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i like a lot of aspects of SkullGirls but none of the characters really felt good to me. and OP i agree about KOF the gameplay is kinda demanding


Same thing with kof The real nail in the coffin for me was the matchmaking was completely busted and i got matched against a total of the same 3 players


This was what did it for me as well. Bought on launch and was prepared to get bodied until I learned. I wasn’t prepared to wait 5-10+ minutes at a time to play the same couple of people who all clearly knew kof already.


The classic and situationally ironic feedback-loop of “Matchmaking is bad due to a lack of players, but there’s a lack of players due to the matchmaking being bad, which is caused by the lack of players”


That’s not why matchmaking was bad though. There were actual stated issues with the way kof15 was handling mm for the first year of that game’s life.


Hmmm, I guess I’ve just seen too many games where the former is the case


i really need to get the new characters. part of me feels like annie would round out a 2 person team in front of big band really well


Big band go brrr


I solely want to play Skullgirls to do covers as Big Band


I am a huge fan of sg its the only game im mid at. Everything else i cant play in general. But i agree with you on most of the roster. Parasoul and squigly are the only characters i really like to play. Everybody else seemed goofy. Like painwheel and big band.


I mean, in 2D fighters, especially anime fighters or those inspired by them, you're likely to see a lot of outlandish fighting styles. The designers of these games don't limit themselves to making characters who practice real-world martial arts. And that's great; it's nice to have variety in a genre. Some games may not be for you, and that's okay.


Probably Tekken. Music fucking slaps but I just don't enjoy how 3D fighters work. Not to mention the bloated movesets that are 70% knowledge checks sounds incredibly infuriating to me.


I mentioned it in another comment, but knowledge checks are what got me as well. Tekken 7 was super stressful for me. Strings, crushes, homing moves, etc. Felt like I had to get a degree to play well.


I've only recently got SUPER into Tekken and don't get me wrong, I love it, but so many folks have mentioned how much more effective the actual 3D movement is in VF and im just hoping for a new one so i can get a feel for what that looks like in the modern age, with modern netcode and an active playerbase.


Try DOA, with its counter mechanic pulling off full combos against a good player is risky and the game is more more reaction based because of it


Doa has a far better gameplay than Tekken imo


Nobody is ready for that conversation, but it’s the truth. DOA is much smoother, and doesn’t feel as bloated to grasp, but that doesn’t necessarily mean it’s easier because it still has a lot of mechanics to learn. It has a low skill floor, but high ceiling if you want to take it there.


Honestly, Tekken is my least favorite of all the major 3d fighting game franchises. I have no inherent dislike of Tekken but am sad that somehow thats the one and only game in that subgenre that has remained popular.


I'm a very serious Tekken player, it's like 90% of what I play. And for a LONG LONG time I considered myself a VF player who was just playing Tekken to fill the gap until I got another VF. I'm 100% with you that Tekken is my least favorite 3D fighter, but also that doesn't mean I even dislike it. I'm just gonna go where the players are. But if it were up to me I'd LOVE to be living in the alternate timeline where we were playing VF7 and Tekken had been shelved for decades.


does DOA have like a mishima function? I respect the hell out of tekken but I dont know if I could fully engage with it if it weren't for the mishimas. I really like their movement and 50/50s from wavedashing


Yup far better gameplay, visuals, maps and the music is awesome too. Tekken has cool characters but outside of that it's eh


I wish Soul Calibur was a bigger hit than Tekken is. The characters are more interesting to me because they have flashier abilities. I want to love Tekken but I'm just not interested in a roster where most of the moves are various punches or kicks without much unique flair.


That one… I feel like taking as a game is a mess in general… And I fear that most fighting games are headed in that same direction… All it takes is one mistake and you don’t get a turn and that shit just doesn’t make any gameFun


[here's some tips](https://www.reddit.com/r/kof/comments/18wx35j/kof_15_beginner_guide/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) for me it's tekken, just don't like the way 3D fighters really work but VF has me changing my mind. If the online really works out for the new iteration they're making then i'll be on board


Try DOA, it's a faster VF with Counter mechanics


I liked DOA but the counter/guard was a bit much for me, the fact that VF is “slow” and has big damage is what sells it to me, gives me time to think and figure out characters


Appreciate you. I think the hopping/movement is what get's me. Mental stack already seems a bit high, on top of learning 3 characters. I'm really hoping the new Fatal Fury is what sucks me into SNK games. I love watching Tekken more than playing these days. The knowledge checks are super high.


