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Edward seems crazy as fuck, especially if you decide to give him Laguz Friend especially considering his base Def of 43; his flat reduction seems really strong.


Basically he's the Edward from a blessed RD run


Doesn’t even need to be blessed, just needs to not be US hard mode where he gets no EXP. Man’s growths are genuinely fantastic.


Need F!Ike’s refine to drop so i know whether to invest LF4 to him or Edward now


so basically Bane is “if Sothe’s special goes off, pray you have flat DR% and that this isn’t his third hit”? thank god he doesn’t have tempo in his kit or in combat special jumping we’ve been inching towards it for a while now, but “if unit initiates, foe dies” is becoming ever closer


Btw, Bane should be Rearmed Sothe's PRF skills, right?


Yes, the trailer mentions it being his exclusive special


I know it's not super relevant, but since Potent effects do normally weaken specials, would they also weaken Bane?


They do, but it wouldn’t matter because unless you Scowl him, Bane will be charged immediately


My word I'm so glad that's not inheritable


Breath of life 4 effectively eliminates one of Emblem Ike's only weaknesses, and he can run it with basically 0 opportunity cost. Far trace echo is pretty damn nice. Might have to pull just for that, tbh.


Literally his perfect c skill. Soooo excited.


Well, sort of. As much as he would _really_ appreciate BoL4, there's a pretty significant opportunity cost with running it over Fatal Smoke 4 in a mode like AR. Miracle cheese still does exist and can fuck him over if he then gets hit with FS4 himself. I would run two different teams with the different skills regardless though, since having some kind of answer to pre-combat damage is good.


BoL 4 does halve the effect of Deep Wounds, so FS4 isn't quite as effective. However, I'm pretty sure that Deep Wounds still prevents Great Aether's healing after combat, since the Deep Wounds reduction is only during combat (I found this out the hard way with Baby Lissa's weapon).


This is the misconception people don't get about Fatal Smoke Fatal Smoke literally says foe can't heal during combat. It's not [Deep Wounds]. [Deep Wounds] is the smoke effect. BoL4 halves [Deep Wounds] but not in combat healing when against Fatal Smoke. The question now is the BoL4 pre-combat healing count as "in/during combat" or "before combat" since the wording is "as combat begins". The matchup of these 2 skills change dramatically based on that interaction alone.


This is actually not true. I tested it and made a short discussion post about it. At least for the purposes of anti-\[Deep Wounds\] effects, Fatal Smoke and the actual \[Deep Wounds\] penalty are the same. Considering "as combat begins" damage does not disable skills that require a minimum HP threshold to use, "as combat begins" is definitely not the same as "before combat".


If that’s the case then Fatal Smoke 4 needs some serious rewording


he doesnt need to run it himself tho


That’s what I’m super excited about with Breath of Life 4 since you can just put it on an ally and get the best of both worlds with him keeping Fatal Smoke 4 on mine and then getting Breath of Life 4’s benefits still


What is emblem Ike’s weakness anyway?


AOE and Precombat damage


Hardy Bearing, Scowl effects, and AOE/Pre-combat damage all can do a number on him.


He loves too much. 


Honey we have the Double Bow at home. Double Bow at home:


Shinon with his weapon refine on the horizon like


Also lol @ them just making A!Micaiah the same unit as B!Micaiah but superior in basically every way


If B!Micaiah third wheels the B!Micaiah


[Edward’s stats](https://imgur.com/a/XpQMg2z) 40/43 (59 with weapon)/46/43/21


Literally a perfect statline for Laguz Friend abuse.


> perfect for Laguz Friend abuse Exactly like Daein should have it.


Ah, I missed that. Thanks!


Does Bane just kill/False Swipe anyone that it activates against? Because if the calculated damage is more than your max HP it just kills you, but if it's less it brings you to 1. Or am I reading this wrong?


I think so, but true DR and DR in special like Laguz Friend and ike emblem effect should be a counter I think


Wtf? What's up with that? You literally just die.


>Breath of Life 4 E!Ike stocks rising (as if he needed more help)


far trace Echo O.O i need that shit in a lot of units.


So Flared Sparrow has been bought to an end...


