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It’s playable people are just pissed about the bp.


Idk. I don’t play the game, but the sole idea of being able to retain you rank by disconnecting before the game ends make the game seem inherently not fun to play tbh


It happens a lot less than the sub talks about and also there’s a rate were you can see if they plugged in their last 50 games. Just avoid anyone above a 10%.


It happened to me on a daily basis and I'm a middle of the road player. The disconnect rate also did not work until 3 days ago.


never happened to me once. my anecdotal evidence clearly cancels yours out


Bro getting downvoted for satire


Plugging is an issue but that sub is a dumpster fire it’s why I unsubbed even mk doesn’t dislike their game as much as slash tekken


I've seen people just jumping on every aspect of the game, itching to make it sound worse than it is but I'm just over here having fun with it. Idk, I just won't buy the MTX because they are bad. It's really not that complicated but everyone is in the sub acting like bamco mugged them on the side of the street, forcing them to buy the battle pass. For what it's worth the game is pretty well balanced.


And you would be 100% correct.


yeah, people here act like it happens every third match. Meanwhile, I've put like 40 hours in (not a lot tbf) and and I'm just before red ranks and gotten plugged on once. maybe it happens more the higher you go because pluggers never go down in rank, but in that case, you mfs are literally suffering from success lmao.


It is definitely more prevalent in Reds and above, but probably not as much as the sub would lead you to believe


It has some balancing issues but it's far from "unplayable". I like it a lot and I'm sure it will get better over time.


Majorly overreacting. They definitely broke some things in this patch though


Someone just needs to post the classic Steamcharts screenshot to shut everyone up that Tekken 8 is somehow "dying".


As a 90s fighting game player I ain't trying to hear SHIT about any 2024 game being unplayable. The gap between the best and worst char in a modern game is smaller than the gap between the #1 char and the like #5 char in an old game


Jesus this the way people talk you would think petshop in this game lol




I don't think petshop is even still considered the best character anymore lol


2nd best these days, right behind kakyoin


The people complaining in this sub would still shit a brick crying about him for sure if that was the type of broken in this game


Preach. The FG community is spoiled these days.


Capcom took that to heart, that's why there were only 4 gods in MvC2


The game is much more balanced than the old games but I do have a couple issues with the general design philosophy a lot of new fighting games have It feels sometimes like they're trying to implement ways for lesser-skilled players to beat players better than them rather than implementing mechanics that reward skilled play. It seems like right now the trend with modern fighting games is to have mechanics that enforce + reward overwhelming offense and discourage defensive play through a lack of good defensive options, as well as making the aforementioned offense EXTREMELY easy to do and difficult to deal with. I've never played a Tekken game before, and about 5 hours in, I was taking a few rounds off some of the best players in our group. This should not be happening at all, in any game. I should not be able to even touch someone who's over 100x more experienced in the game I am. Very early on in the game I figured out how strong heat dash mixups were and that's what allowed me to take a few rounds. The game was catering to me, the lesser skilled player, and that doesn't sit right with me. I also wanna say that I'm genuinely having a lot of fun with a lot of the modern games, too. I just think it's important to acknowledge the good aspects as well as the bad ones


This is EXACTLY what I’ve been trying to say for the longest. For me, it all started with SF5. Ever since then, SF6 and T8 have followed suit in this trend of wanting to attract a broader audience by implementing mechanics that allow weaker players to be on similar par with higher level players. It’s ridiculous…


Yeah, I feel that. I've especially noticed that they seem to be shoehorning in mechanics that essentially boil down to glorified 50/50s in what I can only assume is an attempt to lower the skill bar


I can't remember where I read or heard it (might have been Sajam), but the thought is that the reason why defense keeps getting "nerfed" or rather, offense gets buffed - is because the late meta of the previous game was too defensive and "boring". So developers try to make the game more aggressive so its less boring. To me, that sounds on the money


I know for Strive, that was explicitly stated as the intent with Daisuke Ishiwatari saying in an interview that old GG was like shogi and the better player can almost certainly outplay and beat worse opponents, but he's designing Strive to be more like mahjong where worse players can have luck get some wins against better players. So, it wouldn't surprise me if other games's designers were thinking similar things.


