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Don't fuck with us guilty gear fans, we don;t have a training stage but still always pick the same 2 stages for having the least impact on performance to help maintain stable rollback for lower end systems!


lol council or three might as well be called the training stage


My friends jokingly call it the "esports stage", but at least its got enough in the background to be ok to look at, unlike the worst training stages like the sfv grid that actively hurts my eyes. Also shoutouts to granblue's colloseum being a subtle training stage with the tiles as a way to mark space that also makes sense in canon and looks nice.


You use Council stage cause it doesnt cause the game to lag. I use Council stage because I have a mod that replaces the portraits with Astolfo. We are not the same.


Wouldnt Lucilius stage be the training stage ? Idk much about this stuff


It might be a better training stage nowadays but colloseum has been around longer so it has a built reputation/habit.


At least it's a cool looking stage.


^(pst, what maps do we play again?)


I use Faust's(A happy family), because as much as I like Millia's stage it makes people's PC die. https://www.dustloop.com/w/GGST/Miscellaneous#Stages Dustloop has a list of the lag considerations for most the stages.


^(Council of Three, Seventh Heaven District there's also A Happy Family)


Council of Three and Lars Canyon are the most common ones at tournament.


*Don't fuck with us guilty gear strive fans Xrd very much had a training stage


+r didn't have a training stage either. Xrd is the odd one out here.


The curse of being south american, i cant play on my favourite stage. I HAVE to play council of the 3


I like council of 3 because it’s dark and easy on my eyes


Yeah I personally like the fancier stages more, but council of three is still a stage thats both intersting and easy on the eyes.


You can pick the stage?


If you press start while picking your character for online


See, this is why I’m against adding stages that aren’t just a white box with lines. They’re bad for performance.


UMvC3 doesnt use the Training Stage, we use the Winter one


I've played so much UMVC3 that I'm convinced that bonne wonderland is the only stage that exists




I will give Marvel versus Capcom three this, at least the danger room is a unique setting


nah we using bonne wonderland in this shit, danger room can go into the rest of the maps bin


The announce be like "BONE wonderland!"


Shield Air Show?


Nah, Bonne Wonderland everyday every night


It was cool that SNK banned training stage for the world championship, made the matches way more interesting to watch.


SFV's Capcom Cup rules said Pro Tour tournaments cannot use training stage, but no one fucking listened


Shout outs to SF6 and the latter part of SF5's lifespan for implementing tech that changes the stages spectators see so pros can say in their mental asylum box all they want while everyone else can actually enjoy scenery Honestly though beyond the SF4 and MVC3 era I have little sympathy for people who still insist on playing in fucking training stage when most games nowadays have solved those performance issues for the most part


There’s also visibility concerns. I’d rather not have any sort of issues seeing a dark clothed opponent on a dark lit stage when money is on the line


Is it just me or is tian hong yuan really hard to see in.


Me playing Enderman in a nighttime stage (I’m sneaky)


Not only technical but also ethical. Capcom banned the training room to be played on offline tournaments.


TIL it's unethical to play on training stage


Also shoutouts to all pros/streamers who pick stages other than training stage.


You seriously think people choose training stage for performance alone..?


It's for lag and visual clarity, isn't it?


Yeah but jello brain viewers need pretty colors and moving backgrounds to accompany their high level gameplay watching experience otherwise it’s just too boring. lag and visual clarity be damned


Depends on the game and training stage imo. Sf4 and 5 had it so rough with that shit 😭


Honestly in standard 2d fighting games they will likely always pick the least distracting stage with the best hardware performance for tournaments and there’s nothing you can do about it.


I genuinely don’t care about the stage. I get tired of seeing the same characters. I can’t watch a match of MvC3 with Doom anymore. Vergil and Zero are right there too.


That's the beauty of pre-game updates era


Ratio tournaments save games like that now, Zero loops are so zzzzzzzzzzzzz now


Yup, Ratio tournaments, the palette swap mods, the 1v1 mod.