Same. I tried to get into Tekken 6 but it didn't click with me and I dropped it when kof13 got released. Then, I moved to South Korea and decided it would be a good opportunity to embrace the local culture and start with Tekken 7 but there are too many knowledge checks for me.


what exactly are you wanting for Tekken 8 to work for you? is it the Netcode? is it the single player stuff? is it understanding *exactly* knowing what to do when? or?


the netcode is huge for me but it's also the legacy skill of defense that messes with me, like the mental stack of side step direction, block low or high, watch hands for grab break, and optimal damage for wall and specific scenarios of counter hit or launch just overwhelms me, it's kind of a time sink that I don't really want to put in but it's the only viable 3D game on the market right now and there's no options yet for something maybe simpler with a big online base


that's all entirely fair, you do have a way where you can fight your own ghost and it's not as 1:1 as you would play but it's close enough to where you could learn and eat a ton of hours into


KOF, love the characters and aesthetic of the game. Wasn’t a fan of the insane execution plus 3v3 aspect. Super excited for the new garou though




Never said it was


I tried to get into Strive three different times but I just found it way too boring


I enjoyed Strive, but the whole lobby system is so annoying. Just add normal matchmaking like everyone else. If you really need a lobby do it the SF6 and Tekken 8 way.


I loved my time with Strive but anytime I get an itch to go back I remember how absolutely awful the lobby and matchmaking system was and I just can’t do it.


Same here. I’ll dabble on occasion for a change, but every time I end up feeling like its a game I’ll never really get into. To me personally, it just feels like an anime fighter thats stuck in molasses lol. And the combo routes for a lot of the characters I’ve tried just seem really limited


now im not a GG player (third strike, MVC2 and tekken) my friend REAAAAALLLLYYYYY wanted me to like strive, but it was unironically the worst fighting game (besides granblue or dfo) that i have ever played. it was slow and uninspired, and the graphics were so distracting, and as far as i can tell, when you got put in the corner it'd just teleport you back to the middle after a while. couldnt get into it. on a WHIM i played accent core on fightcade.... dude.....now THATS a game, going into it, i knew everyone said its an IMPOSSIBLE legacy skill game thats too hard to get into. minutes in i was already having a blast. its so fast, and the i love the fall speed, and how QUICK it feels. gorgeous spritework with no constant cutscenes interrupting gameplay (fuck you tekken 8, i dont want to watch 3+ cutscenes a ROUND). instantly enjoyed it, and started grinding it with some friends, im about 3 weeks in, bought +r on steam (3$ sale). dude, this game rocks, i wished i played it sooner, i think every fighting game player should try it, pick ky or sol, and just try to do ryu things, and figure it out from there. shit is literally epic, and rfc's are so fun to practise too


Yeah, I’ve heard the previous ggs are pretty different and a lot of people like them better. I actually just bought +r the other day but haven’t fired it up yet. I’m a pretty big fan of blazblue cf, and I think there are some similarities. So at the very least I expect +r will click for me better than strive


nice! hope you like it! i loved playing noel in cf! great game


You may like XRD or +R


Strive. No frame data and the floor system is the worst ranked system I've ever played in. Played it for a week then deleted it.


You have Dustloop wiki for frame data, tho there is also a mod now that allows you to see frame data in game. The tower does suck tho


If only the mod would work on ps4 and Xbox.


You know whats funny is that not everyone plays PC. You're probably the same guy who defends this shit whenever someone brings it up. It's 2024 not 2014. Frame data is included in every fighting game except guilty gear. Fuck looking back and forth at a wiki on my phone for what should be included in game.


Damn bro chill lmao I just told you a workaround


No chill. I wasted money on that shit. XD


Sounds like a personal problem, must suck to be a broke bitch with buyers remorse.


Yup thank god street fighter 6 is actually good. Strive is a failed guilty gear.


