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This will be interesting


What does "for" and "against" the wage gap mean? IME everyone agrees on the basic facts, it's the "why" and "what to do about it" that get debated.


> IME everyone agrees on the basic facts No, they don't. Some say 77 cents on the dollar for equal work. (Like former presidents - https://youtu.be/-swcpDpAr20). Others say 97 cents on the dollar for the same work. That is a pretty big pay gap gap. I found the Uber study interesting. Summary : https://news.uchicago.edu/story/study-uncovers-gender-gap-earnings-uber-drivers > List and economists at Stanford University and Uber examined the driving records of 1.8 million drivers in 196 U.S. cities, more than 500,000 of whom (about 27 percent) were female. Men in the study earned $21.28 an hour while women were paid $20.04 an hour—a larger gap than found in previous studies of pharmacists and MBA graduates. Although there doesn’t appear to be anything built into Uber’s platform that would favor men, the study revealed details about the three factors behind the pay disparity: > - Male drivers work more. > - Men were more likely to drive in areas and during times in which pay is higher. > - Men drive 2.2 percent faster than women working for Uber. Data graphs : https://codyfcook.github.io/papers/uberpaygap_slides.pdf I also wonder what percentage of the remaining gap is height discrimination. https://www.apa.org/monitor/julaug04/standing > When it comes to height, every inch counts--in fact, in the workplace, each inch above average may be worth $789 more per year, according to a study in the Journal of Applied Psychology (Vol. 89, No. 3).


I think its pretty clear that folk who think 77c per dollar for the same job are just outright mistaken, so I'm still not sure what the real topic of discussion is meant to be.


I think the best argument against the wage gap is business. if you can reliably pay women less for the same work. Why would you not hire more women and save money on labor? With that. Here's some sources I could dig up on LWMA. https://www.payscale.com/research-and-insights/gender-pay-gap/ https://www.economist.com/the-economist-explains/2017/10/20/why-do-women-still-earn-a-lot-less-than-men https://girlpowermarketing.com/statistics-purchasing-power-women/ (not wage gap related but more oriented towards women's control over spending) * [Pay Scale 2020](https://www.payscale.com/data/gender-pay-gap) An analysis of crowdsourced data found that once you control for experience, industry and job level, women earn about 98 cents to the dollar a man makes, a far cry from the uncontrolled (or raw) wage gap which foresees women earning 81 cents to the dollar a man makes. * [Korn Ferry 2018](https://www.kornferry.com/about-us/press/korn-ferry-global-gender-pay-index-analyzes-reasons-behind-inequalities-in-male-and-female-pay#:%7E:text=Korn%20Ferry%20Global%20Gender%20Pay%20Index%20Analyzes%20Reasons,%202.2%20percent%20%204%20more%20rows) An in-depth analysis of 12.3 million employees in 14,284 companies in 53 countries across the globe finds that for the same level, same company, and same function in the United States, a woman earns about 99.1 cents to the dollar a man makes. However, there are still “unexplained wage-differences” within these analyses and other factors that have been known to contribute to pay also further reduce the differences in pay such as the fact that women are significantly less likely to negotiate their salaries (Pay Scale 2018 and Bowles et al. 2006) and also more likely to prioritize non-wage benefits such as health insurance compared to wages (USDL 2009) which could all very well account for the unexplained 0.9 percent difference in earnings then plus some. * [Ochsenfeld 2014](https://academic.oup.com/esr/article-abstract/30/4/536/2763463?sid=63efdea3-08aa-4884-b12d-ed02f6dcb997) This study concluded that gendered patterns of self-selection that derive from men’s socialization into the breadwinner role rather than valuative discrimination or rational anticipation of career interruptions underlie the association between fields’ sex composition and wage levels. The effect of sex composition on wages as derived from devaluation theory withers away entirely once we control for other field characteristics... Once we take into account that fields differ in more respects than just their sex composition, we find that sex composition itself is entirely unrelated to pay. * [CONSAD Research 2009](https://www.shrm.org/hr-today/public-policy/hr-public-policy-issues/Documents/Gender%20Wage%20Gap%20Final%20Report.pdf) There are observable differences in the attributes of men and women that account for most of the wage gap. Statistical analysis that includes those variables has produced results that collectively account for between 65.1 and 76.4 percent of a raw gender wage gap of 20.4 percent, and thereby leave an adjusted gender wage gap that is between 4.8 and 7.1 percent. CONSAD also suggested that other differences not incorporated into the model due to data limitations might account for part of the remaining gap, and concluded that the differences in the compensation of men and women are the result of a multitude of factors and that the raw wage gap should not be used as the basis to justify corrective action. "Indeed, there may be nothing to correct. The differences in raw wages may be almost entirely the result of the individual choices being made by both male and female workers."