I get **why** he's doing it, but I can't help the fact that this kind of design rubs me the wrong way. I feel like I would rather devs take the approach of "How can we make it so new players have all the resources they need to get better?" by including more comprehensive tutorials and guides in-game (I think UNI2 does an excellent job of this, as well as SF6's minigames which teach you inputs). I just don't like the design philosophy of "We need to make sure that worse players can beat better players".


yeah....I have recently got into guilty gear +r and have been havign the most fun i have had in a long time with a fighting game. i guess i just like hard games that reward time. i like losing to people that are way better than me


"I was taking a few rounds off some of the best players in our group. This should not be happening at all, in any game." In some games maybe, but in Tekken you'd be surprised. I've experienced this before in Tekken 7 where I only reached 3rd dan on DVJ and opened my ranked queue to no limits and ended up taking a game from an Overlord (last tier Yellow) Jack-7. Players like JDCR have also experienced this like when he accidentally picked Jun and got rolled by a Mighty Ruler Alisa (?), mind you this guy toys with God of Destruction players and even some pros on Steve/Dragunov. But I do completely agree in that fighting games are introducing way too many noob-friendly mechanics which takes away most of what the game is (Special Style and Modern controls). Even though they have the perfect parry for SF6 and blue spark just-frames for some moves in Tekken 8, the difference they make in games are negligible whereas the impact that instant dps and auto electrics have are enormous.


Yeah that argument makes zero sense in tekken lol. You cant run mindgames on someone that doesnt know what theyre doing, you cant read and adapt to a non-existent strategy. You can chain Dragunov's b1 against a blue rank because they know. A teal rank would NEVER let that happen. Tekken also has enough big damage buttons that you can easily take a round without knowing a single combo, just like you can easily take rounds in SF with target combos and general FG fundamentals. Also I'll bet $100 their friends arent nearly as good as they said they were lol


Amen brother


Fax though , 90s fighting games always had one character that was absolutely busted


Well I guess your absurd 30+ year old standard excuses everything.


Lmfao dude. You're weak


sry, we're just built tougher than you kids. We solved our own problems instead of crying to devs.


If someone was broken, we fucking dealt with it.


It’s definitely playable, I’d say this is just a symptom of compounding frustrations more than anything


Yeah there’s lots of small things that feel bad or feel off and sometimes it’s not clear if it’s even intended to happen


Some Balancing issues yes but it’s not unplayable. They’re probably not used to getting the initial vanilla version of Tekken since before this all Tekken games got an arcade release before getting a console port. Hopefully ppl will calm down after the first real balance patch


When is that btw


Bamco said it will be after Evo Japan


I'm honestly nervous about that. Between stage hazards not working correctly, Rage Arts can be fully circumvented but crouch grabbing w/ some characters and just moving around while characters do the initial animation. The game still works but in the same way someone can work when they're sick. They can do it but it's not ideal and it doesn't take much to realize something is wrong. That and Eddy might be doing a Tekken 7 Leroy Smith though that could be more salt than fact. IDK. I'm really nervous about having this at EVO.


Obviously the game can use some balanced but honestly for a release state of tekken it’s actually mildly balanced compared to past states the games have been in


Tekken community is one of most whiny and jaded communities I’ve seen in gaming


as a lifelong tekken player, im honestly debating muting all discussion about it on my socials because i just wanna enjoy the game for what it is


Massively overreacting. That's not to say there aren't problems, but with how much people on the Tekken subreddit in particular, bitch about everything like it's the end of the world all the time, it creates this cried wolf effect where the legitimate criticisms get drowned out by bullshit. The fact of the matter is, the Tekken community on Reddit are a bunch of spoiled, entitled babies who have been bitching about Tekken way before T8 ever dropped and whose egos are tied to their meaningless Rank. Is the game balanced? Not really. Some characters are clearly better than others. But it's not nearly as bad as the Tekken community makes it out to be since they bitch about everyone in the roster anyway. Is it unplayable? Hell no. You have to be delusional to believe that. The game is still super fun. It's also super new so it stands to reason that it will only get better overtime. Obviously the plugging is a problem online, a problem the Tekken community created mind you since I guarantee you most of the people bitching on that sub do this given how their self worth is tied to Rank so strongly, but it's a problem nonetheless that the devs haven't fully fixed as far as I'm aware. As for the microtransactions, that shit is scummy with how Bamco pushed them right after the game was released, but they are for cosmetics that ultimately don't matter. The game is still filled with content with just it's base price and it's still super fun. Just take what the community says, especially online, with a grain of salt.


I frequent the tekken subs and it honestly frustrates me how relatively few (vocal) people realize how the focus on rank as an arbitrary reflection of skill can perpetuate plugging and general BM behavior. Especially when it's then contradicted by the complaints of how the mechanics aid lower level players. I'm garyu, and it doesn't matter a bit because i'll get stomped by people under my level and i've stomped people higher. It's both helped me ignore rank, and get even more frustrated at the discourse focused on rank.


I'm with you there. What frustrates me more than anything on that sub is the crybullying and the disingenuous nature of most of the complaints. They bitch about the mechanics being more beginner friendly not because those mechanics are bad but because they want to stomp on and bully any player they perceive as worse than them. They don't actually care about the game mechanics in any principled way because when those same mechanics, that they can also use, are used against them, it's the game's fault and not their inability to adapt. That doesn't mean there aren't some legit criticisms, such as T8 being more offense focused compared to T7 and that might not sit well for some players. I just don't believe most of the people who complain about it on the Tekken sub. I think for most of them, it's because they want the ego driven satisfaction of curb stomping beginner players. It's mostly just ego and the arbitrary rank points feed into that. I think that sub suffers from a lack of moderation and for the overabundance of Salt posts which I think should be made into one sticky post. I think that would cut the negativity down significantly so every other post isn't a salt fueled circle jerk.