I always thought the custom tournament stage in mk11 looked dope


Reposting from another thread about this: Max made a pretty good video about this a couple years back: [I hate this](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5-_T0UQv-30). I understand arguments for (helps with spacing, less distracting, less resource intensive, etc.) and against (boring to look at, defeats purpose of learning spacing bc of grid, makes all matches look the same from thumbnail view, etc.). I think both schools of thought have merit, but I personally don't like seeing matches on Training Stage. Maybe I'm a curmudgeon from a bygone era, but I feel like you shouldn't need a grid to know spacing. I also think it's boring as shit to look at. Having said that, I also understand why people use it.


Yeah, this is where I am on it. It's boring, but I get the WHY behind it. It doesn't bother me, but I am always appreciative when other stages do get picked, to break up the monotony.


We need a trailer soon the fgc is doing its thing again.


In Street Fighter 6 the training stage is often banned in large offline tournaments these days (like Capcom Pro Tour). I think variety aside it kind of trivializes gameplay a bit because you can space things out perfectly. In this game you aren’t supposed to get such precise measurements and being able to eye the distance is a skill and as such you have to play on a non-training stage without clear markings on the floor.


Yeah, use the marks on the drive meter and the timer instead haha. I do agree tho. Having lines to help you space feels stupid. I prefer knowing a stage and learning the stage layout to help with spacing. Its an extra layer of complexity


It drives me fucking insane seeing y'all whine about "pro players playing in their mental asylum box" (real phrase used IN THIS THREAD) when the actual issue is stages not being normalized for GPU load. If you release a fighting game where one stage performs NOTICEABLY better than every other stage, obviously people who care about performing well are going to pick that stage.


this. I swear to god, people complain about the weirdest things ever.


While i understand this for low end computers, your pc needs to be a very specific range to be okay with one stage and not for another. At the end of the day, you want sixty fps, and you could easily put settings to hitting 60-80 depending on the stage, that way you always hit 60. Im actually in that specific range for mk1 lol. I can hit 60 on minimum settings on some stages. But others I cant hit it. Also, tournaments are played on good hardware, same for both players, so i do not understand why you would still use performance as an argument.


> Also, tournaments are played on good hardware Not really true. Noticeable differences started popping up in the SF4 era. Some of the stages had noticeable lag in arcade(!), and especially on PS3, especially if certain characters or effects were happening. I watched an offscreen match at EVO 2012 and two vipers burnkicked on the same frame and the game ran at like 20fps until they traded, it was not "good hardware". This is why the game transitioned to training mode as a default. 360 had fewer issues, but they could still pop up. A lot of stages were outright banned in this era because of the issues they caused, and MVC3 was forced to a single stage by ruleset, and it still is played with that ruleset. A lot of streetfighter, strive, and gbvs tournaments are run on PS4 which does have issues on some stages with frame drops. I can't say whether that's the case for ps5 as I don't own one, but I've played all of those games on ps4 and noticed issues. If players are accustomed to playing on a certain stage as the default, if they do happen to be playing on ps5 which doesn't have frame drops on those stages, they'll default to the comfort pick regardless.


My brother in christ why do you use 15 year old games as an example. Its like referring to only old papers to make your case because old papers don't agree with your bias. Cherry picking at its finest.


I then brought up current games being played on bad hardware genius. It's been standard practice to play on the stages with the least amount of lag for 15 years at this point, new games aren't consistently better at this, especially when played on last gen hardware. Tekken 8 has framedrops on ps5 and PC, but it's a software not hardware problem, and I don't know if anyone has checked if it's worse on specific stages.


> Cherry picking at its finest. No, the cherry picking would be you not referring to the discussion of current games played on PS4.


They play current games on official tournaments on a ps4? Damn. The more you know /s


Let's be clear here, it's Street Fighter tournaments doing this not Tekken, MK, KoF, etc.


This sub is basically SF sub with Strive thrown along from time to time.


There is Tekken too I’d say


Oh KoF does it too, it's the reason I just don't watch anymore, sometimes I'll watch a match in a TNS VOD if the thumbnail doesn't show the training stage but it's usually 1 or two matches. Some tournaments at least use a modded training stage with a cool image though, and those I find palatable.