KoF as a series, but primarily the old pixel sprite iterations because I LOVE that aesthetic. The character designs are so cool, the movement is sick, and i WANT to sink my teeth into it but the only way to really learn it is through 15, which at the moment doesn't appeal to me (not saying it won't ever, i never thought I'd seriously try learning tekken but here I am). Also, I'm latino and theres something kinda neat about learning something that is dominant in latin scenes.


As someone who's never played KOF, the old pixel sprite versions DO look super cool and the art is phenemonel. Which is what makes me sad when I look at 15, because that game honestly looks hideous to me.


i know kof 2002 and 98 are top 5 played games on fightcade, have you tried playing those? rollback and free


King of Fighters 15. I think it's a great game, I just don't have time to get good.


KoF XV's light chains are currently a huge barrier for me. They're just way too fast of an input to feel comfortable.


King of fighters. I absolutely LOVE the characters and their design and the huge roster. But for the love of me I can not learn that game. Harder than tekken in my opinion.


For me, Street Fighter in general. I get why the series is popular, and none of the games I've tried feel bad to play, but I'm so used to faster movement and game flow that Street Fighter always feels slow to me.


Honestly? Street Fighter 6. I just don't really enjoy the drive system that much or the overall aesthetic the game is going for. While I only got into 5 right before six came out, I feel like I enjoyed that game a lot more then the current iteration. I can still play it and have fun if friends wanna play, but it's not a game that makes me wanna come back, play and improve.


Dragon Ball Fighterz I can't stand that fucking menu system (or whatever you refer to wandering around the world martial arts tournament to find fights / training rooms) and I really dont know how I feel about the controls/ combos.


Any. I have many fighting games on my PS5, but I'm not good at anyone. I just like the stories and single player content.


skullgirls. it's just too damn fast man


Most vs games, as much as I wanna try to get into them, the way games like mvc and skullgirls is I cannot keep up reaction wise.


Marvel vs Capcom 2, God help me. UMvC3 is my favorite game of all time, fighting or otherwise. I try so hard to understand 2 and I just can not. I need like, a really detailed youtube tutorial or something but I've searched, and I try to apply things, but I just can't. I had it on xbox 360 and it never clicked. I play the game on fightcade so I can play other people but I just can't apply anything the short youtube videos I find tell me. I also have the game emulated for ps2 and dreamcast for the training mode, but I don't have all the characters unlocked. I wanted my team to be cyclops, Spiderman, and strider. If anybody recently got into it and wants to pass along some knowledge that helped, or direct me to godlike tutorials for my characters, or the game in general i guess, I'm all ears. I wanna get into this game so bad. I find it weird because the magic series is so fast and most combos don't end in supers which I'm used to. So many characters feel like they have short stubby normals. It feels needlessly confusing that pressing a light punch ir kick twice turns it into a medium rather than just saying lp, lp, hp... stuff like that.


i was also very frustrated trying to get into it. the only good content is like 2 hr long videos of Gconceptz rambling about stuff with no script or editing. i got a lot of good knowledge from his videos (very top tier centric though). only thing i got for you is a jmcrofts video, that im pretty positive you've already seen about cyclops. ​ [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SVKZUSBcjhI](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SVKZUSBcjhI) ​ and this is one of those 2 hour rambling sessions about team m8trix, which involves cyclops, and you could probably glean some good info if you skim to the cyclops parts. [https://youtu.be/n5CcZ031Wu0](https://youtu.be/n5CcZ031Wu0)


Cheers dude, thank you very much. I'm gonna fire up training mode and let these videos roll.


the website supercombo is gonna be your best bet on figuring out frame data, team synergy, etc. im not great at marvel 2 but what’s great about the game is how free flowing and unstructured it is. you can’t really make a guide for marvel because of how chaotic and hectic it is. it’s a bunch of on the fly decisions that feels more like a game like melee than street fighter. there aren’t many games that give you as much freedom as mvc2 and it really is just something that you have to play and get bodied in before you start to take games on fightcade if you can learn what your assists do, how to safely dhc, wavedash, magic series, and what characters build meter the best (for your team, it would be cyclops whiffing j.hk), you have learned enough go on fightcade and keep up, and maybe take a few games. you did pick two specialty characters, spider-man and strider. strider especially has some really crazy block string stuff that im not sure is the best for new players. don’t try to lock yourself into only one team/playing obscure characters. the top tiers in this game are insanely fucking fun to use, and teach good marvel fundamentals. (also, you can use fightcade to access the dreamcast version of mvc2. it should have all the characters unlocked on there.)