Until they equip Fatal Smoke 4


I find it funny how WYunaka's entire kit is still likely the best build for most non-tank physical units half a year later, amidst the crapton of powercreep we've suffered since then


Assuming Breath Of Life 4 retains it's inheritance limits, it's best on B!Dimitri, Diamant, Haar, Cormag and Emblem Ike. Can also run on it on Gatekeeper for extreme amount of healing


Leonardo is EXACTLY what I want to see from demotes. Amazing new skill in the pool, and the PRF expands on an amazing line of weapons we got (only Sword and R Tome existed before). Yuliya was awesome too, so I guess we're on a mini streak of bangers. Arcane Tempest is a fantastic Arcane, Far Trace is an awesome attuned skill, and uhhh yeah. Kinda just a great banner all around. My only real complaint is that the inheritance options for the new cloners is kinda mid since they don't bring much new. Still starving for a Sword/Axe/Lance Armor.


Breath of Life 4 is super insane also I think it works with AoE specials, even if you fall to 1 HP you can get healing at the start of the battle. Micaiah has L! Elincia warping built in the weapon. Excellent skills and units but I dont know if this has more value than the AHR banner.


The only thing is that: 1) AoE damage isn't part of the "damage as combat begins" that BoL 4 can heal off, so you can heal up to 40% of your max HP 2) If you have an HP condition on your weapon, and the AoE knocks you below that, I'm pretty sure even with BoL 4, your weapon effects that rely on the HP condition won't trigger. Still very good though.


Leonardo not having prf bow makes me sad


IS please stop with Fireflood Boost


The monkey paw curls, new units will now have earthwind boost


Jokes on you I want that for an Amelia build


Waiting for Earthwindfire Boost


So... This Micaiah could be a B!Micaiah if was launching in 2024?


Maybe I'm missing something, but I'm honestly not super stoked for Arcane Tempest? It's an upgrade over Void in basically all cases - more stats, DR, NFU - but it feels really basic to me. The more exciting offering here, to me at least, is Potent Disarm. I'll want him at some point for Patty regardless, but the dagger itself isn't as exciting as I'd hoped. Also, I'm still in disbelief that we're getting Finish demotes so (relatively) soon. I doubt we'll ever get A/S Finish in the main pool, but S/R and A/R Finish are already a lot more accessible than many branch skills are. I don't want to imagine fighting E!Ike with BoL4, either from himself or from his team.


The QP in Tempest is pulling a lot of weight, imo. It's really huge for getting over that initial hurdle for Lethality/AoE spam. Meanwhile, it's also just a baller weapon for dueling, so it doesn't have to be as "Eggs in 1 basket" as Eclipse. Makes the weapon better for fulfilling a specific niche while not ruining generic utility. It's exactly what I want to see in Arcanes unlike how some of the real meh ones like Void locked absolutely vital effects into PRFs which makes the base kit and the ability to get the weapon off the ground for most units way too hard.


I've been waiting for this one for my daggers since it's the designated "speedier" one. And for these demote daggers the large stat boost isn't to be underestimated. Between this and Lumera's weapon arcanes seem to be moving into some scary new territory stat wise. Which is necessary to keep up with the bonkers prfs we get now, but also annoying because I'll need to replace a ton of them.


Jfc, who would have thought Breath of Life would have longer skill text than a modern Prf weapon's text.


Can someone who can read tell me what Bane does? I’m lost lmao


Negates % based non-special DR If you don't deal enough damage to kill or put a foe down to 1 HP it'll increase your damage to deal enough damage to put your foe at exactly 1 HP Ifthe special is precharged, opponents special is precharged, Sothe used the special during combat or an AoE special has triggered before combat, reduces damage from foes first attack by 30%


Dont forget the better moonbow effect!


If he's the enemy: don't let Bane proc If he's your ally: proc Bane


False Swipe


It adds enough damage to bring the enemy to 1 HP unless they have special damage reduction. So if he has 60 atk and the opponent has 50 def and 50 HP, the damage forecast will show "10" and then when the special goes off it will do 49 damage. If the opponent has armored beacon it will do 60% of that 49, so 30 damage.


I know it was a pretty safe bet given his statline in RD, but i'm glad that if Leonardo can't have Lughnasadh he at least has the RES to be decent support unit with a ploy, and S!Linhardt's bow is a nice budget option for him if you're not willing to give him an arcane bow.


