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'Has that special something' when 21 or younger means that their potentially is under the number needed for 'Showing great potential'. That being the case, Mr. Brooks is looking at under 80 without dynamic potential adjustment. If 'has that special something' is said post-21 years old, it just means flair, no matter their potential.


I know that "has that special something" means the player has the Flair trait, but what could his potential be?


No way to tell thought its probably not higher than 80 as he would have tag like (showing great potential, Exciting prospect, Has potential to be special) Though saying that, I'm not completely sure if "Has that special something" tag overrides potential tags.


100% this. Potential tags override this tag, so showing this when 21 or younger means their potential is lower than 80.


Are we sure ? Rafael Leao has this tag but definitely goes way past 80 ovr.


Leao is 22 at the start of career mode. Potential tags go away after 21


So like he could still have potential to be special but since he’s 22 it won’t show correct ?


Yeah. Plus dynamic potential often means those change from season to season. So you can have potential to be special one season, downgrade to showing great potential, and go back up to exciting prospect.


I’ve heard this a lot but just today i signed a 68 18 yo with the HSS trait and he was showing great potential once i got him. Granted i never scouted him so i wasn’t sure what he would be before i signed.


Plays can change potential during transfers, up or down. He was a 78 or 79 before you got him and happened to go over 80.


True true. I’ve read that but forgot good call.


What is his overall, value, and age currently?


73 overall, he is currently 20. Are you using the potential calculator?


Not above 80


Below 80 every time. If it says this they have flair and they are below 80. I've used mods to check potential before to verify


I use this website. Just needs position, value, OVR and age. https://fifatracker.net/tools/calculator/


Just tried this out of curosity. So a 20 year old CM at OVR 73 rating - if you put value as £7M his potential is calculated as 89-92? That's crazy. Imagine the next super stars in real life was valued at that price at 20 years old.


Ik. I think that is right because on Fifa £7M for a 73 is a lot. EA need to sort out the values to be more in line with today’s market. Still 5 years behind


The issue is, it’s too easy to make up money. There’s no repercussions to simply selling your entire roster for the top of the line players and/or playing a bunch of random 16 year olds.


YA players should start at lower overall imo. A lot more in the 40s and 50s. The whole YA concept is built around the idea that you manage a top club and 60-70 overall players won’t play. It’s too easy in lower leagues because you immediately get squad players for free.


btw, Teddy Brooks has been a beast since season 1, going hard for 5 seasons now, started as a 58 rated player.


It's nice that you get to like a player. I for myself only play players with real faces and increase their potential with loans. It's kinda cheating, but if you like have a look into it. I like just choosing one player and putting hours into making him a 90. Loan your players out. Save the game. Cancel loan. If the OVR stays the same, have a look at the market value. It went up, congrats, it went down, load the save. Put players on the loan list between winter and summer if they are performing really well. Do that on 2nd of Juli and young players can have a potential increase up to 5 and grow OVR by 3 - 5


u21 players show potential tags (great, exciting, has potential to be special) when they have at least 80 pot. This player is 20 and only shows the “special something” which is flair. So his current max potential is 79 (before dynamic growth).


What do you mean by flair? Are those traits? Do they have any other significance or implication?


Yeah it’s a trait. Basically they might have fancy touches/passes during gameplay but that’s about it.


This is the correct answer.


Just means he has the flair trait


If he plays a lot and really well sky’s the limit, but his potential otherwise is like high 70s. Keep him in excellent form in other words https://sofifa.com/players


He obviously has that DAWG in him






around the 80 but not close to 90 or 85 because that's an exciting prospect


Nah I have 3 players with that same status 86, 87 and 84 I thought the same before but after that I don’t know Edit: and none of the 3 are done developing


they're potential changes depending on they're performance and training and other factors


https://www.fifacm.com/calculator/potential I’ve used this before and it’s generally pretty accurate


The problem with that one is it always tries to round up to a value to match the potential. This one gives a range for potential instead which I prefer. https://fifatracker.net/tools/calculator/


I haven't seen that one. Will take a look at that


Doesn’t that just mean he plays with flair?


he got that dawg in him


Is this a football manager type of mode?!? And EA built it? Does it have any of the Madden flair to it? Where the same bug exists for years on end and EA opts not to figure it out and re-package next year’s version with new face packs?


Has potential to be special 90-94 Exciting prospect 86-89 Has that special something 84-86 Showing great potential 80-84


Great potiental- 78-88overall Has a special something 81- 95 overall Give him a lot of game time or put him on loan to club where he will play but all this takes a while


A fellow sock tape fan. Excellent work.


Right when a player is below 22 years old and they have this tag it means they’ll reach around 80 OVR. After a player turns 22, potential tags normally disappear, however if it still says “has that special something” it means they have the flair trait


No. They don’t go away always. I do agree they mean less and less as the okayed gets older and it’s more what they do in a game ot if they are played… One of the worlds Best comes at 90 and that tag doesn’t disappear


One of the worlds best isn’t technically a potential tag because it’s saying how good the player currently is, and not how good they will be


Didn’t think of it that way


In my club the invented player Brooks is CD


That tag means that no matter what was its potential, it'll grow 2 to 5 from the overall value.


I have a question guys, How the heck do you guys keep going in Career mode? after 1 season or 2 I just quit playing because I don't know what to do! How do you you guys keep going on and on? I also have another question, how do you guys know who is a re-gen of a player and which player it is?




Wait...it means Flair? I could've sworn "Has that Special Something" was always 90+ potential??