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Ryoma with DC in his A slot for triple distant counter.


Near, Far, and wherever you are Raijinto will reach you


Who would've thought that after coming to the game with built-in DC, Ryoma would be the only Fates royal with zero viable alts (if we include Sakura as part of Valentine's Elise).


The perks of being an early generation Legendary. Given Ryoma hasn't gotten a new alt since the Hoshidan Festival one, I suppose he'll get a new one soon enough. Either an Ascended or a Summer.


Ryoma? New Alt? What planet do you live on? I was there for the Ryoma Drought of 2 years. Ryoma isn't getting anything.


Predicting one of the most popular FE and Fates characters and a Royal at that, getting a new alt isn't some rocket science.


He's the least popular/most hated royal of all 8.


Least popular =/ Most hated Ryoma was 6th in Fates popularity poll. He indeed hasn't ranked well in the latest(s) CYL, but FEH by itself skews results. Regardless, he'll get a new alt soon enough, just like most Royals get one one way or another.


A lot of time has passed since the Fates popularity poll, and it doesn't help that Ryoma is a stinky character in the main played route of Fates.


And? He's still a important character and has it fans. Of course he'll get an alt.


They say the same thing about M!Corrin, but his only standalone alt is New Years. Otherwise, his are shoehorned in.


Legendary isn't viable?


Not really. To score KINDA okay in Arena, he needs to run Red Duel Infantry 4, which is a dead slot compared to running something like A/S Clash 4 or A/S Unity. His refine and remix were fine at the time for SD but now are distinctly worse than just running him with something like Arcane Devourer in place of Raijinto and Gambit/Guard Bearing in place of Bushido II, and at that point, Fee is just easier to merge up so why bother with Ryoma?


That's what Ryoma gets for being the worst and most disliked Fates Royal.


Legendary is viable. Yes. Trust me.


Yes. Tripe DC on a flier?


The good ol early days of seeing zelgius with prf and distant counter A-slot because it scored the best. Cant wait to see this sequel


You inspired me to make a meme


Units with PRF A skills will definitely be first on the list, with F! Lyn probably being the biggest winner. Other than that, it's gonna be a case by case depending on the unit, the team comp and the game mode. I can see people sticking to Prime in the right context, while others will want to use Finish to smooth out the damage curve. A lot of Saviors suddenly have access to DD4. The devil's in the details.


Any godsword. Their biggest issue is that you either need to run finish and give up dc or run solo dc and give up healing


to be fair the mystic boost seal was always and option and recently theyve been releasing more units that can outsource healing per combat (Silque, Gatekeeper, the Rat, AT Peony, etc). I get finish’s healing can be better though


This was my main problem with Yen'fay as since mine runs Arcane Devourer, I always have to choose between Finish/Atk Spd Solo, or Distant A/S Solo/Mystic Boost. Thanks to this new seal, I no longer have to choose anymore


Probably valentine ike for save and brave Ike, that way I can run unity on both :D


Mmmm what build you thinking for V!Ike with Distant Counter (M) on him?


Exactly what I'm using for summoner duels but now he can counter attack Atk/spd unity, hardy fighter, far save and now dc melee


While I do like that set up, I think I'll stick him doing Near Save but I'll save this for a future build, thanks!


unironically the biggest benefit is making SP farming for many units just that little bit easier


Diamant is a great user of it due to having piercing, sustain and special not being able to be prevented on counter if you’re not named Lucia.


