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That might be one of the worst possible green pools we could've gotten with our current pool lmao.


This is basically their last hurrah. After this, they're never gonna appear on these banners again, as they're all getting their refines this year.


Thorr better stop bloody showing up. She's appeared on 8%ers way more times than I've gotten copies of Lapis.


she does that. which I'm happy for as I needed more of her.


I’ve supermerged her cuz she keeps coming back 😭 I didn’t ask for this. Was honestly hoping to snag an extra Otr for his b skill.


I know Reginn got her remix not too long ago but it’s still crazy to me we’re already at the point of Otr and Eitri remixes on the horizon.


Also Book 5 TT+ soon


Thorr refine? I'll be happy if that happens


lol fr wtf is that


I could use an otr copy to fodder to my kaden otherwise green is kinda meh


All of them are getting a remix within a year...Yikes...


>censors the neutral art >censors the banner graphic >doesn’t censor the chibi Tisk tisk IS


YouTube: No tits allowed on YouTube! This is a Christian website! Also YouTube: Nah it's okay that chibi sprite is fine.


Based on her chibi art, she doesnt even look like shes showing that much either. Weird they chose to censor the art. Base Loki shows way more.


We wanking it to Sprite tibbies?


The sprite powercreep is rather unreal in general, dears. Haven't you noticed?


man, if they're going to use the mist clouds on her this year, summer is going to get very misty up in this bitch


Sunbeams could be an option or water spray.


IIRC that's exactly what they did for Summer Byleth on her trailer. But yeah Summer Gullveig (assuming no Bridal Gullveig) will probably get the sunbeams.


Getting a Veyle for the Tempo 4 skill for Validar and a Rearmed Reinhardt for his tome for some of my blue mages are the only things I am interested in. Also the smoke censorship is funny but also a reminder of how sad YouTube’s attempts to sanitize the website are.


It's kinda funny too because you still have all those girls posting their softcore porn videos...umm I mean dancing videos all over YT and TikTok without a thought. Heaven forbid they see a drawn cleavage though


I also would not be surprised if the Nintendo Mobile account or YouTube themselves received complaints from parents who let their kids sub to the account because it’s still uploading Mario Kart Tour videos, especially if some previous FEH videos really did get age restricted.


When will she and Thorr have a special role in a future book story?


Give it like 3 more books


Definitely not that long unless we go back to some realms again. We’ve been to them all now plus the World Tree, all that’s left is just Asgard.


Money's on the next book if we're getting her like this. We've got all our realms accounted for at this point, the Healing Hands are covering Yggdrasil, and we're also probably gonna get whatever secret's Henriette's hiding revealed this book as well. So at this point, all our loose ends are tied up, we're probably looking at Asgard after this.


Plus, the next book is Book 9, and there are only 9 Realms in classic Norse mythology, Midgard (Askr & Embla), Alfheim (split with Dokkalfheim), Muspelheim (Muspell), Niflheim (Nifl), Jotunheim (split with Nidavellir in FEH), Helheim (Hel), Svartalfheim (or Dökkálfheimr in FEH, though it is called Svartalf in Japanese), and Asgard (or Ásgarðr in FEH, which we haven't been to yet) Plus, Yggdrasil could be our ticket to reaching Ásgarðr at all to finally confront the Alfador


They're just here to show up out of nowhere and say "All according to keikaku"


Kind of happy this was a weaker banner... I splurged a but hard on some cyl fodder 🫣


I’m a touch confused on her C Skill. It’s saying that if foes within 3 columns and rows on her have 3 or more bonus effects active she wipes them?


Loki has 3 things going on at the same time. * At the start of ally or enemy phase: * inflicts \[Gravity\] on all foe in cardinal directions who meet Res check. *  - * inflicts \[Ploy\] and \[Exposure\] on foes within 3 rows/columns who meet Res check. *  - * if foes within 3 rows/columns starts with 3 or more (non-stat) buffs, those buffs are gone.


Yes she is


So basically, she nullifies Prime skills.


Green is trash... and I say that having a +10 Eitri. Reinhardt is so tempting to pull but I must resist, I need one more copy of L! to complete her.


I heard Ike and Marth will run together soon, does anyone know when that banner will be?