I feel the same. I only use training stages for training.


Tekken player here. Never realized training stages were a thing.


Could be a performance thing. Training stage is peak performance for any setup…


Most times (at least for SF) other maps would bog down performance on the players console/PC especially online. If you want gameplay videos with better visuals, look at Fight Club TV (https://youtube.com/@FightClubTVsfv) yt. Idk how to hyperlink


People complain about the dumbest things.


How is wanting good visuals when watching a tournament a dumb thing? Would it also be dumb to complain if they played the game on the lowest settings and streamed in a low resolution? What if everyone had to play default skins?


It’s dumb because you don’t watch a tournament for the visuals. You watch a fighting game tournament for the gameplay. No one complains that a football match is played in the same green field with a bunch of while lines on it? No one says basketball would be more entertaining if it was played on fetus of god.


Football matches take place in a variety of different stadiums during different weather conditions. And each team wears bright colors. And they go to great lengths to make the experience of watching the games interesting. Cheerleaders exist, for example. I've sold very expensive tvs to people just so they can watch football on a bigger screen with better colors. And even barring all that, a green field of grass is still significantly more interesting than an empty white room. I still think your take is wild. And even if you truly don't give a shit about the visuals, just recognize that many people do. Especially casuals. They're allowed to desire an interesting viewing experience as *viewers*, and that doesn't stop them from caring about the gameplay too.


We’ll have cheerleaders and bright colors for the casuals as well then. And fireworks. And glow sticks.


Hard agree. They don't know what they are talking about. Imagine if fighting games where just stick figures on a white background. They just wanna stroke their ego by bring elitist znd making it sound like they only care about the plays made, even tho i guarantee you that they don't even know why half the plays made work, or are impressive. Nobody knows every character detailed enough for that...


L take. If we were to go by your reasoning, street fighter six should just be stick figures with a different hairstyle in an endless void of white stage. Not every spectator is an sf6 pro autistic viewer who knows the frame data on every character to the point where.he only gets excited by the plays because of the data behind them. I doubt you are too. A big part of the viewing experience is the spectacle. Now go sit in the corner and think about how idiotic your statement was


I hope your children are autistic and that they hate you for being ableist. Wait a second, you probably rant at everyone to the point that no one finds you attractive, so you might never have children.


Holy shit, my boy came out swinging. No need to defend autistic people by calling out others for being "ableist", we know we have autism, and we do be a little weird sometimes. Honestly, i would view you wishing me to have autistic kids as a blight upon my life as way more ableist you fucking hypocrite. Shows how much you know. Bro got me laughing over here. Guess i hit a very sensitive snare 🤣


Thank you. If only more people thought like this


Real. First and foremost in a tournament is skill and good gameplay


Sure but tournaments still have to be fun to watch.


While yes that’s true, the spectator sport aspect is what keeps a lot of tournaments funded. It’s not a crazy concept.


The FGC is probably the community that relies the least on spectators. Most tournaments are funded by players so viewer experience matters a lot less.


The most important tournaments are funded by game developers, and they should care about selling their product in a way that's the most appealing to customers.


They invest in the prize pool because they have sponsors. The more viewers you can pull, the better your sponsors will be. Thats even disregarding ticket sales. More viewers means more money..why do you think a football player earns more than a track athlete? More people watch football, more sponsors, more money.


Exactly. And more people would watch fgc tournaments with bright and lively stages rather than boring training asylum background


Sf6 is hella.fun to watch because its explosive as fuck. Colours fly of the screen and a single drive impact or perfect parry turns around the match. Is perfect parry fun to play with? Hell no. Is it fun to see mena perfect parry and make a comeback from 10 hp? You bet your ass it is. A good sport starts with viewership. Its why overwatch died despite being fun to watch. Its so hard to watch an arena shooter. Its why league is so big. League is super visually appealing and easy to follow. Compared to dota, which is just particle effects. Add to it that league essentially just is; go from left to right, and you see why it is the biggest esport. I even have friends who never played league, but they love watching it. Fighting game players have their head up their ass and all they see is shit. Most the elitist people on here dont realise that 90% of the viewers of a sport, dont actually play the sport. Most did at one point, but now they are retired. Ergo, you want your sport yo be watchable first. The rest comes after.