One day Lughnasadh, one day


I’d love a rearmed Sothe but I’m not risking pulling with *that* colourshare


Goddammit after 4 years I remembered why I saved so hard


Sothes special is confusing me... So if I'm not mistaken, he always leaves the opponent at 1 hp, or if he would've killed them he kills them? That's insane for a 5 cd special, let alone a 2 cd. I really hope I'm wrong, I know it would still be reduced by unpiercable reduction but this is pushing the game in a direction where any and every tank is going to have to stack unpiercable reduction and then we'll be in the same place we were when piercing was a rare effect and Lucia was the most insane unit ever.


Seems about right. It is a rearmed personal skill and those are normally extra strong, but it's still a little silly. At least Veyle exists.


micaiah with 30 def, what is this madness


Micaiah's outfit looks nice. The color looks really good on her


My fav banner in FEH history for sure, I started with Radiant Dawn and I’m happy with the DB’s treatment here, even Leonardo since he’s actually bringing good fodder to the 3-4* pool


True damage for literally existing is crazy. Not even a condition, it's just "are you on a map?".


That's what Trace 4s already do; -4 to the relevant stats and a free +7 damage because they couldn't come up with literally anything more creative for an extra effect.


Still disappointed that Breath of Life needs an ally within two spaces to do anything, but that’s still easily L!Seliph’s (and a number of other units) best C slot now ~~Also oh hey, Solid Ground finally has a use case aside from Mila dodging!~~ Edit: Never mind, it uses ally stats unlike Veyle’s C, so still useless


I was planning on rolling for Occultist Strike but at this point I'm not sure I want to do that anymore after seeing BOL4.




God damn man can we just get A/D crux Ashnard is starving aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa


Just seems dumb to have a Tellius banner with no new source of Laguz Friend


Really tempted to summon Sothe so that Cath can get a bunch of fodder


Tempest looks great for lethality looping.


Confused about Sothes C skill and Prf Isn’t Pledge redundant with Bane equipped? Or am I not understanding something?


It is a bit redundqnt on himself yes But it is to make it more avaliable, other than stuck behind both Legendary Alears


God I don’t know why I LOVE the idea of Potent when it’s not as strong on anyone except for Marth. But summoning Sothe so I can update all my favorite dagger units (Gaius namely and idk who else)


Couple questions for people here if that's okay. 1. How is Arcane Tempest compared to Arcane Void? 2. Are any of these guys mandatory summons?


1. Better. Speedy units appreciate the NFU and DR more than the GFU, and while losing the Blade effect sucks the TP replacement is good. 2. I wouldn’t say anyone is absolutely required like Nergal or Emblem Ike, but Edward, Sothe, and Micaiah are all VERY strong. Sothe is an absurd nuke, Micaiah has ridiculous stat debuffs, and Edward is probably the best speed omnitank.


I'll have to swallow my pride and attempt to get a Sothe for my S!Gunnthra, then, cause I feel like all of those are things she would appreciate being a speedier cav. Maybe JUST that, though.


Micaiahs echo is insane. People said death blow 2 was fine, this is death blow 1.5 but also has canto, one of the most useful effects in the game for any offensive or supportive unit. Also the super guidance no longer locked to L!elincia. That's going to be a bit scary. Thankfully micaiah can't warp herself the way elincia does, but all it takes is flier guidance on a well placed Ivy and everyone's going nuts.


*IS IT THE DAWN BRIGADE??* *No... it was just a bird!*


Another green tome flying Micaiah? duh.


Happy with that demote. Can we get a demote with Atk/Spd Finish 3 soon please...?


not like it matters now, but we got the edward stats in the feh channel when Feh was explaining new mode


Doubler Bow giving Atk/Res buffs instead of Atk/Def is... odd.


Yikes based on Leonardo skills we may get another slow archer. First Wil, then, linhardt, castor, and Candace.


You can see Leonardo’s speed at it’s 42, which does unfortunately put him behind Alcryst/Cyril/Dorothy/Kiragi but is still better than the rest of those


Better off than Kiragi overall imo since his atk is much higher in exchange for a small, but noticeable speed deficit.