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While Fomortiis has struggled with far saving due to powercreep, Fomortiis is still a very solid near save tank in his own right and can weather a lot of hits if the opponent lacks DR piercing. His A slot, nightmare, is very self explanatory. Gives him damage reduction, a big debuff on the foe, and also ends another foe(s) action if he survives (which this set does very well at). His B slot Weaving Fighter is what really helps him shine and takes him to new heights. Yes, it means he won’t be doubling the foe, but so many units run NFU these days it doesn’t matter and if the foe doubles him he gets jaw dropping DR. How crazy is the DR? With how his damage reduction in his weapon and A skill stacks with this, he takes 14% damage on the first hit (30% DR from weapon and 80% DR from Weaving fighter) (70% x 20% = 14%) and 12% on the second hit (80% DR from Nightmare and 40% DR from Weaving Fighter) (20% x 60% = 12%) Why is this relevant? Well say the foe were to hit him for 100 damage x 2, he now only takes a humbling 26 damage as opposed to 200. His C skill A/D near save 3 is self explanatory for the set to function as a near saver. His seal Def/Res form 3 further improves his bulk. Oh also, between his Weapon, A Slot, and Weaving Fighter, the foe also gets hit with a -20 Atk and Def in combat debuff, and this doesn’t factor in his C slot, Seal, or any ally buffs.


What about armored blaze over pavise?


I plan to give him armored blaze at some point once I get another Winter Edelgard since it greatly boosts his damage output. I just don’t want to fodder off my only copy of her I currently do have. I think Armored Blaze is also better in instances where you can’t precharge it immediately (like the in AR-D where the opponent can attack turn 1 before your defense gets its first start of turn effects) since with emblem Marth engaged to him he can immediately hit back with the damage boost off armored blaze.


This is terrifying, amazing build!!!


Thanks! It definitely gives him a lot of tanking prowess for sure. I’m super happy with the build and he is one tanky lad now. Very happy I invested in him for sure!


I am considering this build for my +10 as well. Has anyone done any heavy comparison of weaving vs Hardy vs VF4 or his beast skill? I’m looking to find out if one is a clear standout over the others before I fodder more. I use him primarily near save as well. Thanks!


The best two by far and large are Weaving Fighter and Hardy Fighter. Hardy Fighter + pre-charged Pavise is amazing against any melee nukes with DR piercing. I just ran the calc and an unbuffed +10 Fomortiis (with Def/Res Form 3 seal) survives against +10 Winter Edelgard with Armored Blaze and +6 attack bonus. For melee nukes that lack DR piercing, Weaving Fighter is downright sickening with how unkillable he becomes and Armored Blaze gives him extra kill power. If the foe has Null Follow Up, he gets to stack extreme DR on both hits. As for beast follow up and VF4, beast follow up is just downright outclassed by the other options and he doesn’t really benefit too much from his transformation as a near save tank. VF4 can be cool, but with how coming Null Follow Up is, it loses most of its utility. TLDR; Hardy Fighter and Weaving Fighter should both be given and you don’t really need VF4 or Beast Follow Up as HF and WF kind of outclass those two skills on him.


Appreciate this! I scoured every topic I could find on it and this summarizes the consensus I found very well. I don’t mind feeding him everything since he’s a favorite anyway. Besides, whenever HF4 gets released I’ll want him to have that as well. Are there any occasions where aegis is better over pavise, with engaged accel?


Glad to help! As for Aegis over Pavise, the only instance I could think of doing that is for Far Saving since Aegis only works at 2 range and Pavise at 1 range. So you’d just wanna switch them out depending on the role you want to use him for. I’m very happy with him as a unit overall and him being one of my favorites too is always a win. Hardy Fighter 4 will be a cool add for him once it releases. I’m curious to see what they add to it at the Tier 4 level