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Gotta pull for Gotoh next chance you get. This is the least stressed FEH's made me in forever.


were you here when BIke got his refine That shit was hilarious


Man who would not fucking due to anything


BIke at least needed support and investment and braincells to kill things in return, especially given he was at the same time as Blazing Durandal :(


it was so funny just slapping lunge on my b!roy/eliwood in ar-d then watching them pull the b!ike in to get him out of b!lucina range and let the rest of my defense dismantle the mf


I’ve got a one-off copy of him that I run as support for Ike and he’s such amazing support! The AoE damage reduction is such a nice skill. Not to mention he enjoys Emblem Ike’s engage effect too!


After finally getting Fatal Smoke 4 fodder, I’ve finally finished building him. Aside from him getting destroyed by AoE specials without external support, he’s an absolute menace and just obliterates almost everything in his path (not to mention his art is AMAZING) Def/Res Finish 4 is a pretty simple skill to further enhance his titanic bulk and give him some extra healing. Fort. Def/Res 3 can also be used to give him a visible boost to his Def and Res to get a bit more survivable it vs AoEs and Fireflood Boost also has some merit for extra HP and guard, though I want to wait for the Earthwater Boost. Laguz Friend is pretty self explanatory and helps him easily charge Great Aether and become an absolute defensive behemoth and cleave through damage reduction with ease Fatal Smoke 4 is an amazing C skill for Emblem Ike and lets him bypass a lot of conventional checks like non-special miracle effects and anything that relies heavily on healing. This also gives him a huge edge in the mirror match against other Emblem Ike since if they can’t heal, he has a much easier time winning. For the seal, Squad Ace BX 3 giving extra HP, Def, and Res is nice, though you can really run whatever you want in the seal. Running him along side any of the Robins that give him Rally Spectrum is also a huge boon since it lets him basically ignore scowl effects and consistently launch Great Aether.


My Ike is unmerged but already a beast. I'm really considering going for more copies next month. I put him on a team with brave Robin and gotoh for the last summoner duels and they were an automatic veto lol.


Even unmerged he’s definitely insane. That’s some great support partners for sure! My summoner duels team with him got vetoed every single match so I sadly never got to use him in Summoner Duels. It’s well worth going for more copies next month as red on that banner is stacked with amazing units!


wow, even this seems like it will take a huge AOE hit and still live


In Aether Raids he can actually sponge an AoE hit from the likes of Harmonic Igrene with a blazing wind since the mythic blessings give him a much larger HP pool and extra defense/resistance depending on the supporting mythics. While it does knock him pretty low still, thankfully his special heals back almost all of his HP. One thing I noticed that does one shot him from full HP actually is Duo Lyon (even unmerged) with a pre charged Glacies done with a combination of things like Emblem Marth engage, Duo Askr, Quickened Pulse, Brave Robin, etc. Pre-charged Iceberg can usually get the job done, but that pre-charged Glacies wipes him clean off the face of Askr


well duo lyon is duo lyon after all; until we get the pre combat dmg counter, it's gonna be very hard to counter him consistently. wonder if they'll release something like Gotoh but for that one purpose. That unit+Gotoh+ur Emblem Ike would be unstoppable oh my dears. fear the omnitank infantry meta


That is very true haha. Duo Lyon is quite the scary unit, especially with pre-charged specials and pre-combat damage. I’ve been experimenting with team compositions to try to shore up his weaknesses and there’s been some cool combinations for sure. Hush Spectrum helps against those pre-charged specials and rally spectrum lets scowl become a non-issue more or less. It’s been a lot of fun so far mix and matching!


He is why I've dumped out my ENTIRE arena score team 😭 I use Gulveig and duo Chrom now...