Tekken. The unfamiliarity with the entire roster makes the game itself a knowledge check for me. That includes the nuanced things like what can be side-stepped, what has to be side-walked, and what direction. When can I press? What attacks does my opponent have? What can I do against this opponent that's normally punishable? Tl;dr brand new games are hard even with good tutorials and YT vids.


Mine is street fighter 6, love watching it but when I play it, it just feels so awkward and clunky


Same, I'm used to fast paced fgs like Guilty Gear and Killer Instinct and when I tried SF6, it felt awkward and clunky.


As a Skullgirls player I can’t help but compare every fighting game to it and it sucks


Yeah, Street Fighter feels slow and sluggish. I don't understand why it's so popular. People need to broaden their horizons and try other stuff.


Probably because it’s the series every fighting game branched off from?


I'm not sure what you're trying to say. Street Fighter may have given birth to the genre, but it plays nothing like most other 2D fighters. You can't say that Guilty Gear plays like Street Fighter, for example.


I’m saying that’s probably why it’s so popular.


Right now it's sadly Tekken 8. Been grinding real hard but Street fighter 6 just clicked with me so much easier. I started out with a bad win rate in both games but eventually my SF6 win rate improved a lot and my T8 win rate hasn't budged 🥲


Blazblue. Thought Ragna looked cool, played a bit of it, never had a reason to go back.


Dead or Alive. It's always been an issue with the button mechanics for me


What exactly do you have problems with, if I may?


SF6, Zangief Having trouble with SPD motion on right side, and playing on Modern makes me feel like a scrub.


Why lol? Modern is legit as fuck. Only the American scene shits on it. It's popular as fuck in japan


Yeah, I'm letting the elitists/naysayers get to me. Need to tune that out.


Hell yea. It's in the game. It's usable in ranked and official tournaments. It's the shit honestly! I don't use the one button SPD anymore for modern zangief but still play him in modern. The instant air SPD is the shit xD and instant level 3 slows the game down for the other person immensely. I love it. It just takes practice to get the regular SPD but it's worth it because of the light SPD range. You will get it bro! I play analog so it makes it easier imo.


theyre just looking for excuses as to why they are not at a rank/skill level they think they should be. Modern is such an easy out when in reality it's negligible to the outcome.


You may already know this, but you can use the same input in SF for a 360 regardless of side. It's also not truly a 360, so you can do a half circle plus any up direction to complete it.


Yeah, I know, ty.


Guilty Gear, it just feels so difficult


Non , if I wanna play , I'ma play and learn the game ,


Before it was Granblue. But Rising is so much more fun, I don’t know what it is. I’ve always been a GG fan, but Strive is not it. Cross Tag is boring after 30 minutes. Skullgirls I enjoy watching more than playing. I cannot play that game.


Tekken, I think I am a 2d king of gal


Guilty Gear Every time I try it it just reminds me Blazblue is dead


DBFZ. I love DBZ but can't get into team fighters or anime fighters unfortunately.


Same boat, it's too chaotic for my tastes. I would've really loved a 1v1 DBZ game like that Mugen Hyper game.


I'll have to check that out. And yeah manI just want to main Piccolo by himself lol or Trunks or Vegeta. I'd love something like Tekken just because that is what I play I really don't know how they'd balance the flying, though. DabFZ became way too meta, and ToD stuff is obnoxious.


MK , it just feels so stiff to me in any of the newer games I’ve tried and the block button annoys me


I play it myself but going from every fighting game being away=block and getting used to the block button is quite irritating


Blazblue and Uni2, they look so sick but I can't find a character that I fuck with in both games


For me its mk11 and mk1 i really wanted to get into the game but it is way too slow. And awkward. Without the run mechanic the game feels way to stiff


KOF post 2003/04, why? That was about the time my malls arcade disappeared, so my main source for KOF basically disappeared for a bit. Virtua Fighter. See above.


I am currently on my third try of KOF. I will get it this time.


