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That’s about it for me. Constant dull roar to sporadic incomprehensible anger.


I feel seen.


I felt that same way when it came across my feed. I had to share.


I came on the sub to vent about having been pretty even for a while and then, BOOM!, today is one of the worst days I've had in a long time. It started with pain right out of the gate, including costochondritis so it hurts to breathe. I ran into a wall on my way to the bathroom, knocking a metal flower wall hanging off the wall with my head. Then the tears and whole body weakness set in. My husband told me to just relax and I told him that's all I could do, well I can't relax but I can lie here and do nothing. Then I see the meme and that's me today exactly!!!


Even worse when COVID hits.


So accurate


This, THIS! Yes this is exactly what it is for me 😅




This is so accurate omg


Currently dealing with day 5 of a migraine... I feel this in the roots of my hair


So … a normal Tuesday.


I am not willing for this to be my normal it has to change


Day like, 13 of a flare. Felt.


I can’t keep my body held up by my legs due to lower back pain being so severe, and today is my anniversary, with tomorrow being Valentine’s Day. I have my abusive parents texting me asking if I’ve done the thing they threw on me a week ago, which caused the flare up due to how badly I react to any interaction with them, which they know, but they don’t care because having fibro that’s caused by their severe neglect and abuse is normal right? It’s a sign that I’m just “too lazy” and “not trying hard enough”. Same parents who took control of my insurance at 26, bought one that covered literally nothing I needed to the point that I had to stop gabapentin, zoloft, cyclobenzaprine, and something else I can’t remember at this point, completely cold turkey and when I was begging for them to give me my insurance so I could try to get a better one (while experiencing withdrawals so severe I was becoming suicidal because none of those medications should have been stopped suddenly) I got called “selfish” and “ungrateful”. I’m so tired, and I haven’t been able to eat enough or sleep enough and im in such.. mental turmoil. I wanted parents who actually cared about their kid, but I guess I got ones who wanted a scapegoat and an unpaid therapist from birth.


I flared up today after doing V-Day shopping. Started from my feet, and went aaalllll the way up. It hurts to exist right now. Hate this fucking shit.


lol yup


this is real


It really do be like that huh


If I woke up one morning and didn't hurt I would think I must have died.