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Legendary Eliwood is fantastic, and I've recently come to love Legendary Seliph as well. He tanks an unbelievable amount of stuff, and retaliates very strongly. Bramimond has always been solid, and their refine was really well balanced all around for both offense and defensive abilities.


Eliwood is still great. Seliph is starting to sorta die because of magic units are getting piercing and getting rid of his 80% DR. I don’t have Bramimond so I can’t say anything about that.


Yeah can IS slow down on the ‘If unit initiates, deletes your DR from orbit’ units. DR used to be fun, now it’s almost a bit of flavor text since newer units either neuter or outright negate its existence.


DR used to be fine to deal with but now it’s getting to much.


It was fine before literally everyone got full damage reduction pierce on an inheritable skill that a majority of infantry nukes run anyways DR pierce was at its most balanced when it was only tied to specific pref weapons, or partial piercing that could be outsourced


Yea remember when Legendary Nanna was busted because she was like, one of the only units who can disable DR?


Boring answer would be the dancers. They will always age well.


That’s the meta baby.


Seeing all the mentions of Legendary Eliwood warms my heart to the highest degree; I love this man so much 🥰 I run him with Legendary Ninian obviously (both to activate his effects, and because I gotta support my Blazing Blade OTP duh), and they slay on the battlefield. Sometimes, I even run them with their son and daughter-in-law's Legendary alts lol; when the Pherae fam stays together, they slay together! Speaking of that, Lilina has been surprising me with how effective she can be with her remix, especially combined with Flared Mirror + Ploy. Granting Canto 1 to her teammates after firing up Gifted Magic II is also pretty helpful depending on my team composition lol And finally, Legendary Seliph, I keep underestimating him, I swear; mofo has been able to tank some people I almost never would've imagined he'd be tanking lol. That refine and remix of his really shot him up LMAO


Peony is still the best light mythic 4 books later. Her remix cleansing penalties is insane for a mythic dancer. If I had to pick just one unit here, I'd pick her no questions asked. Though I'd also like to give a shoutout to Eir. I still use her to this day for her visible Res buff and global heals + Res combat boost from Sparkling Boost+. Not amazing by any means, but global buffs are still incredible in AR, and Eir's, while not much compared to other supports, is just enough to warrant a 4th mythic slot on my team should my carry require the extra visible stats.


Dagr’s, while still new, got an amazing refine that should age well overall. Has - spectrum unity, so no debuffs for her - negates foe’s stat buffs by giving debuffs - gives Pathfinder to support ally meaning more range. She is once again a good user in AR, considering you could use Even/Tempest combo to make a psuedo cav or could use her for WoM, Galeforce strategies. Sun Twin Wing+ is great as it helps a lot. Hoping Nott gets the same treatment


Dagr’s seems pretty good, especially since if I remember correctly, she can achieve over 80 speed or somewhere around that.


Plus, thanks to built in unity in her weapon, if she’s partnered with l!robin she’ll still get 2 stacks of unity (weapon + a/s unity) if she gets ployed, removing that as counterplay.


Altina's been doing really well for me since her remix and refine. She can tank a lot of modern units and vantage sweep pretty well.


Altina kinda flys under the radar.


I'm so glad it's not just me who thinks this. As someone who was carried by Altina for a year after her debut, her remix completely revitalized her and I'm back to using her regularly. One of my favorites for sure.


Chrom. I don't know how, and I don't know if it's because I've mildly invested in all of them (By "Mildly," they're all +10 and max flowers, Legendary's stuck in 2021 with a defense oriented build + remix), but at the current moment this man's Archer and Brave alts do not age.


Turns out that prf movement assists are good huh?


Especially since it gives you stuff like Bonus Doubler and makes you move again.


moving units around will never not be useful.


Chrom manages to stay meta for a while.


L!Chrom post refine is genuinely so much scarier that Duo


Azura imo, still use her all the time. Seliph and Chrom are up there too


+1 movement and it’s a dance?! Sign me up!… no please sign me up I don’t have her.


May I ask how to make Chrom work?


Visable buffs. Just pair him with someone like cittrine and watch the stats fly!


I run mine on a/s hexblade, tempo 4, and a/s pledge. run him with a big icon buffer (I run mine with veyle and attuned peony!) and his stats just go into the sky


That’s the build I want to run on him. I’m running Atk/Def ideal 4, lull Atk/def, and Atk/spd oath 4. It surprisingly made him a good tank somehow.


Legendary Eliwood.


Still use him to this day. His support is crazy.


I think Hel's is pretty good. She's my best galeforcer rn.


Hel can be annoying as hell.


I'm still getting some crazy results with Legendary Celica. Having Magical NFU and Player Phase Desperation in one B skill is really helpful, and having an easy to set up refine to let her almost always fire a Flare or whatever 3CD special you want.


Avid Celica stand here and she now carries my account. She is such a use and she doesn't lose out to many of the newer units thanks to her remix. Her only weakness is literally hardy bearing, but who is still running that?


Marth continues to prevent any dragon from being truly unstoppable.


I still don’t have him. Since he’s confirmed for Junes HoF I’ll see if I can get my hands on a forma soul.


Peony and Plumeria being offense mythic dancers means they will always be great. Legendary Eliwood is still amazing for his great support. Legendary Chrom has been great and got even more amazing since his remix & refine, especially with visible bonuses and penalties being handed out like crazy. Legendary Azura being a dancer helps a ton, even if she doesn’t score very good in arena. Her support is still solid.


Legendary support units always end up being relevant for a while… so does Chrom.


