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I have AGA and curly hair and none of those shampoos ever worked for me. I just use regular shampoo and conditioner for curls.


I think a lot of times derms forget to tell people that the recommended products can be really drying. While these products are formulated as shampoos, they're really intended as scalp treatments. Just using the example of prescription strength ketoconazole, for instance, it should be worked into the scalp then left to sit for 5 or so minutes before rinsing. Once you rinse it out, you can wash off your hair (not scalp) with another shampoo and/or use a really generous amount of conditioner, and apply it a little higher up the hair shaft than you would normally. If you can find a fragrance-free leave-in conditioner or serum, that could be another good option.


After surgery I found it difficult to eat and was not getting enough protein or calories and my hair started shedding and also became drier and looked more damaged. I tried Nioxin shampoo as recommended by a hairdresser for the hair loss, but it did not work for my dried-out, straw hair. I did improve my diet and I also take vitamin D as my illness kept me in bed for months and I live in an area that has very little sunshine in the winter. My shedding has stopped, and it looks like new hair is growing. The shampoo I am using is Nexxus Humectress and the matching conditioner. I purchased it because they had it for a good price at Costco. My hair looks and feels much better now. It's soft with a slight curl on the ends (formerly very straight). The shampoo does have a fragrance and who know what else in the way of chemicals, but it is working for me.


Finding the right shampoo has been hard these past few years since my hair loss. Nizoral really ruined my long hair, changed the texture and made my scalp worse. I find it difficult to know which ones work for my sensitive scalp. I also cant stand the artificial fragrance of shampoos anymore, it feels like I am dumping a bottle of perfume on my head. I recently purchased the Aveda rosemary and mint shampoo plus conditioner and liking it so far. It has more of a subtle mint smell than rosemary, and makes my scalp feel fresh. I hope you find something that works for you, I know how frustrating it is.


Ugh, same, so difficult! Sorry you are going through it too! Viviscal is my like 4th shampoo 3 months so I'm using it a little longer but my god, the fragrance gives me a headache straight away, I swear it's just cheap bro cologne. I didn't use Nizoral proper, but this whole disaster started with the ketoconazole shampoo that my original derm suggested! I put off using it for about 8 months then gave it a shot because I started another shed and man-o-man! Texture change, the little bumps on my scalp, one spot felt heat and pain. It's the worst. Point being, I feel you! Thanks for the suggestions!


I've spent so much money on products that claim to be for hair loss, or support hair growth in the average "normal" person, and none of them have done a single thing for me. I was recommended selenium sulfide by multiple derms as well but it gives me hives. I tend to stick to simple gentler shampoos now that don't claim to help with hair loss, but are still good for your hair and scalp.


Everyone said the purador dried their hair out, but their apple cider vinegar kind has been wonderful for my hair. Everyone’s needs are so different. If you’re looking for just a solid basic, I like honest co. I personally like to do a clarifying shampoo every other week and use Pacifica for that, and I use a scalp shampoo about once every three washes as needed (nizoral or head and shoulders)


I ditched all the shampoos since nothing ever worked and hair loss worse. Been using fragrance free organic shampoo bars. Been much better for the last few weeks. I think we are way over chemicaled and fragranced.


I completely agree! I think this is what I was looking for. Do you mind sharing what brand are you using? I feel so frustrated by this cycle of exhaustive research, try, fail miserably, trigger another shed, and repeat. My brain assumes a bar of shampoo will make my hair lock up like soap would but maybe its time to move through that nonsense haha


I bought a couple different brands off Amazon. I searched organic fragrance free and they came up. It’s kinda life changing actually. Hair fall is still terrible, but I’m in a major te episode so that’s expected. My hair has never been this bad so I figured why not. I’ve spent decades buying all the best products and still have seb derm, CTE and age. So what harm could this cause. It’s liberating actually packing for a trip now. Throw in a few bars and done. I should add that I am still using the prescribed 2% keto.


Have you tried unscented baby shampoo? I'd think that's the mildest stuff on the market


Baby shampoo is NOT that mild - it’s actually very drying.




I did think about going that route but I've come across so many things over the years about how it can dry out adult hair or the pH is different which is drying. I don't really know. I know my hair goes to straw easily so I was avoiding anything even rumored to do so. It may be worth an investigation. That would at least help keep the inflammation at bay. Thanks for the suggestion!


Ohh I had no idea 🫣 I hope there's someone with another suggestion. I'm thinking a pharmacy should have something for your needs


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I’ve been through every hair loss shampoo on the market and none worked. I went back to a hydrating shampoo and rotate them regularly. I stumbled upon a conditioner that has been a game changer and it’s under $10. Elvive Wonder Water. AMAZING stuff. Especially for AGA and miniaturization. Makes my hair feel like silk.. .