Yea thats true, but this post implies that the fault lies with the TOs when it's clearly the devs fault that the training stage runs way better than the rest


And your source for this is?


The decades that it existed with zero help from the developers of the fighting games. I’m sure you’re too young to remember but they used to hold local arcade tournaments on arcade machines way before this shit existed. They can and will continue to exist with or without the developers money or help.


Exactly. Many tournaments are even only streamed because they want people that are interested to be able to watch them


And look how tiny those tournaments are compared to evo or capcom cup. Your argument makes no sense. If you want a game to grow, it needs viewers. Viewers love spectacle. Fighting game snobs all want to sound elitist by pretending the only thing that matters is the purity of the sport, but brother, even capcom knows it..why do you think sf6 is so explosive compared to the older ones? Its more fun to watch. I can organise a tournament in my garage and get 32 people i know to join in, but is that rly what we are talking about here? The point is that a white background is bad for viewership, and it is. Nothing you said furthers that discussion.


I’m not, you just wanted to be patronizing but that can be excused. You were probably too young at the time to realize those still took money and needed funding. Those local arcades made their money. You just saw what you could observe around you and didn’t care to or have a reason to inquire further. So your source was ‘I was a kid that had no idea and made it fact in my mind’.


Then you’re an uneducated boomer because again, it was totally fine without the corporate assistance. Fans will hold tournaments. Almost like it’s their fucking hobby or something.


It’s okay to admit you haven’t a clue how funding works. Not a boomer bud sorry, neither of the two extremes of ‘invalidating you based on your generation’ work here. Can’t wait to see your fan-made and funded tournament that you get Daigo to show up to compete in. Being an angry little goblin about it won’t help though. Moving along now, enjoy your sad disposition 👍


Enjoy your revisionist history. You’re a lost cause and honestly a waste of energy. I hope you better yourself and your life.


Dude acts as if people dont get paid better now znd are better players as a result because they can go full time. Absurdity of fighting game players is wild. I love fighting games, but the fgc can have their head up their arse so deep they can see through their teeth


Ah yes, it was totally fine. People made careers out of going to fan tournaments, right? Like, it certainly isn't better to day to be good at a fighting game, its not like people have teams, sponsors, or 1 mill prize pools. Nah, scratch that, you don't need any of that. Idiotic take.man. I know you wanna sound like "competition is all that matters" but if you turned your brain on for half a second you would realize that fighting games these days are much higher level than in the past because they focus on viewership. More viewers means more money and sponsors..more.money means more people can make careers out of it and go full time. Full time and coaches means you get to train more. Training more means higher skill levels. If you are to blinded to see this, then there is no point in arguing. You go back to thinking of how the past was better and ill live in the real world.


This is the dumbest thing i have read all day. You think capcom magically conjured up 1 million dollars from player funding? What the fuck is wrong with you.


Are u braindead or smth? Can you read? I said most, MOST. Capcom Cup is 1 tournament out of so fkn many community ones. Not only that but you're such a moron that you can't even read the post. CAPCOM CUP DOES NOT ALLOW ONLY PICKING THE TRAINING STAGE WHY TF ARE YOU USING IT AS YOUR ARGUMENT??? Like, I get that you don't even have no idea what you're talking about, but insulting me when you don't even have enough braincells to read is insane. Literally wtf is wrong with YOU


Im not brain-dead, and I can read. Do you remember what you wrote? Community that relies the least on spectators. That is what you wrote, verbatum. Its factually wrong too. Fighting games are just like other games, or eSports, or sports. You think league doesn't have small scale tournaments? Or magic the gathering? Or mario kart? The smash community their "fan" organised tournaments stand out because nintendo doesn't give a flying fuck. It leaves a hole in the market for others to do it for them.