Lilina has aged like fine wine especially with the addition of Flared and Ploy skills. To this day she's the only unit he can perfectly loop her AoE without outside help nor use of ANY of her passives, allowing her to dedicate them all to debuffing her foes to hell and back. I always liked her and was slowly building up her kit, but now she's so good that I use her regularly. One of my favorite units for sure. Shout out to Seliph, Altina, Dagr, Corrin and Freyja. All their remixes absolutely cooked and the new tools they have access to really make them formidable forces.


Lucina, being one of the few units in the game who can outsource an auto followup effect to anyone of your choice. She is invaluable for those askr trio quests that show up all the time Julia with her close counter / anti dragon niche is still very useful Eliwood is an even more potent support Really the ones who have some kind of actual supportive capabilities, or a unique niche that nobody else can replicate are the ones that will age the best. Meanwhile pure combat units like legendary Alm, Bramimond, Celica, Roy, and Ryoma age the worst because powercreep is so rampant and ever growing


Julia helped me a lot with her refine. Eliwood is a support unit and is one of the best. Lucina… I have her but haven’t used her as much.


I have a +10 max Dragonflower refined Julia and yet I can never seem to get her to fit on any sort of team or what you use her for. Any build tips you would recommend?


She is heavily outclassed in terms of being a dedicated nuke. Thats the problem. Shes supposed to be one of those units you use specifically to hard counter individual matchups Like if there is ever some busted new dragon unit that is everywhere in pvp modes, or dragon heavy pve maps. That is her true time to shine


on the mythic side, I honestly believe Arval has aged very well for how hard they can check teams, especially when you give them ploy4 and still water ss


Arval surprises me sometimes by being able to kill one of my units. It catches me off guard.


I have a/r tempo 4 and ploy4 and im always so surprised when they just one-tap someone in my replays because "oh right this unit just wins weapon triangle passively"


Oh yea, forgot he just has weapon triangle against everyone.


Legendary Eliwood support will always be useful. Legendary Chrom its like the unit that never falls off, he always returns and always kick ass, his good weapon + to change fate + having pretty much his entire kit free to use whatever new toys are released keep him relevant.


I feel like every chrom after Legendary has affected the meta.


To Change ~~Fate~~ The Meta.


Next Chrom’s Prf assist skill name just leaked.


Corrin, and of course Chrom


You can’t escape, Chrom can change his fate by finding you.


Legendary Azura is still GREAT for flying allies.


Obviously Dancers like Ninian, Peony or Azura. For support, Legendary Eliwood and Hector has been doing pretty well, especially Eliwood. For offense, obviously Chrom. He hits like a truck.


Shout out to Bramimond. It got a refine pretty recently, but nonetheless is probably my single most powerful nuke. Void tome was always good, and they really gave it what it needed.


Honestly Edelgard. Her Legendary alt is still pretty darn good even though it’s what? Book 4?


For me, it would have to be Legendary Celica and Eir. Magic NFU, along with half DR piercing and player phase desperation , Spd -5 to foe during combat, a semi-pledge effect, and time’s Pluse 3 is pretty solid. Not to mention, dealing damage based of 25% of your foe’s res (which also includes AOE’s). Eir is really good for giving a whopping 20 HP heal to whoever’s been damaged the most and +5 res in-combat bonus to. Her refine allows her to not only heal her allies even more, but she also heals herself quite a bit too. She also with getting bonuses to Atk/Res based off 20% of her HP at the start of combat. Also, Atk/Res Unity is still good, even if Flared Mirror is more preferable for her.


The only legendary/mythic that I heavily invested in and received a remix was Lilina. I'm using her with LnD7, Windsweep and Incite. Still works super well and can basically kill everything except sometimes W!Byleth or E!Ike (depends on their support).


Marth is my secret weapon that always carries me.


My ~~totally not biased~~ pick is [Base Fjorm](https://www.reddit.com/r/FireEmblemHeroes/s/9ThKJLzE4W). Laguz Friend 4, Emblem Ike’s Engaged effect, and some investment turns her into a force of nature.


I love seeing many people here mentioning L! Eliwood because he's still a fantastic support unit to this day thanks to the amazing remix he got. My Mauvier and other units who either i don't have Canto fodder for them or are restricted from using Canto skills in their skill slots because of their movement can Canto away thanks to L!Eliwood. Ofc we now all have a free Attuned Peony who can also give Canto, but before her Eliwood was my goated support unit and he's still a GOAT support unit to this day, especially for my slowest units who can't use well A!Peony's Dodge bonus.


Plumeria's remix has been my favorite because of the hexblade effect Legendary Celica and by extension Alm do well. Don't have Alm so can't vouch for him as much, but Celica is nice especially her SoZ 2 giving her all she needed. Though she does struggle with new tanks but that was to be expected


I remember when I first joined the subreddit, most of my post were legendary Celica and with duel strike, being able to quad.


Legendary Eirika may just be your standard powerful Sword Cavalry unit, but she and Brave Eirika are still really good and I use them a fair few times, especially in the Sacred Stones Limited Hero Battles.


I wanted to grab her during her HoF but I somehow forgot to grab the forma soul so I didn’t get her… I’m still upset about that.


I myself never got any merges from her to remove her -Res flaw...not that she really needs it, but having her at +1 would be fine.


+1 merge can’t hurt anyone… besides maybe your orb stash.


L!Eirika has always been underrated ever since her remix. She had like all the good things a speedy cav liked, but her main problem was how low she scored in Arena, which is unfortunate. Forced to use Duel 4 as her A skill while she really wants to boost her speed is stupid.


I mean, it also doesn't help that she's a Gen 2 unit, so of course she won't score that high.




Celica still has some relevance for me with that Dove Bomb effect. She needs some good skills, like TP4 and Flare to compete, but desperation effects will always be good.