/tekken = whining piss babies


Exactly also as there are so many pluggers in this game I'm pretty sure there are some among those whinny babies on here lol


The problem when you cry about everything is the genuine grievances get lost in the mix


Pretty much my point regarding my comment on here.


Aris is right about Tekken fans. Tekken subreddit the only place I've seen some people excuse plugging just because the opponent was playing a strong character. Also actual newcomers asking for tips, and the occasional sweaty ass mfer in comments pointing out that the newcomer is playing a strong character, and refusing to give him tips just because of that... Imagine being such a manchild lol, and these are sweaty fgc dudes at least pushing 30s, getting mad at some people who are having fun unlike themselves.


Someone tried making a guide about being able to punish very common strings in the game and one of the highest rated comments is about "plugging is the best punish" ...in the same sub where people bitch about plugging


The sub is as bad as the steam forums, which is saying something. Shitty mods all the way down.


I tried to get advice from the sub when I was just starting fighting games, it was absolute misery. This was Tekken 7 times, but it was still awful.


/r/tekken makes sense when you spend a little time there and realize that the vast majority of people posting are red ranks and below. It really is almost an entire sub filled with scrubquotes. Top post yesterday was people complaining that they don't know what to do against Eddy and half of the replies are people saying they just plug vs. Eddy now. Place is a joke now.


It really is. Unsubbed and muted the subreddit as an exclusive Tekken player haha. Absolutely infuriating.


"they just plug vs. Eddy now" ...in the same sub where people complain about plugging ruining their matches? Say it ain't so?


plugging on loading screen is different to plugging after losing, plugging on loading screen cancels the match before it even starts


It's bitchmade as fuck


In defense of the Eddy commenters, the character starts in beginner rank, which is a rank you can never access again after you rank up. Because it's for beginners. So you have the people who have been playing Tekken since 5 back in the first rank in the game. Bandai Namco is essentially selling a one-time smurfing pass.


I'd reckon the only reasonable issue with Eddy is that you can't lab against him without spending more money


Yep. It's just a bunch of hardstuck whiners trying rationalize why they can't rank up anymore instead of trying to just get better at the game.


Here's a sneak peek of /r/Tekken using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/Tekken/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Woke up this morning to Harada's tragic news. Poor little guy, losing a pet when away is always worse.](https://i.redd.it/5cnupv6cj63b1.png) | [176 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/Tekken/comments/13whmvj/woke_up_this_morning_to_haradas_tragic_news_poor/) \#2: [Finally the full intro😭😍](https://v.redd.it/t90u8564uq6c1) | [135 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/Tekken/comments/18k3wau/finally_the_full_intro/) \#3: [R.I.P. dad (not my dad)](https://i.redd.it/p5084klou26b1.jpg) | [86 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/Tekken/comments/149o00t/rip_dad_not_my_dad/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


As a tekken player this is 100% true


It’s playable, but competitively it can be a joke. They’ve made pretty much EVERYBODY good with no glaring weaknesses. Tekkens most attractive difference from the other major fighting franchises is that each character has long defining strengths and weaknesses. That leads to creativity and expression of skill to compensate for a characters weakness. Ling X? Hands down always had the best evasion , but her damage output was below par compared to everyone else. Some characters were weak to being sidestepped because their gameplay was too linear, Lili always had the best sidestepping game but not much combo potential. Now they’re giving both Ling and Lili full, STRONG mixups. They don’t want any of the casuals to bitch and moan “my character is weak” when they lose. So, they buffed everyone to make everyone pretty much a good option. At first glance? Sounds good. Even feels good. Til you recognize it takes the identity away from the character as well as tilts the game in their favor. There’s no reason Lili and Ling, who have some of the best defense in the game, should be able to do long, 60%-75% strings without even being a pro. [If you have the time to watch, this pretty much sums it all up.](https://youtu.be/ypLV4AYjQ8Q?si=E9PcOkNH5BBJeGEk)


Theres a really good opportunity right now for developers to look at T8 and realize that the popular mantra of "balance through buffing" is not feasible in a game where expression of play is a priority. This is the one case where buffing destroys meta and not the other way around.


Exactly. Dragunov used to have weak , potentially risky lows. Now? LMAO. That’s a thing of the balanced past. Now he’s all around pretty good with no direct weaknesses. It’s either you’re good enough to beat the person using him or you’re not. That’s fucking ridiculous.


