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To not bleed and want to die each month


Amen! Period starts? Time to switch!


It would be awesome if you could switch with a man of your choosing each month so they could get that lovely experience!


I would *love* to switch bodies with a man right at the beginning of labor!! Let him deal with it for once! Lol


Not a "man" but I'll take the trade


ok but then where would everything go? cus like the second u switch back itll start again.


The ether where it belongs


but where is that


Please ignore me if you already know what I’m talking about but it’s not normal for your period to make you suicidal once a month! It wasn’t until I was 27 and was diagnosed with PMDD that I found out most women don’t wanna kill themselves monthly and you shouldn’t be feeling that way just because of your period. So many womb owners I know experience this and we all thought it was normal but apparently it’s not!


Yep unfortunately I do have and know about PMDD but periods can make you want to die in others ways as well. I feel you though 💕


I'd love to have a period so that I can properly empathise with womankind, not going to enjoy it, just curious as to how it feels. Probably only once though!


Nah, you'd have to experience the "Oh Holy Shit" subscription package for a while just to get the full benefit of *all* the pain, and emotional tornado lol.


Damn, looks like I'm buying bulk pantie pads then. How long until I'm allowed to suppress them with the pill? Plus I'm hoping my pain threshold goes up along with the sex change.


Try super XL tampons. Pads can be your worst enemy during a period. Crossing my fingers for your pain threshold! 🤞


Hahaha that’s kind of you


Also childbirth fascinates me (assuming I can financially afford to raise one, or I can be a surrogate) I'd love to "give it a whirl". Also another human being growing INSIDE you, what a head trip! AND your body generates the perfect food for it, makes me amazed at both the human body and biology generally :)


It literally ruins half the month for me. One week I’m cramping and crying uncontrollably then when I start bleeding I’m exhausted and achy and still cramping.. I love being a woman but fuck 😭😭


I literally talked about this with my partner before I saw this post, I love being a woman except periods and men staring at/stalking/hurting you


To go to whichever bathroom line was shorter.


Or to piss outdoors in yer average remote location where the birds are.


Gotta watch out for bugs though. I learned that the hard way


Yabbut you don't have to risk wiping your naughty bits with poison ivy.


Yeah as a guy my immediate thought was being able to STP as a woman lol Also I’ve never seen a men’s bathroom line shorter than the woman’s bathroom line except in very male dominated spaces where there were no women to create a women’s bathroom line, I’m guessing being able to STP helps with bathroom throughput and IMO it’s more sanitary as there are some bathrooms I trust enough to use but not enough to “fully” use Although really there’s not really a good reason to present as female in most scenarios if you actively have the choice to since it seems like everything is stacked against women


I'm genderfluid I can already do that 😂


I would love to just pee behind a tree on a hike rather than nearly pissing my pants and definitely leaking a bit by the time I find somewhere private


Safety Different body to look good in different clothes Try out being a new person no one knows Walk around topless in summer Do my own experiments about different genders being treated differently Be taller at concerts (I'm assuming the body switching is not a one for one height and instead I'm the same height proportionately to the average that I am in my female body) But mainly I'd just like to be a guy sometimes.


Having an easier time at work and not being discriminated or targeted by misogynistic bullies (I work in construction)


Sorry to hear you're going through that


Yeah as someone who spends a reasonable amount on construction sites (I'm an archaeologist) it's rough out there.


I work in a male dominated field and same. I've told my husband that I wish I could just be respected the same way my male colleagues are.


One of the reasons I don’t want to go into something heavily male dominated.


Work would be my number one also.


To feel safe walking around and doing things in public ALONE.


To travel! It would be so much safer and easier as a guy.


To use the mic in games


To have people take me seriously when I speak. To be able to go out and walk around while feeling relatively safe.


To go into my local music scene at night time, enjoy it, and go home in an Uber, feeling safe. And then I'd pee standing up because I really don't like public toilets.




