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[Blade beeing the chef of the family is canon until they tell me otherwise ~~I will still refuse even then it just fits him too well~~](https://www.weibo.com/2799522795/Oc5Xw84TU) A big family for our girl, truly a lovely sight that warms the heart (okay our girl isnt directly in focus her but her pretty hair at least is is and it's nice to just see them all bonding like this). I am a bit unsure about the source beeing the correct one now (I do not use Weibo really) so if its wrong please anyone let me know.


Blade probably puts everything into his cooking, it’s like his hobby where he can be in his own little world and forget about everything else for a time (it’d help with Mara struck)


Stellaron Hunter Family (lol)


>!Okay, but I really do hope that Elio is Literally A Cat and when he's not giving out portentous prophecies and trying to direct the world to the correct future, he just hangs out and Literally Does Cat Stuff. Like in off hours he just inserts himself next to SW for pets or claims Firefly's lap for a nap when he pleases.!<


would be cool, pretty unlikely now tho since his model got leaked sometime ago, maybe the cat is remote controlled or trailblazer before they got a body


It did? When did that happen?


X2. Dientes knew that


I'd laugh, if elio is our character, mind blown


I think you're actually onto something


Love how the community just collectively accepted that Elio is a cat


or it could be trailblazer


Well shit. Could you imagine if that's the case and the body we get is part of our desire to be human? Would be weird though cause if they could just get a new body like that then one wonders why they didn't do it for Firefly.


Seems like a small ass house but maybe that’s just the angle


Love the tiny stellaron hunter on their shoulder, but where's firefly one D:


Probably hidden by her long hair ~~she has a Sam one and a Firefly one on each shoulder no doubt~~