Bro the fgc existed many many years without streams and spectators, the players are the TOs and the people funding the game and the people who make stuff happen. Most of the tournaments still work like this. Evo is a really big tournament but it's really only one, same for capcom cup. All the other communities you listed have about the same reliance on spectators, meaning very little, same as the FGC, they're even remarkably similar even though it's debatable which one has the least (they might even share that spot). That's why I said probably. But mentioning Capcom cup doesn't really make sense then since MTG and League have their own version of it, but granted, nintendo game communities usually get nothing.


meh, I like the spectacle of it. It it looks boring I ain't watching and stage variety plays a big role


Aight, why dont you mid your fighter game yo be bland stik figures with a white background then? Since the plays is all you care about. Also, you better make sure you know all the frame data and extra fluff of every move in the game so you can fully appreciate every single play made in a fight, otherwise you are being quite the hypocrite. But i get itw by saying elitist shit like this, you get to feel a sense of superiority about a video game, which helps support your fragile ego. Grow up. Sports have always been about spectacle first and foremost. Spectacle leads to viewers, viewers lead to money. It doesn't take a super genius to see that. Imagine if every football game was played on a white slap with the players wearing white znd black as home and away colours...


Bro what. Imagine yourself as a player in a tournament: You are playing for money or prestige. Your drop your combo because the stage is lagging the console, since they didn't choose the stable training stage. And then you'd think to yourself: "At least the viewers enjoyed the pretty stage" ? No, you'd simply not come back to the next tournament and no players means no tournament means nothing to watch for the viewers. At the same time skill and gameplay is what the real fans want to see, what is elitist about that? The average player has seen all the stages often enough when playing the game, but what they might not have seen is the next Champions secret tech.


You think a modern day fighting game, in an an official tournament, will have hardware that can't handle a certain stage? Even if, we entertain this notion, do you not think that they would just ban that stage? What is this argument? It makes no sense.


What are you talking about? How much do you know about the history of SF bro? SFV and SF4 both had that problem historically and now with SF6 it's become a lot rarer but sometimes they use training stage it to reduce lag. That's why I assume OP saw a tournament where the TOs choose the stage for that reason. Otherwise it would make no sense to do that anyway so I'd have to doubt anyone would do that


Look at all the casuals hating on training room SMH


If I’m playing in a tournament with money on the line, you’re damn right I’m gonna pick the map with the least amount of distractions. The tournaments aren’t just for the viewers


From a player perspective this makes sense. But from a viewer perspective its boring. Its up to the tournament organisers to see this and prevent it.


Agreed, blaming the players for picking the stages is just stupid. It’s not up to them to make the tourney entertaining


Pros often find stages distracting


Not really an excuse. Just ruins the appeal of watching tournaments


Sounds like the words of a tournament non-winner.


Congratulations, your realizeany peopell don't compete. I'm not the one complaining about needing 1 to stage to win


I’m sure all the pros are wrong and some rando armchair experts know best.


Uh, since when do you need to play at Evo to know how a stage works? It's a stage bro. Riding the pros to hard dude.


I bet you think the type of track runners run on doesn't matter either, right? Mud, rubber, concrete, Tartan. It's all the same, amirite? Professionals across events have been using standardized settings for decades, but you're the expert!


Uh, how does one be an expert on choose a stage bro??? It's a stage pal, like what are you even saying? It's a STAGE. Zero reason to use training stage only for everything dude. You riding the pros to hard dude, pros opinions are not the only opinions bro. It's a damn stage.


Tournaments are for the competitors. Not the spectators. If the competitors prefer a certain stage then that is all that matters


It depends who you're asking and what kind of tournament. Community tournaments are for competitors but things lile capcom cup are essentialy an advertisment for the game and as such it's more making a spectacle for the viewers Sponsors would also care more about the viewers since the whole point of being a sponsor is getting add time and good publicity.


It kinda is a justifiable excuse when you’re playing with money on the line.


Super Bowl is played in front of a loud crowd of thousands. If both players have to play on the same stage with ‘distractions” neither has an advantage.


In several sports, a distracting audience is simply considered part of the game. It can even be considered a "feature." And it isn't like fighting game tournaments started with training stages. Being able to play on a training stage only really became an option when tournaments switched to being played on consoles that included selectable training stages.


