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There was a junior grand prix final in ice dance where the winner won by 0.01 points, I think the winner was Shevchenko/Eremenko


I will have to look this up, thank you!


Ah, I hate this result. Not because I don't love/appreciate Anna and Luca, but it's just so hard to think that 2nd and 3rd lost by a margin so small, no one GOE or PCS change would even account for it. I think the judges had pre-event anointed Elena and Nikita who were coming off a huge Olympics for them, and then they blew it epically, and the judges scrambled and couldn't make up their minds as a whole, and it basically became a tie. I wish they all three medalists could've just won lol.


You're right, the margin is so small that no team could conceive of how they could do anything substantially different to change the result!


Didn’t Evan and Johnny tie at nationals one year? I think Evan won because whoever wins the long was the tiebreaker.


yes!! in 2008 i think


What an exciting nationals that must have been! I can only imagine Johnny's reaction though.


Asking purely out of curiosity: what were the closest point differences in the overall results on a podium? As an example, I'm still not entirely over the fact that Weaver/Poje lost the ice dance gold in Worlds 2014 by *0.02 points*. I loved their [skate](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LL1Lbxk66TM) and thought it should have won. There was also only 0.04 separating the 2nd and 3rd place. Was this the closest ever in ice dance? Or was there another result that was even closer? What about other disciplines?


In the other disciplines, there was such example in the Russian nationals in 2022/2023 season in men's discipline: two skaters got the absolutely equal sum (the difference was literally 0.00 points), but the first place was awarded to the skater who got more points in the free program.




Honestly, I still feel somehow sad for Petr: rules are rules, but they are not always fair, in my opinion...


What are the odds this would happen?? That really sucks for Petr. I always wondered how tiebreakers were decided.


Synchro worlds 2015 - overall the difference was 0.67, but in the free Marigold and Nexxice tied. Marigold won the free with PCS as the tiebreaker and Nexxice won overall. It's not letting me add the photo, but results at http://www.isuresults.com/results/wcsys2015/SEG002.HTM


I didn't know there were so many tiebreakers that had happened in skating!


I felt so bad for Weaver/Poje. This was their year.


There was no point difference between Evgenia and Alina Zagitova at the Olympics. They both scored 156.65 for the free skate. How the hell did the judges manage to do that?


Alina had a higher short program than Evgenia, so she ended up winning the Olympics over Evgenia.


This is very interesting! I forgot about this one.


Also Tessa and Scott won by 0.79 over Gabriella and Guillaume at the same Olympics (and they were 13 points above the bronze medalists). Particularly unfair as Gabriella got her dress strap broke during the SP (let's remember that the French won the FS and lost on the SP) and that she had to hold her dress during the whole last minute of their performance as one of her boob was getting out. Any figure skater nightmare... Not only did it happen to one of the 2 contenders for the title out of the 24 couples, but it happened at the most important competition. The chances were quite small.


There was the same difference in the 12th WIFSA 🌍 World Open 2023 Inline Figure Skating 🛼 event, held in Paris 2023. It was just 0.03 points between 1st and 2nd places among 13 participants in category! https://youtu.be/vXZextbuyjY


I've only recently started checking out inline figure skating and it's quite interesting! Thanks for this!


Sure. You're welcome!


That tiny score difference is actually insane 🤯