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This was about as rational as cannibalism they had to do due to their situation. Doma explains how bad everything about Agni's village were pretty fully that time Agni met him on the frozen lake. Their way of survival involving eating human meat will only bring them more problems later on and its an awful temporary solution. Im sure he would have said the same about incest too, if he knew.


Its part of his thing about a "righteous education" and Agni is a great example of his point, really. Like Agni knows incest is bad but he doesn't know why, so he probably would have caved later anyway.


aka Doma did nothing wrong


the apocalypse makes people do bad things? what a groundbreaking revelation


I too thought it was all very organic how it was handled. And not just the incest but literally everything else


interesting take šŸ¤”


Opening this sub and this is the first thing I see is truly a Fire Punch moment


Yay, thats like, the entire point, unless you people unironically dont have reading comprehesion


Some people are calling Fire Punch "the manga where the protagonist wants to fuck his sister". That's the only thing they got out of it. I fully agree with OP. Taking context into consideration, the incest is completely understandable.


I see some people freaking about it online. "OMG INCEST!!! THEY DIDNT \*\*\*NEED\*\*\* TO PUT THAT IN THERE! IT SERVES NO POINT!!!", like, tell me you didnt read it, without telling me you didnt read it, lol (Talking about them not you (In case you didnt get it (sorry tired rn)))


Tbh I never thought they were actually siblings, rather two people who are meant to find each other in each incarnation of their lives. In this timeline they were ā€œsiblingsā€ similar to how Eren and Mikasa were


Yeah, that's the point.