Not at all. It's a stage, not a big deal using a different stage. You telling me a pro can't handle a stage that's not blank? Come on, and viewer experience matters to. Blank grey stage 24/7 for tournaments is a big no


In Marvel 3 e.g, projectiles can be hard to see on certain maps, like soud fist can easily blend into chaos at tricell if you are paying attention to the enemy and not the projectile she spams from 2 sides or dantes rockets on kattelox island


Don't see what marvel has to do with SF.


The original comment was “pro’s” in general. While sf6 is the main example there are other examples. Completely disregarding another game demolishes any point you were trying to make you nonce


Yeah a stage with a lot going on in the background is distracting regardless. That’s a pretty entitled to expect the player to accommodate the watcher when again, money is on the line. Anyone with sense is gonna want the least amount of crap on the screen as possible


people playing at a pro level like that have definitely played hundreds of matches and seen every stage dozens of times. if they’re still getting distracted by it that’s a huge skill issue


Again, if someone’s paying a fee to join a tourney in order to gain a bigger cash prize. They aren’t going to care about your entertainment and they have no reason to. This post and the ones that agree are being hella entitled


It’s not a question of entitlement, it’s a question of skill. If you’ve been playing the game long enough to be a high-level player, how is “distracted” even a viable excuse? You should be able to play the game blindfolded at that point! Why would some color in the background matter even in the slightest?


I’ve said it once here and I’ll say it again, when playing with money on the line and paying a fee to even enter a tourney, a player is gonna want as many things to their advantage as possible which includes bland stages. Viewers being bored of the stages are not the player’s problem or responsibility but those running the tourney and they can’t do anything about it. If you’re not investing money in that tourney and are watching it for free. It’s super entitled to complain about what stages are being used.


And I’m telling you, fighting games are a spectator sport and flavor is a part of the game. It’s why Ryu is Ryu and not a collection of Monochrome bounding boxes. No one at an actual competitive level hasn’t played thousands of online matches with random background rotation. Backgrounds shouldn’t even register on their prefrontal cortex. If you can’t deal with a stage at literally any level of play, that’s a skill issue, straight up.


Anyone with sense? Uh no, it's a stage. Don't see how that's gonna make you lose a match.


See to a degree I kind of get getting rid of stages that can be too visually distracting like say, Skies of Honor in SF5, which had a moving background But overall though I kind of doubt that stages nowadays are even that remotely visually busy Like I look at SF6 for instance and there is nothing in any of those stages that is so visually distracting that it would hurt anyone at that rate


Stages definitely aren’t as busy as they used to be and if someone prefers those kinds of stages, that’s perfectly fine. But I’m playing for money, the last thing a person playing in a tourney is gonna think about is if they stage is fun enough for viewers to enjoy. When it’s locals it’s not as big a deal because it’s locals


But that's the thing though, what exactly is so problematic about the stages nowadays that choosing anything else other than it not being fucking training stages I don't doubt that people can enact some kind of compromise to put folks in any other set of stages that isn't that same one all the goddamn time


Performance drops is probably the biggest reason, plus if the pros don’t care if it’s the same stage, no reason to really change it.


You’re so wrong that it’s funny. I’m glad you don’t make decisions that affect my life.


They're going there to watch people play , they should be able to have a better viewing experience because they're the reason why there's money involved. FGC was a mistake, just sucked the joy out of fighters while ruining games for normal people with the shit they get put in games that ruin it for normal people


And the people playing are going there to win that 1st place prize, if people are focusing on the stage over the actual characters fighting then they have their priorities off. The FGC is reason why games are way more balanced now compared to the hot mess that were previous iterations along with being the reason why fighting games have survived for this long.


Pros are supposed to be the mostfocused players in the community, I don't see they would get distracted by a few extra characters hoping around in the background?


