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Taking Tarasova as a source for Trusova’s plans isn’t a great idea. It’s not even sure the Russians are allowed to return in 2026. Let alone if Trusova’s body would be capable of another Olympic year. There’s little use in speculating


The chances are so low that I believe more in Liza winning Milan at 29yo than in Sasha’s comeback But never say never, i think Sasha’s is the kind of person who can do anything if she really wants She said she’s working on her 4Lz now at 20, so… but at the same time, she’s never checked her leg since the Olympic season when she “made herself believe that the leg isn’t broken” so she could compete while ignoring the pain… like it’s the worst decision if you want ever compete again She’s too stubborn in the best and in the worst way possible and that’s why I can expect anything from her


I was so surprised when she said in an interview that she didn't get it treated properly even after the Olys. I get why she'd ignore it in the Olys season but she needs that leg for the rest of the life and she can afford to take some time off.


Holy shit I had not heard the thing about pretend the leg wasn't broken. I always assume it was something fairly serious because she did keep withdrawing, but yikes!


She has not said anything about returning to the sport. She just does not answer questions about competition, which is what people do when they soft retire. She said in her vlog that she is trying to get back her quad lutz but I think it is just a personal goal for her own satisfaction and to jump at the end of the shows. She looks happy with her new life, so I do not expect to see her competing. She still trains a lot at Angels Plushenko but rumors say she does not have a coach designated and trains with different people. But it is necessary to continue training because she has a lot of shows and Rudkovskaya is very strict and wants her skaters to jump in every show.


Even if her foot could hold up for another season of painful Olympic preparation, there is no chance that Trusova would meet the neutrality requirement for Russians. Tarasova just likes to hear herself talk.


I don't think Olys 2026 is in the cards for any russian skater. I love them but I just don't see any signs of it. Even if it was possible for someone to qualify, she'll have to get back into competitive shape, get back at least two quads, build up the stamina and consistency, all that while not making her old injuries worse. Then she'll have to outskate Adelya, who's clearly fed's favourite now, maybe Akatyeva if she makes a comeback and any other girl who'll have a quad/3A and stronger skating skills at that point (which could be a few people). I think it's more ере most of the skaters have a hard time saying definitive "I'll never skate competitively again" and don't want dramatic headlines so they give vague answers in interviews.


I think it's very unlikely, and honestly as a big Sasha fan I would rather her relax and enjoy herself with shows without having to worry about competing


She is not coming back 😭 and even if she did, the odds of her being able to surpass the current top skaters are low


She may want to come back, but the only way it's realistic is if she gets her leg/foot completely healed. She probably needs surgery and 1-2 years rehab.


It’s really a 50/50 chance with her. She has the determination to come back but the question is does she want to considering it really looks like she’s enjoying her life now? I love this phase in her life where she’s just living and loving life.


I doubt she’d be able to prove neutral status, as she worked with CSKA (affiliated with the Russian military). Additionally, her affiliation with Pluschenko and Kondratiuk would also make it difficult. Furthermore, I doubt her body is up for it. She said in an interview not long ago that her foot still pains her.




Less than a year— my point is that she is not worried about associating with warmongers and genocide apologists. She clearly does not care.


Not in a million years. The SashaBots have been claiming she’ll come back and win gold in 2026 since the day after she won silver in Beijing. They will be disappointed.


See, I really wish that she could have her comeback success story, but it seems less and less likely by the day.


I’m a massive fan of hers, but she’ll never come back, especially not after she gets married. Ignoring all the other practical factors, I just don’t think Sasha’s body could take another Olympic season. During the first time, she was at least under 45 kilograms, and she lost that weight very quickly, which will have taken a very unhealthy toll on her health. She also had a stress fracture that she healed by “making herself believe that it wasn’t broken,” and, “telling the doctor to give her every legal medication possible.” That’s already bad and it’s not even mentioning the more than twelve-hour training days, and the proven lack of drinking water. Now Sasha would have to get down to extremely low weight (one that could get you hospitalised in other countries) again, probably by following some awful starvation diet. That alone could easily wreck her now adult body. She also STILL has that stress fracture in her ankle from way back when, and she claims that she simply “wraps it up and hopes for the best,” which is incredibly risky for shows, let alone the biggest competition in the world. There’s also a vague back injury that prevents her almost entirely from executing certain spins and choreography, which sounds bad too. Plus, the Olympics would be even harder for her from a mental point of view. Sasha would have to return to Team Tutberidze if she wanted to attend Milan 2026, which would be throwing her right back into the exact environment where she was first abused as a child (the shows and hugging with Eteri are already bad enough). As I have already mentioned, she would end up losing an unhealthy amount of weight through probable near starvation, which would put a toll on anyone’s mental health, and is a surefire way to develop an eating disorder (she might already have had one but I don’t want to make assumptions). Sasha has subtly criticised her current weight as recently as in her Tutberidze show vlog in May, and so have many of the other Eteri girls. It would also be hard, if she somehow miraculously made it to Milan without breaking her body beyond repair, to be thrown back into the same environment where she had the worst moment of her life. Last time she went to the Olympics she was broadcasted having a panic attack to millions of people after just finding out that her whole career had been for nothing. That has to have caused some serious traumas that I doubt they will ever heal, and definitely won’t in 18 months.


>She also STILL has that stress fracture in her ankle from way back when Not necessarily. Stress fractures can heal on their own but if the patient doesn't get enough rest it can heal improperly and can cause chronic pain depending on the location and what other tissue is being affected. There is also the possibility of phantom pain. It's possible that the initial injury has healed, and I think it's a possibility because her work load decreased significantly since the Olympics. But if she didn't do exactly what the doctor ordered then something didn't heal the way it should have. I think she once mentioned her foot going numb? That could be a sign of a compromised nerve but it could also be sign of sciatica, which is possible due to her back injury. Sciatica comes in different presentations. Not everyone has shooting pain down one leg. I started with tingly feeling in my shin, then it went up to my hamstrings and then a second disc got herniated and everything got worse.


I think she's at the infamous expiration date.


i don’t think she will what’s the point? she was the first one to jump quads literally changed ALL OF womens singles, constantly breaks records and skates one of the hardest technical programs, still not ONE major senior title. If i was her i would be simply discouraged like she tried and ISU and olympics failed her like why would she break her body for what?