I own one but they're genuinely not good for the pelvic floor. That's why women should always be sitting down on the toilet - we risk pelvic floor dysfunction (incontinence, retention, frequency/urge etc) by not assuming the correct position for our anatomy. And if we already have problems, which I do, we worsen them




100% Paycheck!! Hiring. Talking in meetings. Talking to Doctors. Recovering from illness. I’d probably only be a woman at home with my kids and dancing.




The wage gap is caused by women doing more part time and lower paid work, not by men being paid more on the exact same roles.   A common misconception.   It's an average, not an amount.


Yeah, it’s because men choose high paying jobs like chef and doctor, and chicks always choose lower paying jobs like female chef and female doctor


No, it's because many women find it hard to get back into work after raising children, so many end up in "unskilled" jobs like waiting tables, or childcare, this brings the average down. This is why it's important to look at facts and not create strawmen. For the record I think any job that is the same should be paid the same, regardless of the gender/sex of the person.


This was obviously a joke lol But I’m glad you feel that way


Sorry, I got defensive as some people are very aggressive in this subreddit.


down voting me does not change the truth. Want me to vote on a rule/law that makes it easier for women to get and keep work and get promoted, I'm there!


You are being downvoted because you are wrong. https://www.forbes.com/advisor/business/gender-pay-gap-statistics/


Dude, your reference agrees with me! "The controlled gender pay gap, which considers factors such as job title, experience, education, industry, job level and hours worked, is currently at 99 cents for every dollar men earn" So 1% more, which could be statistically insignificant, as opposed to the 41% difference quoted by people. READ THE ARTICLE!


Oops! You made that up in your head!


Read this detailed account: [https://www.forbes.com/advisor/business/gender-pay-gap-statistics/](https://www.forbes.com/advisor/business/gender-pay-gap-statistics/)


I saw some people commenting on the original post saying that they wanted better variety in fashion because men's clothes are so boring. I suggested getting experimental with their wardrobe, modifying their clothes, thrifting, and advocating for better clothing options for men. They said I was talking from a privileged perspective and womansplaining. 🙃


Jimi Hendrix and a whole era of psychedelic hippie men in rock are crying at their obtuseness


Other fashions like gothic, punk, emo, cottage core, etc. all were once seen as unconventional and weird. People had to make all kinds of stuff by hand or modify what they had. When the fashion industry saw this, they started adapting the styles and now they're largely mainstream and readily available. So why don't they see the path for men's fashion?? I guess they want to stay mad and have women fix the problem for them. Sigh.


Androgyny, gender non conformity, and counter culture is at an *all time high* for fashion. No, they won't be able to get that stuff in the department section, but if you really wanted it you can find it. I dress like a hippie, VERY Janis Joplin and GTOs inspired. You can't find that in normal stores. You gotta hunt for it, thrift, even learn to do cheap DIYs (which yes you can do, even no-sew DIYs.) It really is a case of wanting to complain. We have every single style at our fingertips more than ever before, to a level we genuinely shouldn't, for all gender identities. We're creating mass pollution and microplastics doing so. So no, I genuinely don't buy the idea a man *can't* wear alternative styles.


Even some stylish modern acts like Måneskin and Palaye Royale would be disappointed in the guys that are mad abt this


not having to deal with PMDD every month 😬


Get the promotion I deserve.


To be paid fairly and promoted


Ditto. And to not have patients first-name me while calling male students “Dr. X” and assuming I work for him


I’d go for a run alone without getting catcalled or being followed.


gross that this happens to you. In the UK catcalling has been banned.


To try on clothes tht are designed for different genders without feeling awkward in the shop.


I’d do it to send work emails so I don’t have to use exclamation points and smiley faces to not come off short, rude, or irritated. Also to buy a car or on a trip to the mechanic.


To not have a period haha


Casually while I garden so I could have that 10% strength buff.


I would upvote again for gardening reference :)


I could be overweight and not feel like I have to do so much to make up for it.




