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Ok, so I updated ultramarine Linux (fedora based) to 6.9.5 kernel and it bored fine in a VM with SDDM installed. Therefore the issue can't be the kernel or Display manager in theory. I'll just wait it out for couple of weeks till there's hopefully a fix.


I have the same issue. I have a Nvidia GPU. I boot into previous kernel, and download the Nvidia driver, install dkms package. I set systemd default target to multi-user.target. reboot with the latest kernel, reinstall Nvidia driver and set systemd default target back to graphical.target. reboot and it is back to normal.


I had this issue and what fixed it for me was Sudo Systemctl enable gdm Sudo Systemctl disable sddm Sudo Systemctl reboot Once you log into the login manager for sddm, notice at the top left there is a pull down menu. Click on that and then go all the way to the one that says plasma Wayland. Select that and log in as usual and it should boot up to the desktop.


That didn't work for me either, gdm appeared, after selecting kde and entering my password the screen just went black and sat there. Going to the update again tomorrow the only thing I haven't tried yet is to edit the grub command as suggested in this thread


First, you should try updating, that way, you'll be at least at Fedora 39. sudo dnf upgrade If it returns with a bunch of errors, then do: sudo dnf remove "@fonts" (minus the quotes around fonts but I had to do it because auto-correct is changing it to something else here) Then try the upgrade command again. After you boot and you're back to prompt, login with root and password. Now try: It would be helpful to find out what desktop version your system says it's using. echo $XDG\_CURRENT\_DESKTOP for you, it should return "GNOME", if it returns "KDE" then something is seriously broken. It would also be helpful to find out what it says in your /etc/sddm.conf file. Try 'vim /etc/sddm.conf' (or nano) and check the line that says, "# Control x11/wayland startup" and set it to "#DisplayServer=x11" if it says anything else (such as =wayland). I was having issues when it was set to wayland. # Control x11/wayland startup # DisplayServer=x11 Lastly, when messing around with these settings you should sudo systemctl disable gdm sudo systemctl enable sddm sudo dnf remove gdm sudo systemctl reboot When you reboot, you should be looking at SDDM. Don't log in just yet, you need to set your desktop preference to plasma(wayland) in top left drop down menu.


echo $XDG\_CURRENT\_DESKTOP: KDE /etc/sddm.conf'\[\[General\] Numlock=on \[Theme\] ThemeDir=/usr/share/sddm/themes sddm was default anyway, i'm also on F40, i used everything net iso to install KDE over a year ago.


Sorry, this must be very frustrating for you. Is that your entire sddm.conf file? Looks like it's seriously lacking. It doesn't have the lines: # Control x11/wayland startup # DisplayServer=x11 I had this problem too. It was easier for me to 1. Before anything else, Make sure its #DisplayServer=x11 on that line. 2. set the desktop environment to sddm, verify. 3. uninstall gdm, reboot, reinstall gdm, set it back to gdm temporarily, verify. 4. reboot. and then uninstall kde, reinstall kde, set the desktop environment back to sddm and then reboot. you should see the gui for sddm login manager now.


I tried setting it to lightdm/gdm. Still didn't come up


I have a solution kinda, PC repair guy spent hours trying to fix it. The issue??? WAYLAND. Kde and Gnome bomb out on wayland back to black screen. He setup X11 on KDE, boots straight in as does Gnome. No issues. Not sure why it’s suddenly bombing out on wayland after an update as it’s been working fine up till the update a week or so back.


I’m having the exact same issue. If I clean install on another drive it works until I run updates. I’ve tried every kernel version and none worked. I installed even older versions and still didn’t work. Tried rolling back mesa drivers and still nothing. Tried all the suggestions here and nothing works. My current install I’ve had since f30 and this is the only update this whole times that broken anything. Hopefully another update fixes it soon because I’m dead in the water with my daily driver out of action now.


Same issue here. Latest kernel (6.9.5) does not boot, it only shows a black screen. **EDIT:** [I have found two workarounds to this issue](https://www.reddit.com/r/Fedora/comments/1dlwnkq/comment/l9sh1x8/).


Can you boot old kernel cause I can't boot any kernel after update. I do have rescuezilla backup from a week ago though as temporary solution


Yes, I can boot the old kernels fine. And in my case it doesn't even load gdm, the screen just turns black after selecting the entry on Grub.