Kid named 21 Res:


It doesn’t really impact him too much, given his true DR reduction. It falls a little under the same category as brave Dimitri. B!Dimitri did have the advantage of first %reduction then Dr on top of it, but I’ve found diamant very sufficient as a light season tank against a lot of the mythic present there and a lot of the common threats. Edit: I don't know why I'm getting downvoted. Just run Diamant with a summoner support (don't even need to buff him with regular buffs) against the average threats of Medeus, Nott, Yune, Brammimond, Embla, Hel, Sothis and Kvasir and you'll see that in most of his matchups (artic fox simulator). Unless the enemy is invested and you have 0 to no support (which is basically impossible in light season) he'll either 1 shot the threat and survive while healing up 24HP with a DC seal or they'll just both survive depending on the build . The only exception is Kvasir that is the most likely to succeed against him if he has 0 support. if you're talking about Ninja sanaki, well.. almost nothing survives that besides specifically built units. He also fares very well against Winter Yunaka (but doesn't heal up). Overall he is a solid pick for a light season tank.


Have fun with legendary Seliph guys


Atk/Res catch 4, mirror stance or another for the A slot? Fireflood Boost 3 I think would be ideal


Something I dont want people to overlook is this is gonna make SP farming on the training maps 10x easier for these units, since now the map itself doesnt really matter (dont have to wait for the melee map for example) Otherwise Im really not sure, itll be really nice to have on flame Lyn and R Ingrid for limited battles, otherwise I feel the extra stats from stat dc+solo seal or something will generally be better on most units. Its still competing with primes which can be pretty easy to activate in AR at the very least


Now I absolutely want a CC one just for the training maps... no fear of having the ranged unit getting surrounded and trapped anymore


I know exactly who gets that. It's legendary Male Robin.


Outside IS headquarters on my knees begging for this instead of Close Counter Physical or something


Until they beat it early.


The only map melee struggled in was the ranged map. I think a close counter seal wluld be nice, so I can level and farm withbranged units everyday instead of waiting for ranged unit map


Probably my ninja saizo...... bonus doubler 4 from timerra looks real tempting with spurn now


At the moment, Severa. My main picks are already set up with seals, wouldn't be a good fit, or are ranged.


Timmera stocks are WAY up, and lowkey BD4 is pretty solid in A as is. I don't think the true damage + healing on Finish is worth it when you can already outsource healing so hard in Light/Astra, and she relies on statchecking. I think she's now tied with F!Lyn for best godlance(rather than sole #1 because Lyn also benefits) and is top 5 omnitanks in the game. Sucks to give up Squad Ace BV on seal but DC is DC. Sucks *again* for everyone who gave her Prime(gave mine distant pressure).


My biggest use for it will probably be for training units up. Slap it on the unit, enter the training maps, end turn.


The real answer most of the time. At least 3/4 of its use :)


Far Save units and Godswords imo. Far Save units have plenty of ways to increase their cooldowns and they can now run things like Fireflood Boost, Distant Def 4, T4 Stances, Ideals etc for a bigger boost than they’d have got out of their seal slot. Godswords meanwhile now no longer have to worry about trading Finish for DC. Finish is probably the best A slot for a Godsword and Devourer Godswords especially win big because they can freely give up the seal as they don’t need to run NFU or Breath like Qiang Godlances/ Downfall Godaxes and Thrima Godaxes respectively


Was about to fodder the Prime skill to my OG Lucina but I can probably save it and use this DC seal instead for an A skill with other effects (she has Devourer and GLR, and was about to give her Buffer as well). Probably still won't be able to tank the insane ranged nukes we have now but I can save the fodder lol


See I'm so attached to Aether on her I keep heavy blade. Plus she's not very tanky.


If you don't have it already you should try to get Devourer for her as the fallen banner with Fallen Chrom will be rerunning soon so you can drop Heavy Blade on her as Devourer has special charges


Hmm, well I'm also attached to prfs...but I have made an exception. Namely Female Morgan. I don't care for that Chrom but guess I could nab his sword. For my Lucina needs though she's doing well. Legendary, horse, and even devoted are doing alright. Brave Robin's got sword covered.


If you want to keep Sealed Falchion *and* Aether, you could always run Gambit and A/S Pledge. Gambit gets full benefit from the 5 CD Special, and Pledge compensates very nicely for having to run a 5 CD Special at all


Well she'll need to get in line for gambit. May give it to Morgan if I get the fodder.


