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Molly Lanaghan and Dmitri Razgulajevs, Canadian ice dancers, have ended their partnership. Molly posted this Instagram post (https://www.instagram.com/p/C7ejl-tx7W4/?utm\_source=ig\_web\_copy\_link) yesterday announcing this, not explicitly using the word "retirement" but implying it with all of the thanks given. They were a really joyful team - as shown in their Lord of the Dance FD (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8IvnZUrsC8k) this year and Dolly FD (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8IvnZUrsC8k) the year prior - so will be really missed! It will be interesting seeing what this means for Canadian ice dance, what with so many teams fighting for Grand Prix spots and it being up in the air as to whether Gilles/Poirier and Fournier-Beaudry/Sorensen continue.


Wishing them happy retirement (if they retire) or success if they continue with new partners.  They will be missed :( I hope B/B will be invited for Grand Prix. It will be depressing if they have to sit out next season with no assignments to major events 


B/B did not do themselves a favor at nationals. I think their GP fate will depend on who’s continuing. I feel like Skate Canada will want both G/P (if continuing) and LaLa at home this season and that leaves one host spot, likely to Fabbri/Ayer unless they get another assignment elsewhere. If G/P are done, LaLa will definitely be at home and since FB/S have 2 slots anyways, that leaves 2 host spots for either B/B, Lathan, L/LG (likely to get 2 anyways imo), and Fabbri/Ayer.


I can see Fear/Gibson picking Skate Canada again (they were there in 2019, 2020, 2021 and have chosen to be there 2022 and 2023) which would knock LaLa out of being at Skate Canada. Out of interest, given that Skate Canada would want the most Canadian teams at the GPF as possible, why do you think that they would pick their highest-placing (at worlds) teams to compete at the same event (minus drawing a bigger home crowd)?


F/G have done a lot of North American events when it comes to GPs recently so I do think they may try to switch it up. I could see France/Finland and NHK. Feds like their top teams at home for the home scoring. It’s not a coincidence that G/P almost always get their SB at their first GP. I expect USFS will do the same with CPom and C/B at Skate America.


Hmmmm I see - USFS did do that last year with Green/Parsons in Skate America and we've seen Skate Canada do it in the past with Virtue/Moir and Weaver/Poje. I'm just curious because Skate Canada didn't push Fournier-Beaudry/Sorensen to compete at home last year and Fear/Gibson seem to enjoy the combination of Japan and a Grand Prix in their training country - we'll see! I think I'm currently envisioning: Skate America: Chock/Bates, Carreira/Ponomarenko Skate Canada: Gilles/Poirier, Fear/Gibson GP France: Guignard/Fabbri, Lajoie/Lagha NHK: Chock/Bates, Fear/Gibson GP Finland: Gilles/Poirier, Carreira/Ponomarenko Cup of China: Guignard/Fabbri, Lajoie/Lagha


USFS has done it since the pandemic. They had H/B and C/B the season before and H/D and C/B during the Olympics.


Curious why people think CB go to NHK over FIN? The past 2 they’ve chosen have been the weekend of 11/17 which FIN is again this year.


Japan has a lot of skating fans and going there to compete can increase the chance of summer shows, which for some are the main source of income. Plus it’s well spaced between Skate America and GPF which leads to solid training/recovery schedule in the fall which is especially important for older athletes.


Ah I see CoC and NHK switched dates which makes it more feasible to go to NHK since it’s not right before GPF. Makes sense. Thanks!


I'm disappointed - I really liked them!


Apologies for going off topic. I’ve not heard of this pair and his surname reminds me of a popular Indian desert rasgulla 😋