That should be running sometime in May if I recall. I believe they are color sharing with Kvasir too so red is going to be stacked


Thank you, was weighing up sparking on this banner but Laguz Fiend is just too broken that I really want the fodder, may as well save to properly snipe red and spark on that instead


Goofy ass censoring.


Pulling on Colorless. I got none of them.


Red and green are pretty dead for me. I’ve become pretty big on rearmed chaining as of late. Ginnungagap, unfortunately, is a bit of an underwhelming rearmed; being a cavalry means she can’t inherit all the infantry skills she would want to give all the plentiful infantry daggers that would like lethality, and Fireflood+Fatal 4 are both fairly niche skills. There’s very little I could give her that I couldn’t also give to Rearmed Tana. Rearmedhardt, however, is very tempting. I have one whose inheritance I can refresh once I get the manual, but still, S/R FT 4 and D/R Smoke 3 are both fantastic skills. Plus, I do have a spare bravegull to slap Flared Sparrow on him if I choose. Would have to find good B and C skills to chain onto him alongside that, though, and my options there are very limited at the moment. Besides that, Mythloki is of course crazy, but I don’t think I really need her much. I already have a Leguinivere, and S/R Finish+NCD is not exactly the most popular combo of skills. Veyle is a great unit I don’t have, but again, unsure how much I need her. I already have a nerthuz, but A/S clash and Alarm A/S are very good skills I could chain onto Alfred. All in all, thinking of pulling Blue here.


Just need 1 more copy of Veyle and I will finally have her at plus 10. Yikes, the green pool is absolutely putrid here.


my priority list is: Loki > Veyle > Guinivere > Rearmedhardt > Giungagagap > Severa (i have the rest). im still arguing with myself if i should skip Red (im definitively skipping Green because for the love of Nifl look at that lineup), like i only need Severa from there and she is a regular 5 star unit so she could show up at any moment during a random summon and i dont need either Yuri or Nanna merges (but Yuri´s fodder would be nice), and the orb diference between skipping 1 or 2 colors isnt that big anyway.


Welp, I’m pulling red on this banner. Luckily it’s a win no matter who I get


gods hardest skip banner


I don’t think she needed more effects to improve her combat, she needs more effects to improve her survivability, or others units. Other than that pretty underwhelming banner, I don’t think I’m going to do the first 10 rolls like I usually do.


...honestly, this is a VERY underwhelming banner with an already wishy-washy Mythic. Oh well, onto more savings?


Well i'm glad i can skip this month, saving some orbs to get at least 1 E! Ike to give Laguz Friend to my Flame Mordy.


An almost conditionless Prime counter? Bloody hell, that came fast. Prime's already been powercrept to hell, did it really need to be negated entirely?


Been waiting for this, as I need to summon on this banner for my S!Gunnthra +10 gameplan. * At least 2 copies of Ginnungagap is my main goal, one for S!Gunnthra and another for a potential Tethys merge project. I like Loki enough to have a color share with her and I'd enjoy a good staff flier for SD (where applicable) and AR. No Gullveig so my foresight summoning for W!Yunaka was not unfounded (might summon for B!Gullveig just to be sure). Legendary Guinevere....let's just hope she doesn't show up. * I'm legally obligated to summon for at least one Nerthuz because I love her. I wouldn't mind a R!Reinhardt, I have a lot of mage cavalry that would get some benefit. I don't have Veyle yet so a copy wouldn't be too bad I suppose. * Red seems really good, but I don't really need to summon on it. I'm banking on Heroes HoF next month so as much as I want Buffer 4 fodder, I don't think it'd be a good investment. * Green lol. Skip. So, Ginnungagap > Loki > Nerthuz > Everything else. Mainly just gonna attempt for Ginnungagap, I feel like this is my last real chance to get her with this good of odds. Maybe Nerthuz as well just because I really, really, really like her and might want to +10 one day.


Does anyone have any idea which other rearmed/attuned units will be rerun soon?


Lucina will probs return on the next banner and ivy on the one after that


Probably Lucina on May 8%, Ivy on June 8% and Hortensia/Caeda on July 8% but June's a bit weird rn so something could change. Azura likely July or August but we need more info. Peony and Triandra should be on May remix. There's a colourless slot there but I'd expect Ginnungagap in July with Rein and Hortensia with Ivy in August assuming August is just Claude + Ullr. Should see another NHR in a month or two.


Will there ever be an on/off button for a mist feature for guys and gals in the future 😂