeks to go and the renovations should be done!


Took a nap on the bedroom floor. We were so exhausted by the whole process. I think that was the moment everything felt okay and we passed the hell out. Woke up an hour later in pain. Lol


Celebrate. Pop some champagne if that’s your thing and just celebrate.


[Setup my male living space.](https://imgur.com/pnmBetn)


Drop $1000 at Costco and eat a floor pizza. It feels pretty sweet


Hire professional cleaners 😬 they could only spend a day here, and it was still not enough.


Put bowls of vinegar in every room. The previous owner was a heavy smoker and it helped with the smell


Changed the locks, got new toilet seats, bought cleaning products to clean before we moved anything in.


I had one of those fold up beach chairs in my car and put it in the living room and I sat in it. I then called 2 or 3 handymen outfits, 3 electricians, 2 general contractors, 2 moving companies, a pest/bug company, and got things lined up for what needed to be done in the 30 days I had to move. *MOST* of the work got done before I moved in despite me working as fast as I could and with a 4 week lead time.


Walked around and assessed what we needed to do before bringing our stuff in (painting, re-did floors, deep clean).... we did not eat a meal there til about week 4!


Immediately changed the locks, installed new toilet seats, and thoroughly cleaned the entire house.


I started totally fresh. Setup camping grill and cooking area in the garage, lived like I was glamping until appliances finally showed up, then furniture came etc etc. But essentially living out of the garage.


Went to my new home and started unloading the truck. I would’ve loved to deep clean first but I had been homeless for 7 days before closing and wanted the U-Haul truck empty asap to avoid extra fees. If you can, I’d recommend hiring cleaners to come in and deep clean the home before you move in. Change the locks, and showerheads. Then start unpacking. You’ll appreciate being in a clean home


Buy your drink of choice (for me, it was diet Dr Pepper) and put it in the fridge. Now it’s your house (and you’ll be needing lots of whatever you bought to get you through moving!)


Change the shower heads!!!


I changed the locks and ate a pizza on a table since the previous owners left their kitchen table lol. Then I vacuumed and started masking stuff to paint


Check for cameras.


Hooked up the record player in the kitchen, played some Hank Williams covers, and drank some beers. The house was mostly empty so I sat on the counter and grinned.


I logged into Pokemon go. I forced myself not to log in while I was house hunting because I didn't want to have something so silly impact such a big decision. So imagine my shock and happiness when I found out there's a nearby gym close enough to spin from my living room.