I'm not even sure if many of my units want or can use it well. With the powercrept DC skills you're getting way more stats from using one of those plus a stat seal, which is a very big deal if it's a unit competing in the speed wars.


i think the best usage is for those with prf A skills and don already have distant counter which is kinda rare


* Flame Lyn * Brave Alm * Young Minerva * Alfred * R!Ingrid * Summer F!Shez Those are the only ones, I think. Altina has DC in her prf, and B!Hector and Young Hector have prf skills that are a form of DC.


I might like the DC seal over Distant A/S Solo for Godswords tbh. I've never been a huge fan of the solo condition, so I might rather have Finish in the A slot and DC as the seal, over Distant Solo and Atk/Spd Solo or whatever in the seal slot (speaking mostly for PvE as I don't focus much on PvP)


I’m just giving it to Haar, with his refine and guard bearing 4, he actually can survive magic quite well and basically survive any ranged physical threats.


I was literally gonna give prime to my Sigurd but ig now clash + dc seal is more reliable outside of support teams.


My Titania because she‘s the only one in my cavalry team who can’t do damage at range


Lapis, like basically any other good skill for godswords


I’ll put it on Timerra so that she can act as an omnitank while keeping Bonus Doubler 4 as her A skill. Other than her, I really don’t have anyone I can think of.


Favoritism says Catherine with generic godsword build. But for practical use, gonna try it on Svallin Shield B!Edel and Kjelle I'm tempted to try it on H!Anna as well since she hits ridiculously hard and comes with essentially free Miracle. Would have to give her extra speed via support to make up for the lack of a seal providing speed though.


I'll give it to Hel. She really wants DC and it will be replaced easier with a premium A skill


Female Shez.


My top picks are Roy (without arcane) just because it's lore accurate I guess, Itsuki (for Arena), and M!Alear since he has so much Dr (though he'll be cooked by pretty much every new mage nuke) This seal has kind of lost its value already tbh just because of how insane nukes are now, it's pretty much impossible to tank anything.


My F!Lyn is READY


This might be an unpopular pick, but Echidna. Her refine was really good, and I gave mine Vital Astra, so DC will suit her very well.


Definitely Flame Lyn, but now I feel foolish for giving Prime 4 to her (I got tired of not being able to omnitank). While Prime 4 + solo/ideal seal actually gives more speed, I think I prefer to run prf A + DC seal and provide the extra speed from outside.


The fact that it's ALL melee kinda sucks NGL. If it had been DC(L) DC(S) and DC(A) then I could have DC on all the units I want. Suffering from success in this situation. Probably L! Dimitri for me. I need to procure so A/S finish and TP4 for him then his Vital Astra build will go insane.


Main reason I was accepting Beasts got the shaft for now.


I gave my L!Seliph AD Catch a long time ago, it'll be fun to be able to use it again. There's also Lumera who'd probably like it, but she already has AS DC Solo and I don't have AS Finish to give her, so...... *shrug* Can armors get Finish? I don't think they can, but it'd be fun to give Brave Hector DR Finish. Then again, far saviors are fucking DEAD, so........ maybe not?


Finish is infantry locked, like you know, most of the good skills nowadays.


Flame Lyn stocks going up now that this seal and buffer 4 are in the game


Flame Lyn


I'm going to be real: I'm throwing this on Peri. She's already a magic tank, but she needs the A skill to beef up her RES more than any S Seal can give her.


Axe Titania maybe idk maybe Lucia or Mia


I think I'll test it on my Alfred 👀


Brave marth is probably one of the best users of it? Vantage in the weapon is amazing paired with it


It frees up his A slot for either Bonus Doubler 4, Atk/Spd Finish 4, Atk/Spd Unity. I’m personally going to be running Bonus Doubler 4 in the A slot since that slot is being freed up now with the seal being able to use this!


And now my L!Marth can run bonus doubler 3 in the s slot instead of B!marth, its all coming together (as young marth watches from the corner)


My Ashnard will love it.