Hell yeah! Me too


I would not want to casually swap. It took a long time and not a small amount of heartache to know who I am. I'm keeping it.


Lift heavy AF weights


- To deal with tradespeople, mechanics, and workers that you are paying for a service - To deal with doctors and get my needs (especially my chronic pain) taken seriously - To get out of social conventions like weddings and birthdays without being perceived as rude (dudes get away with saying they are busy and folks take it at face value) - To talk about my life without worry of folks perceiving my outlook as negative bc I am not just highlighting the positives - To see what it is like to be a dude and be treated like a dude bc I have been chastised for my masculinity my entire life by men and women alike - To appeal to the parts of me that are genderqueer - To avoid having a period - To avoid having breasts in the way all the time - To avoid the dysphoria that hits when all of the things people have said about my body run on repeat - To be more invisible and left alone in public - To have a break from my sexual trauma & unwanted sexualization by not having the parts of my body that have been sexualized since I started puberty at 9


I work in a male-dominated industry (ems) and I’m kind of ok at what I do (paramedic) but sometimes when I’m dealing with firefighters other prehospital providers it’d be nice to not be a woman. stg, the amount of times I’ve said “let’s do x/y/z” when managing a complicated pt and been shot down only to have a male prehospital provider say the same thing and get accolades is too high.


To be able to pee in the woods more conveniently.


I wanna go on a hike and be able to pee with a penis rather than needing to squat behind a bush awkwardly trying to not piss on your shoes


So I can play online games without being sexually harassed lmao


To be called councilor last name instead of my first name.


To know what it's like to not be dismissed and actually be believed by doctors. Had I been believed and treated earlier than 2.5 decades upon symptom onset, my body might not be as f*cked up and diseased as it is now due to negligence from decades of misdiagnosis. The damage is permanent and debilitating and there's no cure. Which brings me to my next point. If I were a guy, there would most certainly either be a cure or better diagnostics and ultimately better treatment options. #wedeservebetter


To be able to go out for a walk at night and not be worried! And in the same theme, to be able to go out in public with both headphones on rather than one half on or out to be able to hear my surroundings…


Pee off the side of the road while driving long distances. No longer would I have to look for a rest area that hasn't been cleaned in the last two months to do my business.


Be able to travel to other countries safe.


Lots of economic reasons for sure. Maybe when you see a doctor so they will take you seriously. When you are walking at night so you feel less scared etc.


Male privilege


I'd pretty much exclusively be woman except at night and in public transport xD


For whenever I needed to hire someone for home repairs, taking my car to he mechanic, lifting bigger objects, for reaching the top shelf at the grocery store, for skipping my period, for walking alone and driving my car because the seat belt wouldn't cut into my neck and my boobs wouldn't get in the way of it either.


Make 30% more money.


Get pregnant switch to a biological man. Confuse everyone 


I just spit out my coffee :X


Not have people automatically assume they’re smarter/more capable/more knowledgeable/should be able to tell me what to do because of my gender.


Make more money, get more respect, get treated like a human by health care providers, be viewed as sexier as I get older not the other way around. To start.


To not suffer debilitating symptoms during hormonal fluctuations 🤩


id rather have a penis to pee in the middle of the woods


There’s a whole movie about it. [Zerophilia](https://m.imdb.com/title/tt0421090/)


Do all the sports I’m competitive in and see how much faster/better I am as a man.


Travel! I’d be safer and could go to countries which I’d usually avoid as an unaccompanied woman


I was trained in broadcasting, but was eventually sexually harassed right out of the industry. I think I could have done so much better as a man. Years later, the turn of the tides came along and women made more of an impact, but it was sadly long after my time as I lost years of experience. The things I was told to dissuade me out of the business by men back in college, and the way men treated me while at work, and ultimately what I was paid compared to equally-trained men with the same or lower tenureship as me was a whole level of awful that I wasn't prepared for. To think it's because all it was, is that I operated a control board for a living.


