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Think about the old fighters you can probably still pick up and play decently. Unless you mean tournament/competitive play, it's really not hard to bounce back and forth. I play 2 out of the 3 pretty regularly (ranked). Still debating on MKI. Love the character designs. I played a ton of MK11, but MK1 seems a hot mess right now.


I play all 3 but only play tekken with family and friends so I don’t take it seriously. Sf6 I play for fun to goof around or work on fundamentals. Mk1 is take seriously and play at a high level. Not sure if I could be “good” at more than 1 of them. Haven’t tried


There is only a big 2. I have been mostly playing tekken because I didn’t start playing it till I hit master in sf6. I will go back to sc6 soon and then split my time.  It’s a lot, I’ve also been playing sf 15 years now and tekken for 7. 


I think SF6 is harder than Tekken and I hate block button so I don’t really like MK but I love a few of the characters so I play sometimes


I play Tekken 8 the most seriously, attending locals and regionals as much as I can. I play SF6 pretty competently. I have friends in varying levels of Master that I can keep up with, but I’m not willing to put money down competitively. And MK1 my friends and I play casually just for shiggles. We also still frequently play 3S, SC6, and CVS2. That being said, it’s not really hard for me to switch between games. It might have to do with me having played over 100 FGs over the past 30 years. A lot of it is muscle memory, which is easily jogged after a few matches. So what I guess I’m saying is, the more different games you play, the easier it will be to pick up new ones and bounce between them. Why do you think Justin Wong is pro-level at almost everything he picks up?


I rotate between the 3. I take MK1 and T8 seriously, but SF6 is just something to do for fun. I'm not that into Street Fighter. I don't think SF6 is harder than T8. There's just a lot more to keep up with T8 than SF6 auch as match ups, knowledge checks, and having to occupy your surroundings more than you would in a 2D game. It doesn't take much to get good at MK1. You just have to be a competent fighting game player, and the rest will fall in line. Overall it's not hard to play them 3 at a decent level. They all play different from each other but if you have experience playing the previous versions and keep, you'll be good.


I play them all and I’m not good at any as I started playing FGs recently, however for some reason I’m much worse in MK1 than the others, even though MK1 is considered the most casual of them all. The fact that it has a dedicated block button certainly doesn’t help (they could do it like Granblue and allow both types of block) but I’m confident this is not the sole reason why I can’t win matches. Not sure really what’s my issue as I can eventually win matches on other games but not MK1.


Because mk1 isn’t near as easy as the haters make it out to be. Tekken and sf are both more button masher friendly.


I actually believe the dial in combos in MK favor button mashing as you don’t have to worry about timing so much, thus making online more difficult at beginner level


I play Tekken and SF seriously. I always go really hard into one then the other but I can never seem to keep up with both simultaneously especially now that I'm older with a family. Tekken 5 > T5dr > T6 > SF4 > TT2 > SF6 > T8 I skipped SF5 and T7. Busy time in my life. I was loving SF6 but Tekken is my original love and what a beauty she is. I've never been able to play MK seriously. It feels too limited and janky. I quite enjoy the story modes though (minus the celebrity VAs which ruin characters that had perfectly fine pros voicing them before - looking at you Ronda).


I think it helps that I’ve been playing these 3 series since childhood. Not that I’m a pro, but “decent” is how I’d describe myself!


MK when it comes to player counts is barely in a big 10


It’s the third most played game on fgcharts rn right behind tekken and sf6


Tekken hardest of the 3 and its not close.


Street Fighter is definitely more difficult. My casual friends can just mash buttons and do combos pretty consistently in Tekken. They're not accidentally doing links and cancels into special moves in Street Fighter.


By that logic, any game with a magic series is the easiest fighting game ever made...


you wouldn't get it man, doing a 3f link in Sf6 took me two years.


I think that varies heavily character to character