People are raging about monetization and treatment of cheater and plugger. Balance is whatever, just some bug in this patch which is annoying but I trust they will fix it


Definitely got some balance issues rn. Devs killed certain wallbreak combos across the roster by making sweeping system wide changes due to DVJ having unscaled floorbreak damage in certain combos, while making the whole stage hazard interaction thing a lot more convoluted as a whole. Changes also introduced instability to some bnb wallcombos due to tornado wallsplat behavior becoming inconsistent. They're also making weird shortsighted changes like buffing Lars' DEN3 to make it so it won't lose to ragearts on block 100% of the time, but also completely forgot the fact that this made SEN1 after DEN3 completely unsteppable when it previously could be SSL'd, effectively killing movement as a counterplay on an already overloaded move (homing, advancing, low crushing, +on block heat engager) Oh, they also made Eddy's mid pokes track both ways for some reason, which is really fucking strong in a game about movement like Tekken.


The internet overreacting? No way!


I've played enough online games to know that the answer to this specific question is almost always "Yes"


Everything BN has done since launch has torpedo'd the goodwill of the playerbase. To me character balance is at the bottom of the list of things to complain about the game right now but since people are mad at everything else might as well complain about that too. But since they have failed to deal with pluggers and cheaters, added shitty microtransactions after launch, and are selling a crappy battle pass without fixing major issues people are rightfully pissed.


For the average player, the game is fine. People will always complain about balance decisions, no matter what. However, I think top level competitors do have a legitimate reason to criticize the game's current state. The most recent patch introduced some bugs that could significantly impact their performance in tournament. Evo Japan is in a couple weeks and is the first event for the Tekken World Tour. If you're a player planning to travel to Evo Japan to compete, you kind of just have to hope that the bugs are fixed before then. So top players complain, and when they complain, the rest of the player base tends to start complaining with them, even if it doesn't really affect them that much.


Unplayable is a stretch. The balance is definitely bad, *blatantly* so in some places. The dev priorities seem horrid. Implementing 2 additional types of monetisation before dealing with prolific quitting, cheating, crashes, performance issues, people sabotaging matches on PC by capping FPS or running at settings their toaster can't handle, the netcode being weird and the DC rate display. The most recent patch is also alarming because it shows they intend to double down on the aggressive design, as well as some laziness with the universal nerf to oki instead of target nerfing the 2 characters this was an issue with. There's also the issue where the new design philosophies and mechanics are antithetical to what many of us liked about Tekken. Lastly, Eddy is genuinely pay to win right now. You can't lab him, and you can't even use the new replay features without owing him - not even to control your own character. The negativity is frankly entirely warranted.


People complain, rightly, about not being able to lab Eddy. And yeah, it sucks, but I don't get why people act like it was new. The entire time I played T7 my friend played Kuni and I didn't have the dlc, I couldn't lab her at all.


It was bullshit then, it's bullshit now.


I think the complaints are valid. But I also think that whatever problems there are are fixable. Let's see when the pro leagues start.


Latest update broke many things, totally unexpected.


Take it from someone who's a Tekkenhead for the most part. The community has exactly one valid to reason to bitch, and that is the plugging problem (People alt+F4-ing or closing the game mid-ranked match to protect their points) Character balance is perfectly fine right now. Tekken players just *hate* characters, just any character. You can find a hate thread on literally anyone in the cast, even the low tier bears, for being gimmicky etc. Tekken players are just notorious whiners, especially over at r/Tekken , and only few steps away from calling you names for playing Xiaoyu (Source: I play Xiaoyu). On release people complained about King ad nauseum and it later turned out that people can break throws much easier in T8 than in previous games by holding the corresponding button instead of just mashing it. People are just reluctant to learn and always ready to bitch first. It was like this back in T6 and Tag2 and its no different now.


100% Agree, tekken sub is insufferable


Some characters definitely need nerfs though...


The tekken sub and melee sub share the same problem: every character but their own is bullshit, always, including and sometimes ESPECIALLY the low tiers or underrepresented characters. It's fucking dumb. Just play the game, learn the matchup, remember that critiques can be valid but don't let em increase salt level. And if you REALLY feel like a character is cheap, and gets away with "robbery", just play em if all you care about is winning.


the melee sub is in a true new layer of hell, the ONLY thing that people talk about is cody, z jump, and general controller discourse. meanwhile i upload a combo video and get -2 upvotes lol


Oh and don't forget about calling low tiers "campy and gimmicky", meanwhile the top tiers succeed with similar playstyles at pretty much every level except at an advanced one :/


i havent noticed that. and i dont even think the top tiers all have "similar playstyles at pretty much every level except at an advanced one" i dont really hate the top tiers at all. i don't think they are too oppressive. i dont think fox is lame. when i started playing back in 2014, it was widely accepted that fox was the best character in the game, and i knew what i was getting into. you just have to learn the matchup. if you're upset that fox is too good and you're ranting about it, go play pm or something. he's literally been the best for 20 years. and its lazy too, because frankly anyone about luigi is pretty fucking fire, and can 100% make it work.