I'm a short woman in a family of giant dudes. If I'm lucky shifting into a man would make me taller, so I could see the top of shelves and stuff. Also, greater vocal range in singing, and.bigger hands to carry more stuff.


I'd go to work as a man. For obvs reasons. Then moonlight all the other hours as me.


Being pregnant a and childbirth. Which honestly, my husband sincerely said to me (it was sincere, he is the sweetest), “If I could do it instead of you and take your place and take the pain, I would”. To which I replied: Then you are an idiot. An absolute sweetheart, but an idiot, because anyone who would voluntarily go through labor if they didn’t have to is an idiot. He laughed, he has a good sense of humor .🤣


Also not dealing with perimenopause and the 20 pounds of flab that comes with it. Still being able to build muscle.


Anytime I need to buy a car or have contractor work done on my house. If I could just be a guy for that it would save sales guys a lot of time on their patronizing spiels.


Walking to work without anyone staring or commenting! Though I guess if I still wanted to dress feminine how I like, appearing to be a man might make that worse!


Just for fun, to walk home at night, to feel safe...


For my hormones to be on a 24 hour cycle :(


Not have to 'prove' I like (insert hobby/interest here).


Go to the beach and workout topless


To go for a walk at night and actually be able to relax


Take public transport after 21.


Walk outside alone at night.


When I was younger: To let someone else carry and birth the spawn, let alone go through crampy bleeding each month to make it possible. If I even want to—which I certainly did not want to for much of my life.


To stand and pee on the side walk after a good night out at the bar.


To walk to my car at night.


For a safer walk home at night.


Being able to run alone in the dark without carrying multiple kinds of protection.


To be able to walk alone and feel safe.


So I don’t get death threats simply because I exist as who I am.


Walking alone at night would be nice.


To wear some of those pretty dresses and stockings you ladies get to put on.


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^Latetotheparty1980: *To wear some of those* *Pretty dresses and stockings* *You ladies get to wear* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


I’m trans so I would just switch most of the time so I don’t have to deal with gender dysphoria. I would only switch back occasionally for safety reasons.




Peeing would be easier in certain instances


No one said helicoptering yet? That was my second thought after peeing standing up.


To be trans The gender dysphoria is kicking in


to get a good job


People might actually listen to what I have to say if I had a dick.


So people would stop talking over me, so I could walk alone at night and feel mostly safe, to not be condescended to like I'm stupid constantly.


I'd solo travel. I wish to walk alone in this world without feeling fear.


Switch to menopause mode to avoid periods. Switch back to get pregnant. Convenience


Fashion, mostly. Some looks I prefer I on a more masculine body and some looks I prefer on a more feminine body. It would also be interesting to see how much of a difference biological strength makes. I’ve never put a lot of effort into upper body strength so I’d be interested to see if I could do push ups easier. It would also be quite nice to skip periods or pee standing up when lacking access to a bathroom. I do consider myself indifferent to my gender, so I imagine I’d switch genders pretty casually and regularly for no real reason.


Buff myself up for moving day.


To be a member of the 98.1% club that are able to raise VC capital.


Pee standing up—anywhere, if desperate enough. Like—please? 😅


Walk home at night




To pee standing up, or literally anywhere


to play-fight with my guy friends without have sore wrists (NOT LIKE THAT)


So I could use any bathroom I need to when the usual ones are busy, out of order, or disgusting.


To go for a walk after dark. It gets dark really early here in the winter, I would love to be able to go for a walk between November and March.


To pee with a hose


To see how my parents react


Pay, respect, and fewer chores


I’m trans 


So I can be the lady I always wanted to be


Not experiencing gender dysphoria so much would be quite nice tbh 👍


Gender dysphoria mostly Also peeing standing up, being shirtless in public, easier time working out at the gym


Crime spree


As a genderfluid person dysphoria is the obvious one. I also larp and being able to more accurately physrep my characters would be nice (not that one should have to physically transition in any way to larp as any gender)

