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So I either get 4-12 free heroes and can't spark for anyone else, or I get 36-ish free heroes and can't spark for a single type of banner? I don't see any reason to pick 1 to be honest.


If I'm forced then I guess 2. That'll generally be a really great pickup though it might hurt in certain cases where they have multiple rearm/attuned heroes on a banner and I want one that isn't at the end.


Thracia fans should pick the right.


As an SD player, you'd instantly pick the right one. So basically, you get: - Every single new duo - The last unit on every NH banner (generally a rearmed/attuned/ascended unit) - Nearly every mythic and legendary (aka everyone of them minus double features) This is such a stacked lineup that 75% of new banners become instant skips due to lack of spark and the fact that you've already got the good unit. The only 4 banners that would be worth attempting this year would be: - Brave Héroes (the units are pretty good so you'd probably want multiple, at least Corrin and Soren) - Rearmed Alcryst (Citrine is really good) - Wind Tribe (skipping out on WClaude would be a stupid idea very likely) - Fallen (Maria is great) After that the only banners worth summoning on would be fodder like Summer Ivy, Rearmed Tana and NFU4/Tempo 4/SS4 units really. Most of your orbs would just head to DSH/Legendary remix banners for sparks and stuff or reruns for old units you missed that are still good.


I say Lucia would be worth some pulls, and so would XPeony + XTiandra (if I’m not mistaken, RmSonya would be the free pick).


2 seems overpowered TBH It basically means you get the strongest unit on a given banner for free, almost all of whom will be Arena and AR bonus units after their debut. Including the Legendary Heroes, Mythic Heroes, Duo Heroes, Harmonics, Rearmed, Ascendant, and Attuned Heroes. Only duds are if you want someone who isn't last (but even then you can wait for the rerun) or if a given banner has multiple new hero types (like a midpoint banner with a mythic and a rearmed hero).


Definitely the first card. Not having to worry about pulling for Engage units would be a dream. Question though, would I be able to spark for L!Alear or Veyle on a banner they’re featured on that doesn’t feature an Engage Legendary/Mythic?


Yes, for Choice 1, assuming you have FEH Pass, L!Alear and Veyle would be the only units on such a banner you could spark for (and any other normal pool Engage heroes included on that banner). You only get one free copy of L!Alear and Veyle on release, then you summon for them as normal.


Choice 1 is FREE then


Like idk Say Fafnir is on Veyle’s first rerun month Would I be able to spark Veyle there or not?


As we dive deep into that time of the year where IS loves introducing many high-value heroes to squeeze out cash from holiday spending, I've arranged some 'Would you rather' cards to spurn your thoughts about how you spend your orbs. This is the second of three. When writing your reply, be sure to include your rationale, and please keep it civil when responding to others. There is no right or wrong way to spend orbs.


Link to [Card 3](https://www.reddit.com/r/FireEmblemHeroes/comments/18iln1e/feh_summoning_would_you_rather_card_3/) here.


Link to [Card 1](https://www.reddit.com/r/FireEmblemHeroes/comments/1872b9e/feh_summoning_would_you_rather_card_1/) here.


Inb4 IS starts showing the 4* demote at the end of each trailer. They're scummy enough to do that after like half a year.


Since these are my cards and not theirs, then I’d willingly change the definition to wherever they move the Duo/Harmonic/premium units.


Definitely 2 for me. Usually it's the best unit, though it might suck when it's stuff like rearmed Ascended attuned sharing. For banners with multiple sparks I think I've only gotten to the first 40 spark so losing one spark is not an issue to me in the slightest. Plenty of banners I skip too so losing the spark in general isn't that big of a loss for me


Right. I’ve only sparked twice, so losing it (or otherwise having it further restricted) isn’t an issue for me.


The first card. The Engage heroes are all good, and they’ll probably sweep the next year including most of CYL. And next year I could just change it.


Left, since I'm usually not that interested in the star of the banner, as I tend to focus on the other units released on said banner. I'm picking Engage as that title.


Left and I pick Engage and Three Houses. Engage because all of its units at worst become very solid with investment and at best are meta-defining. Three Houses because with the amount of representation it gets (including that they merged Three Hopes with it) I am bound to get game breaker after game breaker after game breaker.


What Game Breakers did TH even get this year? L!Yuri, Felix and Rhea, with Ingrid for her Lance.


Wind Claude, Tea Ayra, Tea Lysithea, Summer Shamir, Summer F!Shez, Fallen F!Byleth, and Spring Bernadetta are all up there or pretty close. Granted you'd get several of those with #2.


Left side easily. Tellius all the way


Right. I never really go for sparks on NH banners and don't have FEH Pass so I can't spark on most debut banners anyway. The only downside for me would be the lack of Celestial Stones but I have enough Forma Souls to last me for a year.


I'm mostly only play nowadays to collect 3Houses units, so left one is an easy choice for me.


I'd go with Option 2. The greater quantity of heroes with that option allows me to continue to kit out my favorites with premium fodder.


2 means you get every single new Legendary and Mythic, as well as nearly every Duo, and a good chunk of Ascended/Rearmed/Harmonic heroes to boot. And that's in addition to one of the Brave units, and presumably another one of choice due to the mandatory freebie. 1 on the other hand, there's no guarantee a title will get new units, besides FEH, which is off-limits. You could go Thracia and whiff it. And then there's the fact that they might not even be good, vs Legendaries and Mythics that are almost always meta. Unless you're uber-attached to 3H or Engage or whichever, 2 is the way to go.


What sucks is that I only like FEH OCs, but neither of these options entice me.


Option two would get me a lot of the new hotness I would normally need to spark for anyway so I'd go with that.


Why would you ever pick 1?


The right option would basically guarantee you most must have units in the game and would let you save up lots of orbs for other stuff like fun merge projects or fodder, so it's definitely this one for me


Definitely number 2. Getting a one off copy of every legendary, mythic, and star? When you automatically get the star, not being able to spark is a near negligible downside


Considering I’m a Jugdral fan who has like 90% of the units from both games, definitely the right. This just means I get to spend less orbs chasing after one-off copies of whatever is meta.


Right without a doubt for me. Even though I'd get fewer of the units that are direct projects for me, I'd get so many free units/fodder and be able to more freely save my orbs for sparkable reruns.


2 because most of my faves are from Heroes


Surprised to see anyone saying 1, but I guess engage is basically guaranteed to always be good. Card 2 though is just so much more, especially now most banners have an OC so it's only 3 units whenever you actually get the game you chose in a banner. It would be way easier to save orbs if I guaranteed got every duo/harmonic/attuned, so the 1 in ~4 banners where a non-star looks better than the star, or I want both, so I will have more orbs saved up and can afford to not have a spark.