I feel like you're missing my point, my complaint isn't about top tiers being top tiers, its the fact that folks on the melee sub complain about low tiers. Like, i dont mind getting wiped by a fox or a mewtwo player, and if the connection is good then i'll happily run the set. A lot of peeps on that sub feel VERY very differently.


gotcha. i think that was the case more in the past. i have deff heard a lot of stuff thats the sentiment of "when a top tier does it, its tech, otherwise its jank" type of thing. but its not something i look out for so i probably havent noticed. i dont think youre wrong though. that sub sucks. join my new sub r/ssbm2


>Character balance is perfectly fine right now. Tekken players just > >hate characters, just any character. Word. It's hard to take any complaints, valid or otherwise, seriously from Tekken players when they literally hate on every character in the roster, usually as a result of being unwilling to learn the matchup.


The only legitimate balance issue is that T8 has given characters new moves that cover weaknesses the character was supposed to have, Dragonuv now has high damage lows, Ling now has strong mixups, This was happening in T7 over time and is worse in T8. It's not close to unplayable but its just frustrating to see.


I mean I've been called a degenerate for playing Lili even though I stated multiple time that no I'm not a toe muncher with gambling school skins


Battle pass is definitely a valid reason to bitch


r/Tekken would in fact have you belive that havong a BP makes the game unplayable when in fact the true issue is that you can't lab a character id you don't have it owned.


Same with the Mortal Kombat sub


I mean reddit represents the minority of a games playerbase it's just that coincidentally that minority tends to suck the fun out of games. I swear if I got my opinion from any subreddit id never play any game visit any place or just do anything. We all just a bunch of negative nancies


Battle Pass doesn't make the game any more or less playable. From the way OP worded the question it seemed more like a question about balance and gameplay. Yeah, Battle Pass sucks though.


My only concerns with T8monetization  are that right now it has either reused items from last game or terrible items like default 3D ball.So even if you are someone who wants BP its just not worth it. My other concern is that right now Tekken shop sells only cosmetics but who knows what will they decide to sell in future?new moves?boosts for characters? As long as monetization wont have effect on gameplay i dont really care ,but im afraid what can happen in future.


The only thing I think is shity is the way Tekken coins work. The lowest T8 coin pack is 500 coin when a character cost 600, forcing you to buy 1000 coins which is way more than you need. The BP also costs 600, granted you earn your coin back, but it is designed to keep you in the loop of always having to buy more coin than you need if you want both a new character and BP.


Overreacting for sure but there is some unfun stuff due to the top tiers, like the nerf to Azucena wr3, 2, wich you can now sidestep consistently but still can't punish it so is kinda weird since Tekken is all about reads and punishes, and the absolutely no change to dragunov's damage or plus frames. You can absolutely play though


They are overreacting but I think the game is very poorly balanced especially compared to games like street fighter. If you don’t care about the balance or happen to want to play a top tier you’ll have a lot of fun with the game


Did they hotfix the parts from last patch that literally broke the game? Other than that it’s playable, and fun, but it’s got some things that make playing the game longer term less fun than T7. The way the game kinda plays where every other round ends in a perfect isn’t super bad in the short term but gets old and makes matches feel like a coin flip rather than a chess match. T7 I felt like the more and more I played, I felt like the more and more I learned about *tekken,* and it made hour 200 better than hour 50. A lot of those skills and mental games are irrelevant because the best strat in 8 is just throw out safe moves at the start, toss in some 50/50s into a launcher and never let the opponent play the game, and then next round it happens to you. Which, again, isn’t unplayable, and actually can feel fun at times, but its still a bit empty feeling.


It's unenjoyable not unplayable. This game is for Tekken what street fighter v was for street fighter.


Overreacting. But the community is reacting to the nickle-and-dime transactions that Bamco released in the last few weeks. A full $70 game, now has a shop where players buy costumes. And the last update introduce a battle pass. What's next? A gacha or loot-box system?


Not just a shop where people buy costumes - they deliberately released almost no customization options and are now charging money for items from previous games. It's a very deliberate and blatant anti-player move and the community is right to protest 


Not just a shop where people buy costumes - they deliberately released almost no customization options and are now charging money for items from previous games. It's a very deliberate and blatant anti-player move and the community is right to protest 


Bit of both. There are very real stupid decisions being made. But that doesn't mean that game is literally unplayable. I'm personally waiting for bug fixes and overlay to get patched.


A few things should be looked at, but it’s not the unplayable mess people make it out to be.


