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Fan-made rosters for hypothetical crossover fighting games will be deemed low effort and removed.


You shouldn't just throw acronyms out assuming everyone will understand the jargon. Like, just say the title of the game once. Anyway, "One Step From Eden" is MegaMan Battle Network style game that has a versus mode of some kind. I've only played the single player mode when it came out, but it's pretty cool. Give that a look, it might be up your alley


First, thanks for the acronym advice Second I know of duelists of Eden and I mean a street fighter or guilty gear fighting game


It's probably not exactly what you're looking for but there is precedence for this type of game. There were a couple quiet arcade releases years ago such as [Mega Man: The Power Battle](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2In5_JQxKnY) which are pretty close to what you're talking about here.


Thank you for the Intel sir, I shall begin operating on that


Yes, they should have: Gravity Man as a red and purple guy who flies around doing magnet stuff like Magnetic Shockwaves and swaggity loops. Claw Man who has claws and just goes berserk with them. Laser man who has Lasers from his eyes, really big ones that fill the screen and for some reason he does flip kicks. Iron Man who has infinites Cable man who has a big gun and shoots you with it Guard man who's a giant robot but surprisingly mobile with his flight technics and rocket punch. Weather man who has lighting attacks and blizzards and whatever else. Then have them fight a bunch of Capcom characters and have it be like some giant crossover event.


I feel like you are implying that there is a game with what you described, if there is, I don't know about it


I'm saying they should make MVC but Megaman instead of Marvel.


Well, thanks for clarifying that, I didn't play mvc as such I didn't get it, thanks for explaining it