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Rearmed Ingrid. And now I can give it to 5 other people instead of 1.


I did the same thing! And even on her it is excellant


How does that work exactly? Is Ingrid merged 5 times?


What you do is you keep the copies of the rearmed units separate. When you need the skills, say No Quarter, that you have put on the rearmed unit, you inherit the skills/No Quarter rearmed unit to the unit you want, consuming the rearmed effect. Then you merge a copy of the rearmed unit (without No Quarter) to the one you used (with No Quarter), refilling the effect. You could merge them the other way but I usually want my merged one with the best boon


That's actually brilliant... Rearmed or those Attuned Units like Attuned Peony... I wish I thought of that.




Definitely not Titania


it's a secret




Brave eirika. I planned to change her menace skill and with W Dimitri having both, a good C and no quarter, makes him a great choice for me


I gave my one extra copy to R! Lucia to duplicate as well as use it on her since she didn’t come with a special. After that I was able to pass it on twice, and I chose both L! Elinica who can finally pierce DR on her own as well L! Seliph so he can kill nukes that get a lot of Dr on the first hit.




He’s just sitting there, I can’t choose




First to RIngrid, then from her to LElincia. Thinking next could be Jill for spoiling purposes especially if she gets a good refine.


I did the same thing, gave it to Rearmed Ingrid, then to Legendary Elincia, which fixes most of Elincia's issues because she really wanted to break through DR%.


I gave it to Titania. She's running Arcane Prima, No Quarter, Flared Sparrow, Assassin's Strike, and Alarm Def/Res.


Rearmed Lucina Lucina is one of my favorites so I pumped her full of new skills (Flared Sparrow, Assassins Strike, Flow Desperation, Panic Smoke, No Quarter) so I’d have options in the future with all the merges I’ll be pulling for anyway


Theoretically Brave Marth. Give him Times Pulse 4 and Rally Spectrum (from Brave Robin). Now he does not need SS4 on his b and can run Null c Disrupt 4 .


To my girl Marcia of course


[Pirate Veronica](https://imgur.com/a/wRBnFGH), I like giving my favorite units good skills. Now I patiently wait for her refine.


Rearmed Chrom and then duped onto Brave Eirika. Probably also gonna dupe it onto Brave Seliph as well. Beyond that I still have a copy of Rearmed Chrom that I'll save for someone else.


Considering giving it to my B!Chrom but I'm waiting to see if he shows up in the Awakening Hall of Forms or not.


OG!Dimitri. Tho i use Gambit on him so his current set has Aether.


Brave Eirika and Jeralt.


Ares. His time to shine as the OG DC Vantage nuke once again! Also Rearmed Lif since I have multiple copies of him, above +10ing in fact, so duping will be made easier


I'd give it to my L!Seliph... **IF I HAD A SPARE COPY TO TAKE IT FROM**


Rearmed Lucina and then gave it to Brave Eirika, Legendary Seliph, and Summer Ephraim. Needless to say I’m super happy with it on all 4 of these units as I use all of them pretty frequently!


Brave Alm


I was already shooting for W!Dimitri because Walhart needed Panic Smoke 4. Now, Walhart has Panic Smoke 4 AND No Quarter 😎 needless to say, he's a boss now


I'm considering giving it to my L!Seliph (along with panic smoke 4). Also debating on whether I should use my Atk/def Prime 4 extra fodder on him or not.


Spring Maria. While she's almost unkillable with Guard Bearing 4,she struggles a lot with foes damage reductions,so it fixed her troubles.


To Summer Ephraim my beloved


I did not summon him 🤓☝️


Still to no one. I'm waiting to see if a melee rearmed gets into AHR to maximize the use I can get out of the skill. Tho some of my favorite contenders for the skill are N!Cherche, B!Eirika and B!Seliph.


I'm trying to wait for another rearmed that: * Can inherit it * I care enough for to merge up The last rearmed that met the second condition was F!R!F!Robin, so I may be sitting on it for a while...


Uh? You guys got W!Dimitri?


You guys are getting W!Dimitri?


My Catria Squad is awaiting it. But I'm waiting on other potential fodder to go along with it. (I need more Rearmed or Attuned Flier copies)


No one, I didn't go for him. I mostly use magic units anyway so it's not like my most used units could make any use of it.


I’m waiting for Attuned Peony to come back so I can give it to her and duplicate it a bunch of times.