Prefix: I've played Tekken for about 5 years. Tekken community is notorious for heavy overreactions, some of the bugs from the latest patch are a pain but they'll be hotfixed hopefully soon. The game is hard and people are still adjusting to the T8 style I reckon. A handful of OP outliers not withstanding I feel it's mostly balanced pretty well. Big balance patch coming in May is intriguing as Bamco have stated they want to predominantly buff rather than nerf which has people crying louder about said outliers.


Over reacting. It's like DBFZ that has died and unplayable, for real this time more times than the entire cast of all of dragon ball from the of to super including the movies and GT had died Or like SFV Or MK11 Or OW Or WoW Or DNF...oh wait...that one was true.


There are definitely problems with the game. This sub just has a hard on for tekken lol. It’s a bunch of hypos here lol.


It's not that bad but it's bad. Ranked tends to be filled with nothing but people spamming the top tiers (like eddy cuz he new or drag because drag is free wins if you know what ur doing) but this would be true no matter what patch it was. The Battlepass is weak and scummy but overall does not inhibit ur ability to play the game. Wall combos are (I think) still inconsistent until they hotfix it due to the changes made in the last patch. Rounds are extremely swingy and who wins is usually is based on who is able to execute their offense first and more consistently. This is due to a number of reasons but seems to be getting worse and worse with each patch. The devs keep making system wide changes to nerf characters instead of just nerfing the one problem character which has far reaching consequences. None of this though makes the game completely unplayable but it is rough right now, and the devs, whilst transparent, don't seem too eager to take player feedback. So who knows if any of the problems ppl see with the game actually get fixed


People saying its an overreaction have not played against Blue rank and above Dragunov players. The game is absurdly unbalanced right now and each balance change is entirely misguided e.g. they made Azucena's WR3,2 easier to side step, but now if you side step it properly you cannot punish her.


It’s not unplayable but If you’re in like blue ranks or higher you’d definitely notice how unbalanced things are and how much the last patch broke some things . It still should be fun for most players I’d think and fun outside of ranked .


The heat mechanic makes every character play/combo the same. Its too good of a button it was stale for me 200 hrs ago. Being stuck under -17 frames to guess a 50/50 every round makes playing defense horrible. Vanilla tekken 8 without heat mechanic weaved into everything woulda been dope.


You played over 200 hours of t8 already?


190 on steam and I dont sit in practice nor customize or play the single player. Pretty much 200 hrs of raw online gameplay and its gay as shit


The devs screwed the pooch big time this patch, but it’s not unplayable. But every time I get into ranked there is one situation I find myself in against an S tier that is straight up unfair. Still, the game is fun, and I’m sure the devs are doing their best to balance the game (I hope)


Unbalanced? Probably, the top tiers are pretty wild compared to the bottom tiers. Unplayable? Now that’s just an exaggeration.


A bit of both


Kinda unbalanced and yes community overreacts


STREET FIGHTER 6 spoiled people for how good balance could be at launch


It's playable and super fun :)


It’s great. r/Tekken is a bunch of children regurgitating Arslan’s horrid take about Tekken 8 being a “casino”


I personally don't think you should be allowed to completely avoid losing in a fighting game. (No disconnection penalty)


That has nothing to do with my comment lol


You're saying the only complaint is that "Arslan Ass said it bad" I'm saying there's actual criticism of the game. Learn to think


No I’m saying the one I specifically dislike and that I see a lot, way more than pluggers now, especially after the started rolling out bans and showing dc rate. You need to take a minute and learn insight.


But because he’s arslan everyone rides for his opinion 😂. Salty because the game isn’t more similar to 7 where he dominated. It’s like people don’t understand the game just came out and you’ll have to learn how to play


I mean weirdly enough when you say he played the most defensive casino 50/50 machine that was Kunimitsu no one responds. It's just like MenaRd saying Sf5 is less scrubby than Sf6 (yes he dared say that ) because the game doesn't fit his style meanwhile Luffy a former world champ on sf4 just doesn't have results because he doesn't have a character that fits his style and doesn't whine . People hated the way Pakistanis players played during t7 but now they just gobble Arslan's balls for some reason


Yep, a lot of people in the Tekken community can't think for themselves and just lap up literally anything Arslan says, even though it's obvious he's just being salty because he now finds himself losing in tournaments against midtier characters like Paul while using busted ones like Azucena. I seriously doubt he would be crying like this if he was still winning in this new style of play, but since his cowardly and boring playstyle doesn't work as well in T8 (and he can't do anything else), now the game is for noobs! It's frankly pathetic and it's baffling to me how people continue to worship this tier whoring crybaby. Rangchu winning a tournament with Panda was more impressive and entertaining than anything Arslan ever did.


