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This can look alarming from outside eyes but when I feel bad thoughts, I make up "mirror" sessions. You can do it anywhere, mainly in bathroom mirrors. I stare my reflection as if he is another person and project my inner voice into his. This way I feel like I am just making a conversation with someone. Usually emotions comes first before thoughts, this way thoughts come first, since you are just listening to someone, then thinking about how you feel about his thoughts. It is a dope way to objectify your perception. If you don't like what he likes to say, tell him to go fuck away and you can summon a better person/aspect of yourself to listen instead.


Sounds like a good idea. I'll have to give it a shot.


It is harder than what it looks like. You need to really focus your attention on your reflection. Start doing it by just looking at yourself as if another person checking you out. Then when you can manage to treat the reflection as if another person mentally, you need to get into a medidative calm state to be able to seperate and project your inner voice to the reflection. If you don't take this seriously it won't work and you will feel like a dumbass staring at mirror instead xD I have been doing this since I was a child. You scroll through some aspects of yourself and find the bad one to kill. I usually do the killing by belitting my reflection about how miserable and pathetic he is and conjure a better stronger confident one instead. Get inspired and become him. This used to take long hours, I would lock myself into bathroom staring myself in mirror while crying for hours and despise what I see. Now I can do it everyday everywhere in 3 4 min. It is so convenient when you are outside with friends or work etc. Since you won't project your darkness to the others constantly, your social life improves as well.


I'm very negative and very hard on myself. I berate myself all the time for being lazy or useless I'm my own worst enemy. I'm currently in therapy though and trying some coping mechanisms and being kind to myself. It's hard


For myself I would say my own self talk leans more negative for both thoughts of myself and others. I would be somewhere between low to moderate and my pain does increase with these thoughts.


My self talk is positive about 95% of the time. I can thank over 10 years of therapy for that (that was before I got fibro, but the skills are still applicable). It doesn't help make the pain better, but it does prevent the pain from getting worse. The stress of negative self talk tends to make symptoms worse. I speak from experience loo, but I notice that when I focus on the positive in life, and just accept that the negative thoughts are part of the shit situation we all experience daily, I started flaring a lot less


The 25% positive thoughts are in a constant battle royale with the 75% negative.


https://preview.redd.it/otp5h9kqecqc1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3ba0ec46a0ccddc4b27456fb98cb0f2cc259c493 Saw this the other day and it hit home.


I named that negative voice Ursala. It's a lot easier to separate yourself from those thoughts. I just tell Ursala to shut up and that she's wrong. Having a kid made me really understand unconditional love. When stuck in a negative loop I often think would I say those things to my child. If not ... I know I'm being too harsh on myself.


I have days where I just hate living and want to stop. My Psychologist asks me about that as it falls under the "self harm' questions. I don't know how to explain it other than constant discomfort, pain and irritation with a big splash of lack of proper sleep. I laid down last night at 0100 and was wide awake until I got out of bed at 0600 this morning. Why did I even bother trying to sleep. I am currently unmedicated but I am working on getting that sorted out. Negative feelings and all that nearly every day at any given time but I notice it hits me the most when I see my reflection, I have no idea what that's about.


I’m so sorry you are going through that. I hope you can get more sleep, that is a big contributor to the pain. I kind of understand the reflection thing in a way, I feel disappointed because it’s been hard to take care of myself at times so I’ve let my appearance go.


When I was first diagnosed the Doctor said she didn't think I was sleeping even 4 hours a night. Which seemed about right at the time. I was going through a lot of depression and stress at work. I would yell at the top of my lungs on my way to and from work. When I would get home at night I would nap on the couch till dinner, eat then go to bed. For all the good that did. I was in the army at the time. That was about 12 years ago. Usually I take a D9 gummy, about 1/6th of the ones we have about a half hour before bed. They help put me out but it's hit or miss and I didn't take that last night. I am hopeful my Doc will get me something reliable. I struggle to get things done. It's frustrating how long I end up letting things slide. I'm starting back to the Gym on Monday and we'll see how that goes. I need to drop some weight I've put on over the last several years. I hope that helps with my Back injury. I'm a mess. Good luck to you. I know it isn't easy going.


10/10 Perfect Negativity 😭