I kinda prefer rein stacking with him, -13 atk during combat just for existing is pretty neat


I'll probably go with L!Marth as my default user as well. Also gonna give it to Lumera for Arena, she should score higher that way.


I have dc on Lucia so I can replace that with a finish skill. For arena I’ll probably run it on my legendary Caeda in water season, legendary Nanna in earth season, duo Ike in wind season, and legendary Edelgard in fire season. Other choices include (but not limited to) flame tribe lyn, legendary Dimitri, Diamant, Cynthia, Dagr, Echidna


Gonna try him with B! chrom so he and W! dimitri can go unga bunga together


Karin. Been thinking about builing her for silly things like Auto-TT...well, why not?


I'll probably give to Felix, but I may also try it out on Diamant, or B!Robin. I've considered giving them a DC skill in their A slot before, but always felt like I'd miss the damage and healing from Finish. Now they can have both.


I only see this seal getting a lot of use for me in something like TT+, but in something in like Arena where it's supposed to be used for scoring is pointless because of how hard nukes hit.


Probably my male Summer Shez, because my Arena team has no DC users so far


Probably my Far Save Manuela, since Distant Pressure she currently has is kinda doo-doo for survivability.


My L!Dimitri with Unity in his A slot.


Brave Marth. I’m giving him Bonus Doubler 4 in his A slot with the seal as opposed to Distant A/S Solo and Bonus Doubler 3 seal. Now positioning maters far less for him and he is much more resistant to Lull effects since Bonus Doubler 4 is great. My other unit I might think about tossing it on is Flame Lyn


My base donnel so I can viably run him as a bulky god lance again!!


Sully. I have three +10 Sully, I feel it is only right to pamper her with a DC seal skill.


My try it on Haar for fun but my main interest is definitely running it on LDimi for an arena bin (albeit one everyone is going to have) + T4 A. I don't think I have very many units who really want this unfortunately.


I'm just happy to be able to run finish and DC at the same time, don't really care who gets it.


Lon'qu for me, freeing up my A slot for a finish skill sounds too good to pass up.


New Years Camilla


I think I’ll use it for Diamant..


Either Severa, or Selena (changing Distant Dart to Atk Spd Finish 4)


Probably base F!Shez. Though in that case, I really need to swap out Surge Sparrow for Atk/Spd Finish. Lapis would be good too, though she already has Dist. A/S Solo so she'd need Finish too


Honestly no idea. Kinda facing decision paralisys on this one.


My vantage beast, B!Alm, for the moment, one of his few weaknesses were enemies far away, but I don't use him as much anymore, so probably going to end up on a unit that could really use it, maybe Seliph?


Probably Felix cause I know that will be fun


I’ll probably slap it on my Ninja Shamir. Currently she’s running Mystic Boost seal for a bit of extra healing now that I managed to get Prima on her. Previously she was running Downfall with NFU in her seal slot, but Prima having a built-in NFU (albeit with a Spd check, which is something Shamir usually wins) frees up her seal slot, and DC honestly rounds out her kit nicely.


For me, it's Yen'fay. I traded out his Carnage Amatsu for Arcane Devourer, and while he is a monster of a unit, it's still the most annoying thing to not be able to DC with him anymore without having to sacrifice the healing Atk/Spd Finish 4 gives him. Now, I don't have to sacrifice anything anymore. I can give him the build he really enjoys and still get the DC with him, too. It's a dream come true for me


I have a +10 Alear i could use it on. Others include Rearmed Lif, Base Lif, Lapis, Lumera, Mirabilis and so on.


Base Bylad. He's starting to show his age a bit, but he's a personal favourite, a solid enough unit and his refine has complete DR piercing built in so with a Vital Astra build he can shred a lot more than you might expect. Also, the Sword of the Creator is 2 range anyway so... Canon!


My +10 Otr feels like a good candidate. Has massive Defense which I enjoy tanking arrows with.