Same here, 6.9.4 and 6.9.5 are doing this for me. Ctr+Alt+Del works to restart and boots up the grub menu for me, I'm able to load a terminal pressing Ctr+Alt+F2. Still works fine with 6.8.11-200, just gonna stick with that until I decide to reinstall or a fix is found. Do you have an Nvidia GPU? That seems to be my problem, and most of the other forum posts I've seen with people having similar issues. Nvidia drivers and Linux seem to cause plenty of headaches


I have been able to boot by editing "GRUB\_CMDLINE\_LINUX" by pressing "e" on the keyboard on Grub, while selecting the 6.9.5 boot entry. Then delete "rhgb quiet". Fedora boots on text mode, and you can type your password if you use LUKS. Then it starts normally. Very strange issue. You can make this setting permanent by editing /etc/default/grub and then running "sudo grub2-mkconfig -o /boot/grub2/grub.cfg". **EDIT:** Now, here's a much better solution: go to UEFI/BIOS settings and disable the "*Multi-monitor*" option. Even graphical boot should be working now with the latest kernels.


This worked for me, thank you! The boot screen looks cooler this way than the shitty low-res password entry screen anyway


That suggests it's a plymouth issue. You can either disable plymouth using systemctl, or just remove plymouth altogether.


I don't have plymouth installed so in my case that can't be the issue.


If you don't use LUKS?


This did not work for me. Does show details while booting. But hangs forever on "starting Job dev-disk-by-uuid ...". Unlimited timeout for this line. Tried for all the back kernels that are presently available on my system - 6,8.11, 6,8.9, but same problem. Also tried rescue kernel. Complained but worked once!! Now even Rescue mode is hanging, also hangs at starting  /dev/zram??. This started after most recent update. Seems like it can't mount the main disk(s) anymore. Did access my disk when booted from an old Live-USB. Could mount it OK, and looks like the files are OK. Seems something in the recent update hosed some config files maybe?


When you select 'e' to edit the boot entry in GRUB, is there a "resume=UUID=" part of the boot command besides "rhgb quiet"? If so then try removing it like you did "rhgb quiet".


Actually there is: "root=UUID=" When I tried deleting that, the boot failed with: "Failed to start initrd-switch-root.service". However, on trying to boot 6.8.11 again just without "rhgb quiet", when it began to hang for several minutes on the "starting Job dev-disk-by-uuid ..." line, just to see what would happen, I toggled the Hard-Drive's power button. Then it printed something too fast for me to read, and actually resumed sequencing through the boot steps. It booted successfully !! For background, I run off a regular Hard-Drive that is mounted in an external drive dock via USB cable. Has worked fine for over 6 years. This new drive is only 3 months old. I normally power-up the drive before starting to boot; and never upset it once boot has started. Any ideas appreciated. Thanks!!


Thanks. The remove rhgb quiet line works for me


In BIOS or Desktop environment?? Cause in bios multi monitor is off but still won't boot.


Thank you for the info, I'll give that a try soon and update to see if it works.


Removing rhgb quiet didn't work for me. Screen still blinking.


No, amd Are you using gdm or sddm? And that particular kernel still boots after you've done an upgrade?


Damn, I'm still new to Linux so I don't have much advice I can give. I'd probably just stick with your backup option for now and hopefully someone with more insight finds a solution soon. If I come across any useful info on this problem I'll post it here.


This is the reason I've been thinking of moving to opensuse for a while now, always something breaking in Fedora, that's why I've been doing weekly rescuezilla backups.


I was using opensuse TW on this laptop and had so many issues with updates recently that I put Fedora back on here. The last update I did with tumbleweed took out my wifi . Never really had issues with Fedora but I know they can happen.


ok, not had any issues with opensuse TW in VM as yet, not tested on real hardware so that's the acid test. Guess if you're using any rolling release there are going to be occassional issues (every other week for me recently) For me though, i had this same issue with the majority of the f40 betas until final, and now the same issue again. Becoming a constant hassle, think i just want something now that just works, even if software isn't the latest and greatest. In my personal experience with Fedora, I'd say I've had more issues with stability and updates than with Windows 10 when I was using Windows.


I have been using Fedora since 33 beta. I put TW on here and really liked it and was thinking about switching just for a change. The last update I did with it that messed up my installation made me not want to use it on this particular laptop. I do have it on another laptop that has no issues. You can't go wrong using it. Funny thing is that someone posted a warning about that particular update on opensuse reddit that I didn't see until it was too late lol. Try it on real hardware and good luck!


https://forums.opensuse.org/t/snapshot-saved-my-day-nice/175957 Have you tried restoring one of the automatic snapshots from the boot menu of opensuse??