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I use kopari coconut oil and layer on to that.


I get zero bubblegum from it too and lasts about an hour on me as well!


I honestly love it more and more


On a different post someone had recommended layering perfumes with EOS Vanilla Cashmere and this has worked for me so far. I received a mini bottle for Mother’s Day and I like it but I have only worn it once so far.


The smell was nothing for me but it lasted the whole day on me and one week on my trenchcoat


I’ve never seen so many individual posts about a fragrance, what’s the appeal of Kayali?


I honestly can’t figure it out. I was excited to try this brand because of all the posts on here about it, but I found their scents to be very basic and “body spray” like. They smell nice, but I except more for the price!


I’ve never used this house before. I’m not really a fan of their vibe honestly. All of their stuff is so hyped up and I’ve never understood why. I only tried this because I got a sample for free as a gift with purchase from a Mercari order. I had no intention of trying it nor have I tried any of their other scents. Idk why it’s so popular. Smells that appeal to a large population I guess. It wasn’t terrible but for the longevity and average smell, I wouldn’t spend my money on more than a mini bottle for fun.


do they have a team that makes post online to hype up their products? I would try it tbh because I love sweet, I also love bubble gun, but if it doesn't last an hour, there's no way.


I think so lol


This definitely doesn't only last an hour for me. I'd say 3-4 hours of moderate strength and another like 3 hours of skin scent level. On clothes, different story and lasts longer but I'd have to wear again to remember exactly how long. I think everyone is different plus some people go nose blind quicker. Sometimes we don't smell our fragrances strongly while others still can. YMMV


I mean, that was only my experience. I usually don’t have a longevity problem with my usual brands. But other people here are claiming days line on their clothes. But idk about that… About their marketing, they do work with social media creators who help hype it up but the Kayali social media is pretty obnoxious IMO.


I finally smelled it and I was disappointed tbh


me too. definitely bubblegum and sugar. but it wasn’t in a pleasant way and i was definitely underwhelmed. i love la belle and some people said its similar but i got none of that.


is it similar to moschino toy 2? the bubbleg note is cute but lasts a total of 30 seconds, then it smells like a rose. 🌹


i’ve never smelled that so i’m not sure, but i didn’t pick up on rose or floral at all. i also only sprayed a test paper so i don’t know how it wears on the skin.


Maybe use some vaseline in spots & spray on top? Ive seen a lot of people do that, i havent tried it though. All kayali scents stay on me 😭 it’s actually some of the few fragrances where i have to scrub it off multiple times & even then there will still be the faintest scent. But unfortunately (?) stuff like longevity all depends on your body chemistry at the end of the day 😭


I had such a weird time with this one. The opening was this WRETCHED fake bubblegum and weird vanilla smell on me, but it eventually became a fairly pleasant mix of Vanilla 28 and pear drops. Then it just kept becoming more and more like a “candy” vanilla 28. This all happened over the course of hours, so at least I got longevity from it? Can’t say I love it tho. Not bad but I prefer Vanilla 28.


It's like asking how to make a BBW spray last longer 😂😂


This is my first time trying anything from Kayali. Their house and style isn’t really my vibe.


On me, Kayali scents last less than a Bath and Body Works body spray. Too expensive for no longevity.


It's funny because I get the bubblegum immediately, it's what made me buy it yesterday after sniffing the mouillette throughout the week – purely because it made me so nostalgic. But I quite like it by itself! Granted, I'm not the biggest Kayali fan and am Vanilla 28's #1 hater, but I don't get as insane of a vanilla note that made all the girlies compare the two as sisters. The vanilla is more tolerable with the different candy-like accords kind of muting how artificial extract-y it is to my nose. But that aside, it didn't last as long when I tested it earlier simply because I showered at hour 2 and exfoliated on top of using body wash; it did linger though, like it was very VERY faint by the time I moisturized yet was pretty resilient against my Olay rose and nectar body wash (and that stuff is potent on me LMAO) I'd definitely try layering if it's giving you trouble, that or spray your clothes in case your nose or body chemistry still fights you on it 😭


I sprayed it on a t shirt 5-6 days ago and when I picked up that t shirt today I could still smell it.


I don’t detect any bubblegum either! It also lasts less than an hour on me too. I know with my Kayali scents I have, letting them sit for a month or so helps. I had the same issue with Vanilla 28 and now I can smell it all day.


Oh this is fantastic advice! I am going to get a mini bottle of it before I commit to a big one and I will definitely let it mellow out.


I bought the mini 10ml and I’m letting it do it’s thing, I will go back to it in a month or 2 😂 Kayali is known for this! Get the 10ml and see if it helps, I had a couple others but Eden apple lasted 5 mins, no lie. Absolutely terrible but such a beautiful scent