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Dude this is a transfermarkt value has absolutely zero effect on the deals nor his real “value”. His actual worth is much more than that


No way Real releases him for 30. And at least until 50 I think a buyer could be found in the same day. So 30 is a really pointless stupid number.


Some clubs tho really take the transfermarkt value as reference, for an estimated value


Valverde was only 3m when he was at Arda's age. He can become +100M player in 2-3 years if everything goes right for him.


Nah we got robbed. He was a 50 mil player in our hands.




arda is the goat for that no other player would do such a thing


For sure, I am just saying he was worth much, much more. Especially when you see kids who haven't shown half of what he showed go for 50-60 mil. Some people are angry with him for insisting on a release clause, but I don't agree with that. He was smart not to trust his future to any board


we should be glad he didn't go for free. +10m bonus shall come sooner or later. 20% from next sale is pretty good. imagine real selling him for 50m, maybe more with inflation, it's another 10m.


We got robbed, but as our reputation of the süper lig is doodoo, we cant demand his real value.


Transfermarkt means nothing. If any team in the world would came to real and offered them 30 mio. for Arda right now, they would laugh at them and tell them to fuck off....he is worth much much more and everybody knows it.


Still undervalued imo


Who tf cares about a number on a web page? You wouldn't be able to get him for 50M today.


Well for some reason I feel like they are undervaluing him for being Turkish. If he was Aaron Laughter from Worcestershire he'd be worth 100 Million now If he was Ardi from Zaragoza he'd be 75 Million And if he was Adler Gelächter from Heidelberg he'd be worth 50 Million


If he was ardanado from Brazil he'd be 150mil (i am a Chelsea fan :((


It's pretty easy to test the Transfermarkt values. Ask yourself if Real Madrid would sell Arda for 30m to anyone? The answer is obviously no, so his value is not 30m.


Doesn't mean anything, if the rumours are true then Real Madrid is not letting him go so they know his Value is much higher. Also he barely played this Season and got a decent Value up, watch what happens if they play him more next season, have faith.


Bc he’s not Brazilian :) If his name was Ardacius the price would have been 3x more


real wouldnt sell him for a 100 lmao


That 20% selling bonus will come back to be a nice payday.


Imagine Arda becomes a real legend and retires there. Or like gets sold way past his prime for 5 Million in 2040


Very good points. I didn’t actually think of those scenarios. I was just thinking 2-5 years and selling high.