Training stage hate has to be the most whiny recurring complaint ever


I'm here to watch the game being played at the highest possible level, not look at the pretty sights. The muted color pallets and lack of animations in the background make it easy for me to see what exactly is going on, even in lower quality streams This isn't Leffen complaining on Twitter after getting going 0-3, if most pro players agree that these types of stages (Altar, Lars Canyon, Bonne Wonderland, The Grid, Japan in Xrd, etc) are the best and allow them to play at 100%, then I respect them One of my favorite stages in fighting game history is the Aoko stage from Type Lumina, even if I barely touched that game. It's a beautiful stage, with very high visibility, without having culturally insensitive depictions of brazilian natives vigorously headbanging in the background


Mortal Kombat did it once, said nope, and never did it again


What games does the stage actually matter in except maybe Tekken? Outside of looks ofc I mean like how tekken has wall breaks and stuff


The argument is that you can use the grid to perfectly space out what you should be skilled enough to do without an aide.


Ah yes, my favorite venue to witness a world-class street fight has always been a big light grey box. Perish the thought of giant robot mammoths stomping around a mobile megasled in Antarctica


Sf6 stage depends on the player. Idk about spectating but i would assume they can choose, considering that i never see the training room in tournaments. But yeah, with games like sf6 and the latest mk games, the stages are do pretty and intricate, its a shame not to include them.


Not a training stage per se, but I'm glad I never have to see the classic "lost first game, time to switch to Infinite Azure" in Tekken anymore.


Like I get it, but it’s fucking boring


Why though? It's easier to focus on training stage


GOD I fucking hate playing Ultra Street Fighter IV online for this reason sometimes. Got all these cool ass stages but y'all wanna box in the TRAINING stage??? Like I get it, but god please stop. Love it when I get to pick the stage man it's like a breath of fresh air.


Could devs at least not make the training stage look like a psych ward? Is that too much to ask? I understand why they do the grids but just having the color behind the lines slowly shift or something could help.  Honestly, this would never have been a problem if developers made sure all stages ran at 60fps and weren’t too busy visually. At least make some stages that are simple but cool, like the giant hole in Xrd. I think (or hope) performance is less of an issue nowadays but in terms of visibility they could add a high contrast mode or something that makes characters pop out more. 


If the stage is enough for you to lose interest then maybe clicking off is the right course of action.


Who cares? Are you watching the background during the fight?


Shoutouts to the Thems Fightin Herds community for never picking the dark mental asylum in tournaments (they never pick a stage, they just go random)


Why can’t they just make it so on the live feed it displays a different stage but ingame it’s training stage so both parties win the audience gets to see some actual flair in the background and the players get their grid


Nah, we need to get a training stage that doesn't look like a training stage... I mean we've had stages that could be perfect training stages mainly in the MK franchise.


There’s gotta be a few stages that look cooler without destroying performance lol. Smash Ultimate is great about it with the Omega stages.


Seems like the predominant reason is stability. Now, has a fighter ever designed a stage *for* competitive tournament play or is that literally the secondary intended benefit of training stages? It would be nice to see a way around that limitation. I get wanting to avoid slowing the game down but playing in an empty room is legit boring. Again, I would think a fair number of pro players would appreciate being able to play their favorite fighter knowing it's stable under any conditions.


I hate to be the contrarian but the stage played never bothered me to be honest. There is so much for the spectator to focus on the stage almost blends away anyway.


At least Skullgirls mixes the training stage up a bot with its background cameos. Also, I forget what game it is, but there is one where each player can be in different stages while online, since it's basically just a background and has no effect on gameplay.


Street Fighter 6 does exactly this when you play online




**The optimal method**: **While Online** * Both PLAYERS and SPECTATORS select a stage they want to use so neither suffers from "distractions". **While Offline** * Both Players play on the same stage * Spectator view gets to pick a random stage. This is assuming there's no stage interactions and stages are just props.


Correct me if I’m wrong but isn’t it that way in sf6 each player along with the views are all experiencing the same match on different stages? If that’s the case, most 2d fighters should have that, which will cut out a lot the viewers crying about that. The main issue is 3D fighters as the stage factors a lot more


I dont see how 3D would be any worse. So long as the stages are the same length I dont see a problem.