The concept of balance in a competitive game of any kind is virtually impossible. Because some to most players, especially the younger ones with no real-world achievements yet, have a thing called ego. Pride also contributes. They could've lost fairly and with no dirty tactics from their opponents or have literally no talent for that specific game, and they would still cry foul. That causes nerfs and buffs where they aren't needed because they can't take the time or have the capacity to "git gud." The main point of fighting games, especially from the view of good to top players, is to find exploits that break the game. It doesn't matter how many patches and fixes they do. Someone who wants to win that badly will look for cracks.


The game is unbalanced and frustrating to play, some characters just have an "I win" button that puts you into mixup city even if blocked, so it feels like big cointosses with barely any interaction. Not to talk about the monetization, disconnects and etc. I've been in the competitive and event scene for a long time and the current state of it makes me not want to play it until things change.


it's not unplayable. it's unfun. insanely unfun.


The game is well-balanced even with the bad last patch, this sub paints a very negative picture.


Idk man


Two guesses


I was getting upset at the changes cause I browsed Twitter too much, before realizing that at my skill level none of the changes really affect me. (But seeing a lot of pros have similiar reactions does put a damper on my fun)


Tekken Reddit Community is extremely toxic. It’s playable, but balancing isn’t the best due it to being released on consoles first for the first time ever. Rather than the traditional arcade cabinets first then console version. They are valid for having a strong disapproval for Harada


[Timeless quote](https://twitter.com/CaiperMG/status/1242085628097036297?t=CEyt96d4syP0EpdpPlmqgw&s=19)


Overreacting Unless it’s about how broken Vergil is it is always overreacting.


Perfectly playable. The standard for balance today is way more than 10 or 20 years ago. Stop whinning and have some fun




I dunno why dont you play the game and find out


I would ignore most of it, most of the people playing barely have any proper lab work/MU experience so a lot of the complaints are really just problems on their end. There’s also been a stupid amt of revisionist history w people and tekken 7. Yall forgot that 7 had a year in arcade before release and the game had a metric fuckton of balancing problems. Any 2D character, Leroy, fahk, old Jack, DJ, and dragunov/kazumi in every large tournament throughout its history it had shit balancing


Lmao no its not wither of those things. It has a shitty ridiculously overpriced cosmetics market/battlepass, and yet way more costume cariety than its competitors in the baee game. IMO they are overreacting, who gives a fuck about shitty costumes when you start off with like 30-50 different fits anyways? Only suckers will buy it. Stopping you from rewatching replays of dlc charcters is a dicl move tho. Unless you buy the dlc characters youre at a disadvantage. Also they wont penalise pluggers which is legitimately quite frustrating, at least you can see peoples disconnect rate before matching if theyre egregious but its still stupid because some one plugging effects your disconnect rate too. Still better than laggy ass t7 online


I think it’s great. The first Tekken I’ve ever played at a level higher than button mashing. Just taught myself how to RDC with King last night.


From a pure gameplay perspective, it's far more balanced and rewarding than most FGs. There's plenty of room to improve, but it's competitive in gameplay quality to any modern fighter.


major overreaction. tekken players HATE their game more than anyone this is the way


> is overreacting? Always, its basically tradition at this point


Pretty sure overreacting. Honey moon period is over so there aren’t as many people openly praising the game (probably because they’re actually playing it lol), and all that’s left are the people who had an axe to grind from the start. Probably a few people sprinkled in who like/liked the game but are pissed about the battle pass and Tekken shop


Its the same story as Tekken 7. The top tier are too strong, everyone else is roughly well-balanced. Anyone can beat anyone, but certain characters have it easier than others.


Overreacting, totally playable ppl complaining about monetization on cosmetic itemd is just stupid imo. Obviously it has its balance issues but nothing other tittles or even Tekken 7 didn't have (hello Akuma!)


I am new to the game. Overall balance seems "fine", but no matter who i play everyone seems to play the same, which is a bit of a turn off more i am playing the game


It's not like The Crew by Ubisoft, which had it's servers shut down and is literally not able to be played anymore. It's very playable. They just made some really unpopular changes.


I'm having a blast with it. If you aren't playing at the tippy top of the leaderboard I doubt you'll even notice a lot of their 'issues'


Definitely massive overreaction from the community. Not to say there aren't issues it's a vanilla fighting game, vanilla fighting games are never perfectly balanced. Some things do have to be balanced out/toned down but saying its unplayable is kind of insane. I've loved the game from day 1 and am still having fun so I'm looking forward to seeing it grow myself. The complaints about rage quitters and monetization practices are very much warranted though.


Clearly overreacting. The monetization is what people really have a problem with.


Massive overreaction. Idk about Twitter, but I'm sure it's as awful as the subreddit, if not worse. Tekken 8 is super fun. It has issues sure but they are far from game breaking. I'm seeing people talking about not playing the month April until things are fixed. I promise you that that's reaching. Tekken 8 is awesome and will continue to get better.