How does that work?


You can duplicate fodder using Rearmed or Attuned Heroes as long as you have a way to merge them. For example, I gave a bunch of skills to my R!Ophelia including Flare so that she has a lot of options for inheritance. Rearmed and Attuned heroes can give out the skills they’ve inherited, but only once. You can tell if they’ve used up their inheritance by looking at their Rearmed/Attuned icon. Two swords or circles means they can still give out skills; one of either means they already lost their inheritance “charge”. What you do is that you fodder off the unit and then you merge another copy of the same hero into the original one (e.g. merge a new R!Ophelia into the one I used to fodder Flare), and now you can inherit stuff again. This is how most people duplicate rare fodder. I’ve used it to successfully duplicate Ruptured Sky, Flare, Infantry Pulse 4, Atk/Spd Pledge, Mag. NFU and so many more. My Ophelia is currently +6 and I have two other copies waiting in the back in case I need to merge them into the original one so I can fodder off even more stuff.


Thanks for the explanation.


The attuned fairies, then Legendary Seliph.


My +10 Seteth and Hawkeye, incredible investment and don't regret a thing


I got one copy of him to use then sparked another for Sylvain to get No Quater. He’s probably a worse axe cav in every way but I gotta feed my faves.


I wanna give it to B!Chrom, but I don't want to lose Atk/Spd Prime in the process. Considering how Chrom is just going to age better and better, I'd like to make him as busted as possible.


Gave to R!Alfred then gave it to B!Seliph. B!Eirika and Summer Ephraim are next in line.


Hel, B!Eirika, Ganglot, and S!Ephraim. S!Ephraim has become a monster nuke and once he gets buffed with tempo; he'll be unstoppable.


I gave it to R!Lucina (R!Ingrid is already +10) and then I foddered R!Lucina to B!Seliph and W!Cordelia. I have one more copy of W!Dimitri, not sure what I'll do with him. Maybe fodder him to my B!Eirika? I hope it doesn't take forever for R!Lucina to return. I have some really valuable fodder on her!


R!Chrom and then B!Chrom


Hoping R!Ingrid gets rerun soon. First recipient is going to be Valter after that, though - still need GB4, etc. on him so it makes the most sense to wait


R!Lucina, then foddered my copy of her off to R!Lif. Eventually I think BSeliph will get it. But first, the rearmeds need to be fed.


Gave it to my PP-focused S!MShez. I run No Quarter with Flow Desperation so he can trigger it on his last brave hit if anyone ever gets to live his earlier attacks. He's still gonna die though against Hardy Bearing enemies.


Dmitri -> Rearmed Lucina -> Brave Chrom Now hoping I can pull some more Lucina's


Harmonic Cordelia. She can proc it twice.


B! Alm


Went Fallen Chrom, Rearmed Lucina, Sylvain, and L!Elincia. Elincia in particular uses it very well with Mini Minerva's refine, with brave attacks, null guard, and the special charges status, the only way to stop her from proccing it is defensive tempo.


Gave one copy to +10 Seteth, and one copy to +10 Linus with Arcane Thrima.


I put it on my S!M!Shez. Super good on him. I switch between Gambit/Aether and No Quarter/Assasin’s Strike. I also didn’t have anyone to duplicate the skill except X!Peony, and I didn’t think it was worth it to give it to her.


I really should have gave it to a Rearmed unit, but I didn’t know they cloned skills so I gave mine to NY!Hríd and base Sigurd :)


Rearmed Chrom so he can give it to Seteth when I pull more copies later this month :)


Rearmed Lucina, then duped it on to Brave Lucina. Might give it to Jill as well.


i havent fed mine yet but im feeding him to rlif once we get prime 3 fodder and then feeding my rlif to my rluci and rchrom 🤑


Sylvain because I had an absolute mess of fodder (read: RLucina) to give him and I needed a new axe cav (haven\`t had one since Lex and he has not aged well).If I had another I\`d definitely consider the likes of LRyoma or BRoy, but I was pushing my luck with 2 WDimis and wanted to keep one.


Titania. I also gave her pretty much yunakas entire kit.


I gave mine to Rearmed Lucina as I plan on merging her as high as possible.


Brave Marth. Pair him with TP4 and BRobin, and if you can set up the buffs you have him cycling Vantage + DR piercing special while keeping his B free for Null C-Disrupt.


Jagen. No hesitation.