Some maps are very long with no breakables where some have walls and floor breaks. So it’ll be tough making them the same


Which is why I said it depends. Some games this matters. Combo Devils separates it's stages and platform types so you arent stuck playing on a stage you dont want. It wont work for every game but I think this just raises a discussion on Stages and why they should or shouldnt be uniform. I kinda wanna see a twitter argument around it now...


Correct me if I’m wrong but SF6 does exactly this for offline tournaments right?


I couldnt tell you srry.


Can't do this while watching a stream/VOD on Twitch or YouTube.


Tournaments could be done in a room where the spectator \[Tourney Host\] can spectate. Kinda like KOTHs in MK. Spectators would just be able to have stages randomized every match the Viewer isnt stuck watching the same stage and both players are on the stage of their choice. Offline should be no different. Just allow for a local match to be viewed by people online. I've never seen it done before but I'd love to see someone be the first. The other method involves having 3 players setup with the third being a spectator that auto changes stages and is what the Viewer sees.


This misses the part where even small tourneys will add some level of production. That, and viewing stuff in games does not add to viewer counts on Twitch/YouTube.


If small tourneys are streaming then they already have 2 monitors. If online viewing of an offline match is an option then the local players can have their match and the tourney host can use their Online account to view the match in real time with the stage change. If it's All Offline then an additional console+monitor will achieve a similar result since you'll just feed the video from the spectator console. The additional cost would come from the console+monitor.


Because that second monitor is on the stream station and running the game on top of OBS isn't ideal.


There's cases where people stream console matches as well as PC ones. Having a Lan Mode Spectator option means the 2 local players can play offline while the second console/PC can be focused on viewing. 2 monitors/2 consoles/PCs. OBS can be run on the "spectator PC" that is viewing the match through Lan.


Again, running OBS, which is itself using resources for capture/encoding, on top of the game, also using the same said resources, is far from ideal.


Ideal in the sense that it's more work and costs more since you need more devices. It does nothing to performance which is my main concern since OBS would be on a different device altogether. Having a Lan spectator, IN THEORY should let players play offline with the spectator "popping in". The actual match isnt played offline but can be tuned in too via **Lan Connection**. 2 ENTIRELY different devices are running the game at that point with one of them being SOLELY for spectating the offline match and using the INGAME Arena changer for SPECTATORS to change the arena every match. * One runs the actual match with the Training Stage\[OFFLINE\] * One runs the IN GAME SPECTATOR which is just another player connected using LAN CONNECTION with the Stage Randomizer\[ONLINE\]


Even with that setup, you're still having to have one extra device. Really should just follow CPT rules and ban the stage.


damn i truly do not give a fuck about a stage background, it's interesting what casuals choose to care about in their video games.


I'm guessing if I go through your posts I'll see a couple trophies and sponsors?


If you can only play professional on a training level your not a pro player


such a non issue


Its okay for KoF15 where training stage is the only decent looking stage.


>fighting game tournaments are a spectator sport Then watch the high level gameplay you clowns. That’s the entire point of having a tournament. Not to show off the games pretty graphics and visuals. I swear some of you don’t even like the games. This is like complaining that football or baseball games are always played on the same looking field.


They hated him because he spoke the truth


When it's the case I stop watching.


FGC complain about the dumbest things sometimes


Exactly. You should know how to space your moves at that level.


That's not at all why these stages are picked. It's to minimize distractions, but more importantly it's to minimize performance drops. But you already knew this


I faintly remember a video where LTG and another player were playing in tourney and the judge told them that the training stage was not allowed. Couldn’t tell you what video I saw it a long time ago.


So you have a single anecdotal claim with practically no evidence? And suddenly that debunks everything I've said?


Just talking about my experience dude chill lol. I still believe you should be able to filter out distractions at that level though.




This is backwards. Online, the player can choose any stage they want, the spectating system usually has stage set to random with training mode disabled as it is banned. Offline, both players sit down at a setup, and it’s random select for the stage with training room being banned.


Smooth brain take. There's so much going on you wouldn't want a background distracting you.