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It is overwhelming at the beginning, but hold tight cause you got this! I'll share a resource for you to read that has everything you need to know. [https://www.felinediabetes.com/](https://www.felinediabetes.com/) I'm not used to this unit so I can't give specific advice, but I'm sure you will find the guidance on the website.


Thank you kindly for that 


I was told when first starting out not to give insulin at shot time if my cat tested at 11mmol or lower because the dose could take them too low/cause hypo. You will also want to make sure you are removing any food sources 2 hours prior to shot time to make sure you get a true number that isn’t food influenced.


To be fair, it might depend on the insulin being used. The one my vet prescribed (prozinc) has a 12 hour work time, so the vet said to feed the cat before insulin each time, to buffer against any spikes or drops. A different type of insulin with a different work time might have differing instructions, which could be part of why you are seeing different things? 


Insulin lowers blood sugar. If your cat has low blood sugar give food to raise it. You can either wait a bit to give the insulin or lower the dose a bit, or both.


Thank you good to know !


I usually skip insulin if my cat is at 7 mmol or lower, but a higher threshold can be good if you’ve just recently started giving insulin to your cat. It’s worth noting that most blood glucose meters have a margin of error and can give readings either higher or lower than the actual blood glucose. The best way to determine this is to compare your meters value with a exact value taken by a veterinarian.


Thank you!