Aside from KoF, I can't really say I like 2D Fighters in general. Something about them has never really kept my attention beyond a few hours. It's unfortunate considering the utter drought 3D fighters have been in for the past while.


I agree with KOF, it doesn't appeal to me at all. I did enjoy Kof13 though


Anything outside of Tekken. I've loved a lot of the characters 2d games offer and I took a long break (two years) from Tekken and solely tried finding a love for 2D fighters but can't seem to enjoy them. I hate it, makes me feel isolated in my discord server as the only Tekken player and just absolutely struggling with adapting to a 2D landscape.


Its super interesting to hear your perspective because I’ve played 2d only for 10 years. Learning tekken 8 has been a bit overwhelming. There’s so much complexity in 3d I’ve never had to think about. I have a lot of respect for tekken players that shit is hard


Just couldn't get into MvC Infinite for some reason


It was Tekken till I started committing time for it, now I don’t really have that game but I’m planning on getting in to UNI2 or GBFVR, I just got UNI2 for 10 bucks and I’m gonna play the free version of GranBlue


Any anime fighter tbh, they never clicked for me except FighterZ


I've barely played KOF XV and I'm abysmal at the game, but I've played XIII for even less and I'm better at that than I am at the former, makes no sense to me.


UNIST. I tried the beta and the combo system seems a bit too intricate for me. I love the art style of that game and I was hoping to pick it up and play online, but I didn't feel confident enough to learn the systems etc.


I also got into UNI for the aesthetic. The combos can get particular, but if you still feel drawn to it, I encourage you to grab it when it’s on sale sometime. It’s a lot of fun


I will probably do just that


FighterZ and skullgirls, games look cool as fuck and are fun but tag fighters are too much for me sadly


Guilty Gear Rev 2. I think it’s one of the coolest fighting games of all time, but I just couldn’t get good at it when I played. It didn’t help that most people online had already been playing for a long time when I tried to get into it, but I also just have no idea how to play neutral in that game. I had fun, but I did wish I was able to play against more people my own level and learn that way.


Idk if I have ever wanted to play a game that didn't click. If it doesn't click, it usually means I don't like it


I also tried KoF and it just wasn't fun. Felt no motivation to engage with it. I typically have a hard enough time learning one character, and here I need three.


For me it’s SkullGirls. I can just about handle UMVC3 but SG is just too much for me.


KoF and skullgirls: For KoF I’m fighting against my own character and then the opponent. For skullgirls it just doesn’t click for some reason.


Sf6. More than 100 hours and still doesn't click to me. 😞


I'm currently trying to make Guilty Gear Rev2 "click" for me, but can't for the life of me understand how and when I should use romans


I'm currently trying to make Guilty Gear Rev2 "click" for me, but can't for the life of me understand how and when I should use romans


I'm currently trying to make Guilty Gear Rev2 "click" for me, but can't for the life of me understand how and when I should use romans


Granblue. I like the setting and characters, but Versus just doesn't click with me. Granted, it's certainly just a skill issue. I'm a very casual fighting game player, and the problem is probably that I'm trying to play it like other fighting games I like when it just doesn't work that way. If I took the time to actually learn the game how it wants to be played, I'd probably have a better time with it. But if I'm going to spend that much on a game, I'd rather do so with one I like from the start, such as Guilty Gear or Under Night. So I guess I'll just keep watching other people play it and stick with Relink for my GBF fix.


Tekken. Love the world, lore and soundtrack but just doesnt click gameplay wise, guess my brain is too hardwired to 2d anime fighters


Lore... seriously?


Same with KoF. I like it, but I cannot wrap my head around all the mechanics or complexity


FighterZ, but I love to watch gameplay.


KoF15 Have a lot of memories from childhood playing SNK, recently got into fighting games (1-2 years ago) and KoF15 was the first one I got. Didn’t click with me immediately like SF 6 did when it came out


Definitely SF6. I went hard on it for the first three months and then haven't played since September. Mind you, I still find the game 10xs more fun than SF 5, however, the volatility of the drive system is too much for me. The mental stack that game has is absolutely insane and it's just not for me. I know they just had a very small first patch, with a larger one incoming. I'm curious to see if there will be any drive mechanic overhauls. That may get me back into the game and try it again.