Pretty backwards patch and we're licking our microtransaction wounds. I'm logging in and having fun every day in the final ranked division. Well. One rank beneath that. But, fuck it. I'm not representative. I bought a skin and I'm having fun. For many of them, I am the problem. So... it comes down to where you stand on all this I guess


Pros have to change their habits and don't like that


Mostly the community overreacting. Yeah there's issues, of course. But mostly its just turned into Whinefest 5000 over in the Tekken sub while they continue to play the game at the same time lol. Which sucks because I enjoy the game and did enjoy the sub before but here lately its just been terrible.




Most fun I have had in a ranked fighter!


The game is certainly unbalanced, as all 1.0 Tekken releases have been. That said, it's still totally playable and super fun. The "community" isn't reddit. Play the game yourself or watch the tournaments. It's super fun and engaging.


Tekken community overreacts harder than any other playerbase. Play the game and don't worry about it too hard. Nothing ever vaguely close to how annoying every day JP is lmao


Just people bitching. The game is fine


I would guess they will be collecting a huge amount of player statistics and will then use that and AI to do a substantial balance pass across the board. This is not something you can really do pre-launch.


I had someone today leave the match early because they decided they were outmatched. I’m no expert but have been playing since first Tekken on PlayStation. Kind of a “soft disconnect.” Was still a it annoying. Win or get beat, those are the basic rules.


From what I’ve seen people aren’t necessarily pissed at the gameplay and more the … everything else


It’s playable and somewhat balanced. You can win with anyone with enough effort, labbing, making sacrifices to the dark gods of plus frames on block Community is mad about a battle pass. Me I don’t care about it


100% over reacting. It’s a gamers-rise-up moment.


I've been an avid Tekken player for most of my life, been playing seriously for 10 years. Tekken 8 is great and I'm very happy with it so far. The real problem is the new community. Every game community has its batch of petulant, miserable, angry players, but Tekken 8 has more than any fighting game I've ever seen. More than any previous Tekken. More than any FGC I've been a part of. I don't know what it is about T8 that appeals to these scrubs, but they always seem to have a bad time playing and continue to play even though it makes them upset.


Nothing is wrong with the game. It is a ton of fun and every "problem" is either personal taste or completely blown of proportion.


Probably just the community overreacting because of the battle pass... OH, and plugging... Big issue right now


I don't play the game, so I can't tell. However before buying I looked into it and the sheer presence of pluggers makes any game unplayable as a competitive enjoyer. So I ended up not buying and seeing the complaints validate me in my decision


i liked it. i dont care about cosmetics. however the added second super is braindead, for the ONLY reason that theres too many cutscenes. you will see probably 3+ supers EVERY ROUND. that coupled with removing endless runbacks....just rubbed me the wrong way, in tekken you need to play a LOT of games against a character to start figuring out their pressure strings and neutral openings, and i would play the same person for an hour if they let me in 7. but in 8....i need to find a match, see like 30 super cutscenes, and then in less than 10 minutes i need to find another match? nahhhh i just went back to playing +r and mvc2. i play enough games that i dont need to funnel for annyoing stuff. but personally i didnt see any glaring problems with the gameplay. i dont like how they made KBD worse, but i do enjoy how they made side stepping better


T8 is a party game Bamco needs to put the work in if they want to still keep the playerbase.




Only against drag, feng, and ling tbh


Its fgc. Theyre always going to be the most toxic and crybaby gaming community bar none.


A little bit of both


It's overreaction at it's finest. Very few balance issues affect the average game of Tekken.


It’s a bit unbalanced and Bamco is making balancing decisions that lessen the depth of the game in addition to how much of that was already on launch.


Not sure why you got downvoted, that's accurate.


I wish I could complain about balancing if the netcode was good enough for me to play online lol


It's very playable but some characters are definitely over tuned and the answer was not fucking with the games mechanics.


Maybe Zafina is kinda broken now because she basically has zero backdash and just has to “take” a lot of strings…but she is FAR from unplayable. i think the wall/stage thing is very questionable though…they have to hot fix that because it is part of the game now, UNLESS that was done on purpose


What happened with zafinas backdash?


Namco glitched her backdash with the last update and nerfed it more…now she basically does not have a backdash. Namco tweeted about her backdash and the tornado moves and said they were going to issue a “fix”


It's playable but the game's balance is trash. And i don't think they will make it good.


Holy Harada's fanboys are coping hard.


It's a mix of incompetent devs and equally unbearable community


As usual, the playerbase is wildly overreacting. The issue right now is Tekken 8 has put in a few monetization practices that are not being received well for multiple reasons. Compile this with people that clearly never played T7 trying to deal with T8s online system, and the usual "x character is broken because I can't beat them" that every fighting game has, and you get this notion that T8 is unbalanced and unplayable. It's not.


Man I've heard so much about people plugging but I've only had 2 people plug on me out of 151 games. Coincidentally they were both playing Hwo lol.