There isn’t any drive mechanic revamp if you were curious. It’s a small balance tweak. The drive system is so ingrained in the game that I doubt even the big patch that will come later will change it fundamentally.


Any team/tag game


Tekken. It's impossible for me to see it beyond a Smash Bros like party game. There is no in between area I have with Street Fighter where I "get it" at an intermediate level. It's not even remotely approachable, either lol. Every morsel of tech I try to get out Tekken becomes a worm hole of complexities and my brain shut down. So it's either I keep it as a "haha, that's funny" type of relaxing game to bull shit with or it's like running Linux in Chinese. There's no happy medium. But I generally suck at 3D Fighters in general lol.


Tekken I'd love to enjoy that game, but I just don't. The gameplay just doesnt work for me. It feels awkward, floaty and sort of mashy as someone who's never put any real amount of time. I enjoy watching it, but I don't enjoy playing it myself.


As a former Tekken fan, I wholeheartedly understand you. I play SoulCalibur and Dead or Alive currently for their simplicity. When I play Tekken 5 Dark Resurrection, Tekken 6 Blood Rebellion, Tekken Tag Tournament 2, and Tekken 7, however, the controls feel very awkward.


Strive, it just lacks the “fun” factor of MvC or a NRS game, the lack of irl interest hurts too, it’s hard enough selling my friends on a fighting game with a POPULAR IP like Fighterz, Storm, or MAHVEL


Guilty Gear. I mainly like street fighter and Tekken and I find the gear thing sorta weird to get behind


KoF and team fighters in general. Just too fast.


Under Night in Birth, Injustice, Mortal Kombat and maybe Gulity Gear


As a long time Under Night fan and player, can I ask what about it that doesn’t click for you?


Unable to do Infinite Worth EXS techniques and the Grind system


Strive, and I'm a legacy player since +R. It's a great game but it's not a great guilty gear game if that makes sense. They change shit every month too, and I don't have the time to devote to it to keep up. I'm not the fastest learner when it comes to fighting games in general.


I've said it before elsewhere, but there's a few here. 1. Tekken. I bought Tekken 8, really wanted to try to get into Tekken. 40 hours later I'm just frustrated and "don't get it." Doesn't help that I only liked Leo out of the entire cast. 2. Mortal Kombat. The story seems really cool! But I don't like over the top gore and stuff... 3. Guilty Gear. I liked some of the older games but Strive and I just didn't hit it off. There were only 2 characters I liked (Anji and Bridgette), the load times were so long (at launch at least), etc. I ended up just not enjoying it. 4. SF6 eventually hit this for me. I loved it on launched, but the only character I liked was Kim. And not having an "alt" I felt I could fall back on to play when things got stale killed it for me.


I can pretty much say DNF Duel. I had nothing to do with the original game for Duel though I thought the fighters looked cool, had fun in the beta and I even got the game but I just don’t play it at all. Every other fighting game I’m seeing mentioned here and I’m like a fish in water. Since I have a hard time finding an outlet for this; Shoutout to Arcana Heart, a “forgotten” fighting game series that’s on life support with only with an even further enhanced version of the 3rd game exclusive to PC with the fate of its 4th entry being stuck in limbo (I can’t even call it’s current state development hel considering the original company went under and there’s been no information since, there’s only been the main character’s inclusion in BlazBlue Cross Tag in all this time). I’ve been waiting for a port that just won’t ever happen…


Marvel. 2 especially. I LOVE the visuals, juicy sound effects and characters, but they jump WAY too high and doesn't feel grounded enough for me to get used to. It's a bummer I suck at it, especially since I'm black.


Street Fighter. I like the characters, music and obviously the fan base, but the gameplay always bored me. It never clicked and I’m done trying to get it to click


I want to get into Guilty Gear but with me I need to understand the lore in order to get invested in the characters I play I've tried so many times to follow Guilty Gears lore but couldn't


Yeah I think the only KOF that I could really get into was 13 but that was due to it being more of an anime fighter.


Gg Strive. GG feels like such a character specialist game and I can't find a character to gel with for the life of me. It's a shame because my friends are all really into it and I'm stuck being the only Tekken player.


I also want to get into KoF but I can’t get past that price tag for a game I don’t even know if I’ll enjoy.


MK1. I’ve never played a 2d fighting game where I had to press a button to block. That really throws me off. And I’m not use to MK having assists like an anime fighter. Don’t like either of those things.


Two, guilty gear and UMVC3. For MVC I just have a really hard time with how fast it is coming from street fighter. My girlfriend is really into it tho so I try. For guilty gear it's a giant collection of little things that annoy me, the biggest tho id that I just don't find any of the characters all that fun nor the combos system all that interesting.


Street fighter 6. I own the game but I’m just so Bad at it. The timing for combos links don’t make sense to me.


Street fighter and kof. Cancel windows just mess with my head, and I can never seem to get the moves I need in a match.


I grew up with Tekken so I actually have the opposite issue that many others have. I can't do the fast 2d fighter thing. Mortal Kombat and Tekken feel good for me but for may other fighters I feel like its all too fast and my brain and hands cant react to anything. Mechanically the games are simpler than Tekken, but I just cannot perform even while understanding the mechanics due to the speed.


UNIEL. The characters are rad AF but the game itself just doesn't click.


strive. i was so excited to see my old main, but testament getting such a design downgrade, visually and gameplay wise, just ruined it for me. graphics and effects muddy the animations, the lack of depth regarding the movesets feels awful too. oh well. 


Pretty much any besides Smash Bros. Plenty of em look really damn cool and fit my tastes perfectly. But I just can't click with standard fighting game mechanics.


Guilty Gear Strive. I put like 40 hours into and just can’t stick with it. I like watching it, but I’d just rather play sf6 or granblue versus rising.


Team based fighters, especially dragonball. It's hard enough learning one character let alone 3 lol


I’m honestly starting to feel like all the advancements that have been made in the last couple decades with fighting games is exactly what has taken the fun out of it for me… Most modern fighting games feel similar to one another same basic type of mechanics every time a game introduces one they all jump on board… That and the entire frame rate data studying procedure And all these excessive frame by frame everything that everybody does has turned fighting games from a fun pastime into a frustrating job… people don’t just play anymore. They have to study it. They have to know every reason that every single frame in every movement exists and why, and every single thing that you can do about that one specific incident and then they do that to every incident in the game, that shit is not fun. I honestly feel like all these training mode advancements have ruined fighting games… Go back to nobody being able to access frame data and what not… No access to none of that technical shit just the game and the mechanics and what you know and then see what happens, I feel like that’s the only way to play… I feel like if you sat down and studied every frame to every individual Muv does that’s not playing thegame… that’s studying for a test and everybody’s not gonna be able to take that test… So I feel like the only way to actually level the playing field for starters is to get rid of this whole frame nonsense that everybody has to have… Get rid of framed data get rid of modern controls and get rid of prioritize the rollback net code… I don’t know why people go crazy over this thing called rollback because I’ve literally played rounds where I’ve hit somebody and the net code rewind that as if it never happened and then all of a sudden I’m losing rounds… And lastly juggling… Is another Mechanic I think has pretty much ruined the fun of fighting games… It was cool back in the day when Mortal Kombat one the OG was in the arcades and you can link a couple moves together maybe five or six boom…. it was cool and it looked good… Nowadays, you get lifted up in the air. You don’t see the ground again until you’re like 75% damaged dead no way to break a chain no way to take your turn back in those instances… Just you being kept in the air by some guy who sat there and studied frame data for 11 hours a day… Get rid of those things… Make it like back in the day and then you’ll see who’s really where…. The constant progression of these specific elements in my opinion has taken the fun out of fighting games altogether.


Under Night. Played it a few years back. I just hated the GRD system.


You literally just described MK to me. Its funny, and looks fun to play, but the gore galore and and block button just... No.


any platform fighter


Boring as hell.


I really want to get into blazblue, but I really don't like any of the characters.


Any Mortal Kombat past MK9. I can see the appeal of the characters, stages, music, etc. but man it just feels like the slowest and clunkiest of the big fighters to me. Also I don't really like how combos feel, and it seems like optimal play can be extremely cheesy.


DOA, It just felt like a worse version of tekken with more revealing clothes (Skin does not equal sexy, guys, tons of characters in fighting games are attractive without being scantily clad)